トリニダードとば子赤磐雄町純米大吟醸Toshimori ShuzoOkayama2/12/2025, 12:08:00 PM1/2/2025合羽橋 酒のサンワ14トリニダードとば子I bought some sake at my favorite liquor store in Kappabashi at the end of the year to accompany the Hakone Ekiden.Japanese>English
わんわん赤磐雄町純米吟醸生酒Toshimori ShuzoOkayama2/2/2025, 12:00:24 PM46わんわん🐶 I chose this one because I know Omachi when I think of Toshimori Sake Brewery. It has a full-bodied taste. I want to go back there someday 😂.Japanese>English
yamakennn1977赤磐雄町Toshimori ShuzoOkayama12/5/2024, 10:41:32 AM12/5/2024たてや2yamakennn1977Mellow gin, sweet and delicious. A little schwar. There will be a repeat when we meet. Today's number 1 decision!Japanese>English
くっぴー赤磐雄町Toshimori ShuzoOkayama8/14/2024, 9:26:48 AM8/14/20241くっぴーLight sweetness typical of Omachi Stuffed hairy crab shell Best match with crab misoJapanese>English
t.o.s.h.i赤磐雄町手造り純米大吟醸Toshimori ShuzoOkayama4/23/2024, 12:24:04 PM4/8/202413t.o.s.h.iwhat you get The finest OmachiJapanese>English