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2019年9月から日本酒にハマりだし、コツコツちびちびと日本酒を楽しんでます。 栃木県宇都宮市在住で 仙禽、田酒、十六代 九郎右衛門をこよなく愛してます😊 みなさんの投稿を読むのが全く追いついていませんで、あまりいいね!も押せず申し訳ないです🥲 お二人のおかげで全国制覇無事達成! 沖縄→ジェイ&ノビィさん 宮崎→遥瑛チチさん ありがとうございます!

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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.
ぴろさん🙂 It's autumn and it's time for Kamo Kanehide's Autumn Agari! Personally, I like the balance of Kamo Kanehide and think it is a sake that you can't go wrong buying. I personally like the balance of Kamo Kanehide and think it is a sake that you can't go wrong with! But it also has a nice balance with a crisp aftertaste that is typical of Kamo Kinshu. I think this sake would go well with autumnal foods such as grilled saury or grilled shiitake mushrooms! It's an all-around favorite.
ぴろさん🙂 I thought there was some kind of fancy label, but it was Aizan from Kawanakajima Gentai 🧐. Aizan is a little bit different from the others? LOL! I thought it was a very fancy label, but it turned out to be Aizan from Kawanakajima Genshu Mai. It has a sweet taste that is typical of Aizan. Why is it that Aizan sake has pinkish labels? 🤣
いおの大吟醸 原酒
ぴろさん🙂 Sake that was given to me. Sake that people who don't know much about sake give to people who like sake, there is daiginjo lol. This is the first brand I have seen. It has 17% alcohol by volume, so it does have an alcoholic feeling, but overall it is easy to drink with a fruity and slightly umami taste that is typical of daiginjo-style sake! But because of the strong alcohol content, it doesn't feel like the sake of today. It is a good old-fashioned Daiginjo! It is a good old-fashioned Daiginjo!
ことりHi Piro 😊I was at Kamedaya before and bought Pom Pom🍎 and Bentenzan Hane 😅I was curious about the taste of Iyano 4gou bottles, from sweet to dry... I see 🤔.
ぴろさんThanks for the help, Kotori-san! It's not that it's not tasty by any means, but it's like a daiginjo with nothing worth mentioning! LOL!
ぴろさん🙂 I love Kuroemon XVI. This time I bought chestnut 🌰! This chestnut seems to be aged for 3 years in Yamahai, and the other brand, Kaki, seems to be aged for 3 years in Namahashi 🤔. It has quite a bit of sourness, but there is also a sweetness from the 3-year aging process, which tames the sharp sourness and makes it delicious!
MantaGood morning, Piro ^ ^. It's 🌰 to see 😁. I'm curious about the taste of 3 years aged Yamahai. I'd like to drink it on September 16 next year 🌰.
ぴろさんManta, thanks for your help! It is 🌰 to look at, but the taste is not chestnut-like! LOL! It has a slight sweetness like a noble sake due to the aging process, but it is delicious with a cuddly acidity that is typical of Kuroemon!
ぴろさん🙂 Chichi-san gave me a handsome gift from Tochigi offline meeting lol. Well, originally I should have given Chichi-san a souvenir from Tochigi, but I didn't expect Chichi-san to have prepared a souvenir for me, and besides, isn't it a little too divine that Chichi-san did his homework on me, knew that Miyazaki Prefecture was not yet there, and prepared it for me? LOL🤣 So here is Chitoku, and it tastes like rice! LOL! A great rice taste! Not hard to drink by any means, but rice! It was like "rice". Now I have conquered all 47 prefectures of Japan! Okinawa and Miyazaki were my worst enemies, but thanks to the connection with Sake-no-Wawa, I was able to achieve this goal, and I thank you all. I will continue to do this at my own pace!
boukenPiro, congratulations on your national championship 🗾🎊 You are really a god for doing the research in advance 😊. Next time, let's aim for 47+1 by drinking alcohol from abroad 😁.
遥瑛チチGood evening, Piro 🌆. Congratulations on your national championship㊗️🎊🎉 I'm glad you're happy too❗️ Thanks to J&N for the early information about the participants: ❗️ I need to update my profile too 😁.
まえちんGood morning, Piro 🌅😊. Congratulations on winning the national championship🗾㊗️㊗️㊗️It's very impressive that you achieved it through the sakewa connection😚Chi is a great person 🤔Let's continue to drink many delicious drinks🥳.
ぼうすけCongratulations on your national win, Piro 🎉! It's a great connection to share milestones and get help 👍. Let's keep drinking our favorite drinks 😁.
マナチーPiro, congratulations on winning the national championship: ㊗️ Miyazaki and Okinawa can't really get it 😆 Sake no Wa power is wonderful: ❤️
ジェイ&ノビィGood morning, Piro 😃. Congratulations on your national championship 🗾🎉. Sake wa assist is powerful 👍.
つぶちゃんPiro, congratulations on winning the national championship ㊗️🎉🎊Chichi, you did it 😆👏👏The strongest connection of sakewa 😊👍Let's keep on drinking good sake and drinking more and more 😉😁😁
さしゅーPiro, congratulations on your national win ㊗The connection between Sake no Wa is truly amazing. I feel it too! Please keep drinking good sake and posting!
ぴろさんThank you, bouken! Overseas seems to be another hurdle! LOL!
ぴろさんThank you, Haruei Chichi! We have updated the profile immediately! I really appreciate it! 😭
ぴろさんThank you, Maecin! Chichi-san, you were too divine!
ぴろさんThank you very much, Bousuke! I appreciate your warm sentiments 😭
ぴろさんThank you, Manachie! I really appreciate the power of sakekawa😭
ぴろさんThank you, Jay & Nobby! This is all thanks to Mr. Nobby's sermon!
ぴろさんThank you, Tsubu! Thank you for always bringing in the rare sake at the offline meetings! Those buns were delicious too!
ぴろさんThank you, Sashiu! I am really grateful to have met you all!
遥瑛チチI saw your profile. I'm kind of embarrassed 🫣.
ジェイ&ノビィHi Piro 😃. Thank you for allowing me to appear on your profile 😊 and if you ever need another Nobby sermon, please invite me back 😁.
MAJGood evening, Piro! 😄 Congratulations on your national victory 🎊㊗️It's still your fellow Sakewa that fills the demon gate 😆👍.
ぴろさんThanks for your help, MAJ! Sorry for the late reply 🙏. Yes, I am! I could never have won the national championship by myself! Thanks to all of you 😭
ぴろさん🙂 A definite performance of deliciousness! LOL! It is an instrument Masamune! I bought Musical Instrument Masamune for the first time in a long time because the liquor store I usually go to is starting a new transaction. It's 13% alcohol, so it's light, light, light! It's shwishy and umami, definitely a tasty one!
ジェイ&ノビィHi Piro 😃 Gakki had to go to Mashidaya 😅Where do you start trading?
ぴろさんThis is Mr. Mekada! There's also a Nature Township!
Yukinobijin山田錦 6号酵母
ぴろさん🙂 Another purchase to support the brewery. Last time it was Aizan #6 yeast, this time it is Yamadanishiki #6 yeast! Yum! I couldn't help but say to myself at the first sip lol! It is a beautiful sweet and sour sake, and I think it tastes better right after opening the bottle.
遥瑛チチHi Piro 😃 Drink and support 📣 Akita sake. It's good ❗️ And please do the same for Fukuoka sake 🤲. I'm looking forward to seeing your updates 😁.
ぴろさんThanks for your hard work, Chichi! I like Wakanami for Fukuoka sake! LOL! Enjoy the uploading of the thing!
ぴろさん🙂 This is my first Kirakucho. This Wakanae was produced in May, so is it really a spring sake quota based on the name? 🤔 The taste starts with a slightly fruity overtone, and the aftertaste is relatively short. It is delicious and looks like it would be good as a food sake! By the way, I would like to mention the Tochigi Off-line Meeting held the other day, but I left the photos to Tsubu-chan, and I realized that I took none of them... lol! So, here I would like to mention once again that I was very grateful to Chichi-san, Sashiu-san, Kazukazu-san, and everyone who came from far away (I don't think Chichi-san is far from the level of "far away"), and we even received gifts from them. Thanks to Jay & Nobby's personality, we were able to meet wonderful members!
ジェイ&ノビィGood evening, Piro 😃. The photos you sent me from ⁉️ can be used for 100 yen each 😆 or I can use them for free 😁🤗. Oh 😙.
遥瑛チチGood evening, Piro 🌇. Thank you for your hard work the other day 😊. I look forward to seeing you again next time 👋
ぴろさんThanks Jay & Nobby for your hard work! Is Jay the copyright on that picture, lol!
ぴろさんThank you for your hard work, Chichi-san! It was a great harvest just to know how to call Chichi-san Haruei! LOL! I'm looking forward to that thing you gave me, Chichi-san!
ぴろさん🙂 I personally like Aizu Chusho quite a bit! I can feel the unique flavor of hiyaoroshi, and the umami is very rich! It has a long aftertaste, and I like the sensation of the umami spreading gradually!
Kakuemon特別純米 美山錦仕込
ぴろさん🙂 I am buying Kakuemon, which I have never had before! It is soft and has a good flavor. It's like a calm and relaxed sake. Nothing special to mention? LOL!
ぴろさん🙃 A miracle occurred when I bought this birthing site. Four members of the Tochigi Sake-no-Wa-Kai met at the same liquor store at the same time, and almost everyone bought the! We already knew that San-do was delicious even before we drank it. LOL! It has a gaseous feeling and a raw yeast yeast flavor just like Shinmasa. It is delicious! Even if I recommend it to sake beginners, I am sure they will say, "It's absolutely delicious! I think they will say, "It's absolutely delicious!
ジェイ&ノビィHi Piro 😃 Speaking of Sanzu, it's that liquor store 👍. But still, 4 Kenmin members getting together at the same time is awesome 😳 To commemorate this day, let's make it a national holiday in Tochigi prefecture as "Sake-no-wa Kenmin-kai Day" 😆.
ぴろさんThanks for your efforts, Jay & Nobby! You're right, I guess I don't have that much influence, huh? LOL! But in terms of probability, I think the odds are as great as winning the lottery. w
ぼうすけHi Piro 😃 That was a miraculous meeting! I might not have met you if I had gone to Direct after my son's club activities. Everyone in the store is a prefectural member😳 I'm looking forward to seeing you at the birthplace ‾
ぴろさんThanks for your hard work, Bousuke-san! Everyone in the restaurant was a prefect member, which made it even more interesting lol!
なのは(名芭)Good evening, Piro-san! A miraculous encounter with a comment from Mr. Bousuke! I remember now! I didn't recognize you in your suit at first because you looked different from when I met you at the prefectural meeting.
ぴろさんNanoha-san, thank you for your hard work! Is your image so different in a suit? LOL!
ぴろさん🙂 Today I am Inazo-chan from Yamagata Masamune! When the bottle was first opened, the taste was a bit hard, but after about a week in the fridge, it mellowed out very nicely and became overwhelmingly easy to drink. It is quite fruity, but there is also some rice flavor here and there, so it is a sake that you will never get tired of.
ジェイ&ノビィGood morning, Piro 😃. We had it recently too and were surprised to see that the first day and second day were totally different 🫢. Yum 🐘.
ぴろさんThanks for your help, Jay & Nobby. Actually, when I saw Jay's comment, I thought it would be better to let it rest, so I let it rest and it was still delicious lol.
ぴろさん🙂 I personally consider Tenshuyu to be an Ibushigin-like sake! It is not flashy. It is not full of flavor. It is not fruity. It does not have a sense of swagger. But it is delicious. This nigori sake gives the impression of being a thin nigori sake. It has a thin yogurt taste, and the taste of sake called "Tenshizumi" can be felt. It is the kind of sake that gives the impression of a craftsman.
TsuchidaTsuchida F
ぴろさん🙂 I told the clerk, 'I like sour sake, don't you?' He said, 'Well, try buying Tsuchida's F next time,' so I did. Mmm. 、、、、 sour. LOL. It seems they use yellow malted rice for shochu, but I would say it has Tsuchida's unique sourness, which I personally like. Well,, I guess you can like it or not 🤔.
ぴろさん🙂 I couldn't forget how good Haneya's Kinka was when I drank it with Jay & Nobby and his wife, so I bought it again. It really was as good as the Jyushiyo at that time, it was so good! Now that I've tried it again, it's still delicious... lol! It is sweet and juicy with a pineapple flavor! It is sweet and juicy with a pineapple flavor!
ジェイ&ノビィGood evening, Piro 😃. I don't remember this one, but it's unforgettably good 😆 by Nobby. Once again, it's a stable taste 🤗.
ぴろさんNobby, you don't remember, do you? Well, I was drinking a lot at that time. Haneya is stable, isn't it?
Rafa papaGood evening, Piro 😃. I drank the same drink today 😋 and it's very beautiful and delicious 😌.
ぴろさんThanks for the help, Rafa papa! Haneya is delicious! I'm relieved to know that all of them are delicious! LOL!
ぴろさん🙂 I bought this brand because I had never seen it before! When I bought it, the clerk advised me, 'This is quite thick and creamy, so I think it would be good with carbonated water...'. When I drank it, I nodded and said, 'Indeed! I nodded my head and said, "Indeed! The taste is a creamy dry nigori sake! The taste is creamy dry nigori sake! There is no gassy feeling. You might think of Kikuhime's nigori sake. By the way, the number 800 seems to be taken from the address of the brewery.
ぴろさん🙂 I knew from sakelabo information that there was a good packaged liquor in the packaged liquor, but it is the one that I never bought very often! When I drank it, I thought, 'Yum, lol, smells and tastes like bananas.' This will change your concept of packaged sake! This is a sake that I am fully satisfied with!
Hidakami天竺 愛山
ぴろさん😊 This time it was a sake made with Aiyama, and I was curious to know what kind of flavor a dry sake like Hidakami would have if it was made with Aiyama! I was curious to find out! When I drank it, I found it to have a slight sweetness and a strong rice flavor, and unusually for a sake made with Hidakami, it was fruity and easy to drink! But the sharpness of the aftertaste is what you would expect from Hitakami! But the sharpness of the aftertaste is what you would expect from Hitakami!
ジェイ&ノビィHi Piro 😃 We too were hooked when we drank a bottle of Hikakami at a sushi restaurant and were hooked on its deliciousness 😍From there we got into the sake world via Sentori 🤗I haven't had it for a while but I didn't know there was such a thing 😳.
ぴろさんJay & Nobby, thank you for your time! I see! I was impressed by the refreshing taste of Hidakami, as I had only had yasui sake until then.., I was also surprised to find a brand like this in Hidakami!
ぴろさん😊 I bought it because I sometimes see black and white bakelan, but rainbow colored bakelan is rare. It is easy to drink even though it is labeled as super dry because it has some umami and is more fruity. It is easy to drink, although it is described as super dry. It also has a nice, refreshing taste that is typical of aluzoe! I could also feel a tangy gaseous sensation, which is also nice! The alcohol content is 17 to 18 degrees, but you don't feel it!