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Wataya川口納豆 ササニシキ
ぴろさん🙂 Kawaguchi natto with a big impact on the label! LOL! It looks like Kawaguchi Natto brewed sake by Wataya's sake brewery using rice produced by Kawaguchi Natto in their rice fields. So, it does not taste like natto lol! It has a beautiful flavor, but it also has acidity and a relatively clean and crisp finish that doesn't make you tired of drinking it~! There is a big gap between the label and the taste! LOL!
Rafa papaGood morning Piro 😃 Kawaguchi natto label has a huge impact 🤣Wataya was my favorite flavor so I would like to try it 😋My wife is from Ibaraki but she hates natto, I would like to see her reaction too😁.
遥瑛チチHi Piro 😃 COLE. I've always wanted to try it, but I've yet to see it 💦. But... It doesn't taste like natto 🤣.
ぴろさんThank you, Rafa papa, for your hard work! The taste is not even the "na" word of natto! LOL! It was like a beautiful, refreshing, easy-to-drink food wine!
ぴろさんThanks for your help, Haruei Chichi! It seems like the liquor store I go to has started stocking it this year, so I was able to purchase some! Unlike natto, this sake was clear and sharp and could be drunk smoothly! LOL!