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日本酒とおつまみ Chuin 新町店

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日本酒とおつまみ Chuin 新町店
At standing drinking CHUIN. The last sake of the day was my first Aizu Nishiki sake 🍶. Sukpetto koppetto" means "ah-da-ko-da" or "shino-no". They use it like "don't say suppettakoppettakoppettakoppettakoppettakoppettakoppettakoppettakoppettakoppettakoppetto" 😊. Sometimes Tohoku dialect is kind of cute. ☺️ A slightly unique fermented aroma! It's like the natto from Nagatorogura the other day, but cheesier and with a sour taste. This time I was able to talk with Mr. Kawada and we agreed that the unique aroma of this sake and Nagatorogura may come from the lactic acid added in the fast brewing yeast process 😄. The texture is smooth. Characteristic sweetness with a sweet potato flavor 🍠. From there, the acidity quickly follows, and the dryness spreads soooo gently. The sharpness is good with a lingering bitterness. The sweetness with a sweetpotato sensation is also a new sensation 😳. According to Mr. Kawada, it seems to come from koji (malted rice). He says that the fermentation smell when making koji has a sweet chestnut aroma, and I also thought that perhaps that chestnut-like aroma, combined with the sweetness of the sake, gave it a sweet potato-like flavor. It's kind of unbearable to think that such an interesting sake has been drunk since ancient times. ☺️ The world of sake still seems to be very deep 😊.
Good morning, Aladdin. ☀️ So it's a dialect from Fukushima! I know that Tohoku dialect is often shorter than the original because of the cold weather, but this one is shorter than the original. Maybe because it's still warm in Fukushima ❓😁.
Hi Aladdin 😃 I thought it was Fukushima sake 🍶 which has an interesting taste with sweet potato 🍠, but it is Aizu-nishiki 😊 I would like to drink it without saying suppetto koppetto 🤗.
Hi T.KISO 😃 We were talking about exactly that when we were having this drink 😄. It's rare that dialects are longer 🤔I'd love to hear the nuances from those who actually use it 😁.
Hi Jay & Nobby 😃. The sweet potato feeling was new to me in sake 🍠. I want to make it popular because it's a Japanese word that makes me want to say it out loud, but I don't think I'll have much chance to use it 😅.
Ubusuna2023 山田錦 二農醸生酛生酒
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日本酒とおつまみ Chuin 新町店
While running errands, I went to standing drinking CHUIN. The sake on tap that day was... a rare sansho. Sourced from the Hana-no-Kou Sake Brewery in Kumamoto Prefecture: ☺️ They purchased it from a liquor store in Hokkaido, and we were given a San-Do Yamada-Nishiki Ni-No-Sakai, which traveled from Kumamoto to Hokkaido to Osaka and back in Japan. Sansho is a "nozomi" that expresses the degree of terroir and other characteristics of a region. The two most standard types of Ninonoso are "using water from the Kikuchi River basin" and "using a traditional sake brewer's yeast yeast. The flavor of sansho also differs depending on the lot. This is a lot from June. By the way, this is the first time to drink San-do at a restaurant 😁. Misty nigori. There is quite a bit of tailings involved. From the dairy-like soft yogurt whey aroma to the fresh sweet aroma of grapefruit and pear, there is also rice aroma. The gasiness is rich and smooth in texture, flowing smoothly after trotting in. The acidity is lighter than the sweetness. From the mid-palate, it finishes with a hint of bitter astringency and dryness. The lingering finish is moderate. Much drier than the conventional impression. It seems as if a little more tailings are used to balance the sweetness and flavor. It is nice as an orikara mist, though. I also wanted to drink the Ninoh brew at home again.
Nf bapak
Hi Aladdin, nice to meet you. I've been to the store twice and both times there was a line for it, so if you are ever in Kawachi, I'd be happy to help. I have been there twice and found them in line both times, so if you are ever in Kawachi, you might want to check them out.
Nf bapak nice to meet you😃. Thank you 😊 I love San-Do and I always buy it at Sukumasa and drink it at home, on the contrary, this was my first time to drink it at the store 😅. I look forward to working with you in the future 😄
Good evening, Aladdin. That's great you are a birthplace enthusiast! Your comments are awesome 😆. Wish I could find a liquor store where I could easily buy it 😆.
Good evening, adako 😃. I don't have enough knowledge and experience to call myself a Sundo fanatic yet, but I hope to be one someday 😁. It's not easy because there are only a few stores that carry sundries and some stores sell out immediately 😌.
Mr. Aladdin. Good evening......Misty sooty.....oh wow...! A new expression 🤩Nice 👍 I've never seen sansho on sale 💦 It's one of the sakes I'd like to try after seeing you post about it.
Hi Kozo 😃 The June lot I drank this time seemed to have more tailings involved than the usual Ni No Brewery ☺️ I think you have to go to a store outside of Kyushu to find Sandon because the number of stores that carry it is very limited 😌.
Sharaku純米吟醸 なごしさけ純米吟醸ひやおろし
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日本酒とおつまみ Chuin 新町店
It's been a while since I've had a standing drink at CHUIN, and since the last one was a sake to be shared, here's a little something to finish it off. It's not a hiyahoroshi or an autumn-aged sake, but a sake that has passed through the summer. It is neither hiyaoroshi nor akagari, but a sake that has passed through the summer. The sake rice, Hashu Homare, was developed by Tatsugoro Takagi of Takagi Sake Brewery, which produces Jyushiyo in Yamagata Prefecture, over a period of 18 years. There must be only a few sake breweries in Japan that use it. This sake was made in October 2023, and a certain liquor store in Nara had been aging it until recently, when Mr. Chuin bought it and immediately opened the bottle. Since it is a Nagoshi sake, it was originally shipped after one summer in the brewery after pressing, but it has been aged for 8 months at the liquor store. The appearance is a pale silver green. The aroma is perfumed with sweet pear🍐 and peach🍑. Smooth texture. The taste is refreshingly sweet with a refreshing sourness. It flows smoothly and finishes with a pleasant sweetness and acidity stimulation. The taste is calm and serene. It has a long aftertaste as the acidity fades away. Well, it has a wonderful roundness. Aromatic aroma, deep, rich, and mellow taste. It was the perfect sake to end the day. Thank you very much for the sake.
Yuho花さかゆうほ 純米吟醸無濾過生原酒・うすにごり純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過おりがらみ
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日本酒とおつまみ Chuin 新町店
It's been a long time since we had an evening at standing drinking chuin. We were treated to a palate-cleansing drink😅 by a customer who liked to serve Tamagawa to us. Probably my first time in Yuho🤔. Sake from the Mio Sake Brewery in Hakui, Ishikawa Prefecture. We enjoyed the sake while listening to the knowledge that the name "Yuho" came from Hakui's promotion of the city with UFOs 🛸. The name "Hanasaka Yuho" comes from the fairy tale "Hanasaka Gee-san" and expresses the brewer's wish for a spring full of smiles. Let's make smiles bloom with sake 😄. The sake has a beautiful light nigori color with a hint of transparency. The aroma is gentle and soft, like freshly sharpened rice 🌾. Since it is a junmai ginjo, I think there was some ginjo aroma, but the impact of the sake immediately before was too strong to take away the aroma. Mouthfeel that goes in gently and smoothly. The sweetness and firm umami of the rice flowed softly, spreading out with a gentle acidity, and then quenching as if disappearing. Although the sake's sake meter reading of +5.3 indicates that the sake is dry, the high acidity and the softness of the orikarami make it easy to drink.
Good morning, Aladdin 😃! Congratulations on your first Yuho ㊗️ 🎉We have been drinking it since Mamio introduced it to us 😋I haven't had a chance to drink a few because there are no stores near me but it's 🥲 delicious 🤗.
Good morning, Aladdin 🐥The label on the back says to mix the oli throughout.... I'd like to taste it... ripe enough to produce a concentrated umami oli while protected by the acidity 🤤.
Good evening Jay & Nobby 😃. Thank you very much 😊I think my first time in another power is also my first time in another sake 😁. It was very easy to drink, with a rich umami flavor and no sticking point 😄I would love to drink it at home 🍶.
Good evening, Kotori 😃. I can't drink the supernatant because they serve it after mixing the tailings exactly 😊Tamagawa was also mixed, but there were just a few flakes 😅.
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日本酒とおつまみ Chuin 新町店
It has been a while since I had three drinks at standing drinking chuin, and I was thinking it was time to call it a night.... A curious customer found a bottle of sake sitting at the owner's feet. It was this Tamagawa. It is an unfiltered, unfiltered, unfiltered, unfiltered, unfiltered, unfiltered, unfiltered sake of 2017BY, which a certain customer had kept at room temperature and brought to the store recently because he wanted the owner to drink it (or rather, he said he could not consume it himself) and left it there. Of course, it is kept at room temperature in the store. The customer drank it while cackling, and then shared it with us (maybe he just didn't finish it😅). Since the alcohol content is over 22%, it is not a sake, but a miscellaneous sake. The appearance is a slightly dark yellow-gold, thinner than expected. However, there is some crystallized solid tailings sinking to the bottom of the bottle 😳. The aroma is completely aged aroma of soy sauce, mushrooms, sour cream, etc. The mouthfeel is smooth to a mirin-like taste with a strong acidic attack and little sweetness. While there is a caramelized and smoky feeling of sotron from the Maillard reaction, the overall flavor is surprisingly clean and tasty. This is a quintessential Tamagawa, with a strong sake quality! I thought it would probably be delicious when heated 🍶.
Shinshu Kirei純米 ひとごこち純米
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日本酒とおつまみ Chuin 新町店
The third drink at standing drinking CHUIN after a long time 🍶. What a gorgeous bottle opened on this day! The first glass of Jikin and this Shinshu Kamerei were on tap: ☺️ This 🐢 was made in June 2023 and has been aged in ice for about a year at the store. The theme of the sake opened that day was ice-aged sake. The appearance is clear silver with a very faint gasiness. Fruity aroma of mild yellow apple, pear, and melon, and rich rice aroma like freshly pounded rice cake or white dumpling. On the palate, the attack of rich, fruity sweetness and a very faint gas tickles the senses. From there, the acidity spreads and disappears along with the sweetness. The lingering finish is moderately fruity with a pleasant scent of return. There is no sense of aging, but rather a sense of deepening of flavor. It's a good wine, of course, but once again, it is still delicious. The balance of sweetness and sourness is my favorite. ☺️ I've recently been liking the calmness of the fire-roasting and the fruity aroma without being too gorgeous, so it's a perfect match for me. In my mind 🐢, this is my favorite after all (I can't say for sure because I haven't had all of them). Thanks for the encounter with this sake. Thanks for the treat 🍶.
Good morning, Aladdin 😀 Aladdin, your timing is great... your wife's outing and 而今や🐢's opening day coincide😇. I had to run an errand and was shocked to see your insta the next day😅.
Good morning, Yasbay 😃. This time I was lucky because I was planning to go there before the opening information was available: ☺️ The store was crowded so I couldn't talk with Mr. Kawada 😌. I was not able to talk with Mr. Kawada because the bottles basically stay until the next day 🥹.
Nagatoro長瀞蔵 純米吟醸生原酒〜中取り〜純米吟醸原酒生酒中取り
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日本酒とおつまみ Chuin 新町店
Second drink at standing drinking CHUIN after a long time. We had a sake from Chichibu, Saitama Prefecture 🍶. Nagatorogura Junmai Ginjyo Nama Nama Naru Nakadori. The appearance is a pale, very faintly cloudy silver-green. It has a characteristic natto-like aroma 😳, followed by caramel, pear-like aroma and a slight cemedine smell. Natto is forbidden in sake brewing, so it shouldn't smell like that, but there was some characteristic fermentation aroma 🤔. I wanted to discuss it with the owner, Mr. Kawada, but the restaurant was busy that day and he seemed busy, so I decided not to. The palate is smooth and refreshingly sour. The soft sweetness flows smoothly and the light acidity spreads quickly. After the mid-palate, the lingering bitter astringency lingers roughly on the tongue as the acidity passes through the nose. I feel that Nagatoro-gura sake always has some kind of characteristic aroma or taste. I must try drinking it at home. With these thoughts in mind, I moved on to the next sake.
Hi Aladdin 😃I totally agree with you about the characteristic aroma: ‼️ I drank another color of Nagatoro the other day, but the surprising aroma stopped me 💦I guess everyone feels something unique about this warehouse 🤔.
Good morning, Wakata 😃. I knew there was something there! I'm glad I'm not the only one: ☺️ It was something different from Shikishima, something with a distinctive aroma... 🤔. I'd love to take the time to analyze it over a drink at home, but it's hard to find in Kansai 😌.
Jikon純米吟醸 千本錦純米吟醸生酒無濾過
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日本酒とおつまみ Chuin 新町店
My wife is on a rare night out for a night or two. This is a chuin chance after a long time🍶. So we had a standing drink at chuin for a long time. Luckily, they had opened a bottle of Jiikin on that day, so we started with that. It is a Jikin made in January 2021 and aged for three and a half years in the store at its own ice temperature. The label is also old label. The appearance is a pale silver-green color with very fine gas bubbles (🫧). The aroma is fruity with a hint of sweetness like ripe apples and acidity like ripe berries. There is a faint spiciness lurking in the back. Try to include it. Smooth texture. From the rich ripe berry-like sweetness, the sourness is wafting. Tightening of bitterness with umami from the mid-palate. I like Jikin Senbon-Nishiki because it has a berry-like taste, but after the ice maturation period, it is more like a fully ripe berry with stronger sweetness and softer acidity than the fresh, fresh, sweet berry taste of the new sake. Too good 😊. I wish I had saved the last one for last, but on to the next sake: ☺️
Good evening, Aladdin 🦉. What a luxurious lineup 😻and ice-aged! Looks so delicious ✨Chuin you are trying so many things, it's awesome👍✨. Chuin a chance 🤣
Good morning, Pon-chan 😃. It really was an extravagant lineup on this day ☺️ I asked Mr. Kawada about it and he said "I've been a little too busy lately". I guess as the weather gets hotter, the demand for sake seems to decrease 😌.
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日本酒とおつまみ Chuin 新町店
SAKEWA Kansai Chapter 2024 New Year's Party Report: 1️⃣ 9️⃣ The 3rd meeting was at chuin, Aladdin's favorite restaurant 🚕. It is a simple standing-style restaurant specializing in sake, and leaflets with explanations were provided, so even I, who did not have much knowledge about sake, was able to drink with awareness 🍶. The first drink was Inogashira. When I think of "Inokashira" I think of a famous park in Tokyo, but this is Nagano sake ❄︎ The sake is made from Hitogokochi, which has a nice sweetness and flows smoothly without any peculiarities 💡. The label is so unique that I'm not sure what it means... 🌀
Hi Yoohee 🐦. You did a great job on your review 😳👍This sake is from Nagano Prefecture 😊Tokyo 🤭I tried googling the label, but it didn't come up 💦I wonder what it is... 🤔
Good evening, Ponchan. ⭐︎ I managed to finish the New Year's party, but the next off-line meeting of Gura-san has already taken place, and......, It looks like a swan, but I wonder if it might represent a swan boat in Inokashira Park 💡.
Wakanami純米吟醸 寿限無純米吟醸
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日本酒とおつまみ Chuin 新町店
The fourth (and closing) drink at the standing drinking chuin last Wednesday. I was going to finish comfortably with a regular Takasago sake, but there was a sake I was curious about, so I had an encore and had a glass of cold sake to finish. It was Wakanami Junmai Ginjyo Jukinmai. The rice used for this sake is of course Jugenmu. It is Fukuoka's original sake rice with Yume Issen as its mother and Yamada Nishiki as its father. The special "horn" sticker shining on the bottle is a proof of Kadoya Sake Shop Hanpukai Sake from Ibaraki, Osaka. You can feel the honeymoon relationship with Wakanami Sake Brewery 😁. Slightly gassy appearance. A rich banana is visible in the sake-type aroma with umami and acidity. Mineral chalkiness and a hint of Kamishin powder are also present. The first sip says "thick😳" A thick attack on the mouth loosened by the smooth warming! The acidity comes with a sizzle, and soon a dark sweetness appears and mixes with the fresh sweetness and acidity. While there is a clear flow of umami, the acidity flows to the back of the throat at the end and finishes with a crisp finish. It has a good sharpness and a moderate aftertaste. I like Wakanami to begin with, and this is no exception. If you like strong flavors, this is definitely good. This is another bottle I would like to drink at home. It was a good ending, thank you 🍶.
Rafa papa
Good morning, Aladdin 😃. I know chuin-san often offers Kadoya's hanpukai sake 😌I also love Wakanami Kotobukinmoku and enjoyed it 😋I'm interested to know that from this season, the content of Yongo and Ichusei bottles seems to be different 👀.
Hi Aladdin 😀 Wakanami-san is like a standard sake at Kadoya-san😇. I haven't had Wakanami yet, but I have a bottle of sparkling Jukinmu waiting for me at home 😀. I plan to open a bottle when it gets a little hotter 😇
Good evening, Rafa papa 😃 I'm interested in the kadoya hanpukai, but I'm not a big drinker, so it would be great if I could drink it at the store 😄. I'm interested to know if it's different from Yongbottle, since chuin-san only offers Ippon bottles. ☺️
Good evening, Yasube! I first encountered Wakanami at Sumiyoshi Shuhan in Fukuoka ☺️ I'm glad to see a liquor store in Kansai promoting Wakanami so enthusiastically 😊. Spark of Jukinmu, already promised deliciousness 🤤 looking forward to checking in 🍾.
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日本酒とおつまみ Chuin 新町店
This is the third drink at the standing drinking chuin last Wednesday. I was so pleased with the heated Kyokko that I decided to go for a little more warmed sake. On the shelf at room temperature, we found Takasago. I thought it was from the Fuji-Takasago Brewery in Shizuoka, but it was a regular sake from the Kiyamasa Brewery 😳. I had it lukewarm (probably lukewarm or top-heat). The appearance is crystal with a slight yellow tinge. The aroma is pleasantly fruity with a hint of cooked rice. The texture is similar to that of water. The smooth, sweet flavor is overtaken by sourness. The finish is light and crisp, with a nice lingering aftertaste. This is... (if I may be so bold as to exaggerate) a silky Jikin 😳. I felt it was so delicious. It was also delicious after it cooled down and became cold! This one was priced at a little over 2,000 yen for a bottle. I drank it slowly, thinking that if I ever visit Nabari City in Mie Prefecture, I will definitely buy a bottle to take home.
旭興純米 生酛 磨き八割八分純米生酛
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日本酒とおつまみ Chuin 新町店
This is the second drink at CHUIN, a standing drinking establishment last Wednesday. I was in the mood for a nice, relaxed drink, so I went for a rare warmed sake. There was a bottle of Kyokko on the shelf at room temperature that I had always wanted to try, so I had it heated. The appearance is a warm gold color with a light misty lees tinged with haze. Banana aroma of isoamyl acetate in the aromatic alcohol. When it settles down, there is the aroma of rice in the process of cooking and the banana aroma behind it as well. In the mouth, it has a soft and light texture, followed by a sharp expansion of acidity, and then a slight, dark sweetness that slowly seeps through to a thick umami flavor. As it cools down, the richness and softness of the sweetness and umami overflow, and it is delicious. This is the sake of the brewery where Chikara Urasato, the master brewer, trained. It soaks up the flavor of the sake. My beak is still too yellow to venture into the depths of the world of heated sake due to my lack of study and experience, but I think it might be intoxicating to drink it casually and loosely like this.
Good evening, Aladdin 😃. Kyokko-san! I've never had this one 😅it's delicious 🤗I haven't had it lately 🥲but it's thick and tasty 😋good for a leisurely drink 😄.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 😃. I haven't been able to drink Kyokkyo because I haven't seen it very often at the liquor stores I stop by, but I finally had a chance to drink it: ☺️ I liked it because it's not just a classic, it's a neo-classic 😄.
Good evening, Aladdin. Kyokkyo's heated sake is delicious, isn't it? It was so good at a heated sake store before that I told Jay how impressed I was. I want to drink it again 🍶✨.
Good evening, Hirupeko 😃. I rarely drink heated sake, but even I can tell it was delicious 🍶. You are a true evangelist for heated sake 😁. Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention my love for Tochigi 🫶.
Toyobijin醇道一途 限定 純米吟醸 愛山純米吟醸
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日本酒とおつまみ Chuin 新町店
Last Wednesday's standing drink CHUIN. Let's start with this one. It's been a while since I've had sake from the Sumikawa Sake Brewery (Hagi, Yamaguchi Prefecture). Crystal appearance with a hint of warmth. The aroma is fruity with a sprinkling of freshness and a sizzle. Ripe red apples, muscatel, young pineapple, and a nuance of freshly ground pineapple. When you take a sip, the aroma is sweet, but there is an attack of sourness. From there, there is a clear sweetness and umami. The wine flows smoothly and is soft and clean. The aftertaste is moderate, with a hint of bitterness and astringency. Sake made by Aizan (for me personally) is often surprisingly acidic 😅 because I always start with the stereotype of "it must be sweet. In fact, when you actually drink Aizan sake, I think (in my limited experience) that the acidity and bitterness come out earlier than expected, and the sweetness is often less than expected. In the end, I have to keep in mind that there is a wide range depending on the brewer's sake quality design and brewing, or I will be dragged into my own prejudice, so I have to be careful 😅. This sake had a high aroma, and I could sense a kind of quality that is typical of Toyo Bijin. Also, while Jyundo Isshu had an image of being thick, this one was accompanied by a sense of transparency.
Good morning, Aladdin 😀 I see you went to the Toyo Bijin sake rice comparison 😇. I wanted to go too because I was interested in it, but I was down with a cold😅. I was also interested in going, but I was down with a cold 😅.
Aladdin, good morning ☀☀☀☀. I myself purchased Aizan from Jundo Isshu, so I'm looking forward to drinking it, as I can imagine the taste from your review 😊. I can't wait to drink it 😊 I really agree with the stereotype of Aizan = sweet lol.
Good morning, Yasbay 😃. It was chuin to thank you for the event. Actually, we didn't compare oriental beauty drinks that day 😔. I'm glad your cold is gone ☺️ I'm sick right now so I hope to get well soon so I can drink!
Good morning, Satou 😃. It's so intoxicating to be able to buy Toyo Bijin's limited edition Aizan for drinking at home 😊. I wanted to drink it carefully at home, including the changes after opening the bottle, so I look forward to Satou-san's future check-ins: ☺️
Hi Aladdin 😃 We too have the idea in our head that Aizan = sweet ‼️ 😓 and we can't get our hands on it 😅It's certainly not a good idea to have too many preconceived ideas! I'd like to try many things 🤗
Hi Aladdin 🐦. I had the same drink the other day and yes it's sweet, but it's easy to drink 😊I think the acidity is quite effective 🤔I'm really impressed with your ability to put it into words ✨Ah, I want to copy this review 🤣.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 😃. Aizan can sometimes be predictably prodigal and sweet, which might be risky for J&N's tastes these days 😁. I'm also easily biased if I'm not careful, so I'm willing to try different things 🍶.
Good evening, Pon-chan 😃. If this is ok with you, Pon-chan, you can crack me up anytime 😊. I've been working on my vocabulary and expression variations lately, so I'll try my best to make my comments more accurate and live 😄.
Kin Suzume純米吟醸純米吟醸
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日本酒とおつまみ Chuin 新町店
Kaorin told me that she was going to be late for a drinking party at work today and I was wondering what to do about dinner... I casually looked at chuin's instagram and saw that 3 bottles of Nagano sake were sealed... I couldn't pass up this chance and went there after work 😀 First of all, I had a bottle of Kinjaku which was opened yesterday and I was overwhelmed by this sake😇. I knew well the name of this sake from my hometown in Yamaguchi prefecture, but I could not find it and this was my first time drinking it. From the aroma to the moment you put it in your mouth, it is full of fruit and sweetness, but once it goes down your throat, it disappears nicely 😀 But that's not all. But that's not all, the lingering aroma that escaped through the nose spread further and left me with nothing but excitement at the end 😇. Next, I had the Nishinomon, which was also my first time drinking it. I felt strong sweetness and umami, but it was a bit more persistent than Kinjaku, so I thought I could enjoy it for about 1 gou, but it was hard to drink more than that 🤣. The Yamazan and Shinshu Kirei that followed were of course as delicious as ever, but the best of the day was the Kinjaku.
Good evening, Yasube-san! I went to Yamaguchi prefecture, but was told that the brewery was located far away from the city and I didn't know if it was open 😭. I regret that I should have bought it at a nearby liquor store.
Good morning, Yasbay😃. It's nice to drink outside in a flurry😄Congratulations on your first Chun Chun drink ㊗️ 🎉I can only drink it once in a while 🥲 but it's delicious 😋 and the rest of the lineup is a definite lineup too 😚.
Hi Robin 😀 It seems there are only a few stores that sell Kinjaku even in Yamaguchi Prefecture😅. My hometown is Shimonoseki, the most west end of Yamaguchi prefecture, so I haven't seen any stores selling it in my hometown yet😅.
Hi Jay & Nobby 😀 It was actually Shinsei day, so I was thinking of going home and drinking Shinsei alone at home... It's not every day I get a chance to drink this lineup all at once, so I prioritized Kinjaku and Nagano sake 🤣.
Good evening, Yasube! Kinjaku is delicious ♡ I haven't had it in a while 😋. There is a store in Tochigi that carries it, but recently I can't buy it anymore unless I buy it in a package 💦. I seem to have a few bottles lying around at home 🤣.
Good evening, Tsubu-chan 😀 You are indeed a great collector, Dora-chan😇 I can't believe you have a few bottles of Kinjaku in your collection: 🙆‍♂️ But rare sake is hard to buy because of the limited number of stores and the increasing number of tie-ups 😅.
Shinshu Kireiひとごこち 純米酒 無濾過生原酒純米原酒生酒無濾過
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日本酒とおつまみ Chuin 新町店
This is the third drink at CHUIN after a long time. The last one is also here. Shinshu Kamerei Hitogokochi Junmai Shu, unfiltered raw sake. This is also one of chuin's specialties, aged in ice temperature for about six months. The appearance is warm crystal. The aroma is fruity, with a brightness and vibrancy that is typical of unfiltered nama-shu. I cannot describe it well due to my lack of ability, but it tastes like apple? Grapes? Peach? Lychee? Strawberry? Slightly banana? A complex mixture of fruit and fruitiness. The fruit is moderately ripe and sweet, yet the aroma is refreshingly good. The mouthfeel is smooth and smooth. The attack is rich and full-bodied with sweetness and acidity like ripe honey apples. While it has the tangy and bitter nuances of the raw sake, it has been aged in ice temperature for about six months, which has removed the corners of the flavor. While the rich sweet and sour taste spreads, a clear umami taste appears on the tongue, followed by a light acidity that spreads lightly and finishes with a crisp finish. The lingering taste is moderate, with a slight astringency like zanshin (a lingering sensation). Hmmm, the quintessential Hitogokochi Junmai: ☺️ I still like it 🐢🥰. After six months of ice aging, the aroma and flavor have become rounder and richer, and it seems to have reached its peak. The owner, Mr. Kawada, says it takes about 6 months if it is kept in ice temperature and 3 months if it is refrigerated. Thank you very much for the food.
Good morning, Aladdin 😃🐢 Your review is so telling ‼️ As always, your expressions are so accurate, I can't help but want to drink in the morning 😫💦 My husband got it the other day, too, which made me grin 😆.
Good morning, Wakata 😃. I must say that the aroma and taste of this junmai is very good. ☺️ It's so intoxicating that you and your wife will be able to enjoy 🐢 at your home in the future 😄. I look forward to checking in with you in the future 😊.
Hi Aladdin 😀 I wanted to go too when I saw this lineup, but I couldn't go because I had some errands to run 😀. As I told Kawada-san the other day, only on the days I can't go, the sake I want to drink is open 🤣.
Good morning, Yasbay 😃. I was lucky this time because I happened to go there at the right time for the first time in a while and found this lineup: ☺️ I'd like to drink a lot of different drinks that I haven't had, but I end up being influenced by my bias of taste 😅.
HanaabiTHE MATCH純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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日本酒とおつまみ Chuin 新町店
For my second drink at CHUIN, my favorite stand-up drinking place, I decided to have a hanayo, which has also been a long time coming. THE MATCH is an unfiltered junmai ginjo sake brewed with two types of sake rice, Yamadanishiki and Omachi, and polished to a 55% rice polishing ratio in order to match the two. The appearance is slightly misty with a hint of orikara. The aroma is of ripe pineapple with a veil of rice aroma like freshly pounded rice cake. Tropical. Soft mouthfeel. The acidity, which is like the sweetness removed from the pineapple, spreads out and is followed by a hint of sweetness and a firm bitterness. The clear flavor spreads, but the bitterness is more than that. It has a dry taste without a dry feeling, but thanks to its aroma, it can be drunk in a gorgeous way. What surprised me was that it was quite bitter. I like bitter sake, so I don't have a problem with it, but it may not be for everyone 🤔. However, the bitterness was so nice that I thought it would be good heated up, but the owner seemed busy, so I just had it cold 🍶.
Hi Aladdin 😃 I didn't understand when I drank it the other day as a toast at an offline meeting, but when I drank it at home I thought it had a very bitter aftertaste 🤔I thought it was a little different type from the usual hana-yosu. I accepted it thinking 😁.
Good morning, bouken 😃. I envy you to begin with that you can drink it both outside and at home 😁. I sometimes hear reviews from other places that Huayangyu is bitter and Kawada-san also said that sometimes it's bitter 🤔 it's delicious though 😊.
Chiyonohanaしぼりたて 生詰特別本醸造生詰酒
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日本酒とおつまみ Chuin 新町店
Today I was able to come to my favorite standing bar, chuin, after a long time 😊. First, here is a Chiyonohana Shiboritate Nama Tsume, a local limited edition from Sugihara Sake Brewery, which brews Imi. It is aged in ice temperature for about 5 months, a specialty of chuin. The exterior is a warm crystal. The aroma is very gorgeous, yet gentle, with hints of apple and melon. The soft mouthfeel is stimulated by the tingling alcohol. It starts with acidity, develops into a molasses-like sweetness, and then the sharp alcohol rush to the back of the throat. It has a good sharpness and a short aftertaste. As the sip goes on, a slight bitterness seeps through from the mid-palate to the back of the mouth, and there is a slight astringency on the tongue. It retains the freshly squeezed flavor, but the ice aging has made the stimulation milder. This is the kind of sake you want to linger over in a bottle. This has nothing to do with sake, but 4 elderly men and women came to the bar and made a lot of noise in a very Kansai-like (sorry, I mean bad) way 😅. Fortunately, they didn't get involved with us, so we were able to enjoy our drinks. When I enjoy good sake, I want to be beautiful in the way I drink it 😌 and at the same time, I think it is important to age well 😌.
Good evening, Aladdin 😃. This is a local exclusive from Mr. Imi's brewery! Looks like we won't be seeing you in person anymore😅. There's a big difference between having fun 😄 and being intensely gawky 🥴 🤔 I hope to age well 😌.
Good morning Jay & Nobby 😃. There are rumors that if you reserve a table at the warehouse, you can get one if you wait, but I'm just standing around drinking 😊. They were obnoxious old men, yelling, tangling with the owner, trying to sing 😌.
Good evening, Aladdin-san. It's been a while since you had a bad experience at chuin-san. I want to have fun and drink in moderation, I tell myself 😅Chiyonohana, the feeling of wanting to linger over a bottle of sake, no that's good 😆🍶.
Hi Hirupeko, good evening 😃. I don't dislike it so much, but I felt sorry for the sake being drunk that way 😅I have to correct myself by watching other people's behavior 😅. Chiyonohana was a sake like sake that was bright but also got soft and gentle with maturity 🍶😊.
Yamasan純米吟醸 金紋錦純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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日本酒とおつまみ Chuin 新町店
Finally, I was able to drink Yamazan 😀. As far as I could find, Yamasan-san is still the only store in Kansai that handles it 😀. I saw it on instagram on chuin and met up with the wife after work and had a drink 😇. We compared Koryu (actually it's difficult Ryu), Jikin, and Sakiyami 😀. They all have different taste directions but they are all delicious 🙆‍♂️ It's hard for me and my wife to decide which one is the best 😇. My wife, who always asks me on the way home which one I thought was the best, never asked me anything 🤣. When I asked her why, she said it was because it was hard for her to choose one over the other😅. However, I went there today because I wanted to drink at Yamazan, so I'll choose Yamazan as my representative 😀. By the way, as some of you may know, there will be a Nagano sake event in Osaka in July 😀. It's during the daytime on a weekday, but I already got my ticket and vacation 🤣. I think that's the next time I can meet Yamazan 😅. I hope some store in Kansai can represent us 🤣.
Good evening, Mr. Yasube! I am so envious of you and your wife's fun drinking life ^^! I am also too envious of the drinks you are drinking 😀😆🥹.
Good evening, Yasbay 😃. I was drooling and sucking my fingers at chuin's Instagram 🤤. I wanted to try Yamasan's Kinmon Nishiki too! Jikin, Sakiyami and Takasami are all great ☺️
Rafa papa
Good morning Yasubeyesan😃 I thought it was Yamazan, but it turned out to be chuin 😊It's nice to be able to meet up after work for a drink 🤣My wife doesn't work so she doesn't come all the way out here for a drink 😅.
Hi Yasubeyesan 😃 Sakiyami is the top one I want to drink now 😋 Akajikin is also very tempting 😍Takasami has not been around for a while 🥲 and Yamasan has only had one bottle of Hitogochi 😅Yes, it's a fascinating lineup and all of them are delicious! I guess that's one word for it 🤗
Hi @Mizuhashi 😀 Kaorin and I have many common interests, but I'm especially glad that we both like sake😇. This store has a good selection and the owner is a nice person, so we go there together several times a month 🙆‍♂️
Hi Aladdin 😀 I was worried about whether Yamazan-san, which opened on Monday, would still be around until Wednesday, but I'm glad I was able to drink it😇. And we were lucky because the sake we opened on Tuesday and Wednesday also had a great lineup 😃.
Hi Rafa papa 😀 On the contrary, we both work, so it's hard for the wife to prepare after she gets home, so I asked her if she wants to have a drink and go home ❓ and she immediately said yes and she is happy about it 🤣. It is also convenient that our workplaces are close to each other😇.
Hi Jay & Nobby 😀 This store opens 2-3 bottles in order every day, so it can be an awesome combination depending on the day 🤣. Yesterday, we also had this and other drinks like Musical Instruments, Hiran, and... all the drinks we wanted to drink😇.
Hi Yasbay, ☀️ I like Yamazan! By the way, is it a sweet and savory type?
Hi Maru-san 😀 Maru-san, you haven't had Yamasan yet? I hope there will be more stores in Kansai soon 🤣. It was a sweet and tasty sake😇 But I still need to drink it at home to get a detailed impression 😅...
Shinshu Kirei山恵錦純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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日本酒とおつまみ Chuin 新町店
On this day, I visited chuin because I wanted to drink Shinshu Kamerei after a long time 😀. Of course, 🐢 is definitely delicious, but the other 🦎 and all the other 🦎 were delicious 😀.
Good evening, Yasubeyesan 😃. I see you drank the Yamae Nishiki from Shinshu Kamerei🐢 ☺️ I wish I could have been there too 🤤. I was also curious about Amabuki's Raijin, which is a blend of Aizan and Yamadanishiki junmai daiginjos, blended with only Aragiri and Hitoshi, respectively 😄.
Hi Aladdin 😀 Raijin-san was also a delicious sake😇 On this day, Mr. Kawada-san taught us a lot about the toji's skills and the blueprint of sake quality😇. I was glad to hear about Mr. Fujioka Touji and Mr. Urasato Touji, which I had wondered about!
Rafa papa
Good evening, Yasubeyesan 😃. Shinshu Kamerei🐢's Yamae Nishiki was my favorite sake, I would even say the best sake I drank this year🥰 It was a very pure sake that left a great impression on me😌.
Good evening, Rafa papa 😀. I'm sure it's hard to choose which one to drink 🐢😇. I don't get to drink at home very often, but I'm glad that chuin-san serves it to me about once a month 🤣.