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日本酒とおつまみ Chuin 新町店

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旭興初秋の純米吟醸 瓶燗氷温貯蔵純米吟醸原酒ひやおろし無濾過
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日本酒とおつまみ Chuin 新町店
At standing drinking chuin where we stopped by on our way home from Kaze no Mori WEEKS 2024. Kyokko is brewed by Watanabe Shuzo of Tochigi, the Nanbu Touji master of my favorite Touji, Urasato Chikara Touji. Whenever I find it, I drink it. The first thing that catches my attention about this junmai ginjo of early autumn is the seven varieties of sake rice (Yamadanishiki has six varieties because of its different milling ratio), which are all different in terms of milling ratio and the ratio of rice used. It seems that the sake was brewed by gathering surplus rice, but I like this kind of thing because it is ethical and interesting 😊. The concept of this hiyaoroshi is that it is not ready to be heated, even though it was stored at ice temperature, so unusually it is recommended to be served cold. The yeasts used are 1801 and 701. The appearance is a slightly pale silver-green crystal. The aroma is gorgeous, but low in tone and mild. Typical cleanness of yellow apple, pear, melon and banana capsicum + vinegary iso. There is also a rice aroma about the size of rice cakes. When drinking, it has a smooth texture. The sweetness is moderate, and the acidity is fine and spreads smoothly. The stimulation of the fine acidity spreads and passes from the upper jaw to the back of the throat. The bitter, complex flavor can be sensed, and it finishes with the acidity. The finish is moderately sharp with a medium aftertaste. It was quite an interesting sake. Thank you for the sake.
Good evening, Aladdin 😃. I drink when I have it, Asahi Kohsan! Not rice mixed with rice, but a great mixed sake 🍶 and yet you managed to bring together all the complexity 🤗Tochigi sake indeed 🍶.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 😃. I think it's a testament to your ability to properly commercialize such a complicated ingredient 😁. The taste is both messy and cohesive 🤔It was really interesting 😄
Denshu純米吟醸 辨慶純米吟醸
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日本酒とおつまみ Chuin 新町店
At standing drinking chuin where we stopped by on our way home from Kaze no Mori WEEKS 2024. Tasake Benkei was opened on the same day as Jyushiyo. Sake rice Benkei is a Hyogo variety originally selected and bred by the Hyogo Prefectural Agricultural Experiment Station from the native variety Benkei 1045. Although widely grown from the Taisho era (1912-1926) to the prewar period, it disappeared around 1955 with the advent of Yamada-Nishiki, the KING of sake rice. In the recent trend of brewing with restored rice, Benkei was also revived in 2012 by Yamagata's Sakata Sake Brewery (Kamikigen). Nishida Sake Brewery (Tasake) has also been brewing Benkei since 2013. I like sake made with native rice, so I'm looking forward to Benkei too😄. The exterior is silver-green crystal. The aroma is gorgeous and refreshing. Yellow apple, pear, melon, banana, and rice aroma like white dumplings. The taste starts with a smooth, dark sweetness, and while the acidity is gentle and smooth, the stimulating acidity goes down the back of the throat in abundance. It has a rich umami with bitterness, and the lingering finish is rather long and finishes with a complex flavor that lingers on the tongue. The overall flavor is rich and complex for a rice wine. According to the owner, Mr. Kawada, it has the richness of old-time rice wine. I don't dislike this kind of sake with a strong flavor!
Juyondai荒走り 上諸白 本生・原酒純米大吟醸原酒生酒荒走り
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日本酒とおつまみ Chuin 新町店
On 9/24, I was on my way back from visiting Kaze no Mori WEEKS 2024 at Daimaru Shinsaibashi store. It was a good opportunity for me to visit standing drinking CHUIN for the first time in a while. There was still some of the Jyushidai Arahajiri Kamimoroshiro Honnen and Harazake that everyone had at the after-party of the Kansai Petit Off-line Meeting with Tomo-san, so I had some of it. We had it on the 3rd day after opening the bottle after 7 months of aging in ice temperature. The appearance is a slightly pale silvery yellow-green crystal. The aroma is just juicy. The aroma is rather rich with rice aroma amidst an assortment of ripe fruits such as pears, white peaches, and melon. The first touch of flavor is the transparency of the rice. From there, the juicy sweetness spreads as if popping, and the harmony with the refreshing acidity is superb. The beautifully clear rice flavor flows with a hint of bitterness and a good sense of fullness. The sharpness is beautiful and the aftertaste is long. Excellent ☺️ I have been in love with this sake for a long time while drinking it. The power of Tojo Yamadanishiki and Takagi Sake Brewery, even I, an amateur, could feel the awesomeness. It was the best 🍶.
Good evening, Aladdin 🦉. This Jyushiyo looks very tasty too 😻The quality of the Aragusu is very good! I'm always surprised at how much better the Jyushiyo tastes than I imagined 😊.
Good evening, Pon 😃. I'm not a sake future, but I could drink Jyushiyo 😄. I had a sharp image of Aragiri, but it's amazing how bright and juicy it can be 😳. I thought it must be neutral at all times 🍶.
Emishiki透明な感性 古式生もと生酛
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日本酒とおつまみ Chuin 新町店
The second meeting (6) of the 2024 party surrounding TOMO-san The last one is "Laughing Four Seasons It was interesting to see Mr. Kawada who wanted to go home at 9:00 p.m. and regulars who wanted to have one more drink 🤣. It is refreshingly sweet with a hint of sourness and lactic acidity. Light and easy to drink. After leaving the restaurant, we finished up at a nearby ramen shop. Rafa had a beer 🍺 at a ramen shop 🤣. After seeing Tomo off at the hotel, we parted ways with Rafa at Yodoyabashi, walked to Kitashinchi, parted ways with Nemuchi, and headed home. Thanks to Tomo, everyone who participated in this event, and Pon-chan for organizing the event 🙏. Rafa-san, even if you leave Sake-no-wa, please join our off-line meeting 🥺.
Good morning, bouken! The impact of the drink I had just before was so strong that I was not left with much of an impression of this drink... 🤣 Everyone in Kansai is as strong as ever even if you drink too 💪. I hope to see you again 👋
bouken, thank you for completing your post 😊and thank you for organizing the after-party 🙏. I can tell from your interaction with the owner and everyone's appearance that you had a great time ✨and the 🍜 to finish 😉👍.
Good morning, bouken 😃. A quintessential series of offline posts! Great 👍Full completion from the prep work to the closing 🤗. Glad to see your communication Rafa😊.
Good morning tomo! I wasn't too impressed after all the sour drinks and blended drinks 😅. I don't know why I get drunk more when I drink at events with Mr. Nemuchi 🤣. Please come again🤗
Good morning, Ponchan ☀☀☀. Thank you 🙇. I didn't do anything like an organizer 💦. I didn't do anything like an organizer 💦, it was just you who called me 😅. I got hungry and asked her if she wanted to go for ramen. I said 🍜.
Good morning Jay & Nobby ☀☀☀. I post to the end of every post so I get to be the last one every month or something 😅. I've completed a full marathon 🤣🏃‍➡️🤣 Rafa, we'll be sending you more newsletters 🤗.
旭興初秋の純米吟醸 瓶燗氷温貯蔵純米吟醸原酒無濾過
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日本酒とおつまみ Chuin 新町店
The second meeting of 2024 surrounding TOMO-san (5) Love for Tochigi🥰 even in the offline meeting Part 2 I feel like I'm drinking all the brands I haven't had in a long time since the first meeting this time 🤔. Sake blended with 7 kinds of rice I wonder if the number of blended rice is different depending on the BY? I thought it was complex because of the blending. The taste is not perverted but the concept of blending 7 kinds of rice is perverted 😅 I know there was a similar one in the form. This is my third visit to chuin, and I have the impression that I had a lot of conversations with the owner, Mr. Kawada this time. I listened to his theory that the taste of sake does not change depending on the rice, and it was very convincing 😆. And the backstage of a liquor store. He really knows a lot about sake 😁. Early Autumn reminds me of Mr. ●onda 🤣.
Hi bouken 😃 You've enjoyed chuin-san to the fullest that you even heard the theory that rice only affects at most 10-20% of the overall flavor of sake: ☺️
Hi Aladdin! I wrote this as it was last year, as there were 10 varieties 😅They were talking about the taste that the brewer imagined as Omachi and Aizan, and it was a lot of fun 😆.
Good evening, bouken-san! Thank you for the Tochigi love 🥰 even at the second party 🤗Asahi Kohsan, an interesting concept!
Good morning Jay & Nobby ☀☀☀. I'm relieved there was Tochigi sake at the second meeting 🤗. It's still too early to warm up. So it seems to be a concept sake to be drunk cold in early autumn 🤔.
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日本酒とおつまみ Chuin 新町店
The second meeting of 2024 surrounding TOMO (4) It's been a long time since we've had Ryuki. It's an irregular drink, so it's only for this time. According to Aladdin's information, he got permission from Laughing Shiki of Takeshima Incident. Sour from the aroma. It smells like vinegar. It is an interesting sake. The moment tomo-san drank it, he said "Oh! 😁. I don't think he meant to, but I thought it was a perverted drink 🤔. I was curious about the colorful label on the shelf, so I asked him about it and he said it was a sweet potato shochu. He said it was like a more delicious version of daiyame so I drank it 😋. I drank it with soda and it was a delicious fruity sweet potato shochu!
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日本酒とおつまみ Chuin 新町店
The second meeting of 2024 surrounding TOMO-san (3) Tasake (rice wine) after a long time This sake was opened on the same day as the Jyushiyo. Mild but with sweetness and umami. This is the first Benkei I've had outside of Yukihikoyama.
Hi bouken 😀 I've never heard of Tazake having a sake made with Petei 🤣. So they use Hyogo sake rice in Aomori 😀.
Good evening, Mr. Yasube. I too was surprised that Tasyu uses benkei 😅. There are almost no breweries in Hyogo that use benkei, so it's a rarity 😆.
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日本酒とおつまみ Chuin 新町店
The 2nd meeting of the 2024 party surrounding TOMO-san (2) Sake by Fuchu Homare, which is rarely available in Kansai. Only Watanabune is available at Yamacho-san, but I've never seen the others... It was dark and complex with concentrated rice flavor. I had a good impression of Fuchu Homare's Watanune a long time ago, so I'd like to try their other sake. I'll have to buy some more.
Juyondai上諸白 本生純米大吟醸原酒生酒荒走り
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日本酒とおつまみ Chuin 新町店
The second meeting of 2024 surrounding TOMO-san (1) The second meeting was for 4 people: TOMO, Rafa, Nemuchi and myself. We went to the next restaurant on foot from the first meeting place. It's been a while since I walked Midosuji, but I was surprised to see more high-brand stores 😳. I guess they are mostly for inbound customers though 🙄. The second party was at Aladdin's favorite restaurant. After we decided on the restaurant, I looked at the instagram and saw that Jyushidai and Tasake were on tap today 😁. They seem to be released this year! It looks like Tojo with special A Yamada Nishiki. It has the Tojo mark on it. I've heard it has unique specs and flavor, but I can't compare because I don't drink Jyushiro💦. It's delicious with a slight gasiness and sweet flavor. Green apple and pear type fruity. It's not light, but it has a clear taste, which is why it even feels light. I can feel many other fruits. It's less gorgeous than the Jyushiyo I've had in the past 🤔. According to the internet, the sweetness increases as time passes after opening the bottle.
Good evening, bouken😄. Thank you for selecting chuin-san for the after party 😊. I was not able to join you that day, but two days later, I was able to visit chuin-san after a long time and had a drink here too😄.
Mr. Aladdin, good evening 🌃 Whenever I meet offline or meet a Sakewa member, it always comes to mind that I want to visit chuin-san 😌. Aladdin-san, I see you drank here too! I'm looking forward to your post 😆.
Jikon純米吟醸 千本錦 火入純米吟醸
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日本酒とおつまみ Chuin 新町店
台風襲来前に伺った立ち呑みchuinさん。 ラストの4酒目は「而今千本錦火入」です。 日本酒の香りにベリー系がある事を初体験させてくれた、大好きなお酒。 外観は透明に近いシルバークリスタル。 やはり心地良いベリーを感じさせるフルーティーな香り。 パウダリーな上新粉やみずみずしい白玉団子のような米香も割と豊かに感じます。 口に含むと、程良い甘味とさっぱりした酸味が仄かなドライさを伴って抜けていきキレる。 余韻はやや短め。 飲み進めるとスッキリした中に米の旨味のような少しふっくらした味わいも感じます。 とにかく香りが好き。 味わいは而今だけに少し硬さを感じるような印象ですが、香りが好きなので問題なし。 いなり餃子をつまみつつ、店主の川田さんと、而今に使われる酵母についてや他のお酒の話をしながら、この日はフィニッシュ。 この日入手した霧筑波の四合瓶をいつ飲もうか考えながら、帰途に着きました🚶‍➡️
BunrakuBunraku Reborn Moon Sherbet生酒
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日本酒とおつまみ Chuin 新町店
This is the third sake we visited before the typhoon hit. This is "Bunraku Reborn Moon Sherbet". We had Sairai the other day at home, so we selected this sake in connection with the Northwest Shuzo Brewery. Mr. Kawada, the owner, told us "It will disappear when you drink it. when he was pouring it. The appearance is silver crystal. The aroma is gentle, fresh, and sweet. When drinking, the first touch is soft and sweet. A fluffy sweetness spreads, light acidity leaves, and a light malty nuance. Then, it disappears. There is almost no aftertaste and a slight astringency on the tongue. It was definitely a vanishing type sake. Low-alcoholic, easy-drinking, soft sake. I went to the last sake of the day, imagining that the moon sherbet was like this with low gravity.
Hi Aladdin 🐦. Your choice of word "disappear" is exquisite ✨I've never had a drink, but I know what you mean because it happens to me sometimes 😆. I'm sure the conversation will be great because it's with you Aladdin 😊👍.
Hi Pon 😃. I had an image of it zeroing in clearer and faster than "disappearing." 😄 I had almost a private drink with Mr. Kawada that day, so it was fun to learn a lot of things and talk about sake while tasting slowly ☺️
黒澤生酛 Shinshu Wine Barrel Aged
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日本酒とおつまみ Chuin 新町店
We visited standing drinking chuin before the typhoon hit. The second sake was Kurosawa Namahoshi Shinshu Wine Barrel Aged. It is a pure rice sake brewed by Kurosawa Shuzo using Kinmon-Nishiki and aged in a local wine barrel for two summers. A relative of Kurosawa Shuzo's brewer is in the wine brewing business and provided the wine barrels to make this sake possible. The appearance is a pale rosé color with strong transparency. It is hard to tell from the photo, but at a glance it does not look like sake. The aroma is also close to that of rosé wine, with a slight grain and cream cheese taste. The taste has a dry first touch. The taste of light dryness with umami flavor spreads in the mouth, then acidity passes to the nose, and the tannin astringency converges and finishes. The alcohol level is firm but not sharp due to aging. The taste is sake at the entrance and wine at the exit. The overall balance is dry and quite intoxicating. ☺️ This sake is not just an oddity, but a well-considered sake that broadens the range of sake. While talking with the owner, Mr. Kawada, about how he brewed the original sake with this finish in mind and how he thought about the sake quality design when doing so, we moved on to the next sake.
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日本酒とおつまみ Chuin 新町店
I visited my usual stand-up drinking place, CHUIN, before the typhoon hit as there was quite a gap between visits. Today, we started with a reverse Yaemon. Yaemon! It is a limited edition sake only available at Uekiya Shoten, a sake shop in Aizu. There is no label on the sake itself, so it is not registered, but it is said to be an unfiltered, unpasteurized sake. The appearance is silver crystal, almost transparent. The aroma is... rice vinegar😳. This is completely the aroma of rice vinegar. The aroma is like a pillar of rice grain feeling in the stimulation of the acidity. This is quite a strange sake. When you sip it, the taste starts with a gentle rice sweetness, and then the sweet and sour taste spreads and sharpens as the acidity quickly flows through the bottom of the bottle. A mellow milkiness can also be felt, and the vinegariness is refreshing. It is honestly delicious😳. The owner, Mr. Kawada, also said, "I put it in every year because it is delicious. It is a very interesting sake that is quite hard to drink in terms of aroma, but as long as you drink it, you will be able to tell how good it tastes. While talking with Mr. Kawada about how this unprecedented aroma and flavor was produced, we moved on to the next sake.
Hi Aladdin 😀 Sounds like a pretty quirky and kinky drink 🤣. As for the first attack being vinegar... I'd probably give up at that moment 🤣.
Good evening, Yasbay 😃. The only thing that makes it rice vinegar is the aroma, the taste is completely different (although there is a slight vinegar feel)! I think if you put it in your mouth, you would understand it, but it's an aroma that seems to be very difficult 😅.
Aladdin, good evening, it was me 😅.
Good evening, Nochi 😃. I see you've been drinking! It is the type of alcohol that a good percentage of people get off at the point of aroma, and since alcohol is a taste, it is best to take what suits your taste! I'm learning and have a wide strike zone 😁.
Fukucho純米吟醸 八反草純米吟醸
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日本酒とおつまみ Chuin 新町店
There was one more sake from the "Tasting Sake by Female Toji" event held by Standing Drinking Chuin that I had been curious about for a while, so I took this opportunity to have it 🍶. Tomikunaga Junmai Ginjo Hattanso. This sake is brewed by Touji Miho Imada, who was selected as one of the "100 Women of the Year" in 2020 by the BBC. I was curious about the sake rice, Hattansusa. It is a fantastic rice that is the root of the "Hachiganso series," a group of sake brewing rice representative of Hiroshima, and is an ancestor of Hachiganshiki and Hachigansho 35. Yatanso is a native variety from the late Edo period (1603-1868), but it was difficult to cultivate and disappeared for a time, pushed aside by its successor varieties. However, Mr. Toshi Imada and the Imada Sake Brewing Company revived its cultivation from a handful of seed hulls, and after 100 years, they are once again brewing sake with Yatanso. Incidentally, the brand name "Fukucho" was named after Senzaburo Miura, who established Japan's first soft-water brewing method and made Hiroshima one of the three most famous brewing regions in Japan! The long story short, here's the sake 🍶. It has a well balanced ginjo aroma with hints of pear, melon, and banana. The clear sweetness gives way to a crisp acidity, which gives way to a beautiful umami. The acidity finishes with a flowing finish. Everything is just right and I like it. ☺️ It was a drunken sake typical of Hiroshima 🍶.
Good evening, Aladdin. I've already forgotten the difference between Hachitan-Nishiki No.1 and No.2 😓I haven't drank much Hiroshima sake or Hachitan series and I'd like to start drinking them from now on! I haven't even had a chance to drink Tomikunaga's Kai-fu-do properly 😭.
Good evening, Hirupeko! I haven't attacked it yet, but I actually like Hiroshima's sake. ☺️ I like Amego no Tsuki, but Hirupeko, there are a lot of sake I would recommend, like Glorious Regent, Tenpoichi, Kamerei, etc. 🍶.
Hi Aladdin 😀 Actually Kaorin loves sake brewed by female toji and wanted to go to this event but had to give it up due to some business 😅. I think the quality of the sake brewed by female brewers is often beautiful😇.
Good morning, Yasbay 😃. Too bad you couldn't join us 😌If you go later, you may be able to drink, so it's a good aim! Kawada-san and I were talking about how the sake is not at all sweet or fruity because it is made by a female toji! I was talking to her 😁.
Shinshu Kirei美山錦 純米吟醸 (無濾過生原酒)純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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日本酒とおつまみ Chuin 新町店
At "Chuin", a standing drinking bar. The owner, Mr. Kawada, told us that there were only a few sakes left from the sake club's "Tasting Sake by Female Toji" event held the other day, so we could purchase them individually (originally as a set)! The sakes on offer were as follows. Hideko (Suzuki Shuzo Brewery), Shiwa (Shiwa Brewery), Machida Shuzo (Machida Sake Brewery), Shinshu Kamerei (Okazaki Sake Brewery), Kawanakajima Genmai (Sake Sengrano), Toyoga (Takazawa Shuzo), Ko no Tsukasa (Shibata Shuzojo), Fukunaga (Imada Shuzo Honten), Wakanami (Wakanami Shuzo). And I will not hesitate to... Shinshu Kamerei Miyamanishiki Junmai Ginjo. I got jealous when I saw so many people visiting Ueda 😅 The aroma is not that high. Fresh sweetness on the attack. The acidity and smooth umami that goes out moderately, and a good bitterness that lingers in the aftertaste. The acidity stands out, and the freshness is just the right amount of intoxicating in summer. There is a slight astringency on the tongue. Perhaps it was because it was right after the Crimson Glory of Glorious Fuji, but my sense of sweetness and sourness was off, and I didn't feel like I tasted it properly. I still need more training 😌.
Glorious Mt.Fujiクリムゾン・グローリー ピンク・サファイヤ 甘口純米大吟醸原酒無濾過
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日本酒とおつまみ Chuin 新町店
Eikoufuji. I don't know how to look at it quickly pin⚪︎n😁. I wonder if everything is ok😅. To get back on track, this Junmai Daiginjo Unfiltered Harajuku is brewed with red yeast which makes the sake red. It looks like this, but there is no gasiness. The sake rice is 100% Haenuki, a common rice for rice. The sake has a threatening Sake Degree of -58😳. The acidity is 7.3, not as high as Mai-bijin, but not bad either! After being so sharp in so many ways, it comes full circle and settles down. The appearance is crystal with a light pink tinge, like a pale rosé wine. The aroma is sour plum, plum wine, and apricot wine-like. The aroma is a thick sweet-sourness that cannot be hidden. When you drink it, it is still extremely sweet and acidic with a plum and apricot liquor feeling. From the mid-palate, the refreshing acidity leaves and it becomes a little lighter, but it does not have a sake feel. Quite interesting and in a way a terrific experience. Another customer of CHUIN said, "It's a pin⚪︎n without bubbles!" but I've never drunk enough pin⚪︎n to be able to talk about it, so I'm not sure about that part 😌. To be honest, I don't have the courage to drink it at home, but I got a good opportunity to experience it for my tongue 😁. If you don't usually drink sake but like plum wine or apricot wine, I recommend it 🍶.
Good evening, Mr. Aladdin. I like Eikofuji so I bought it without thinking about it, but it has a strong peculiar atmosphere 😅. I'm going to try it with the intention of drinking Mai-Bijin 🫡.
Good evening, bouken 😃. I love Eikofuji too, but this was a feeling I have not experienced very often! But that is also intoxicating😁. I'm looking forward to check in and see how bouken legend tastes it 🙂 Holder!
ささまさむね夏のにごり 生酒特別純米生酒にごり酒
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日本酒とおつまみ Chuin 新町店
Sasasamune is often recommended by my almost only favorite restaurant, Standing Drinking CHUIN. This time, it was a summer nigori (nigori) draft sake, so I thought I couldn't miss it as a nigori list, so I tried it. The appearance was snow-white with a slight greenish tinge, like the lingering snow on the surface of a mountain. The aroma is mainly banana and melon, with a refreshingly exhilarating pear. The mouthfeel is smooth, tart, and sizzling 🫧. From the rich sweetness, a refreshing acidity that quickly follows and spreads out is light, my favorite pear taste🍐. The gasiness and acidity are pleasantly stimulating and delicious. The oli is involved, and the more tangy aftertaste fades away and the finish is pleasant and intoxicating ☺️ The aftertaste is moderate, and I like the bitterness that is typical of sasanigori. This is very tasty. It was also good that the gasiness was lively on the first day of opening the bottle, but I was also curious about the changes in the bottle opening, and most importantly, it was so good that I wanted to drink it at home. However, there don't seem to be many stores in Kansai that carry it😌. I'll keep that in mind for a while, and if I go to a store that carries it, I'd love to buy some.
Hi Aladdin 🐦. chuin's selection is great ✨I see you also have a summer nigori 😳I would like to try the winter one as it was delicious at the event 😊I wonder if I could buy it if the Hankyu brewery festival was around this time of year 🙄.
Good evening, Pon 😃. Sasasamune is regularly on the menu at chuin-san, but this time it was especially delicious: ☺️ Sasamasamune, I see you are coming to the Hankyu Brewery Festival! Thanks, I'll keep that in mind!
I don't know if they come every time, but they did last year or the year before 😊.
Pon, thank you for your kind attention 😊. I will keep my antenna up in the hope that we will have another chance to meet in the future😄
Sorry again 🙏. I guess you can't come this time 😢 sorry for getting your hopes up 🙇💦.
Don't worry about it at all! I have too many sakes to drink 😁. Looking at the participating breweries, I've always been curious about Echigo Tsurukame's Echigo brand, so I was hoping they would bring some 😊.
Kin Suzumeしぼりたて純米吟醸生酒
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日本酒とおつまみ Chuin 新町店
At a standing drinking CHUIN sometime ago. It is a freshly squeezed Junmai Ginjo Nama-shu. It is freshly pressed and has been aged in ice for about two and a half years in the store. The appearance is yellowish green. The aroma of raw ripeness is in the air, and it has a light candy-like sweet aroma like a lingering scent of ginjo aroma. The taste has a tart texture. The taste of Kinjaku is irresistible from the first sip, with a balance of dark, fruity sweetness and acidity! It unfolds with a freshness that belies its two and a half years of aging. It is at its best at this point. From the irresistible taste, the acidity tickles the palate with a light stimulation, and then it is sharp and snappy. The finish is sharp, with a medium short finish. The flavor is just great. According to Mr. Kawada of chuin, if you don't need the aroma of fresh ripeness, it is recommended to drink it after around six months, even if stored in ice temperature. Personally, I don't need the aroma of fresh ripeness separately, but the depth of flavor is so great that aging may be possible. In the future, I would like to compare it with something that has been aged in ice temperature for a shorter period of time (although it will be a time difference). Thank you for the treat 🍶.
Good morning, Aladdin 😃Freshly squeezed 2.5 year ripeness is contradictory but fascinating 😆💕The fact that it still looks fresh at 2.5 years is because you keep it well in ice temperature, that's kind of amazing😍.
Good evening, Wakata 😃. I heard that the sake is aged at ice temperature in Lemacom, so it seems to be no different from normal storage 🤔The only difference may be the patience to be able to age it without drinking it 😁. Thank you for the opportunity to try some sake that I can't drink at home 😄.
Kozaemonお米の力 ひだほまれ 生生酒
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日本酒とおつまみ Chuin 新町店
At a standing drinking CHUIN sometime. Kozaemon rice power Hidahomare raw. The picture is a little out of focus, but it's not due to drunkenness but a technical problem 📷😌😌. The appearance is silver crystal. The aroma is blue melon with a sour freshness like plums. The taste has a jungly attack. Sweetness is also felt, but first the acidity comes forward quickly and spreads in the mouth, flooding the mouth with saliva. The spread of the acidity leaves a tingling sensation, while the dryness as it fades away is refreshing. A rather astringent taste remains on the tongue, and the aftertaste is rather short. It is indeed a sake of the power of rice, with the flavor of rice when swallowed and in the aftertaste! Thanks for the treat 🍶.
Jikon純米吟醸 朝日 火入純米吟醸
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日本酒とおつまみ Chuin 新町店
At a standing drinking CHUIN sometime. It is Jikin Junmai Ginjo Asahi Hi-iri. The appearance is a pale silvery yellow-green. The aroma is gorgeous and fruity, suitable for the expression "fragrant". It is pleasantly fruity with apple, pear, white peach, berry, and refreshing acidity. The taste is refreshing, but from a deep sweetness, a light sourness spreads immediately and develops into a sourness that includes acidity stimulation. While the fruity nature of the hint of aroma is unbearable, the acidity and alcohol feel sharp. The lingering finish is medium and gentle. As the temperature rises, the stimulation of acidity becomes gentler, and the fruity flavor spreads softly and fluently. I like Jikin, I like Asahi rice sake, and when it's Jikin Asahi, it's bound to be my favorite. Lately, I also like the calming aroma and flavor of the fire-aged version. Thanks for the treat 🍶.