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家で飲むのは日本酒のみ! 基本的に同じお酒は買わずに新たな銘酒を求めて酒屋通い。 1番好きなお酒は廣戸川にごり。

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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.
Yamamoto Check-in 1
Yamamoto Check-in 2Yamamoto Check-in 3
The last bottle of 2022 is "Do", which I have been wanting to drink for a long time. I managed to purchase it this year. It is sloppy like doburoku, but smooth and creamy. The aroma of green apple, the smooth sweetness, the chili-chili-gassiness, and the creamy but refreshing aftertaste are all good impressions. I don't like doburoku, but I like this one, but I think I will be full soon. 7.8
Yamamoto Check-in 1
Yamamoto Check-in 2Yamamoto Check-in 3
The last bottle of 2022 is "Do", which I have wanted to drink for a long time. I managed to purchase it this year. It is sloppy like doburoku, but smooth and creamy. The aroma of green apple, the smooth sweetness, the chili-chili-gassiness, and the creamy but refreshing aftertaste are all good impressions. I don't like doburoku, but I like this one, but I think I will be full soon. 7.8
Kirakucho Check-in 1Kirakucho Check-in 2
I bought my first sake during the ongoing Nigolympics. When the bottle was opened, it was lightly poussed, and I started with the supernatant. It had a fresh, light grapefruit-like sweetness and acidity, as is typical of nama-shu. When I stirred it, it was even more gassy. It is of course creamy, but the sweetness is not so much increased compared to before mixing, and the impression is rather dry. However, the overall volume is strong, and while it is a dark nigori sake, it is refreshing and well-balanced. I drank it with fried chicken with lemon, and it went well with it because it was not too heavy. 7.5
Koshinokagetoraにごり酒 生生酒にごり酒
Koshinokagetora Check-in 1
Koshinokagetora Check-in 2Koshinokagetora Check-in 3
I found an unfamiliar nigori sake and bought it. From the label, I thought it was going to be a sparkling sake, but it didn't sparkle at all. This alone was enough to put me off. I shook the bottle to mix the contents and poured it vigorously, but it didn't shrivel up at all. Label fraud...I bought it expecting it to be shwashy... The taste is not shwashy at all, but silky rice sweetness and 19% alcohol, which is strong in body, but not too strong and easy to drink. Delicious, but a little disappointing because it doesn't have the schwash that I expected. 6.8
Hirotogawa Check-in 1Hirotogawa Check-in 2
It was a new sake nigori, a big hit. It had been sitting in the refrigerator, but I couldn't resist and opened the bottle. It was almost overflowing with sizzle when we opened the bottle, but we were able to get it to stop after three times of opening and closing. It was so sweet and sweet-umami. It is sweet, sweet, sweet and delicious. It has a strong calpis taste. There is an astringent aftertaste, but there are no corners at all. The taste, aroma, and mouthfeel are all perfect for me. I will not give up my No. 1 sake this year. 10
GekkeikanTHE SHOT 大吟醸大吟醸生詰酒
Gekkeikan Check-in 1
I bought it for a little drinking after a long time. It has a mild umami taste and a dry aftertaste with a hint of rice sweetness. It is clear and refreshing at best, and thin at worst. But I don't feel bad about it, the thinness is pleasant. A little happiness to be able to buy it at a convenience store. 6.5
Koeigikusnow crescent純米原酒生酒無濾過おりがらみ
Koeigiku Check-in 1Koeigiku Check-in 2
The first Koei Kiku, I rushed to buy it when I heard about its arrival. I was right to open the bottle while holding the lid with my hand, and the cork blew off with a pop. It tasted sour and astringent like grapefruit juice. The alcohol content is 15%, but it feels lighter than that. There is a lactic acidity in the aftertaste, but it is light and smooth with a pleasant astringent taste. It is a fruity and easy-to-drink sake. 8.2
Tedorigawa Check-in 1Tedorigawa Check-in 2
From opening the bottle, it is shwashy, but not to the point of overflowing. When poured, it seems to overflow. When you put it in your mouth, you get a strong fizzy feeling, a little sweetness, astringency, lactic acidity, and a dry finish. As a nigori sake, it has some volume, but the overall impression is light. It is not too sweet, and the acidity is moderate, giving it a high overall strength. For some reason, it was paired with sashimi of inada, but as expected, it didn't go well with it! I had to stop the knob and chibi chibi. 8.6
Ippin Check-in 1
Ippin Check-in 2Ippin Check-in 3
I saw it for the first time at a liquor store and bought it. It was a dark, nigori (nigori-stained) type, and it was aluminium-sweetened. I thought it would spurt out because it was a draft sake, but it didn't shrivel up at all. I thought it would gush out since it was a draft sake, but it didn't shrivel up at all. Even when I turned the bottle upside down, the unrefined sake did not fall down at all! If you turn the bottle up and down for a while, it starts to mix and come to a shuwashu inside the bottle. You can tell that the sake has become thick just by pouring it in. The texture is also smooth. It is sweet and tasty, but sharp and crisp like an arosoe, and afterwards you can feel a sharp alcohol taste from the back of the throat. This is delicious. It has 120% of the goodness of Aruzoe. Creamy and full of umami, it is sweet but the overall impression is sharp and refreshing. I found a hidden masterpiece of sake. 9
Raifuku Check-in 1Raifuku Check-in 2
I bought it last year and enjoyed it so I repeated. When you drink the top clear part, it has a refreshing green apple taste. When mixed with other ingredients, the smooth sweetness expands and the green apple flavor increases. It is a gorgeous nigorizake that is not heavy, so you can drink it without hesitation. It is not like nigori sake, but it is very tasty. 8.6
隠れ作り Check-in 1隠れ作り Check-in 2
Doburoku, but as a reminder. I bought doburoku for the first time. It was very thick. When I put it in my mouth, I felt the texture like bubbles clinging to my tongue, then I felt the sweetness and the sizzle in it, and at the same time, the sourness gradually became stronger, and the rice glutinous substance remained in my mouth. The aftertaste is a hint of green apple. Yeah, I don't really like doburoku! I thought it would be good just because I like nigori sake, but I was wrong. It seems to get drier as time goes by after opening the bottle, so let's hope for that.
OCEAN 99純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過にごり酒
OCEAN 99 Check-in 1OCEAN 99 Check-in 2
This is the first nigori sake as Kangiku that has been talked about. I got the last one on the shelf. As the label says, it has a Calpis feeling, and as soon as the bottle is opened, it has a great Calpis soda feeling. Despite the low alcohol content of 13%, it has a solid body that is not fooled by the sweetness, but the mouthfeel is light and the refreshing sweetness lingers in the second half of the bottle. There is a part of me that has avoided regular Kangiku because it is too sweet, but this cloudy one is very well-balanced and delicious. The sweetness, combined with the lactic acidity, is not clingy, so you can drink it as much as you want. However, it is not so good that I can keep drinking it, so I think the current nigori sake champion is Snowball. 9
Yuki Daruma純米にごり酒
Yuki Daruma Check-in 1Yuki Daruma Check-in 2
Nigori Sake Season Opens with a Champion(?) Here is the king(?) of nigori sake. When the bottle is opened, it does not overflow, but it is very vigorous. When you put it in your mouth, it is creamy with a deliciously sour taste. The flavor continues with a hint of calpis, which is typical of nigori sake. The balance of the sake is good, as I thought. The sweetness is stronger than the year before last and the umami is stronger than last year. I feel like this is my favorite sake. If I were asked which sake I like best, I would have a hard time deciding, but if I were asked which sake I would drink without hesitation, I would say this one. 9.2
Denshu特別純米 生特別純米生酒
Denshu Check-in 1Denshu Check-in 2
It has been a long time since I have had tazake. I bought it because I had never had a draft sake before. It has a gorgeous pear-like aroma and a strong freshness. One sip, and yes, it is delicious! It has a fresh, apple-like sweetness that is more raw than regular tasake, sweet -> a little chili -> sweet -> umami comes up for a moment -> clear sweet and tasty to the aftertaste. I paired it with some smoked cheese I had in the fridge, which was a surprise: !!!! It goes 10 times better than I expected!!!! I felt the smell of the smoke was so strong that it was happily lost on both of us. The drink itself is delicious. 8.7
Yoshidagura u石川門純米山廃
Yoshidagura u Check-in 1Yoshidagura u Check-in 2
I bought a bottle of Yoshida Kurau, one of the most popular sake that I have not been able to drink for a long time, since the autumn sake season is over. The aroma is light, and the texture is smooth on the tongue. It has a smooth, silky sweetness and a light gassy feeling. There is a good amount of fullness until you feel the gas, but from there it fades away light as if it were low-alcohol. The face you see in the first half and the second half is completely different. It is not thin by any means, and the second half is very clear and light. There is a lactic acidity in the aftertaste, but overall it is clear and refreshing. Is this modern Yamahai? It was as delicious as the rumors say. 8.3
Hououbiden Check-in 1Hououbiden Check-in 2
Here is the first new sake of the season. Fresh, fruity aroma typical of Hououmida. It has a youthful, muscat-like sweetness, with the astringency of new sake, yet it is round and the sweetness expands to the aftertaste. It is easier to drink than regular Hououmida with its unctuous sweetness. Delicious. 8.3
Shichiken Check-in 1
Shichiken Check-in 2Shichiken Check-in 3
I put it down for a bit but opened it today. I am not a fan of Shichiken, but it always tastes better than the price, so I have high expectations. It has a light mouthfeel, with a slight sweetness from the umami of the rice, but it quickly turns dry and sharp. It is clear, but also has a lot of umami and is very well balanced. It seems to go well with both Japanese food and cheese with a lot of umami. As expected from Shichiken. 8
Aramasa Check-in 1Aramasa Check-in 2
Aramasa Check-in 3Aramasa Check-in 4
I was surprised to find a bottle of Amaeru at a liquor store I frequent. It was sold in a set with an expensive sake, but I bought it without hesitation. I didn't expect to be able to buy it. The cap is now a screw type, so I guess it is no longer half full when opening the bottle, which I have heard about. I opened the bottle little by little and it took about 2 minutes to open the bottle, so the difficulty level was low. The aroma is of yogurt and orikara, so I guess that's it. When I poured it into a glass, it was so fluffy that it almost overflowed. It was completely like champagne. The strong acidity is like a white wine. It is easy to drink, with a fine gasiness and a silky sweetness, but not too much. What impressed me the most was the strength of the body, which I could not believe it was 9%. It is not thin at all, but rather thick. It has a pleasant umami with acidity that is typical of a sake yeast yeast yeast, and it goes down the throat clear and without any cloying taste. Yes, it is too good. Preferable to No.6. 9.5
みちこざくら Check-in 1みちこざくら Check-in 2
The price is 4,400 yen, including a donation of 1,500 yen to the Yuki Brewery. Even without the donation, it is still expensive. If it's 2900 yen for a four-pack, it's almost the same as my favorite, Yamazakura Momo, which costs 3000 yen. How does it taste? It has a yellowish color and a thick texture. It has a Yui-like sweetness, followed by a light acidity and a slightly stronger astringency. It has a flatter impression than Yui, but the astringency is stronger, so it has a good cohesiveness. The sweetness and umami of Omachi is in full bloom, so although it is flat, it is still very drinkable. It was delicious. However, I think it is expensive even if it is priced at 2,900 yen. 6.8 Considering the price, I give it this rating.
Buyu Check-in 1Buyu Check-in 2
Grape-like aroma upon opening the bottle. From the first sip, there is a gorgeous sweetness, followed by a refreshing acidity and astringency. Overall, it is wrapped in a mellow umami flavor, and although it has the calmness of hiyaoroshi, it is not heavy and is very easy to drink. The refreshing aftertaste is very nice. 8