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家で飲むのは日本酒のみ! 基本的に同じお酒は買わずに新たな銘酒を求めて酒屋通い。 1番好きなお酒は廣戸川にごり。

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I am late to the party, but I bought it again this year. My summer's mainstay. It is one of my favorites among nigori. It is refreshing and light despite being a nigori sake, and is extremely delicious with the creaminess of nigori in it. The only drawback is that it takes about 10 minutes to open the bottle, but of course, it is strong and shuwa shuwa. It is refreshing and perfect for summer. It is basically a sweet calpis soda, but the bitterness is not monotonous, and that is one of my favorite points. It is delicious. 8.8
Senkinクラシック 亀の尾純米生酛原酒無濾過
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I have wanted to drink this classic Kame no O for a long time. I had seen it on the market but could not buy it due to bad timing, but finally I was able to buy it. It is naturally more restrained than modern Sentori, but the moment it touches the tongue, it is sweet and acidic. It is a little bit sweet and sour at the moment it touches the tongue. It is like Sentori, but both sweet and sour are restrained. However, the umami flavor hits you just before you swallow it! While the overall structure is light, the powerful umami spreads out in a way that is typical of Kame no O. It is not high in rpm, but the torque is effective. It is not a high RPM, but a torquey flavor. Kame-no-o is really good, I like it. 8.8
Shinshu Kirei山恵錦 純米吟醸純米吟醸
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I went on a trip to Nagano in GW. I was planning to go to Ueda City, so I went to the city. There I found a sake brewery. Kamerei? Kamerei in Nagano means Shinshu Kamerei? I immediately jumped in and found it was also Shinshu Kamerei. There was a sake brewery in Ueda City, wasn't there? I am ashamed to say that I had never heard of the Okazaki Sake Brewery before. One bottle per person, only this brand was sold, but I bought it without hesitation. They accept cash, credit card, and PayPay. I immediately put them in a cool bag. The hi-ire version is only available at the brewery. The aroma is restrained, as is typical of hi-ire. It has a chili sensation when you put it in your mouth. It is easy to drink, with a smooth sweetness and a little astringent acidity. It is fresh despite being fire-brewed, which is typical of Shinshu Kamerei. It may lack impact, but it is a well-balanced sake. I felt like I got a good deal because I could buy a Shinshu Kamerei without aiming for it! 8
Good morning, moto-san 😃. Okazaki-san is the one you all go for! You have a great sense of smell of alcohol that you unknowingly encountered ⁉️ at Ueda Street Browsing 😄This must have made you feel good 🤗I want to go back 🥹.
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It has been a long time since I have had a modern Sentori. I think it was the first time to drink Omachi. This is the sweet and sour taste of Sentori. It also has the sweet-savory taste of Oumachi. However, the acidity is very effective, so you don't feel the harshness of Oumachi. I tried it with sushi, but as expected, it didn't go well with it. It would go well with caprese, or on the contrary, fried chicken. The light bitterness in the aftertaste gives the impression that it does not let the drinker down. Sentori is definitely a good choice. 8
Nito純米 山田錦六十五純米
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Overall, it is refreshing. Can be felt from light mouthfeel -> sweet -> acid -> sweet -> astringent. Interesting, but it seems too refreshing. It's tasty, but I think it's not enough for me. 7.4
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Fruity aroma, not unlike Hirotogawa. Muscat type. A sip...mmm...sweet! Juicy. The sweetness is as strong as the aroma, and the air pocket of flavor that comes just after swallowing, where the flavor is suddenly taken off the tongue for a moment, then the umami and a little astringency are felt and the atmosphere is voluminous. There is also a bit of acidity and a thick flavor. Although it is a nama-zake, it is not fresh, but rather has a sense of heaviness that stands out. It is a modern sake that is not like Hirotogawa, and it is delicious. It is delicious, but the un-Hirotogawa-like flamboyance might make you tired. I highly recommend people who are not used to drinking sake to try it. 8.1
Yamasan純米大吟醸 山恵錦純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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My favorite liquor store recently started carrying this brand. I have never heard of this brand, it is a sake from Nagano. It is smooth, but has a strong sweetness, like a mild pear flavor, but after that it is smooth and light overall. It is a beautiful 40% sake. Even so, the aftertaste has a strong sense of umami and a little astringency, making it very satisfying. It is a very clear and delicious sake. 8
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A classic solid for a long time. Is this the first time I've had it raw? Grapefruit aroma, silky on the palate. It may be classic compared to modern solid, but it still tastes modern. Sweet and sour, like biting into a grapefruit. It is fresh and a little rough as if it is a new sake. I wonder if it is? I paired it with mackerel miso, but I don't think it's very good. Although it is a classic sake, it would be easier to match with Western food. 7.7
Fudo辛口 吟醸 にごり吟醸原酒生酒にごり酒
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I didn't know there was a recently popular immovable, muddy. And it's a muddy type, I like it. I heard it is alsobe, but I wonder what it is like. After mixing the sludge, I opened the bottle. When you put it in your mouth, you will feel a fine shuffle, and like Doroncho, the umami of rice will hit you with a bang. After a little time has passed since it was poured, the bottom of the cup is not a sludge but a meringue, which is a strange sensation. 8.2
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I was able to buy this one again this year. The bottle was very quiet when opened, and when poured into a cup, it was like a doron-doron. As usual, it is smooth like Doburoku. When you put it in your mouth, it has a strong carbonation. It has the sweetness of rice, but it is very dry and creamy. It is easy to drink because it is not too sweet, while still having the richness of the original Calpis. The only drawback is that it's too thick and it fills up your stomach. I don't like Doburoku, but I still like this one. 8.6
Hanaizumiもち米四段仕込み 純米吟醸にごり酒純米吟醸にごり酒
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I like nigori sake. I chose a sake that I have never had before. The sweetness spreads from the moment you put it in your mouth, probably because it is made from sticky rice. It is not Calpis, like nigori sake, but Aquarius. It is not Pocari, either. The sweetness is not sticky, and the aftertaste is refreshing. It is a light, gobbled-up type of bottle. 7
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This is the one I got as a souvenir. Hana-no-Mai, I only knew it from Izakaya. The aroma is a little floral, and there is a slight alcohol smell. It is described as dry, but when you put it in your mouth, the sweetness of the rice comes out in full force. The umami is strong, as indicated by the description "rich", but it is not a big bang, but rather a gentle umami that can be felt around the tongue. However, it is generally thin. And there is a slight sourness. It is delicious, but there is nothing like it! There is nothing that I can say "this is it". It is not a modern taste, but it is easy to drink. But it was given to me by someone who is not familiar with Japanese sake, so it was not well preserved. It is highly likely that the sake was left in the car, so I can't rate it.
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I was disappointed that I missed out on buying the first batch of Hirotogawa nigori sake, and then I found this one. This one reigns as one of the top three new sake nigori available for purchase. Every year it is delicious, how about this year? Perhaps it was because it was well chilled, but the opening sizzle subsided after waiting three times for the bottle to rise. When you put it in your mouth, it's a fully carbonated schwizzle, immediately dry-eyed sweetness to apple-level sourness, and a silky sweetness with a touch of creaminess. The body is so light and easy to drink that it is hard to believe that it is a 14% sake. It is lighter than last year's. The satisfaction is still the same. The sense of satisfaction is the same. The sweetness seems to have increased a little. Anyway, it was a bottle that did not disappoint. 9.5
Buyu純米吟醸 直汲み 無濾過生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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I bought this sake because it was a new sake, even though it is often not to my taste. Fruity aroma. When you put it in your mouth, it has a chirichiri, smooth sweetness. And astringent taste. Like a light grapefruit juice. 7.3
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Fruity aroma typical of Omine, with a bit of milky-ness from the origami. In the mouth, sweet astringency and juiciness prevail over a cloudy feeling. The usual Omine is a little silky. Delicious. It's a little bit like a high-class Oumine. However, it did not exceed my expectations. 7.5
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I had not been able to drink it because the liquor store near me did not have it, but I was able to go to the Kakinuma Sake Shop one day and finally bought it there. It has a gorgeous aroma. The aroma is what you would expect from a sweet and tasty sake. The moment you put it in your mouth, it has a clear sweetness, followed by a strong acidity that is typical of a sake brewed from a traditional sake yeast stock. It is beautiful, but it has a wild flavor. Maybe it is because it is made from the traditional sake yeast yeast. It is light at 14 ºC, but it is not insufficient. The aftertaste is astringent and tight. 8
Yuki Daruma純米生酒にごり酒
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Snowball, the king and mainstay of new sake nigori, is captured again this year. When we opened the bottle all at once, we thought it would overflow with sizzle, but it did not overflow just in time. I thought it would overflow, but it didn't. Even though it was chilled well, I think it was a little less shwashy this year. The aroma was juicier than last year. Unlike the aroma, this year's is drier. The sizzle was stronger than the impression I had when the bottle was first opened. The acidity is also stronger than last year's. It has a strong sense of calpis, but the sweetness is moderate. It is dry but creamy, delicious, but I would like a little more sweetness. 8
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A mini bottle of Toyama souvenir. It is said to be dry, but I guess it is just dry. It has a slight sweetness and a light taste. It has a sharpness, perhaps because it is alky, but the overall taste is bland. 5
Kid純米吟醸 しぼりたて純米吟醸生酒
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The first new sake of the season is from Kido. 1320 yen, right? This price is too cheap for a junmai ginjo. It is a little chirpy and stimulating on the palate. It is fresh and refreshing with a strong sweetness and a youthful astringency. It is an easy-drinking new sake that is typical of Kido. It has a light taste while still having flavor, and although the acidity is not strong, it would be good with Western food. It would be good with cheese, for example. It is a light type of so-called modern type, but I don't dislike it. 6.8
Izumibashi秋とんぼ 山田錦純米生酛
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Powerful aroma like Yamadanishiki. A little muscat-like. A sip... Wow! What is this? The aroma is unimaginable, but the flavor is so good! The area around the swallow is a bit astringent, with a slight sourness. It's a flavor bomb, like eating a rice ball. It brings out the power of Yamada Nishiki. Many dry Yamada-Nishiki sake are sharply made, and I had a strong image of that, so I imagined it would be sharp from the +11 labeling, but it was completely different. I drank it cold, but I think it needs to be heated up. It tastes even better now that it is getting colder. 8.3