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Tenbi純米吟醸 うすにごり 生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒にごり酒
Tenbi Check-in 1Tenbi Check-in 2
First time at Momoten Katsu, long time no see Tenbi. The stopper blew out just by removing the stopper💦. The aroma is peachy and pear-like. When poured, it has a great shwash. When you put it in your mouth, it goes from refreshingly shwashy to sweet and sour. Not in a bad way, but there is a freshness like biting into a fresh cheap grapefruit. I mean it's not heavy. It's less cloudy and creamy, more juicy and light, with a bitter aftertaste so it doesn't feel dull. Tenbi is well put together. The acidity is strong, so the balance of the sweetness is not tiring. I think it tastes even better because of the strong schwashiness, but I'm also curious to see what happens when the schwashiness is removed. 9