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2023年途中にあった突然の職場の人事異動以来、相変わらずほとんど土日の休みもない激務の仕事に追われています😰 そのため、あまり呑める時間もなく、皆さんの確認もあまり出来ません。 そんな感じなので、気の向いた時に、気楽に見てくださいね😚 でも、呑み続けることは諦めません🤤

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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


Kinoenemasamuneはなやか 匠の香純米吟醸
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This sake won the 2022 Kura Master Platinum Award and the 2020-22 Wineglass Delicious Sake Award "Premium Junmai Category" Gold Award 😋. It is clear and has a yellowish tint. It has a rummy aroma. The acidity jumps in and is moderate. Sweetness and bitterness spread from the tip of the tongue to the back. The acidity remains in the ua jaw and the back of the tongue. Always filled with freshness and freshness, it's like after drinking a Ramune 😋 just intoxicating 😰.
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When poured, it is clear and slightly yellowish. The aroma is strong and fresh. It penetrates the nose. There is a faint aroma of sakekasu (sake lees)! The taste is mainly astringent and acidic. The taste is cloudy. It is like drinking a very refreshing amazake with almost no sweetness 🤤. It is refreshing and light. I can't think of any sake that is similar to it. As you drink it, it becomes more complex. It's astringent, bitter, and pungent. The spiciness comes out with the complexity 😋. On the third day, the sweetness became more pronounced and the sweetness spread throughout the mouth with a brown sugar-like sweetness and a little bit of astringency on the ua jaw 😚.
YukinomatsushimaKAI-ひとめぼれ- 無調整純米原酒無濾過
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This is probably the first time I've had snowy Matsushima. I have been curious about it, but have never had a chance to drink it, so this is my first time 😎. The sake I will be drinking is Junmai Harazake Umi KAI - Hitomebore - Unfiltered and Unadjusted, which won first place in the Junmai Sake category at the SAKE Competition 2023! When poured into a glass, the color is a shade of color that you can't tell if it's there or not. There is no turbidity. The aroma is not so strong that you can barely smell it. A firm acidity spreads through the glass. It is delicate but you can sense its strength 😊. The freshness is emphasized and there are no peculiarities. It has no peculiarities, so you can't help but keep drinking it 😰. When I drank it after about 3 days, the acidity remained strong and the flavor became clearer. The astringent bitterness is widespread, followed by freshness and sweetness 🤤. When you drink it, you can feel the spiciness at the throat. The sake's character is now well expressed 😋.
Chitosetsuru新蔵 初仕込純米吟醸
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On my way home from work, I happened to pass by an antenna store in Hokkaido, and I was so curious that I finally bought one 😰. Sake made with Hokkaido Rice Award 2023 It is a prize-winning sake in the professional and distribution restaurant category. The aroma is refreshing. It is fruity. It has a slightly yellowish color. Transparent. It has a juicy mouthfeel, with a fruit juice-like flavor spreading out, sweetness in the center of the tongue, bitterness at the back of the tongue, and acidity spreading out gradually on the tongue. As you continue drinking and the temperature settles down a little, the taste of rice appears in the aftertaste. The sweetness also increases 😚. As you continue to drink it and pour it anew, the complexity of the flavors also begins to emerge 😚. Complexity, spiciness, and acidity, it's a strange change that deepens the flavor 🤤.
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On my way home from work, I spotted it in a temporary store space at a transfer station and bought it on impulse 😰. I had never heard of this drink. When poured, it has a slightly yellowish color. The aroma has a ginjo aroma. Slight acidity. The spreading flavor is like lightly salted squid 😎. The aftertaste is glossy and slightly sweet, like grilled squid 😚. I can't think of a slightly similar sake 😉.
Good evening, Mr. Mori😄. This sake brewery is the family home of actor Kuranosuke Sasaki, isn't it? I've never had it, but it sounds a little peculiar 💦.
Good morning, T.KISO ☺️ I see 😳 The taste is indeed a bit peculiar to me 😎.
Yauemonけさしぼり 新米 新酒純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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I was able to purchase it for sale the same day it was squeezed 😎 This is the first time in my life that I have had freshly squeezed 😊. The aroma is fruity! It's like a very refreshing melon 😋. Pouring it into a sake cup, it is slightly cloudy. It has a slight yellowish tinge. When I sipped it, the acidity came into my mouth strongly. It is slightly carbonated. The taste of shiitake mushroom soup stock is at the back of the tongue, while the spiciness is not too sharp 😁. It has only been about an hour since I bought it home, so I think it is probably at the stage where the flavor has not settled down. When I tasted it at the store, it tasted like an alcoholic sweet sake with a less cloudy taste and less sweetness. When I started drinking it again with this in mind, it became glossy and flavorful, with a slight sweetness and dashi-like taste that made me enjoy the aftertaste. ☺️ On the second day, it was refreshing to drink, and the acidity was quieter and more delicate than on the first day. The sweetness first spread from the tip of the tongue to the entire mouth, and as it reached the back of the tongue, a bitter taste was felt at the back of the tongue. The fruity sweetness remains on the tip of the tongue. It is youthful and refreshing 🤤.
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The aroma is not very assertive. It is a refreshing type 😋. The acidity spreads. It's a delicate acid. It is juicy. ☺️ The taste is sweet and bitter. The sweetness is not intense, but it is powerful and stays throughout the mouth 😉. After finishing the drink, it leaves a refreshing feeling in the back of the throat 🤤. The other day I had a chance to try Tenkei at the first tavern I went to and I liked it, but I couldn't find a store that sold it, so I finally found it and was able to drink it 😁.
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It is clear and has a slight yellowish tinge. It has a fresh, wood vat-like aroma. On the palate, the taste of the wooden vat and the acidity spread. It is very fresh and fills the mouth 😉. As you continue drinking, the flavor increases and it is as if you are drinking soup stock 😋. A glimmer of bitterness at the back of the tongue, sweetness spreading to the middle of the tongue, and a glossy, thin sweetness entwining with the tip of the tongue. This is how it is described in detail, but when you put it in your mouth and take a quick sip, it tastes a little thicker with a mixture of shiitake mushrooms and dried bonito broth. It is so flavorful that this is good on its own, and the knob gets in the way. It is recommended to be warmed to lukewarm, and I warmed it up, but I messed up and turned it down to 50 degrees 😰. Acid, sweetness, umami, and a slight spiciness in the back of the throat! Thanks, it tastes like some kind of soup 😋. We regained our composure and had it lukewarm. The impact of the flavor was the strongest. It is like a soup of yam and kelp. The broth is very strong and the pungent taste spreads to the back of the throat 🤤. The expression changes a lot depending on the temperature 😎.
Ryusei活濁酒 八反 2022生酛
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I got this 😚. There was a buildup of oriel at the bottom of the bottle, so I mixed it up a bit before opening the bottle and it overflowed 😅......... The aroma is refreshing. I'll take it 😚. The strong schwash and casual bitterness jumped out at me. The schwash is powerful. The slight taste of rice comes straight through strongly 😎. After that, the sweetness spreads pleasantly too. I feel even more glossy 🤤. It's as if you are tasting and eating rice 😁.
Aramasaコスモスラベル 秋櫻 2022純米生酛
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I haven't had a break from work for a while and this will be my first holiday in a while, so I'll take a new policy today that I can relax and enjoy 😚. Cork open~! The aroma is almost imperceptible. When I put it in my mouth, the freshness jumped into my mouth. The taste is elegant or understated, and I can't really describe what flavor it is. However, it does have a sense of fruit juice 😋. A slight sweetness, followed by a bitter taste at the back of the throat. I want to feel the taste clearly, so I keep on drinking it. But I can't identify the taste 😰. I'm sure it's delicious 😅. It's dangerous 🤤.
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It's a perfect Jacket ❗ I had it while imagining a fruity drink. ...... Refreshing aroma. Slightly yellowish. I would say the taste is melon-like, but it has a melon-like flavor with rice and a strong kelp-like aroma in the mouth. It is acidic and has a pungent taste with some miscellaneous flavors 😉. The aftertaste has a glossy feeling on the tongue, pungency on the back of the tongue, astringency on the tip of the tongue, and the lingering taste is like the aftertaste of drinking Yoshinoya's miso soup 😎. On the rocks, you can feel the freshness and the aroma of rice. The taste emphasizes the sweetness and umami and leaves a glossy feeling on the upper jaw 😚 It's quite easy to drink 😅. Try it with carbonated water and you can drink it without any resistance 🤤. Not sure what flavor it is❗. It's like drinking some kind of broth 😁.
Senkinあかとんぼ 2023原酒無濾過
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I was able to get it again this year at my favorite liquor store, just in time for the first shipment 😎. I'll have some 😉. Sweet and white grape-like aroma 😋. The acidity and astringency came in first on the palate. I can taste the flavor near the white grape seeds 😚. I enjoyed the grape juice throughout, and the sweetness showed a glimpse of sweetness momentarily at the back of the throat. I drank it while looking for other ways to describe it, but this is full grape juice 🤤.
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When I was on vacation, I bought this "star" at a local liquor store near where I was staying 😎. I was curious to open the bottle as it was my first sake that I knew nothing about! Clear liquid with a slight yellowish tinge. When you put it in your mouth, the acidity and sweetness come first 😚. While I was enjoying the sweetness, a bitter taste spread to the back of my tongue 😎. As you drink further, you feel sweet and spicy. There are no complex miscellaneous tastes, and the simple and straightforward flavor is enjoyable 😋.
Tenmeibangeyumenokaori origarami ichibi 蔵薔薇
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It is the sake of Fukushima to be continued 😎. I've had a few sakes from Akebono, but this is the first time I've had this fancy label. Refreshing aroma. Light, white wine-like mouthfeel! That's how it feels when it touches the tip of the tongue, but it gradually travels down the tongue, revealing a sweet taste, followed by a pungent and astringent taste at the back of the tongue 😋. The sweetness is a light wasanbon. It has a hint of acidity. If you drink it quickly without putting it in your mouth, it remains light and refreshing, like the aftertaste of eating sweet mandarin oranges 😋. There is no unpleasantness or resistance, so I keep drinking it 🤤.
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I will continue to have sake from Fukushima 😉. I also liked and purchased this Ippo-self at the recent Fukushima Festa in Yurakucho. I will have it. First a good acidity 😎. Then a taste like a mixture of shiitake mushroom and dried bonito flakes dashi 😚. Followed by a light wasanbon sweetness! Just when you think your whole tongue is enveloped by this sweetness, it turns creamy, and finally bitter and pungent taste appears, but the creaminess still envelopes your tongue 🤤. Is this really sake? It tastes like it could be called dessert 😋.
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This is the commemorative 300th check-in! We had a hard time deciding which sake to decorate the 300th milestone with, but we decided to go with a sake from Fukushima Prefecture, where we have many preferences. The other day, there was a Fukushima Festa in front of Yurakucho station, and I completely fell in love with Minamiyama after tasting it. Bon appétit 😉. It has a slight yellow tinge and a melon-like aroma. In the mouth, it tastes like melon! It tastes more like pulp than juice 😚. After that, the back of my throat was filled with astringent bitterness. As it calms down a bit from the cold, the sweetness increases, and a taste like wasanbon wraps around your tongue 😋. It is a light sweetness that is not unpleasant, but there is still a distinct sweetness in the center of the tongue. In addition, there is a flicker of bitterness on the tip of the tongue 😁. If you like sweet and fresh flavors, I think you'll love this 🤤. On the second day, the acidity became more assertive and there was a pungent aftertaste. It's a type of wine that you can also enjoy the changes 😚.
熊谷 朋之
Good evening, Yasuo Mori! 😀 Congratulations on your memorable 300th check-in, and congratulations on being Fukushima's Minamiyama! Back to you! Interesting taste 😁. I would like to drink it too. 👍
Congratulations to Yasuo Mori on 300 check-ins 🎉㊗️ very tasty looking review ❗️ I love Aizu sake, but I've never had Kaito Otokoyama 😳I'd like to try it now ❗️
Hi Tomoyuki Kumagai 😚. Thank you very much! The danger is that you'll never get bored and keep enjoying it because the flavors are changing and strong all the way through 😅.
Hi Manachy! Thank you very much 😁. I am ashamed to say that I had no idea about Kaito Otoko Sake Brewery. I can recommend this delicious 🤤.
Hi Yasuo Mori 😃 Congratulations on your 300 check-in ㊗️㊗️㊗️ with your favorite Fukushima sake 🍶 🎉Good taste review ❗️ sweet fresh from dry looking! I'd love to try it 🤗.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 😚. Thank you so much, I'm so glad you enjoyed it! This was my first time drinking a drink that I knew absolutely nothing about and I thought it would taste old-fashioned from the looks of it, but it has defied my expectations and I have come to love it😍.
Good evening, Yasuo Mori 🎊Congratulations on your 300 check-ins 🎊Checking in to a new brewery with your favorite sake! I'm sure you will find many more good sakes in the future😊.
Yasuo Mori Good evening 🎉🎉 Congratulations on 300 check-ins🎉! New discovery! It's fun and exciting to meet new sake, and if it's good, it's great! And if it's good, it's the best 🤣 I can't stop because of these encounters.
Good evening, Hirupeco 😉. Thank you very much! There are still a lot of sake that I don't know about, so I'll keep finding good sake 😎.
Good evening, Koizo 😆. Thank you very much! You're right 😁. I'll keep looking for delicious new joys to discover 😋.
Sari風凛 東郷ノ蒼空ニ吹ク風純米大吟醸
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This is the first time I've had Furyin! It is clear with yellowish tint! The acidity is effective! It's like a slightly carbonated soda 😋. The spiciness is followed by a melon juice-like taste. Dry melon juice without sweetness? Soda type flavor? But dry base. The tongue is covered in a fresh cream-like flavor sheen 🤤. And a lingering dry edamame aftertaste. I may not know what you are talking about for a moment, but it's a strange taste that I can't think of any similar sakes 😋.
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It was in our refrigerator, but I don't remember when or where I bought it 😱. And I'll take it without worrying about that ✨😌✨. What surprised me a bit was the screw cap, which is thick and thin. There was no resistance at all when opening it, it was really sealed? It feels like it was really sealed. When poured, it is a clear yellow color. The aroma has an aged smell that I don't like. The first dive was a clear, refreshing feeling with acidity! Then the taste of matured rice spread across the palate. On the tongue, there is a thick umami flavor. The spiciness, sweetness, and finally astringency appear while a sense of gloss is transmitted to the back of the throat. The taste is rich, like sea urchin mixed with honey, and it makes you groan with deep flavor 😋. Three days after opening the bottle, the peculiarity is gone and it has turned into a drink full of freshness 😚 Sweetness, astringency, and bitterness appear all at once, leaving a lingering taste in the mouth. Seems like it would be better to let it sit for a few days 😉.
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I pushed up on the crown and it came out vigorously and spontaneously 😁. Fresh, melon-like aroma, clear and colorless! Juicy, juicy and full of juice! Melon-like flavor with a touch of sweetness, followed by an astringent taste! Then a powerful sweetness (not necessarily melon) at the back of the throat 😋. It leaves a glossy finish in the mouth 😉. I just mumbled "yummyyyyyyyyyy!" 🤤.
Good evening, Yasuo Mori. Masayo is delicious 🎵. I want to drink it someday ✨. I want to whisper "yummy!
Hi Yasuo Mori 😃 Is this your first masayo ❗️ I like your expression that it leaves a glossy taste in your mouth 😊. Please try the other masayos too 👋
Good evening, ma-ki-. It is really delicious. It is definitely one of the best drinks I have had 🤤 that I can recommend.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby! I'm totally in love with Masayo's 😋. If I ever see it, I'll try it all over 😉.
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When the rubber holding the stopper was removed and the crown was pushed up, the crown lifted up with a nice sponking sound, and a white smoke came out faintly. When I poured it, I found a colorless liquid surrounded by fine bubbles. It has a slight aroma of rice. The taste was fresh in the mouth with a thin sweet and sour taste accompanied by a firm acidity 😋. The umami and astringency spread evenly throughout the mouth, giving you a solid sense that you are drinking it. The more you drink, the more the sweet and sour taste and umami increase 😅.