Personal preference.
Sweet☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ dry
Pale yellow
Ginjo aroma ◯ White grape
Ingredient aroma x Raw rice
Aged aroma x
Other x
Mainly bright ginjo aroma
Sweet Fat Mellow
Bitter x Light
Umami x light
Same as Kamitachiko
Slightly short
≪[Distinctive elements
Strong sweetness and acidity
Like a sweet white wine
[Classification by flavor characteristics]
Sake with aroma
Refreshing sake
Mellow sake
Mature sake
Aroma: Strong sourness.
When you drink it, it is sweet, sour and juicy!
It tastes so strong that one might think it is a fruit wine. The taste is so strong that you might think it is a fruit wine.
Many people compared it to a white wine. Many people compared it to a white wine, which is understandable.
I happened to have some cheese at home, and it was good. On the other hand, I don't think it goes well with Japanese food such as soy sauce or boiled vegetables.
But this is also the charm of sake, isn't it?
I bought 300ml of it when I went back to Niigata 😊I wanted to drink it ✨I also have a small size to try 🍶.
The taste is characterized by sweet and sourness, and it definitely has a yogurt feeling! The acidity is strong, and if you reduce it a bit, it gives the impression of being similar to Sogapale Efis ✨.
I think it's really delicious and it's like a wine, not a sake 😋.
I recommend it to those who are not good at Sake or want to drink something different every once in a while!
Strange taste💦.
It's like drinking sweet apple cider vinegar 😓It's not bad but it tastes good as a juice. I wonder if the pairing makes it taste good as a sake 😅?
But I was impressed by the wide range of sake 👍.
I didn't know this kind of sake existed 😳.
I heated it up and it was even more vinegar 😅.