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2023年途中にあった突然の職場の人事異動以来、相変わらずほとんど土日の休みもない激務の仕事に追われています😰 そのため、あまり呑める時間もなく、皆さんの確認もあまり出来ません。 そんな感じなので、気の向いた時に、気楽に見てくださいね😚 でも、呑み続けることは諦めません🤤

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This sake won the gold medal at the Delicious Sake in a Wineglass Award 2023. It has a slightly yellowish color. There is a slight aroma of fruit juice with sweetness. The taste is sweet and acidic, with a slight astringency in the face, and the sweetness spreading to the back of the throat is like papaya😍. After a little bit of drinking, I also noticed a bitter taste on my chin. The sweetness remains pleasantly on the tip of my tongue throughout. It is not a sticky sweet taste, so you can continue drinking pleasantly. As it cools down, the sweetness increases. It is still like papaya 😁. The sweetness without stickiness keeps you drinking without giving up 😋.
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Only once a year at this time of the year😊. This year we will be able to purchase it safely. Melon-like aroma with a strong flavor. Pleasant acidity! Overall, I can feel the freshness 😉. The light, slightly bitter, melon juice-like flavor followed. There are no corners, and the taste leaves a good amount of juice and a slight astringency 😋. I'm so glad I bought it this year 😆.
Yasuo Mori Good morning! I'm glad you caught the beetle safely 🤩I couldn't drink it last year either, but I caught it yesterday and it's waiting in the fridge 🤤I wanted to drink it even more after reading your report 🤤.
Hi Yasuo Mori 😃 I got the rhinoceros beetle! Good for you 🤗 we have one waiting in our fridge too 😊I wanted to jump on the acid dive ‼️ expression 😆.
Hi Koizo, Hello ☺️ It's ok to expect. Have fun 😋.
Hi Jay & Nobby 😚. It's a nice, pleasant acid 😋. If you're not careful, you'll finish it in no time 😵.
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This is the fourth bottle I am receiving to support Ishikawa Prefecture, albeit in a small way. This sake was also picked up at the Ishikawa antenna store in front of Tokyo Station, where 100 yen will be donated to Ishikawa Prefecture and 100 yen to the Ishikawa Sake Brewers Association 😊. When poured, it has a yellowish color. Like a pale gold! I'll take it 😉. The acidity jumps in first. Then the astringency, umami, and sweetness appear, and in the second half, the spiciness and sweetness dance 😊. A simple way to describe it is that there is a slight sweetness to the slight carbonation and the rice flavor appears at the end 😋. After opening the bottle, work gets busy and after five days or so, the sweetness increases and the astringent bitterness overlaps, followed by the freshness that makes it enjoyable. As the temperature settles down, the sweetness becomes sweet and spicy 😉. The color has deepened too 😎.
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Fresh aroma 😚. Light on the palate, the acidity jumps in 😁. The freshness spreads to the back of the throat as it is. No peculiarities or dullness, just freshness as it is 😊. Finally, a slight astringent taste appeared at the back of the throat and a bitter taste was felt at the back of the throat 😎. On the third day, the flavor became thicker. The bitterness and sweetness spread pleasantly along with the acidity 😉. The tongue is wrapped in sweetness for a while. There is no unpleasantness or dullness. This is the taste of the crop 😋.
Aramasaエクリュ 2023純米生酛
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I have had this white label ecru before, but it is not on my record at Sake-no-wa. I don't remember when I drank it or what it tasted like, so I will have it for the first time with a sense of anticipation 😉. It smells very fresh 😚. A jump of acidity! Not too delicate, not too rough, pleasant acidity. Then a slight sweetness. I imagine that the plum-flavored candy is very light. (Like a light tasting little plum. Can you tell 😁) The light taste does not mean it is weak, but it is firm and stays in your mouth clearly. While drinking it, it is also glossy all the time 😋. As I continued to drink it, I could also feel the wood vat feeling. I always think of this when I drink Colors, but there are no corners or other sticking points, so I can drink it naturally and without any resistance at all 🤤.
Hi Yasuo Mori 😃 The one we got before was labeled with a darker color 🤔I didn't know there was a white label 😳Light Koume 😁 easy to understand 👍But Koume... haven't seen it for a while...
Hi Jay & Nobby, ☺️ Glad you understand Koume 😁. Yes, it is. What happened to Koume?
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It was left in the room at room temperature for more than half a year, so I was wondering if it would be okay to eat it 😁. It was served warm. When poured into a sake cup, it is clear with a slight yellow tinge. A solid and delicate jump of acidity 😚. The taste of rice spreads to the upper jaw while a pleasant spiciness appears on the tongue with no sharpness 😁. It was awarded the highest gold medal in Japan's largest national heated sake contest in 2022. There is nothing to hold you back while drinking it, so you just sip and sip and sip like you would a cup of tea 😋. It is easy to drink 🤤.
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On my way home from work, I happened to find a store where "Saku" was readily available, so I bought it whenever I saw it, and now there are three kinds lying around in our refrigerator. The first bottle is a Junmai Daiginjo 😎. When poured, it is clear with a slight yellow tinge. It has a fresh, gorgeous aroma with a hint of sweetness 😉. I will have a sip. Very delicate acidity and sweetness on the palate. It is a pleasant sweetness without being cloying 😋. The taste is not muddled and the mouth is full of freshness 😊. When you swallow it with a little vigor and gulp it down, a slight bitterness appears in the back of your upper jaw. Then a freshness lingers in the back of the throat and leaves through the nose. The sweetness increases as the temperature settles down 🤤. It went very well with beef stew as a side dish 😁.
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This is the third bottle I am receiving to support Ishikawa Prefecture, albeit a small one. For this sake, which I picked up at the Ishikawa antenna store in front of Tokyo Station that has been featured on TV a lot lately, 100 yen will be donated to Ishikawa Prefecture and 100 yen will be donated to the Ishikawa Sake Brewers Association 😊. I think I saw somewhere that it is recommended to be heated or room temperature, so I had it lukewarm to top warm 😎. When poured, it has a slight yellow tinge. The aroma is like sweet and spicy. The acidity jumps in. As I gulp it down, I get a spicy taste 😳 at the back of my throat. When I regained my composure and took my time to taste it, the weak sweet and sourness was followed by an astringent taste, which was then followed by a savory taste that spread out and the savory taste left my nose 😁 with a lingering astringent taste in the center of my tongue 😏. On the second day, the acidity became more assertive, and both the savory and sweet flavors became clearer. The sweetness is like thin ice sugar. The astringency appears in the center of the tongue when drinking slowly, and in the back of the throat when drinking in gulps. The assertion is still more pronounced than on the first day.
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I've never had a hassle with Gagakuyo before! I'll take it with high expectations 😎. I pushed up the crown and it lifted with a swoosh. It smells very refreshing and is clear and colorless. Bon appétit 😉. In the mouth, after a soft jump of acidity, a thin grape juice (Muscat type) like flavor spread out, an astringent bitterness appeared at the back of the tongue, and then the tip of the tongue was enveloped by a glossy and discreet sweetness 🤤. It's a modest taste from start to finish 😋. I feel fresh 😁.
Good morning, Yasuo Mori 😃. No hassle for Masayo-san! The weather in the second half of GW is perfect for drinking the day: ☀️ 12.5 degrees with this goodness is Swissy blinky 😋.
Hi Jay & Nobby, ☺️ You're right, there's no hassle! I couldn't stop gulping it down, partly because I'm not very drunk, and it didn't take long .........😅
EmishikiSavour the flavor生酛生酒
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It's been a long time since I've had a Laughing Season. It's a limited brew, and it's not just Namemoto, it's called Koshiki Namemoto 😊. The yeast is Sakura flower yeast 😏. I'll have some 😎. It has a strong fresh aroma. Colorless and transparent. When poured, fine bubbles filled the gulp for a short while. The mouthfeel has a gentle acidity and gorgeousness 😚. The faint taste is cherry 😉. A thin, slight sweetness appears on the tip of the tongue, and finally there is also an astringent taste at the back of the tongue. The taste has no corners at all from start to finish, so it is pleasant and not unpleasant 😋. It is a strange sensation. It is not a reaction to a characteristic partial taste that makes you say, "Yum! but the overall gentle flavor is what attracts me 🤤.
Good evening, Yasuo Mori 😃. I was curious about Savour the Flavor since Mr. Takeshima, the brewer, mentioned it as one of the best sakes of the season on the recent Instagram Live of Laughing Four Seasons 🤤.
Aladdin, it's been a good morning to you 😁. I see 😳 I don't say "yummy, yummy" out loud, but rather I savor the taste and naturally mutter "it's so good" 😚.
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Clear and colorless. The aroma is very refreshing 😎. The acidity is moderate in the mouth, and a refreshing, sour-like flavor develops, and sweetness appears at the back of the maxilla. Then, the sweetness envelops you all the way to the tip of your tongue. It is like a lychee with a firm sweetness. ☺️ Freshness continues throughout😍. As I continued to drink, a nice bitterness appeared on my upper jaw and the tip of my tongue 😚. I can't stop drinking it 🤤.
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It is clear with a slight yellowish tinge. Soft acidity, a bitter taste spread to the upper jaw, and a slightly sweet yogurt-like taste on the tip of the tongue. The bitterness spreads as I continue drinking, but it is pleasant because it is never unpleasant, and this emphasizes the pleasantness of the yogurt-like flavor. As the temperature settled down, the flavor became more and more pronounced. But even as it gets stronger, it is moderate and pleasant. From the nose, the aroma was like when containing yogurt 🤤. A little strange 😁.
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Although the cherry blossoms have fallen, we will enjoy it while contemplating the cherry blossoms. Since it has been sitting in the refrigerator for a while, the cormorant has sunk and is transparent. The aroma has a hint of sweetness 😉. The acidity and glossy flavor jumped out at me. The bitterness spreads with a sense of freshness, and the upper jaw is left with a taste like melon juice with a hint of sweetness 🤤The base has a taste of rice 😉. Easy to drink as always 😅. When I stirred in the cage, it started to have a shwashy feel to it. The taste is refreshing and the bitterness has diminished 😎. On the second day, I had it mixed with ori. The acidity is very fine and delicate. And the mouthfeel is glossy 🤤. It is still like a light melon juice with a low sweetness 😍The rice feeling has faded from the first day.
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It's a small thing, but it's the second one to support Ishikawa Prefecture. The crown was pushed up and slipped out with little resistance 😁. The aroma is fresh and not strong. The color is clear and slightly yellow. I'll take it 😉. The acidity is clear 😏. The mouthfeel is very refreshing, not to say it is thick, and it goes all the way to the nose. It is soda-like freshness. It also feels fresh 😚. However, by the time it goes down your throat after you take it in your mouth, spiciness, astringency, and bitterness appear on your tongue, accompanied by the rice flavor of Hyakumangoku No Shiro. On the chin, something like the taste of Hyakumangoku-no-shiro remains 😎 It is pleasant because it is not unpleasant 😋. On the third day, the taste changed, a little sweetness appeared on the palate, followed by pungency, astringency, and bitterness 😁. I feel that it has become easier to drink 🤤.
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I have drunk Garyubai before, but it was so long ago that I cannot remember when. This is the first such memory of Garyubai made by Honorifuji. I will take it with high expectations 😉. It has a refreshing aroma with a hint of acidity. It is clear and has a slight yellowish tinge. A very delicate jump of acidity! A bit thin, but a sweetness like apple honey juice emerges, followed by a sense of freshness that spreads from the center of the tongue all over the tongue 😋. There is also a glimmer of spiciness in the aftertaste. As the temperature settles down a bit, a glossy feeling emerges, but there is no unpleasantness or peculiarity in the flavor, and the fruit juice feeling remains. On the second day, the flavor that jumps out at you is more like a rummy. It's a refreshing, light, thirst-quenching flavor that makes you gobble it up 😋.
Kaga no Tsuki〈満月〉純米吟醸
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Is there anything I can do to support Ishikawa Prefecture? I bought a bottle of sake that was on sale temporarily at an antenna store of Ishikawa Prefecture at a transit station. I will enjoy it while wishing for the reconstruction and restoration of the area. When you open the bottle, it smells sweet and spicy 😉. The color is clear and yellowish. I will drink it. After a dive of acidity, I thought the melon juice would spread, but at once my tongue was covered with astringent bitterness 😁. Then sweetness appears and spreads 😋. At the same time, the back of my throat is hot and spicy. The aftertaste is like the aftertaste of eating melon. Even if you think it tastes like melon all the way through, it doesn't become a distinct melon taste. As the temperature settled down, the sweetness and umami became more pronounced and the astringent bitterness faded 😎. On the second day, when it is chilled to a crisp, you don't taste the astringent bitterness at all, it is as if you are tasting bonito broth after a light melon flavor 🤤.
AramasaNo.6 S-type純米生酛
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Shinsei No.6 S-type after a long time Fine bubbles 😚 when freshly poured. Slightly colored. I can smell the aroma of citrus juice. Sourness, delicate acidity, and freshness all jumped out at me at once 😚 followed by a glimpse of bitterness 😊. As I continue to drink it, it is like tangerine juice with a little bitterness and not too sweet. It's fresh all the way through 😋.
Hyakujuro干支の酒 辰純米大吟醸
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When poured into a sake cup, it has a slightly yellowish color and a very refreshing aroma. In the mouth, it is full of freshness😍. The flavor is modest. There is a slight umami flavor, followed by a bitter taste. The bitterness and umami remain on the tongue 🤤.
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The aroma is sweet-sour and fresh. It has a yellowish tinge. I'll take it 😉. Very refreshing. Acid dive! Moist and fresh. ☺️ The sweetness flowed over the tongue and spread to the back, followed by a bitter taste at the back of the tongue😎. The sweetness is very moderate without being clingy, so you can't stop drinking it 🤤. As the temperature settled down, the flavor became thicker 😚. On the second day, the first taste is bitterness. Then it becomes acid, fresh, fruity, and enjoys a good sweetness 😋.
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It's clear and colorless and smells gorgeous 😁. At first you feel soft acidity and freshness. Then a gentle mellow sweetness spreads in the mouth, and finally an astringent bitterness appears at the back of the tongue, and the bitterness flows down to the tip of the tongue 😎. Anyway, fresh and soft all the way through ☺️ It keeps my mouth moist 😋.