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Normally, Mimuro Sugi is stored at -5 degrees Celsius for freshness, but this "hiyaoroshi" is aged at 5 degrees Celsius for six months, with an emphasis on moderate flavor. The aroma has a melon-like ginjo aroma. The low-temperature aging process harmonizes the balance of Omachi's typical sweetness, richness, and fine acidity, and the juicy extract spreads in the mouth while disappearing nicely at the throat.
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The natural lactic acid bacteria brewing process gives it a fresh, acidic, juicy taste! As each day passes, the sake's true potential is enhanced, so you can enjoy its ever-changing flavor! From Mr. Toji Yamamoto When cold after opening the bottle, the flavor is subdued, sharp and clean, and the taste is closed. If you like it, enjoy it as it is. If you feel it is too young, leave at least half the bottle and keep it in the refrigerator for one week with the cap tightly closed until it clicks. After that, take it out of the refrigerator and wait for the temperature to rise a little before drinking. The original flavor and sweetness of the sake should have opened up and it should be ready to drink. We also recommend heating it up."
Jikon東条山田錦 火入 2023
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My favorite winemaker, Tadakatsu Onishi He brews with a pure and strong spirit of "not being stuck in the past, not being stuck in the future, but just living in the present moment to the fullest. The sake is brewed with a pure and strong spirit of "not being stuck in the past, not being stuck in the future, but just living life to the fullest in the present". Jikon is a famous sake brewed in Nabari, Mie Prefecture. This is the first brewing (limited to one tank) of the 2015 brewing year, and is made from 50% polished rice of special A district Yamadanishiki from Tojo, Miki City, Hyogo Prefecture, which is the standard for Daiginjo. Yamadanishiki is produced by farmers in a number of regions. This is the highest quality contract-cultivated Yamada-Nishiki among them.
Jikon吉川山田錦 火入 2023
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My favorite winemaker, Tadakatsu Onishi He brews with a pure and strong spirit of "not being stuck in the past, not being stuck in the future, but just living in the present moment to the fullest. The sake is brewed with a pure and strong spirit of "not being stuck in the past, not being stuck in the future, but just living life to the fullest in the present". Jikon is a famous sake brewed in Nabari, Mie Prefecture. Following last year, the 2015 brewing year will be limited to a single tank of 50% polished rice of special A district Yamadanishiki produced in Yoshikawa, Miki City, Hyogo Prefecture, which is the standard for Daiginjyo. Yamadanishiki is produced by farmers in a number of regions. Among them, the highest quality Yamadanishiki is used for the brewing process.
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The impressive label "Erwolf" features two wolves dressed in rabbit costumes. The concept is "wolves in rabbit skins pretend to be rabbits and brew sake. This is a limited edition autumn product brewed in a different style each year, designed with a new idea that is not usually produced by "Ni-Rabbit". In other words, you can only taste this flavor once in a lifetime, now. The theme for the 2024 "Erwu" is [low-polished]. Aiyama rice from Hyogo Prefecture is used at 80% polished rice. While bringing out the best of Aizan, this junmai sake is made with a low-polishing process that is typical of Futaragi. It has a gentle and elegant aroma reminiscent of pears and citrus fruits. It has a smooth aroma and a pleasantly gorgeous flavor. The mouthfeel is soft yet thick. The juicy sweetness reminiscent of white peaches and the light acidity unique to Aizan form a beautiful flavor profile. The taste is typical of Nitoshi, which successfully combines richness and lightness. After swallowing, it has a slightly bitter aftertaste that makes it easy to drink. This wine is exceptional when paired with a variety of foods, especially with cheese.
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The acidity is high due to the power of lactic acid bacteria during brewing. This sake has a strong acidity like lemon, a fruity taste of grapefruit, and a beautiful yet deep flavor unique to "sake yeast". In order to bring out the characteristics of the yeast, the sake is bottled unfiltered and unpasteurized.
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Junmai Daiginjo-shu made from 100% "Sake Mirai" rice developed in-house. It has a fresh fruity aroma like La France and melon. The refreshing bitterness reminiscent of citrus blends with the gentle umami of "Sake Mirai" and leads to a refreshing aftertaste.
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ALPHA is a popular series of Kaze no Mori sake brewed in Gosho, Nara Prefecture, and we are proud to introduce "ALPHA1", the starting point of the series. The theme of this product is "the door to the next chapter. Akitsuho rice grown in Nara Prefecture is used at 70% polished rice. It is brewed in the Bodai-moto brewing method, with an eye to creating a sake that is both light and full in flavor. This is a bottle with new possibilities for Kaze no Mori that anyone can enjoy. Please enjoy it well chilled. The aroma is refreshingly sweet like muscat. The citrus-like atmosphere can be felt at the back of the nose. The light, fresh, slightly effervescent mouthfeel is typical of Kaze no Mori. The fruity sweetness and voluptuous flavor of banana and melon that spreads from there, along with the acidity derived from bodiedomoto, brings a pleasant thickness and freshness to the taste. After swallowing, it is refreshingly crisp and easy to drink.
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This year's "Nakadori Unfiltered Nama Sake Only the best "Nakadori" is bottled. Tsurugi Aiyama" is the seed of "Aiyama" produced in Mima City, Tokushima Prefecture. This is the second brewery, after Miyazumi Meizumi Brewery, which brews "Sharaku," to produce this rare sake rice. Incidentally, the owner, Yajima, was more surprised and pleased than anyone else when he heard that this sake rice would be used to brew sake. The core of the taste is the refreshing effervescence unique to nama-shu, the sweetness that melts away, and the beauty of the lingering aftertaste. The quality of the sake, which is even better than last year, is of a high level of perfection that even the brewer praises.
NabeshimaClassic Harvest Moon純米
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Nabeshima hiyaoroshi is Harvest Moon. At the heart of this sake's flavor is a moderately ripe rice flavor, interwoven with ripe grapefruit and herbal tea notes that remind us of the autumn season. Surrounding it are the lustrous nuances that only Nabeshima can offer, along with a subtle gasiness that is also full of captivating charm. While Nabeshima's regular sake such as special junmai and junmai ginjo are excellent, this seasonal sake also offers a stable view of the world of Nabeshima with the ripeness of autumn and the perfect accompaniment to meals, making it a convincing choice.
Kamonishiki荷札酒 黄水仙純米大吟醸
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While the regular lineup of sake is released with an alcohol content of 15%, Kisuisuisen is an ambitious product that challenges the low alcohol content of 13%, which is said to be difficult to produce. Parallel double fermentation is one of the characteristics of sake production, and raising the alcohol content is rare even from a global perspective and requires a high level of skill. However, in recent years, an increasing number of breweries have been releasing sake with a lower alcohol content for various reasons. The sake industry has been increasingly aware of the importance of sake as a food sake, and the need for lower alcohol content in consideration of quantity, impact, and health. On the other hand, simply diluting the alcohol content and shipping the sake tends to result in a flavor with no extension, low viscosity, and a watery taste. For this reason, the release of sake in its original state has become the mainstream. On the other hand, the yield is low, and the technical skills required are high and costly. In this context, Kafusake Hwangsuisen, with its aggressive release and exquisite taste, is a sake that people keep coming back to drink again and again. It is light, yet retains its sake-like flavor and tropical impression. It has a seductive pineapple-like aroma and a dancing muscat-like flavor.
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Autumn-aged ROMAN, with a roundness and depth that has increased after more than six months of aging. The mountains surrounding the brewery gradually turn yellow and red. Just as the rice in the paddy fields spreading throughout the village gradually turn golden. As the seasons change, so too does Juroman slowly mature in the brewery, deepening its flavor. It is a romantic sake that has become rounder and deeper over time, and is now available in the fall.
Hello. Thank you for drinking sake from my hometown, Minamiaizu Town!
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TENBU" is a sake named after the pursuit of deliciousness. We have been making sake in pursuit of deliciousness by facing the climate of Kagoshima and putting our heart and soul into it. Our goal is to create a sake that is perfect for eating. The sake is a soft-tasting food sake that fully brings out the flavor of the rice while expressing a harmonious and seamless finish with "sweetness, spiciness, acidity, bitterness, and astringency" all working in unison. The deep aromatic quality gives a floral impression of peony, with subtle hints of cotton candy and banana wafting through the air with a sense of unity. The gentle sweetness, modest acidity, and the dense grip of nourishment, each in perfect equilibrium, give a beautiful sheen to the palate and lead to a refined clarity on the finish.
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A variety of rice called Manzai is used at 70% polished rice. It is a carefully brewed, calm, fire-brewed sake. Manzai is a historic variety that was dedicated at the time of the Taisho era (1912-1926) to the "Otamesai," a ceremony held on the occasion of the Emperor's enthronement to pray for a good harvest and the peace of the country. At the time, the Okazaki area was selected as a field to cultivate Manzai for the dedication at the Omame Festival, and thus this sake rice has a strong connection with the Okazaki area. Its cultivation had ceased at one point, but has been restored after 100 years by volunteer farmers in Okazaki. Although it is a rice, it is considered to have excellent sake brewing qualities and is as good as Omachi. This is a bottle brewed with a special rice that has a strong connection with the local Okazaki area. We recommend pairing it with savory grilled meat dishes. Muscat aroma wafting softly in the air. A grain-like aroma can also be detected from the back. From the mouthfeel, which feels mellow and mild, a full-bodied flavor and a sweetness that extends as if enveloping the palate. The light acidity, slight bitterness, and grain-like nuances give it a complex impression. After swallowing, a sweet aftertaste lingers softly in the mouth, and then fades away nicely thanks to the sharpness created by the acidity.
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Sake brewed by female toji, Mayuko Kita, and gaining a reputation in recent years Juicy and fresh is the theme of this sake. As the name "Jyuwa-Jyuwa" suggests, it has a fruity, mellow aroma like muscat and white grapes, and a fresh sweetness and flavor that spreads in the mouth. It is brewed with "Yamadanishiki" and "Ginbuki" rice polished to 50%. Gizamon Kita, the first brewer, began brewing sake in 1820 in Yokaichi on the Koto Plain in Omi Province, where Omi rice is harvested in abundance. The brand name "Kirakucho" was named in the hope that customers would enjoy drinking sake and live long lives.
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Gensai, named after Harunaka Tanaka, a retainer of the Aizu domain during the Edo period, is based on the concept of "brewing Aizu. All the rice used is locally grown in Aizu. It has a mellow aroma and a clear, fresh sweetness that is refreshing. The moderate fullness is pleasant and smoothly lingers on the palate. The juicy, clear, and smooth taste is an item that our president has given his stamp of approval.
Takachiyo59Takachiyo AI-IPPON愛山・一本〆純米吟醸生酒
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"This nama-shu is 'grape'" "For the first time, I felt a sense of fruit in the "59takachiyo" series, instead of the "takachiyo" series, which is a fruit-inspired series. This sake has a harmony of sweetness and aroma, with just the right amount of acidity and clarity. It has a very smooth mouthfeel, just like fruit juice itself.
Utashiro試験醸造 白麹
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This time, the young brewers were divided into two teams of two, and they started a test brewing without President Kato, under the rule that they were allowed to ask questions up to three times about the brewing process, which they had never done in the past. The theme this time was "white koji," and we used koji that has never been used at Tenryohai before. Since we were completely ignorant about white koji, we searched for and read literature and received advice from brewers who are skilled in brewing sake using white koji, and we were able to create a beautiful sake with a quality that is typical of Garaugyo. The top aroma is a mild ginjo aroma. When chilled, the melon-like aroma is most noticeable, and as the temperature range rises, the aroma is more like that of ramune. The taste has little sweetness, and the citric acidity from the white malted rice gives it a clean and crisp aftertaste. It is recommended to drink it chilled in a wide-mouthed glass to feel the aroma. Please enjoy the fruits of this young brewer's new challenge.
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From Bikuyo, a famous sake brewery in Aki, Kochi Prefecture, we introduce "Junmai Ginjo Autumn Sake", a seasonal product. Matsuyama Mitsui from Ehime Prefecture is used at 55% polished rice. The sake is brewed in early spring and matured slowly to give it a seasonal flavor. It has a wonderful combination of softness and crispness, and is as lively as the cat on the label. The exquisite maturity makes it a perfect match for seasonal meals. Enjoy it chilled. Aroma Gentle aroma with a refreshing sweetness like citrus fruits. The fragrance has a refreshing atmosphere. Taste The clear taste of rice, brought out by the aging process, spreads from the mouth. The soft and light sweetness is accompanied by a gentle acidity and a sharp dryness that is typical of Miyuyo, creating a lightness. It is not too heavy, but has a friendly, relaxed and soft autumnal flavor. After swallowing, it has a refreshing crispness that makes it easy to drink as much as you like.
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AKABU, a famous sake brewed in Iwate Prefecture and popular throughout Japan, introduces "Kohaku", a seasonal product. The amber-colored label is impressive, as is the name of the product. It is carefully brewed using 50% polished rice from Iwate Prefecture and Iwate yeast. It is brewed with Iwate yeast and has a light alcohol content of 13%, making it a taste that can only be enjoyed in autumn. Enjoy it leisurely on a long autumn evening as the season gradually deepens. Aroma The aroma is sweet and calm, wafting softly. It has a gentle and calm fragrance. Taste Full-bodied flavor and smooth texture spread from a mild mouthfeel. The taste is thick, yet light, with a blend of sweetness that expands slowly and acidity that can be felt at the base. After swallowing, it has a softly lingering aftertaste and is easy to drink, disappearing quickly.