SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Utashiro試験醸造 白麹
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This time, the young brewers were divided into two teams of two, and they started a test brewing without President Kato, under the rule that they were allowed to ask questions up to three times about the brewing process, which they had never done in the past. The theme this time was "white koji," and we used koji that has never been used at Tenryohai before. Since we were completely ignorant about white koji, we searched for and read literature and received advice from brewers who are skilled in brewing sake using white koji, and we were able to create a beautiful sake with a quality that is typical of Garaugyo. The top aroma is a mild ginjo aroma. When chilled, the melon-like aroma is most noticeable, and as the temperature range rises, the aroma is more like that of ramune. The taste has little sweetness, and the citric acidity from the white malted rice gives it a clean and crisp aftertaste. It is recommended to drink it chilled in a wide-mouthed glass to feel the aroma. Please enjoy the fruits of this young brewer's new challenge.