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Hououbiden酒未来-Sake Future Project純米大吟醸生酛
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It's like a restaurant-only Ho'o Bida. It's a Junmai Daiginjo brewed from the sake brewing process using "Sakamirai". I have not seen this combination before. It is a special sake released in the recent difficult situation. I was expecting the glamour of Houou Bita, so I was surprised when I drank it. It's a very calm and elegant taste with a sweetness and deliciousness to it. I had the impression that it was complex and delicate.
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It's from a sake brewery located in the Funaya in Ine, Kyoto. This is a place I want to visit at least once. I found out about this sake through a TV program called "Sose Shokudo". It is made from ancient rice and has the color of rosé wine. The taste is sweet and sour, more like Shaoxing wine than rosé wine. There may not be many sakes that are similar to this one. This is a drinkable sake on its own, and I think it is good as an aperitif or after-dinner drink.
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This is another drink I've been curious about lately. Finally I was able to drink it. It's a sake from Higashimurayama, the home town of the late Ken Shimura. The light blue bottle is nice and summery. It's also fresh and juicy. It may have been a long time since I opened it, but I didn't feel much gas. I would like to try this drink again.
Kawanakajima Genbu幻舞 Mari純米吟醸
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The second type of outdoor drinking is "Kawanakajima Genbu Mari". This information alone is enough to identify the restaurant where we drank. This is a sake named after the female toji of Sake Senzano, who makes the Genbu series. It is a Daiginjo ori-garami unfiltered raw syochu liqueur, and it is enclosed in a funnel. It's quite fresh and fizzy. It adds more sweetness and flavor and is very juicy. The Genmai series is delicious, after all. By the way, the one next to it in the photo is the "yukata shape". The person I drank with today was drinking.
Denshu純米吟醸 彗星純米吟醸
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Drinking out for the first time since February. I will upload the drinks we drank at the restaurant. My impressions of the taste are more rough than usual. I'll write it down while I remember it. The first sake I drank was "Tazake Junmai Ginjo Comet". I saw a sake I was interested in at Sake-no-Wa, so I ordered it right away. A bright red bottle. Is it a "red comet"? It was very refreshing to drink. It had a good flavor. It was the best choice for the first drink.
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I drank the "Brewer's Kuheiji La Maison". It's a famous brand that needs no explanation. La Maison" means "house" in French, and it is the most famous brand in the Corona Perils. They released it with the hope that people would enjoy drinking it. Other than the fact that 100% of the raw rice is made from Omachi rice, no other specs are known, so don't worry about the details. I can hear the brewery's voice telling me to enjoy it without hesitation. The aroma gives a refreshing, citrusy feel. The mouthfeel is very light, but you can immediately feel the richness and flavor of the rice, which is typical of Omachi rice. At the same time, the sweetness, acidity and bitterness spread in the mouth in a complex manner, giving me a vaguely herb-like impression. The aroma reminds me of citrus fruits, which is similar to that of the Uyatika. When I thought of "brewer's kuheiji," I had an image of it being served in a restaurant. La Maison" is reasonably priced, and I think it goes well with simple dishes made at home. I felt it was exactly the kind of "brewer's kuheiji" that you can enjoy at home.
KameizumiCEL-24 純米吟醸原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒
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Kameisen CEL-24 Junmai Ginjo Genshu. It is one of the most popular sake with a full-bodied sweet flavor. There are many dry sake breweries in Kochi Prefecture, but this sake uses yeast called "CEL-24" to give it a rich aroma. The high and mellow taste of this Kamesen CEL-24 is what I was looking for. I've drunk it a few times before, but this was my first time to drink it properly. According to the information on the label, it has a -14 Nihonshudo, which means it is quite sweet. Uyatika has an aroma reminiscent of pineapple, with a fruity sweetness even before you drink it. The drink is very fresh, gassy and tingling on the tongue. As expected, it's juicy, sweet and sour, reminiscent of a ripe pineapple. It is. The slight bitterness is also like pineapple. It's quite sweet, but it's not an unpleasant sweetness and you can keep drinking it. The balance between the sourness and the flavor is very good, and I think it's because it has no bad habits. It's a mellow and fruity drink that was delicious. I would recommend it to people who like to enjoy Hanayo baths and the like. However, most of the kamesen except this CEL-24 are dry, so be careful when you buy them! Yes.
Kaitootokoyama純米大吟醸 山王純米大吟醸
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On a business trip to Minami Aizu, I bought "Sanno" from Kaiton Otokoyama Shuzo, at the same time as Kokugon, which I posted about last time. Kaiton Otokoyama Shuzo is a famous sake brewery that is well known to those in the know, but it has a strong image of being a local brewery, and is a liquor store in the metropolitan area You won't find it in the first place. So I buy it every time I visit. This time, I bought a Junmai Daiginjo that uses "Fukunoka," a newly developed rice suitable for sake brewing in Fukushima prefecture. It is. Slightly yellowish in appearance. It has a banana-like sweetness in the Ginjo aroma. It is common to all Minamiaizu Sake, but it has a very gentle taste. The water is soft. The taste is subdued in sweetness, refreshing and clear like water. I think it is the perfect sake to accompany the food and bring out the star of the show, perfect for evening drinks. On the second day after opening the bottle, the flavor came on and became even better. Sake that is rooted in the land and loved by the locals, it's great. I hope they continue to make this type of sake in the current diversification of Japanese sake. I didn't manage to capture the characteristics of the new sake rice "Fukunoka", so I'll be drinking more brands with Fukunoka in the future! I think.
This is the brewery where my classmates were born. Thank you for drinking it.
Nice to meet you, nabe. Thank you for your comment. I see that you did! I have visited the sake brewery in Nakaarai! It's a great place for sake and soba noodles.
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I went to Minamiaizu Town in Fukushima Prefecture on a business trip. Minamiaizu town is famous for its sake brewing, and there are many sake breweries in the town such as Kokon Shuzo, Kaito Otokoyama Shuzo, Aizu Shuzo (Kinmon Aizu, Yamano I) and Hanaizumi Shuzo (Kuchiman). This time we went to a liquor store in the town and bought a "Kokugon Junmai Daiginjo" on the recommendation of the owner. We had never seen this label before, but it seems to be an ale against the recent corona crisis. The brewer is in a serious situation, and we are bowed to them. The ginjo aroma has a gorgeous peachy feel to it. It's soft on the palate and comes in like water. As the rice is polished to 40%, the taste is clean and clear in the beginning. However, as it goes down your throat, the aroma and flavor of the rice spreads quickly. It is a big-boned sake with a full-bodied flavor that is typical of Kokugon while retaining the gorgeousness of a Junmai Daiginjo. I like Kokugon the best among Minamiaizu's sake. Whenever I drink Kokugon, I feel that I am drinking sake. I am thankful that I am able to drink sake as usual even in this corona ravaged area, and I want to drink it again today. I think.
If you are in Minamiaizu, please come to Kobayashi Brewery. My classmate Mari would like to recommend a drink for you. (lol)
Thanks for your comment, nabe! I bought this sake from Kyoya Sake Shop, but I've actually visited Kobayashi Sake Shop as well. I haven't met Mari, so I'll have to visit again when I'm on a business trip!
Takasago松喰鶴 純米大吟醸純米大吟醸
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Takasago is a new label started by Kiyamasa Shuzo, the brewer of Jikon. It is a sake that aims to be different from the now premium brand Jikyon. You can't buy Jikken on the internet at first, but this Takasago is available at the online shop. It was. Due to the specs of the Junmai Daiginjo, the price was a bit high. Moderate and gentle ginjo aroma. Gentle and elegant on the palate. There is not much sweetness, but a dry impression. The acidity is clean, but the condensed umami is characteristic and I think it is a good umami sake. It's not flashy, but it's elegant and delicious. It is not flashy, but it is an elegant and delicious sake. I think it is better as a sake-in drink than a stand-alone drink. The taste changes quickly. After an hour or two after opening it, the sourness became stronger and it became a completely different drink. This was disappointing, as the initial taste was great. Nevertheless, the taste is well-balanced and complete, and I felt that this is the brewery that brews Jikon. If you drink it expecting to taste like Jikon, you'll get a "what? You might think that it's a good idea, but it's firmly on a different track and delicious. The label has only been around for a couple of years, so I'm looking forward to seeing more of it in the future.
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Hachinohe Sake Brewery, famous for Mutsu Hassen, releases a new brew called Natsu Doburoku every summer. It is called Doburoku, but it is not doburoku, but an active nigorikku. It is not doburoku, but an activated nigoroku sake, which maintains a high level of activity because the fermented moromi is bottled fresh and the yeast remains alive during the secondary fermentation process. It is delivered to you. The 69% milled rice ratio is probably a play on the word "Doburoku". It was fizzing in the bottle and spewing out if I opened it abruptly, so I opened it slowly and carefully. It was surprisingly reluctant and took about 10 minutes, but I was able to open it without spilling. A mysterious sense of accomplishment even before I drank it! LOL! Since it is a nigorizake, it looks pure white and has a lot of fine, crispy bubbles. There is almost no aroma. As soon as you put it in your mouth, the sparkling carbonation stimulates the inside of your mouth. It has some sweetness, but it's drier and easier to drink than I expected. The aftertaste is sweet like a pear and the fruity flavor slowly spreads in the mouth. It was as powerful as the impact of the name "Doburoku". I was also surprised at how fizzy it was, even though there was no carbon dioxide gas injected into it. I was reminded once again of the fundamental power of yeast.
Sharaku純米酒 一回火入純米
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I bought the Collage's year-round product, Junmaishu. I had the Junmai Ginjo the other day, so I decided to try the Junmaishu one while I still remember the taste. The reason why I bought it was because it was expensive. It has a unique aroma of cemedine. Maybe because it was so cold, I didn't feel the sweetness so much at first. The sweetness gradually opens up as the wine approaches the "Mere Old Man" and is balanced by the acidity, and the melon-like It has a juiciness to it. It also has a very nice bitterness in the aftertaste that pulls the whole thing together. It was more subdued and subdued than the Junmai Ginjo. At first sip, I felt the Junmai Ginjo was better, but I could drink it all the way through without getting tired of it. I think it's this junmai sake. This one seems to go better with food. In any case, the Collage is delicious. I want to continue to drink it regularly.
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たまには変わったお酒も飲んでみたくて、川鶴酒造さんの「讃岐くらうでぃ」を買ってみました。これはアルコール度数6%のにごり酒で、通常の3倍の量の麹、しかも白麹を使用しているお酒です。また、丸亀市の郷土料理「骨付鳥」に合うお酒として開発されたという側面も持っている、個性的なお酒です。 にごり酒なので見た目は真っ白。香りはほとんど感じません。 口に含んだ瞬間、グレープフルーツのような甘酸っぱさ。3倍白麹由来のクエン酸と思われます。アルコールも全く感じず、これはほぼジュースでは?と感じるほど。 後味がどことなく甘酒っぽく、この時初めて日本酒を飲んでいることを意識しました。 この日は暑かったため、最初の一口をごくごく飲んでしまいましたが、ビールと同程度のアルコール度数なので全然平気でした。さらに炭酸で割ったり、氷を入れるなどして味を薄めれば、さらに飲みやすくなると思います。(そのままだとちょっと甘すぎかな) 日本酒が苦手な人にも勧められるお酒です。ただし、大体の日本酒とはかけ離れているので、ここから日本酒に入っていくのは難しそうですね。
Haginotsuru裏萩の鶴 生原酒原酒生酒おりがらみ
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数年前に出張で仙台を訪れた際に現地の居酒屋で飲んだことを思い出し、この「裏萩の鶴」を買い再び飲んでみました。 見た目はうすにごりのお酒らしく白濁しています。 香りはりんごのような爽やかな香り。 口当たりはとてもフレッシュで微炭酸。生酒らしいピチピチ感があります。 新鮮なりんごのような甘み酸味があり、ラベルの通り可愛らしい印象の味わいです。 後半には苦味渋みが出てきて、後味をきゅっと引き締めます。 飲み進めるうちにおりが絡んできますが、若干渋みが増すような印象を受けました。 萩野酒造さんはこの他にも「めがね専用」や「猫ラベル」などユニークな商品が多いですよね。ユニークなだけでなく、しっかり美味しいので、人気があるのも頷けます。
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ここ最近、低アルコールの原酒にハマっていて、土田酒造さんの「ツチダクラフト12」を買ってみました。これも12度の低アルコール原酒になります。しかも生酛造りになります。ラベルには「ポテトサラダ•酢の物•チキン南蛮」が相性の良い料理として書かれています。ここまで書いてくれるのは非常に嬉しいことで、蔵元さんの気遣いを感じますね。 酸味の強さを感じる爽やかな香りが特徴的です。飲み口は非常に柔らかく、するりと入ってきます。 味わいはメロンのような甘さが際立ちますが、同時に爽やかな酸味も感じます。ラベルを読むに、生酛由来の乳酸であったり、酒造りに使用している白麹由来のクエン酸が絶妙な具合に効いていて、全体的にはカルピスのような味わいになります。 また、2日目になると、その酸味が強く出てきますが、これもまた有りだな、と思いました。 全体的なイメージとして、先日飲んだ新政No.6のH-typeに似た印象を受けました(もちろん細かい部分は全然違いますが)。飲みやすさの中にもコクがあり、飲んでいて非常に楽しいお酒でした。
RyozekiRz55 特別純米 Summer Emotion特別純米生酒
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「楽器正宗 雄町×山田錦」をオンラインショップで購入する際に、この「Rz55特別純米Summer Emotion」を抱き合わせで購入しました。Rz55というのは、「両関」と「精米歩合55%」を意味しています。今回は日本酒度-2.1のものを買いましたが、日本酒度+6.5の辛口バージョンもあるようです。 見た目はうっすらと黄味がかっており、おりが入っています。 香りは夏酒らしく非常に爽やかです。口に含むとフルーツのような甘みがきます。同じ両関酒造さんの「花邑」や「翠玉」の上品な甘みに比べると、ストレートな甘みの印象です。程よい酸味も感じます。 序盤は甘みが強いのですが、終盤の苦味によってスパッと切れるので、非常にすっきりとした後味になります。 また、飲み進めるうちにおりが入ってくるので、当初のフレッシュ感に加えて、コクを感じるようになりました。 生酒らしい瑞々しさがあり、夏酒として楽しめました。両関酒造さんは「花邑」や「翠玉」が注目されていますが、この2つとは異なった路線のお酒です。両関酒造さんのお酒はどれも美味しいですね。
KazenomoriCome Again純米原酒生酒無濾過
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完全予約限定の「風の森•Come Again」を飲みました。「お客様に日本酒のあるところに帰ってきてほしい」という蔵元のメッセージが込められた商品だそうです。 開栓するときに栓が勢いよく飛びそうになり、このガス感はやっぱり風の森だなーと思います。香りは洋梨のような穏やかな香りです。口に入れたときの弾けるようなガス感はさすがです。最初に感じる味も、洋梨や青りんごを思わせるような甘みと旨み。フレッシュかつ凝縮された果実のような味わいです。ただ、その次の瞬間にはその味わいはすっと消えていき、次のひと口が欲しくなるようになっています。その結果、グラスに注いだお酒があっという間に無くなってしまいました。 やはり風の森は完成された美味しさがありますね。風の森ってどれを飲んでも安定して美味しいイメージがあるので、すごいです。ただ個人的には、typeによる味の違いまではまだ分からないので、いずれは分かるようになりたいです。
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「勝山•疫病退散」という、ちょっとユニークな名称•ラベルのお酒を買ってみました。アマビエ•アマヒコが印刷されており、仙台市泉区の二柱神社で祈祷を済ませたラベルが貼られているそうです。 ちなみに、勝山は世界的なワインコンテストである「IWC(International Wine Challenge)」や、フランスで開かれる日本酒コンクール「Kura Master」で最高賞を受賞しており、世界的な基準で評価されている銘柄になります。 香りはバナナ系の吟醸香。口当たりは滑らかで優しく上品な感じです。お米の旨みを感じながらも、甘みと酸味のバランスがちょうど良く、安心して飲める味わいです。後味の酸味とわずかな苦味がぶどうのようで、この後味によってワインに近い味わいに感じるのかなーと思いました。 新型コロナ流行の終息を祈願してリリースされた商品だと思いますが、シンプルに美味しかったです。さすがの勝山ですね。新型コロナは予断を許さない状況ではありますが、このまま終息に向かうことを祈っています。
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赤武の夏酒「SEA」を飲みました。アルコール13度ですが、純米の原酒になります。深い海を思わせるような濃い青色のボトルに、赤色の「AKABU」の文字がめちゃくちゃカッコいいです!これは保存しておきたい瓶ですね。 それほど強くはないですがバナナ系の香りを感じます。最初は口の中にすっと入ってきます。そして、ワンテンポ遅れてイチゴのような甘酸っぱさが口の中を支配します。ほのかにガス感も感じます。甘酸っぱさが中心ですが、赤武特有の伸びるような旨みもしっかり感じます。低アルコールでかなり飲みやすいのですが、その中にちゃんと赤武らしさを感じるのはやっぱりすごいなーと感服します。 いつものことですが、何日もかけて飲むつもりが、1日で四合瓶を空けてしまいました。それだけ飲みやすいお酒だったと思います。それでも低アルコールの薄い感じは全然無かったですね。この前飲んだ賀茂金秀13に匹敵するクオリティかと思います。個人的には、飲みやすい日本酒が増えているので、飲み過ぎに注意したいと思います。
Glorious Mt.Fuji星天航路純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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最近大人気の栄光冨士を飲んでみます。ここでも飲まれている方が非常に多いので、ずっと気になっていました。恥ずかしながら私は初めて飲みます。今回は「星天航路」を買ってみました。北海道の期待の星と言われる酒米「彗星」を100%使用した純米大吟醸無濾過生原酒になります。まず、ラベルの情報量から勢いを感じますね。笑 純米大吟醸らしい豊かで華やかな吟醸香ですね。無濾過生原酒ということで少し構えていましたが、思っていたよりも優しい口当たり。味は華やかで濃厚な甘み旨みが来ます。ほんのりとガス感もあります。後味は酸味と苦味があり、意外とすっきり。後味の酸味と苦味のためか、全体的にパイナップルの印象が強かったです。開栓2日目には旨みと苦味がより出てきて、当初のパイナップル感は少し薄れましたね。 今回初めての栄光冨士でしたが、華やかで芳醇な味わい、人気があるのも納得のお酒ですね!ただ、今回の星天航路は栄光冨士の中でもすっきりめの方だという話を聞いて少し驚きました。他の商品はもっと濃いのか…と。興味があるので、他のものも試してみたいと思います。