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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.
Senkin Check-in 1Senkin Check-in 2
I drank Sentry's hiyaoroshi "Akatonbo". It is a sake made by assembling "Kame-no-o", "Yamadanishiki" and "Omachi". I love the hand drawn Akatombo on the label! Sweet aroma reminiscent of a honey-filled apple. The sweetness immediately spreads through the mouth from a soft texture. It has a fruity sweetness like peaches and apples, but with the complexity of tea. I also found the bitterness in the aftertaste to be characteristic; by the second day, the complexity and bitterness I felt immediately after opening the bottle seemed to fade. Personally, I preferred the second day. Personal preferences aside, I didn't know that you can create such complex flavors by assemblage. It's interesting to me that you've followed the "Hope! I have a feeling that this will increase in the future.
Sara Check-in 1Sara Check-in 2
I have been wondering about this sake because I have seen it frequently recently. The name "Saira" seems to have a meaning of "coming from the land of the colors and a strange name sake". The stylish design of the label also attracted me. The aroma is subdued but sweet, like a banana. The mouthfeel is soft but also slightly fresh. It has a fruity sweet and sour taste like an apple with a hint of rice flavor. And yet, it was very clean from start to finish. This is a drink that can be drunk without any snacks. I would recommend it to people who like sweet sake. I didn't have any prior information so I was able to drink it in a neutral state, but it was better than I expected. To be honest, I was surprised to find this kind of sake in Saitama. I was surprised to find such a sake in Saitama. I thought it was the kind of sake that will be on the high road with Akatake and Kamonishiki.
Ugonotsuki純米吟醸 愛山 足立かき沼別注品純米吟醸
Ugonotsuki Check-in 1Ugonotsuki Check-in 2
I tried the Kakinuma Sake Shop's special order version of "Amago no Tsuki". It's a Junmai Ginjo using Aisan. Very refreshing aroma. The moment you take it in your mouth, you get a fruity, muscat-like feeling. It has a refreshing fruity aroma, but the sweetness is not so sweet, it has a refreshing impression. The bitterness makes the aftertaste refreshing and crisp. I had the impression that I could drink it without thinking too much about it, and before I knew it, it was empty. I thought it was a very sophisticated bottle.
hayashi純米吟醸 山田錦純米吟醸
hayashi Check-in 1hayashi Check-in 2
近所の酒屋さんで見かける度に異様な存在感を放っていてずっと気になっていたお酒です。一升瓶しか出ていないので中々買う決心が付きませんでしたが、意を決して遂に購入しました。富山県のお酒でラベルも似ているので、何となく勝駒を思い出します。 香りはメロンのようにフルーティ。 口当たりは非常にまろやかで優しいです。味わいはフルーティで程よい甘みときれいな酸味が特徴的です。そして後味にふんわりと旨みを感じます。常温に近づくにつれて旨みをより感じるようになりました。 非常に綺麗な味わいで「美酒」という表現がふさわしいお酒です。一升瓶で買っても後悔しない美味しいお酒でした。勝駒のように今後入手困難になる可能性大だと思います。
It's been almost a week since I opened it, but it still tastes great. I know you're persistent, but it's definitely a "buy" even in a bottle.
Aizuchujo特別純米 生貯蔵酒特別純米生貯蔵酒
Aizuchujo Check-in 1Aizuchujo Check-in 2
Today, October 1st, is Sake Day. I would have liked to taste my favorite sake at home, but unfortunately, I couldn't because I had to go on a business trip and had a party with my colleagues. Still, I was able to drink some Hiruki, Collage, Aizu Musume, Izumikawa, and Hana Yuu at a restaurant, so I think it's okay! I've been on a business trip since yesterday, and yesterday I bought some drinks and snacks at the local supermarket where I was traveling and drank them at the hotel. I found a bottle of Aizu Nakasho's Special Junmai in the liquor section of the supermarket, so I didn't hesitate to buy it. The entrance impression is quite neat. The palate is neat in the beginning, but gradually develops a sense of heaviness. A unique grain-like flavor can be detected in the second half. The aftertaste is crisp and clear, with an overall impression of high perfection. I've always liked Aizu Nakasho, but even with the unfamiliar specs of this special junmai and freshly brewed sake, it was delicious. It's amazing that supermarkets have a sake of this quality.
Naruka Check-in 1Naruka Check-in 2
The liquor store recommended this as a "high road" sake and I bought it. It was recommended to me as a "high road" syochu liqueur and I bought it. I think it's going to read "Narumi". I'm drinking it for the first time! There is a faint aroma of rice in the air. Since it is a hiya-oroshi, it has a soft and subdued flavor. It is rated -3 for sake, but the sweetness is quite subdued. The sweetness comes afterwards. I wasn't sure if it was good enough to drink on its own, but I think it's an excellent saké as a mealtime drink. My plate and glass were unknowingly empty before I knew it. LOL! The flavor comes out even better when it's close to room temperature. Please be careful not to eat too much or drink too much when you drink it, as it can increase your appetite quite a bit. LOL!
WAKAZEFONIA shiori無濾過貴醸酒
WAKAZE Check-in 1WAKAZE Check-in 2
I wasn't sure if I should post this here because it's not technically a sake, but it was an interesting drink, so I posted it! As I'm sure many of you already know, this is a "WAKAZE" sake. If you read the label, you'll see that it's a noble brew? Water principle? Orange mint? Rosemary? But the best feature of this sake is that we add yogurt to compensate the lactic acid bacteria that are usually added in the quick brewing principle. It's totally yogurt from the smell. LOL. It has a strong yogurt flavor, but it also has a rich aftertaste and you can tell it's a sake. It is quite sweet and gives the impression of an energy drink. WAKAZE is really great and interesting. I have a lot of respect for Mr. Inagawa, the head brewer, and Mr. Imai, the toji, because they are of the same generation, and I hope they continue to do well. I'd like to try the sake (sake) that they make in Paris, France, in the near future.
Hanaizumi Check-in 1Hanaizumi Check-in 2
We bought it at a liquor store in our area during a business trip to Minami Aizu. It is a local brand "Hanazumi" of Hanazumi Shuzo, known for the "Roman" series of glutinous rice brewed in four stages. There were many ro-man series at the liquor store, but I bought this one because it was sold only in Fukushima prefecture. The aroma of sweetness and roundness of the rice. Smooth as water in the mouth. You can feel the softness of the water in Minami Aizu. However, there is a strong sense of alcohol in the middle to the latter half of the drink, and it is a little difficult to drink. It's hard to get the drink going. We finished the day's sake with a bit of disappointment, as our expectations were high. However, when I tried it again the next day, the alcoholic sensation I felt the day before had faded considerably and it was much easier to drink. The smoothness of the drink was unchanged and it went right into my mouth. I paired it with Shizuoka Oden (stew) and it was an excellent match for the drink. Considering the taste of the second day, I deeply regretted that it's hard to decide on the taste of the second day based only on the impression I just opened. It's not a good idea to make a decision based on a freshly opened bottle of wine, as it would also depend on my physical condition and how well it goes with the food.
Denshu純米吟醸 山廃純米吟醸山廃
Denshu Check-in 1Denshu Check-in 2
I will be drinking Denshu's Junmai Ginjo Yamahai. I remember that the special Junmai Ginjo Yamahai from Denshu was delicious, so I'm very much looking forward to the Junmai Ginjo here. Before I drink it, I love this dark green label! The aroma is subdued and doesn't have the distinctive aroma of mountain waste. In the mouth, it has a sour and sweet taste. It has a fruity taste like white peaches. Moreover, it is also loaded with flavor. In the end, it has a good bitterness and a refreshing aftertaste. It is well balanced and very delicious. You can feel the lactic acidity that is typical of Sanpai, but it has no disagreeable characteristic. I read somewhere that it is not like a Sanpai, but it is not a bad brew. I recommend this sake as well as Yukino Kaya, even for those who don't like Sanpai.
Aramasa Check-in 1
Aramasa Check-in 2Aramasa Check-in 3
I haven't had a Shinsei ecru in a long time. I don't have a shop near me that carries Shinsei, so the opportunity to drink it is very rare. I drank it in a junmai sake glass. Pleasant aroma of pears and bananas. In the mouth, there is a tingling sensation that I can't believe it was a fire-roasted one. I have the impression that the sweetness is subdued and the acidity and umami are leading the way. The mildness, or rather this milky flavor, is similar to the No.6 series. I thought the Ecru was the driest of the Shinsei sakes, but the acidity and umami were very good. Personally, I think it's good to drink Shinsei sake once in a while. I would like to wait for the next opportunity to drink it again.
Okushimizu秋田旬吟醸2020 #23純米吟醸
Okushimizu Check-in 1Okushimizu Check-in 2
Akita Shun Ginjo 2020 Part 1 The last of the Akita Shun Ginjo 2020 will be Okushimizu. This is another brand I've never tried before. The main feature of this sake seems to be the use of cherry blossom yeast collected from the Yoshino cherry trees in the town. Another feature of this sake is the use of "Menkoina" rice from Akita Prefecture. Being a cherry blossom yeast, I was expecting a cherry blossom aroma, but I didn't notice any. The taste is characterized by a rich sweetness. It's not a fruity sweetness, but rather a mouthful of sweetness that reminds me of soy sauce and mirin. It also has a unique alcoholic flavor. I think it is a friendly drink, like a relative's uncle drinking it with his evening drink. Incidentally, some of my friends who were drinking with me said this was easier to drink than the first Kariho I drank. I tend to be swayed by name values, so I was deeply reminded of the importance of opinions without preconceptions.
Hello, Umineko-san 😃 Thank you for all your help 🍀-Akita Shun Ginjo ✨You were able to purchase it! So_FFFC! I didn't get it 😭It's still a beautiful label ✨ The flavor is very clear and I am reading and enjoying it 🥰.
Thanks for your comment, Mariponu! Akita Shun Ginjo seems to have sold out quickly. I read a tweet from President Sato of Shinsei and bought it immediately. I hope they do it again next year because there seems to be a lot of people who couldn't buy it this year!
It's too late to start talking about it after it's in the news 😅I have to keep my antennae up ☝️I think the planning ability of this Akita prefecture is great! Some of the prefectures have been cracked, lol. Really! I'd love to see you do it again 😄.
金紋秋田秋田旬吟醸2020 #12純米吟醸
金紋秋田 Check-in 1金紋秋田 Check-in 2
Akita Shun Ginjo 2020 Part 2 The second bottle of Akita Shun Ginjo 2020 will be the Kinmon Akita. This is the first brand of Kinmon Akita I've had. It is a completely different type of sake than the first one, so I am looking forward to it. It's soft on the palate and goes in smoothly. I can't make out the original flavor, but I'm guessing that a year of aging has removed the corners and rounded out the flavor. From the middle to the latter half of the bottle, the fruity sweetness spreads slowly and leaves a lingering taste. I got the impression that this is a very delicate and gentle sake.
Kariho秋田旬吟醸2020 #27純米大吟醸槽しぼり
Kariho Check-in 1
Kariho Check-in 2Kariho Check-in 3
Akita Shun Ginjo 2020 Part 1 Akita Shun Ginjo 2020 is a project in which 30 breweries in Akita Prefecture participate, and if you purchase a bottle of sake, you'll receive a random selection of sake from 30 breweries. It's great to receive popular brands like Shinsei and Yamamoto, but it's also a great way to get a chance to taste brands you wouldn't normally drink. This time I bought a 3-bottle set and received Kariho, Kinmon Akita and Okushimizu. I took these three bottles to a drinking party at a friend's house. We started with the Kariho. The bottle is stylish because it was designed by Shinsei. Each brewery has its own image color, and although Kariho looks black at first glance, it is said to be a "roiro" color. Kariho looks black at first glance, but I heard that it is "roiro" in color. You can feel the sweetness and flavor of the rice in your mouth from the very beginning. The aftertaste is clear and clean. I was expecting Kariho to be dry, but this sake has a relatively sweet taste. The heavy and full-bodied flavor was a real gem.
Kikuizumi Check-in 1Kikuizumi Check-in 2
I drank "Kikuizumi Daiginjo". It is one of the main brands of Nishida Shuzo Brewery as well as Tazake. Nishida Shuzo's Junmai-type sake is called "Tazake" and Alsoe-type sake is called "Kikusen". This Daiginjo is the highest grade of Kikuizumi and is made from rice polished to 40%. It was indeed quite expensive. LOL! It has a gorgeous muscat-like scent, but it's not so strong and elegant. It's surprisingly tingling and fresh in the mouth. As you would expect from a wine that has been polished to 40%, it has a beautiful flavor. It was described as dry, but it also has an apple-like sweetness to it. The brewing alcohol is well balanced and delicious. It's also a premium and elegant drink. It's probably a different direction from the recent trend, but I thought it was a solidly delicious drink. I'd like to try the Daiginjo "Uto", a Daiginjo that is only available in Aomori Prefecture one day.
Tsuchida研究醸造 酒米×麹歩合コンプリートセット純米生酛
Tsuchida Check-in 1Tsuchida Check-in 2
Tsuchida Check-in 3Tsuchida Check-in 4
Tsuchida Shuzo, one-time research brewing. The Tsuchida Sake Brewery, which does not usually use rice for sake, asked the question, "What is the flavor of rice? In order to answer this question, we have released a limited number of "research brew" sakes in 10 different varieties, made up of five different types of rice and two different ratios of koji. The sake rice used are Yamada-Nishiki, Gohyakumangoku, Miyamanishiki, Omachi and Aisan. In order to bring out the true taste of the rice, the rice polishing ratio is 90%, and the koji ratio is 20% and 40%. This is a fun project for both the brewer and the drinker. Mr. Tsuchida's ideas are always surprising to me. I simply thought it sounded interesting, and I heard that this was the only time I would be able to drink Tsuchida made with sake rice, so I went ahead and bought the 10-bottle complete set. Ten quadruple bottles is too much for my liver, but since Tsuchida can be stored at room temperature for a long period of time, I'm going to drink it slowly from now on, and write about how I feel about it each time I drink it. I'm especially excited about Omachi and Aisan.
Umineko-san, that's great! ‼️I wasn't sure if I was going to pop in too, but if you're going to do it, it's 10 bottles! I'm looking forward to your impressions😊.
Thank you for your comment Yama2106. It is difficult to drink 💦It seems that there are some restaurants that plan to compare drinks. I'm not sure if it's a good idea.
(9/20) I tried it as soon as I could and it's so funny! You can understand the characteristics of each sake rice. But by the time you've drunk 10 different kinds of sake, you'll be sticky. Here's a bullet point summary of what we've found
The taste varies depending on the rice used to make the sake. Yamada-Nishiki and Omachi differ greatly in terms of the koji ratio. By far the biggest difference is Miyamanishiki and Omachi, but the smallest one is Miyamanishiki. The taste of No.4 (Gohyakumangoku, 40% Koji) is very close to the taste of Collage/Junmai-shu.
The "Gohyakumangoku" is a seme fragrance. 20% of koji in Omachi is dry. The 40% of koji in Omachi is very sweet. It is a little rancid. Aiyama is the most delicious. ・Aiyama is the best. It is sweet but not bitter.
Umineko-san, your repo is great! This is definitely a fun one 🤤 Aiyama, looks delicious😍
Thank you Yama2106! It was like free research and fun. I was surprised at how much the taste changed depending on the ratio of koji. This time it was served at room temperature, so next time I'd like to try it cold or warm.
Kokken Check-in 1Kokken Check-in 2
I bought it on a business trip to Minami Aizu. It is a junmai ginjo of Kokugon (silver label) at the end of autumn. Clean as water. It has a rounded softness to it, perhaps due to the fact that it has been stored for a long time. The sweetness is moderate and is in the dry category, but it has a clean taste without any hindrance. I think it's only because it's polished to 50% rice polishing ratio. However, the flavor and acidity are added, and it has a solid feeling typical of Kokugun. In addition, the bitterness in the aftertaste is very good. It is a typical Kokugon and I like it very much. Because the business trip to Minamiaizu will end soon, it is very sad that I cannot buy this local brew, but if I see it in a liquor store, I want to buy it by all means.
Akabu Check-in 1Akabu Check-in 2
Akatake's Junmai Hiyaoroshi. It seemed to have a good reputation here too, so I bought it. I've drunk a lot of Akatake, but this was my first hiyaoroshi. The aroma is mild. It has a calm and soft texture. It has just the right amount of sweetness and acidity, and the flavor rushes in. It is not too fruity for Akutake and is relatively dry, but the sweet and sour taste unique to Akutake is still there. It's as stable as it gets. The hurdle was high, but it was as good as I expected it to be.
Fukuda純米吟醸 山田錦 Alc.13純米吟醸原酒
Fukuda Check-in 1Fukuda Check-in 2
Fukuda Shuzo, located in Hirado City, Nagasaki Prefecture. It's the westernmost brewery in Japan, and this is my first time drinking it. The "Fukuda Junmai Ginjo Alc.13" I bought this time is a low-alcohol pure sake made with wine yeast. The owner of the brewery said, "It's amazing that they use difficult wine yeast and produce a sake with no flaws. The aroma gives a subdued but gentle sweetness. The mouthfeel is clean and fairly easy to drink. The sweetness and acidity are not too assertive, but just right. It has a rich, wine-like flavor from the middle to the end of the drink. The alcohol content is 13% and it is light and easy to drink, but it has a unique depth. I can drink more and more with no stress, and my quart bottle was soon empty. It is a drink to be careful not to drink too much.
Mimurosugi Check-in 1
Mimurosugi Check-in 2Mimurosugi Check-in 3
FROM BROOKLYN" is a collaboration project of Sentry and Mimurosugi. I drink the Mimuro cedar after the Senjotori. The aroma is stronger than that of the poultry, with a hint of green apple. It has a smoother mouthfeel. The aroma is sweeter and juicier than the Senkou, and the mouthfeel is smooth. The sweetness, juiciness and lightness of this taste is like the Mimurosugi, but the juiciness is less than usual and the aftertaste is a little bitter. I compared Sentry and Mimurosugi, and it was very interesting. I was surprised at the difference in the same rice and brewing method. I think both the Sentry and the Mimurosugi have their own characteristics. I was keenly aware of the importance of each brewery's technology and know-how, which cannot be found in the specifications on the label. It made me respect sake even more.
Senkin Check-in 1
Senkin Check-in 2Senkin Check-in 3
I compared the collaboration between Sentry and Mimurosugi's FROM BROOKLYN. It appears to be made with American Calrose rice and brewed using the same brewing methods as the Brooklyn breweries. I love challenging projects like this. Let's start with the Sentry. The nose is like a white peach. The mouthfeel is soft and smooth. It is immediately sweet and sour. It was well chilled, which is just right for this heat. The flavor is a complex combination of flavor and bitterness from the middle of the drink. As the temperature approaches room temperature, the bitterness in the second half seems to get stronger. I wouldn't recommend drinking it at room temperature. I also tried it warmed up, which was quite good. I didn't know much about Calrose rice, but it's a type of rice often used for paella and other dishes. I'm very impressed with Senchin that they use the Calrose rice to make this level of sake. I'm looking forward to the next one, too.