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It is sweet when cold and slightly tangy when warmed. In general, this sake has a gentle taste. I would like to drink it with vegetables. So tonight I served broccoli I grew in my vegetable garden with shaved bonito shavings. I'm not feeling well this year, so I drank less sake, but I hope to drink a lot next year. I wish you all a happy new year!
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I have drunk many kinds of Shimehari Tsuru, but this time it was "Hana". It has a strong body and is very drinkable. I like regular sake. In connection with Niigata, we were served the eggplant tataki that was introduced on Matsuko the other day. A sake and a side dish that made me feel like summer. It was very delicious.
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Banshu Ginban summer sake. Pair it with bonito, which is at the end of its season. The rainy season has not ended yet, but it is already summer outside! Beer is on tap more often in summer, but sake is the best sake to drink slowly. Sake on the rocks is perfect for a light drink, as the aroma and alcohol content are reduced.
Urakasumi浦霞 本醸造 辛口
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I made nigiri with trout I caught myself, so the sake to go with it was Urakasumi. It may sound like a strange analogy, but it has a refreshing taste in the mouth like xylitol, but it is a honjozo sake, so it has a strong sake taste. If you ask me if it is dry, I might say "? It may be, but it is a refreshing type of sake, different from the "light" type, so if we say it is dry, then it is dry. It goes well with sushi. This level of quality even in a reasonable 4-gouple bottle is quintessential Urakasumi.
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I used to not be a fan of this kind of sake that smelled like sake (in a good way), but now I get a creepy feeling just by taking a sip. As expected, this sake warms up nicely, just right for this still cold season. Easy drinking is not the only good thing about sake. This kind of addictive flavor is also the charm of sake.
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I used to drink Hourai at least once every three days at a corner bar in Kojimachi. I started drinking Hourai as a way to get rid of a bad luck after some troubles in Gifu, but it is an excellent sake that is easy to drink and has become a regular drinker. It is a junmai ginjo with a good balance of sweetness and acidity. Of course, it goes well with all kinds of food. Tonight I paired it with grilled rainbow trout.
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The first bottle of the New Year is Higashi Rikishi Daiginjo. It has a rich aroma and a refreshing taste. The rich aroma makes it a good match for a variety of dishes. It would be interesting to match it with dishes with a strong taste of osechi. If you don't have to work tomorrow, you can easily finish a bottle of Yonogi. Happy New Year!
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Water! Rice! Delicious! Nothing so simple and difficult, but a straightforward sake where you can feel the rice and water the moment you put it in your mouth. My first sake in a while was a Junmai from my hometown, Utsunomiya's Nanamizu. It was one of a set of three bottles called "Sake Brewery Walk.
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I bought bonito in saku and made sashimi and tataki. For bonito, there are Tosatsuru, Drunken Whale, and Tsukibotan. Today, I went for the Shibotan. I put a dollop of bonito in soy sauce with grated garlic and eat it. Then, I slurp down the dry junmai. That's all.
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Junmai Keiryu. The cherry blossom colored bottle is very spring-like. Refreshing spring sake. We paired it with delicious yellowtail sashimi. The cherry blossoms have bloomed and spring is finally in full swing.
Kariho春 kawasemi “sakura” label
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Junmai Ginjo of Kariho. Namaishu is very intoxicating. It will be spring soon. There are many sakes I want to drink in spring. It may be difficult to get everyone together again this year for Hanami, but let's make a toast and wish all sake lovers a happy new beginning. Kanpai!
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Special brew. It is served with kombu maki (rolled sweetfish in kelp) and minpira (fried fish cake). Recently, Shikizakura is my favorite. It has a surprisingly refreshing taste. 60% polish is great. As it warms up, the strength of the body comes out and the real power of the Honjozo comes out. It's dry, but not harsh, and I'd recommend it to anyone.
Dassai純米大吟醸 45純米大吟醸
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The first bottle of the year was Ottersai at my parents' house. I had it with Matsumae pickles and boiled egg. I'll be drinking a lot this year too!
I also decided to make an ottersai for my first bottle of the year 😋 well, it's an ottersai, right?
Well, it's Ottersai, isn't it? I think it is because of the base taste that it has become so major. I hope that you will continue to provide a stable supply of this delicious product.
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Izumibashi Junmai Ginjo, a new sake for December. Izumibashi is a sake like sake that never disappoints. I paired it with smoked salmon and cream cheese. I didn't drink as much alcohol this year as I did last year, but my level of drinking at home has risen considerably. Until the day when we can get together and enjoy drinking together, let's each work hard on our own skills. Have a great New Year!
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It's been a few years since I drank Koshino Kanbai. To be honest, I forgot what Niigata's Danrei was like, but I remembered it was like this. I can't remember if it was like this or not. The image of Kanbai in my memory was a little different. It is an excellent sake, and goes well with anything as a food sake. We had it with nori cheese.
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Amabuki's Hiyaoroshi. It's a straightforward sake that is easy to drink. I put cream cheese on the iburi-gakko for the appetizer. It's a sin to be able to drink it so easily, and the fourth bottle will be empty in no time.
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Yamada Nishiki. This wine has a wild side to it. The texture is rough and the flavor is yogurt. I think there are people who don't like this kind of sourness. I like it. I don't drink it every day, but when I drink it once in a while, it makes me happy at a high rate. If you leave it for a day, it changes its character and the flavor of the rice comes to the forefront, making it suitable for everyone. This is one of those wines you want to drink while admiring the beautiful illustrations by Enka Kamegawa.
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The moon after the rain. Oh, did you change your mind a little? It has more of a sake feel to it, so it might not be for those who don't like it. I was under the impression that it had more of a rice-like feel in the mouth, and that it was both delicious and refreshing at the same time... I wonder if it would be better if it were heated?
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Junmai Omachi from Ishizuchi. This is a true Omachi, with a soft sweetness like syrup and a good release. 30BY was bottled at the end of last year. It is delicious on its own without any accompaniment. I should have bought another bottle to warm it up, because I think I'll drink this one cold. I wish I had bought another bottle to warm up. Both are delicious.
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As soon as you put it in your mouth, the lactic acidity characteristic of a nascent yeast mash spreads, but it pulls away easily, making you want to drink a second glass right away. If you heat it up, you'll be surprised at how strong the body is. It's a sake that really warms up. It's truly a sake that warms up. You can buy this at the supermarket for 1000 yen. I feel like I can get through this winter just by having this option.