SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
はじめまして! 〝さけのわ〟初心者です🔰 どちらのお酒も美味しく頂いてます😇 醸造家の方には楽しい作品を醸していただき感謝しております♪✨ 食中酒派✋ レビューは自己満の記録✍️ 飲みたいお酒🍶 来楽・浦里・みやこ・蒼空 十右衛門・宮の雪・冨玲・豊潤 川亀・本金・澤の花・勢起 IWA 足を運んで呑む人🐾

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Sake Map

The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


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Green Label Raku-fu-mai🏷 tank lot Vo.1 purchased every year 🌾 Parents are half rice and half Gohyakumangoku/polished 60 Refreshing sake waits until the rainy season! I thought... Kogomi" arrived from Itoigawa, Niigata, so we opened the bottle 😋. Using Tororo as a canvas, we made art with our hometown Kogomi 🎨. Safe to open! Fresh muscat on the nose! This year, it has a melon-like aroma. Slightly firmer than last year, the fullness of the aroma increases with the addition of corkage. The gasiness is not particularly noticeable. The balance of sweetness, bitterness, and acidity remains the same. A sports drink with a refreshing taste that is irresistible! We enjoyed it with kinpira, a dish of kogomi-no-tsumari! As a side note, the Abeno label is a calligraphy drawn by a friend of the toji's wife 😊. The star series is a smartphone photo of a field or other scenery that was then processed ✨. Tank lot 2 of Raku-fu-mai is 1°C lower in alcohol and cannot be sold at the same distributor... I wanted to compare the difference in acidity 😭. From this year, Raku-fu-mai is only shipped in four-pack bottles 😭😭😭. Maybe I'm lucky that the store that handles tank 1 is close to me as an old man: ✌️
Good evening, staggered feet 😃. This green Abe-san! I'm really curious 🤩. I see that the tank lots 1 and 2 are different 😳 I'm getting more and more curious 😆.
Good morning, Jay & Nobby 😃. Green Abey🌱 Please savor it 😋. Note that it's a blink-and-you'll-miss-it type 😂⚠️
Hana no Ka産土プロトタイプ
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Sansho Prototype Limited edition sake for kurabiraki? Flower Fragrance 901 Polished 35🫣 2020BY The bottle was opened in anticipation of bubbles and gassiness. I opened the bottle expecting to feel bubbles and gas 🍾. I'm not sure if it's a Re~? 😂. I'm back on track 🥂kp~✨. Does 901 mean no bubbly yeast? Does it mean series 01? Either way, I'm enchanted by Hana no Kou's typical gorgeous standing and lingering aroma 🥰. The texture is moist ON spicy! 😳 Spicier than usual...slowly, with a clean umami taste and a lingering aftertaste that leaves a tingling sensation on the tongue. I thought it was like a heavy plum fragrance 😋. I want to taste it with Pringles when I watch a movie I shouldn't sleep 🫠. Thank you for bringing this precious sake to the brewery: ‼️ If I had tasted it at the brewery opening, I wouldn't have hesitated to buy it😊.
熊谷 朋之
Good evening, Mr. Staggered Legs! (^○^) What~, a sambudo prototype? Wow, it looks delicious! Exclamation marks all over it! I really appreciate brands that I don't know how many times I will encounter them in my lifetime.
Good morning, Tomoyuki Kumagai (^^) I was surprised in many ways, including the timing 😊. Sake is also a once in a lifetime experience 🍶.
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⚾️ modern-medium Sake Mirai/Polished 50 Mild but fruity aroma No oriki The first day of the opening of the war, it is refreshing with a sense of gas, and the lingering taste of rice is clear and refreshing. Dry and not juicy. After 5 days, still hard 🤔. Slightly more umami on the palate, but the sweetness and umami are compact. I felt I would like to enjoy it with push-in aging. Opened with WBC Japan uniform colors: ⚾️🤟 Jyushiyo, it was not as sweet as I thought it would be like Hanayuyuu's Sake Mirai, and in a good way, it betrayed my expectations 😋. Recently, I had a drink out of Kanazawa yeast (14 yeast) "Shishi-no-Sato" Sake Mirai ❣️ and it was delicious ✨.
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Classic Light Held at Kumamoto Station Square in March The spoils of the new sake festival 🍶😊. 🌾-/ Polishing 65 Gin aroma is mild Graininess like cooked glutinous rice Light, delicious bitterness with a smart sweet and spicy taste that is refreshing 🫧. The taste is somewhat lighter than Ishizuchi because it was compared to Ishizuchi It is more at home with octopus with vinegared miso, Ichimonji gurumon and takana pickles than with well-seasoned snacks like hanami bento (cherry blossom viewing lunch boxes). The watery, hitless mouthfeel is It's still Reizan⛰. In the voting for the favorite sake at the new sake festival, there were 2 votes for Nanahohe, 1 vote for Hanayuki, 1 vote for Tsuijun, and 2 votes for Zuitaka, and we bought this one that was sold out on the day and had just arrived.
Good morning, Mr. Chidori, ☀️ Cherry blossoms, rape blossoms and blue bottles are beautiful and spring-like 🌸✨New Sake Festival is so crowded 😳what fun 🎶!
Good morning, Pon 😊. I'm so sad to see spring go 🌱 There is a large hall with tatami mats, a specialty of the restaurant, and a kitchen car, so it seemed like 30% of the people I talked to got off the station and accidentally 👀 sucked me in and had a drink 😂.
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Classic Medium Ehime's sake brewing rice that I heard about for the first time 🌾Shizuku Ehime/Polished 50 Cute name that looks like it could be in a Maricar. It is said to be from the Yamadanishiki family of sake rice. The top aroma is mild. It becomes gorgeous at once in the mouth. Aroma like strawberry The taste is classic without a freshness. The flavor of rice with a slightly spicy aftertaste. The sweetness is moderate and the sake is gentle, which makes it easy to drink. I'm looking forward to drinking Princess Michiko🌹.
Good evening, Mr. Staghorn. You are drinking in a beautiful place with beautiful flowers🌸 Lovely! It smells like 🍓 and is it classic, modern and classic at the same time? Looks very delicious😊.
Good morning, Pon, ☀️ Thank you 🌸 I thought the autocultured yeast 🧪 was gorgeous and the flavor was classic and not boring to drink 😋.
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First brand Yakult-like top-fragrance The texture is also like Yakult. It has a rich sweet and savory taste with a graininess. I tried it on the rocks, but I prefer it cold 😋. I opened the bottle thinking it would go well with meat. But I personally prefer it with cod roe pasta. I used to hate drinking Tamagawa, but it was delicious 😆.
Good evening, Mr. Chidori! I see you drank Icebreaker 😁It's good to drink it on the rocks in summer. I also recommend heating it up 🍶.
Good morning, TOMO 😃. I will try again when it gets even hotter 💪On the heating...I'm curious 😋.
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📍Guild @ Sake Party at Chinese ANA boarding sake version ✈️ Masa-san was served this sake the other day 🍶. Yamada Nishiki / Polishing 55 Same specs, difference is whether it's orikara or not. Hooded aroma, not sure about the ginjo aroma 💦. Strong gassy, rummy, sweet and bitter taste. Well-balanced sweetness, umami, and acidity, with a clean finish thanks to the brewing water (medium-hard water). The "ogara-mi" had a stronger umami flavor than the "ori-gara-mi". Others are omitted. Tenzan was balanced, Nanada focused on the umami of the rice, and Iwanokura had a ginjo aroma and freshness. While all were delicious, my favorite was Shichida's Yamadaho 😋. History of Tenzan, Shichida, and Iwanokura When the Shichida brand was launched 20 years ago, the distributors were mainly in the Kanto area. However, it has spread because liquor stores in Kyushu wanted to carry the brand. Originally, there were many series of Iwanokura, but as sales of Shichida expanded, it became limited to distribution in Kyushu, and there are now only two types: raw and fire-brewed. Tenzan is an open brand. Tenzan, by the way, is the best-selling brand. It is a strong favorite among local fans who have crossed over to the other side of the tongue 🏔.
Good evening, Chidori-san😄! That's a great luxury drink comparison 🤣👍Tenzan and Shichida are both delicious 😋I personally hope that one day they will get along and serve a collaboration sake together on the WWW.
Good evening, staggered feet😊. Thank you for the histories of Tenzan, Shichida and Iwanokura. I will study it. I like Shichida and drink Orugarami every year and have it on standby in the fridge. I have never had Iwanokura.
Good evening, Masa 🍻😁. Both Tenzan and Shichida are delicious 😋If Masa-san keeps pushing for them, they might be on Chitashige PB 🤪. I want to go to Chitashige to buy Shikishima 🤤.
Good evening, Mr. Hiraccio 😁😁. The brewing water of Tenzan Sake Brewery is said to be "famous water of fireflies" ⛰. I heard that Shichida's orikarami is delicious 🤤. Iwanokura is only found in a limited number of liquor stores in Kyushu 😢.
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📍 cook shop ji Modern Medium 🌾Yamada Nishiki / Polished 50 The top aroma is fruity 🍐🍑🍇. Freshly opened and chilled gasiness. Juicy! Soft like juiced pears or peaches, clear and sweet with a long aromatic finish. I want to drink it at home: ‼️ Tasake🌸, Hochozuru🍙 was also delicious with gorgeous aroma and classic taste😋. Ji-san, the restaurant is smoke-free and sake is served in wine glasses! The photo shows a sake off the menu that day 🍶.
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📍 cook shop ji Modern Medium 🌾Hatan-nishiki/- The top aroma is fruity ❣️ siskiyaki type Hints of pineapple 🤤. The body is medium. Sweet umami with mild fruity acidity. Rice flavor and acid bitterness from the gasiness. The umami of Hachitan-Nishiki is strong... Aftertaste is dry.... The other day, I was at the "Ryouriya Ji" that Tomo-san went to... Tomo-san told me about the liquor store where he was going to book the sake, so I was looking forward to it. ‼️😋 I missed the Gekko because there was only one bottle left at the liquor store! Glad to see you ‼️Thank you, tomo 😆 Pic.3 Passing by Koeikiku Sake Brewery in Ogi, Mikazuki 🤳📷✨ during the expedition.
Good evening, Mr. Chidori 😊. You went to Ji early 😁. Not a lot of sake, but a lineup that hits all the right spots.
Good morning, TOMO 😊. That much sake that is not on the menu is enough for me ❗️ I told him that I will come if I miss Koei Kiku and Jikin at the liquor store 😆.
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Classic Light 🌾-/Polished 55 The top aroma is a mild ginjo aroma Mineral taste reminiscent of the Iki Sea, refreshing sweetness and spiciness from the alcohol 😋. Crisp, great during a meal: ‼️ I visited Iki, a remote island in Nagasaki Prefecture, to relax. The purpose was to find Shigeke Shuzo, Iki shochu like whiskey, and craft beer 🍺! ✌️ When I asked the brewer, he told me that there is almost no distribution outside of the island. There are two types of sake: Junmai and Jungin. The Iki shochu (shochu liquor) aged in barrels from the same brewery is also very delicious and tastes like sherry. The craft beer made by a former sake brewery on the island is also delicious 🍺 and was recently featured in AERA📖 with SnowMan's Mukai-san! The 📷 sea is as good as Kerama, Ishigaki, and Yoron, and the Iki beef and sea urchins are delicious 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤.
Good evening, Chidori Ashi🌇. I didn't realize there was another sake brewery in Iki besides Yokoyama ❗️ The turquoise sea🏖 is beautiful too👍
Good evening, staggered feet🎶. The color of the sea is so beautiful🤩. The sake barrels are also stunning. The spirit is very rare sake🍶😄.
Good evening, Mr. Chidori 😃. The beautiful sea is so refreshing 🥹 I long to spend a day in such a view while reading a book 🥰 with a hearty drink in one hand 😆.
Good evening, Mr. Chidori. I see that this is a rare sake that is rarely distributed 😳‼️ you drank a valuable one👍. And the sea is so beautiful ✨! And the sea is so beautiful✨
Mr. Staggerfoot. Good evening 😁. I don't know about the Iki market, I don't know about the Iki market 😁 but I wonder if there is that much demand on the island 😅. Or is the production volume so small😅😅 I wonder 🤣
Good morning, Chidori 😃. When I traveled to Iki some years ago, my only purpose was to visit the red seal and to eat sea urchin 😅I would have gone to the sake brewery now, too bad. I envy you 😆.
Good evening, Haruei Chichi. The important thing is that Yokoyama🍶 seems to be strictly limited to special dealers and was not available at the brewery 🥲. With the travel support of the country + prefecture + island travel, the remote island of Nagasaki was a profitable trip 😊 if you have a chance to visit 🙆‍♀️
Good evening, Ace. The sea is beautiful, but it is also a key point for national defense, so the Self Defense Forces base is in front of the beautiful beach😅. The thermal tank with over 100,000 liters was also a highlight 😂. You are a girl in a box 🍶😊.
Good evening, J&N💫. Looks like a great way to reset your mind and body😊. I like it 😇Tarping, sake and sake books on the beach,,,,the best 😋🥂.
Good evening, Mr. Ponchan💫. While tasting Iki shochu, hmm? I was surprised to see the words "Junmai" and "Junmai Ginjo" 😇. I was surprised to see the words "Junmai" and "Junmai Ginjo" 😇 It seems to have been chosen as one of Japan's most beautiful bathing spots 🏝✨.
Good evening, Choroki💫. Yes, I didn't see it anywhere else on ‼️ so I thought you had a core fan base 😊. After all, Iki is the sacred land of Iki shochu 😆. Iki has a population of about 30,000, according to an old man who used to work at the post office👍.
Good evening, Luteltemi💫. I see you collect vermilion seals ⛩✨It's a wonderful hobby 😊I'm glad to see the Iki connection 😆. I just opened up a map of sake breweries and found this 👍Tsushima has one too😳.
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Hanami sake🌸 🌾 rice/nikomaru Uitatekoso is mild 🍈. Slightly gassy, cream soda-like Sweet and sour acidity with a delicious bitterness. Slightly more bitter than Nikomaru Boy On the second day, the rest of the bottle is served with champon 😋. Paired with Nikkori, finer than the original sake! Hiran, I knew it was a star! Every year, it is released on February 5 to coincide with the word "hoshitate"! The price of 2,500 yen for 25% polished rice is impossible 😂.
Good evening, Mr. Chidori 🌇. When I think of Aslan, I think of Nikomaru: ❗️ I've never had it before... I'm supposed to be watching the cherry blossoms at night, but the red light is putting me in a bewitching mood 😁.
Good evening, Haruei Chichi! Surprising that you haven't tried Nikomaru yet😳. The red lanterns give it an emo atmosphere even though it's a modern drink😇.
NabeshimaBlossom Moon純米吟醸
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Mr. Hanasaka pots and pans🌸 Modern Medium Tajima strong / Polished 50 The standing aroma is mild, muscat-like if I may say so. In the Moon series, the sweetness is moderate and the umami bitterness is spring-like, mature and delicious 😋. You can taste the umami when it is cold and the richness as it cools down. ...would be happiest with butterbur miso and crackers in this state 🤤🤤🤤🤤. Moon series is difficult to empty soon
Hanami, hanami, hanami! What a picture! Oh, good evening 😁.
Good evening, Mr. Chidorisashi 🌙 Hanasaka nabe, fantastic, bewitching and wonderful 🌸Mature tasting nabe, butterbur miso crackers are absolutely delicious ❣️
Chidori-san, good evening 🌃😀 The night cherry blossoms are beautiful😊I got the same sake the other day and it looks even better when drunk with hanami sake🥳night cherry blossom🌸sake🍶and lanterns🏮? It's the best 😚👍
Good evening, Mr. Chidori! It's very fashionable to bring this to a cherry blossom viewing 😁. I have to go to the cherry blossom viewing before the cherry blossoms fall 🌸
Chidori-san Good evening ^ ^ You're drinking tsukimi sake while watching the cherry blossoms at night👍 Nabeshima is delicious no matter which one you drink ✨.
Good evening, Mr. Chidori, 🌛Blossom of Nabeshima is fashionable for nighttime cherry blossom viewing sake🌸The photo is fantastic and matches the label👍
Good evening, Choroki-san! I took her to the "blossoms" 😋Nabe-san was happy to be able to see the blossoms 😂.
Good evening, Pon-chan. Thank you for everything 😊. I'm sorry it's so emo 😂. Butterbur miso is essential for spring sake 🥰.
Good evening, Maecin-san. We had the same pots and pans 😋. The lanterns were handmade by my father and it was a very spirited hanami-sake 😆.
Good evening, TOMO! When I drink with young people, I choose drinks that are easy to drink and don't miss as much as possible lol. You can enjoy it longer this year with the weather 🌸😋.
Good evening, Manta🌸 Cherry blossoms at night...and I didn't see the moon, which is the key 😂💦Nabeshima is very stable ☺️
Good evening, Nemuchi. Thank you 😊. You're right👍the red lanterns are filtered through the blue of the sky😆I was only looking at the alcohol😂.
AramasaNo.6 S-type純米吟醸生酒
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â™" White Day â™ 🌾Akita rice/Kyokai No.6 yeast A gassy, crisp, sweet Cava. As the temperature range rises, you can feel the soft sourness like apricots in the firm rice flavor. It is sweet and sour! It was nice to receive a gift from my brother on White Day, but on second thought... I only gave him the sake that didn't suit his palate😅. This is also a gift from Santa, but I'm glad he was pleased with it.
Good evening, Mr. Chidori! Shinsei and Genmai for White Day 😳‼️ are wonderful! And you know Chidorisoku-san so well 😁 makes good sake taste even better 😊👍
Good morning, Ponchan 🌸I wish I could have prepared an X-type for you too 😅. Thanks to my solid sister-in-law 😊👍
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White Day 🎁 Yamada-Nishiki 🌾 / Polished 35 / Brewer's Alcohol Not as good as the Tokujun unfiltered draft, though, Fruity aroma with a fruity top note. Sweetness, umami, and richness are well balanced, and you don't feel the 17% alcohol content at all ✨. It's a pure sake, but thanks to the Hashira shochu, it's very refreshing ✨. It was delicious 😋Thank you for everything! On White Day, two boxes were sent to me. My brother called to confirm that the sake had arrived 📞🗣️ Let's have a drink together! I was invited to join him 🏠. He said he was a female master brewer...lol! He is now 30 years old and becoming more reliable 👏.
Good evening, Mr. Chidori 😃. What a good little brother 😊 I'm looking forward to seeing his future when he just turned 30 and can talk about Sake 🤗. I wonder if Mr. Chidorisashi educated him well 😆.
Good evening, staggered feet💫. High class phantom dance, that's lovely 😻 I'm sure your brother got you excited, so let's hear the crap about it🤣.
Good evening, J&N🌸 Yes😊I'm looking forward to any poop you can pass on to me to make me happier about sake🤗. I am teaching my 4.5.6 year old niece and nephew to be gifted in sake rice called hiragana practice 🤣Bomb!
Good evening, good evening, good evening 🌸 It's nice to have something fresh and new to drink that I wouldn't choose for myself 😊I'm talking happily so I'm pretending I don't know you and I'm just going to have a drink with you 😂laughs.
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Modern Medium Rice with a high yield rate in Kyushu Hirado sake brewed with "Nikomaru The bottle was opened with an explosive sound 💣⚡️ The aroma is cemedine and melon (me). Aroma of watermelon and melon (my sister-in-law) The nose has a nice acidity and a clean to crisp bitterness. As the temperature rises, you can feel the lactic acidity, and the gaseousness is not as much as I expected. Best for everyday evening drinking. ❣️ It didn't go well with bolognese and french fries, but it was good with oysters, deep-fried tofu, and pietro salad! Hiran, you have a high strike rate 😋.
Hi, staggered feet! I recently had my first drink of Hiran here! Aslan is delicious 😋 I'm right in the middle of it too👍.
Good morning, kino-san! I see you enjoyed both Nikomaru 👍. I mixed the top clear liquid with the oli after the second cup to make it even more delicious!
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Classic Light 🌾 🌾/Polished 60 Standing aroma is ginjo aroma🍎. Strong and slender with sweetness Almost no sourness, bitterness, pungency, or astringency Easy to drink cold or chilled. At worst, it is a sake with no character, but the beauty of the brewing water can be felt. The pickled ginger in soy sauce purchased at the airport is a perfect accompaniment to sake 😋. Moved from Minami Ward, Kumamoto City (former Jonan Town) to the site of the abandoned Kikuchi Suigen Elementary School in Kikuchi City. They used to drink the best sake in Kumamoto during the bubble era
Hello Chidori, 😊. When I was young, Kumamoto sake was so famous throughout the country that Kumamoto sake = Bishonen. A lot has happened since then...
Good evening, TOMO 😊. I didn't know about the bubble economy 😢I see that you overcame the hardships to become the beautiful boy you are today🌸.
Hana no Ka9號《飲食店限定》純米吟醸生酛
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Off-line meeting in Kumamoto 6/14 Bringing it in again 🍶@RIKI Yamadanishiki/polished koji 50, kake 60 Production 2020.10 No glamour of No.9 yeast. Gentle sweetness with nuances of cacao and chocolate 🍫 Bitter without any lactic acidity. It seems to be chemically denatured like vanilla during the aging process, and it is not a cherry blossom, chrysanthemum flower, or plum flower. I wonder if it was like a test brew from the local area... I wanted to share it with honda 😭. Thank you for your patience with my curiosity 🙇‍♀️
Good morning, staggered feet ☔. This tasted completely different from the Hana-no-Kou that I usually drink 😁. I enjoy the changes in sake as it ages 😊.
Good evening, TOMO... ⚾️ I didn't even detect any ginkoku 😊. It's fun to experiment with aged sake too 😋.
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Off-line meeting in Kumamoto 10/14 Bring your own glass🍶@RIKI Hinohikari 🌾Fukuoka rice +Hibiscus roselle (🍓Amauo 🌺 Hibiscus roselle) Safe to open this time (I wonder if I claimed it 🫣) The perfect pale pink color for the spring season! Ah, from the aroma, strawberry... Unexpectedly refreshing sweetness! A light bottle to drink from noon as a hanami sake! It would go well with the taro and chirimen mashed salad from Ribrom. Hibiscus roselle! I couldn't use it, but it would be fun to put it in sake like butterfly peas and enjoy the color 💡. Thanks for the food, Gula: ☺️ I'll skip the rest after the 11th glass.
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Off-line meeting in Kumamoto 4/14 Tomo-san brought his own 🍶@RIKI When I first had Sora, I was so moved by its beauty! I thought it was too good to keep it all to myself! Thank you tomo for sharing your sake and your thoughts as a sake drinker 😆🙏. Yamada Nishiki / Polishing 40 Slightly fruity aroma with a hint of sweetness and umami from the rice. Sweetness and umami of the rice, nothing to snag on the palate. A literate honor student! It has a sense of stability when fired, and is still a beautiful person. As Mr. takeshon said, it is better to wait until it reaches room temperature to show the true value of the empty bottle. You can enjoy the taste of the rice even more ✨. I paired it with sashimi served with Kyushu's sweet soy sauce (nandoro) and it was delicious and I was too happy😇. The background music was a luxurious time of sake discussion! If I have a chance, I'd like to try the raw sky 😋. I forgot to take a picture of it, so it's in my stock at home. Thank you tomo for the food ☺️
Good evening, Mr. Chidori 😄. I can't get a hold of a bottle of empty raw sake 🤣. Sora is delicious, but I thought you guys would probably enjoy it more 😁...
Good evening, TOMO: ⚾️ Usually, it's about time to ship 🤔I'll ask T liquor store if it's not good enough 😊. Thanks for the enjoyment 😋.
The raw sake in the sky will be out in April 👍 maybe you can get it this year too 😆.
Good evening, takeshon. ⚾️ I am looking forward to seeing if there will be an allotment to the distributors in Kyushu....................................
AkabuNew born純米吟醸生酒
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Off-line meeting in Kumamoto 3/14 kapiyot-san brought in 🍶@RIKI Thank you for your recommendation 😊. Modern light 🌾/polished 50 It was spicy 👶 when I got it on the day. Fresh, gassy and sweet maine! It's so refreshing, you can drink as much as you want! I had a bad transportation method and the cork was blown out when I arrived home... but it didn't oxidize or degenerate the next day, so it was still delicious! On the contrary, it was delicious and perlonged 😋 with a perfect sweetness that was not gassy and not sweetened to the point of being overpowering. Thank you kapiyot for the food: ☺️