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SSI認定: 唎き酒師(趣味で) 関西の田舎で生まれ育ち、昔からお米が大好きなのは、子供の頃に近所の農家のおばあちゃんがお裾分してくれる精米したてのお米がやたらと美味しかったから。ご飯を口にすると出てくるあの優しくふくらむお米の甘さ、日本酒を飲むとその味わいをいつも思い出します。 自然へのリスペクトと真摯で細やかな技。長年海外を舞台に仕事をしてきて、日本酒こそ日本の特性を表現していると思います。

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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


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What a luxury ✨ to have a "Sharaku drinking comparison"! Bizen Omachi and Akaban Omachi have different sake rice and are made exactly the same way. This is Bizen Omachi. The entrance is modest and almost imperceptible, but there is a gentle sweet aroma and just a hint of beautiful acidity in the clarity. In the mouth it is beautiful and clear, with plenty of umami, supported by a balance of wonderfully soft acidity. The finish is soft and full of umami and quiet acidity until the end. It's still wonderful ✨✨. A great sake with no elements that I wish it had been a little more like this 🍶.
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It will be served at room temperature. Yamahai Junmai ✨✨, a classic of Kozutsuru's that we have been drinking for a long time. The taste of the rice spreads on the palate with a slightly dry, tight mouthfeel. The hard flavor in the mouth gradually softens in the mouth as you savor it ✨✨. It's still wonderful 🍶. One of the brands that I hope they keep making ✨✨This is delicious 🦢.
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Hanaboe's Active Nigori Sparkling 🍾. However, there were almost no bubbles, which is important, because it had been opened for a long time 😆. The entrance was sweet with the aroma of rice, followed by the aroma of voluminous and tight acidity. On the palate, the sweet aroma of rice malt is balanced by the soft, tight, and supreme acidity ✨✨. It's insanely delicious 🍶. So perfect that you don't care that there is almost no carbonation ✨✨. Hanaboe is often called a unique sake because of its strong acidity, but the presence of this acidity and the abundance of rice flavor made me want to say that it must have been the standard in the past 🍶. I think it's deep enough to go well with curry ✨
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Longevity Golden Tortoise series of all "wooden tank bag pressing". This is a low-purity white 80. When you put it in your mouth, it has a rich sweetness reminiscent of brown sugar. It spreads in the mouth with soft and gentle acidity, and the sweetness gradually eases in the finish, leaving a quiet aftertaste. This is fantastic ✨✨ It's so crazy sweet that I've never had anything like it, but the fact that it's balanced with a gentle acidity makes it not cloying at all ✨✨✨. I drank it while eating a meat carpaccio that was in front of me, and it didn't match well 😆, so I think you need to be creative with the pairing. But even leaving that aside, it is delicious enough to drink on its own 🍶.
Hi Yasu-san 🐦. Kin Kame's white is delicious 😊❣️ I think it might be my favorite in this series 😊It's acidic so it's not tart and mouthwatering as you say 😁 I'd like to try pairing it with something else 😁.
Hi Yasu-san 🌞. I know you only post Fukuoka sake, but I drank the same one just 3 days ago 😆. It was delicious, juicy and gently sweet as it says on the back label ✨. I just don't get the impression of sourness 🤔.
Good evening, Pon 🐤This baby is really delicious with careful clarity too ✨I'd like to try the other ones, both heated and fire-roasted 🍶Meat carpaccio could have been "sukiyaki" like with this baby if you put soy sauce on it now😆.
Good evening, Matsuchiyosan 🌙You drank the same one ✨The sweetness comes to the forefront, but I felt a gentle acidity in the background ✨. I love to drink a variety of sake from my favorite region 😆 Recently, I've been really interested in Shiga sake.
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This is the second cold chrysanthemum. The entrance is hard to tell because the aroma is blown away by the metal sake cup, but in the mouth it has a beautiful rice flavor supported by a thick and gentle acidity. The finish is gentle and slightly light. The most wonderful thing about this sake is its clear and beautiful mid-palate supported by the acidity ✨I still love sake with this kind of mid-palate umami ✨. This is delicious 🍶.
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INOMATA65" is named after the toji who revived the brewery after 20 years. At the entrance, the aroma is lost from the sake vessel material and cannot be taken away. In the mouth, the clear mouthfeel has a beautiful rice flavor and sweetness riding on soft acidity, and the finish is gentle, clean, and quiet. This is fantastic ✨✨ I love the sweet umami that expands in the middle of the elegant, clean, clear mouthfeel ✨It's a nama-shu, but it's definitely one that can be warmed up. I found a great sake 🍶. I would love to try another one.
Hi, Yasu-san. Yas-san's review reminded me that I wanted to drink the Aizu Otokoyama times someday! I wonder if INOMATA65 is different from the times? I would like to drink both 😤.
Hi, Hirupeko! ☀️ Aizu Otokoyama was the flavor this time that made me want to try the times as well ✨✨This time it was a draft sake, but I would like to try the fire-roasted version.
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The ones I bought at the supermarket and stored at room temperature. It was served at room temperature in a wine glass. At the entrance, the aroma of ripe rice straw and mushrooms, and the acidity that makes you feel the richness of the wine. In the mouth, the thick and at the same time light acidity supports the thick umami of the rice. The finish is soft and moderately dry. This is still a wonderful wine. It's half a miracle that such an authentic sake can be bought "normally" at a supermarket at a reasonable price ✨✨. Next, I heated it up. This time, I poured half of the sake into a 8 shaku tasting cup and heated it for less than 20 seconds. It was probably about 50℃, a little too warm from the aroma. At first, there is a strong smell of alcohol, but after waiting a while, the warm and soft sweetness of the rice spreads in the mouth with just the right amount of dryness. The aging aroma also becomes part of the mild mouthfeel as it warms up, very nice ✨✨. A sense of maturity from the entrance, thick umami, soft acidity, sweet and gentle mouthfeel and a mild and crisp finish. I am reminded once again that this is a sake that will continue to be loved beyond time. It has all the elements of a good sake 🍶. And this 1-gouple size bottle is both well designed and easy to use ✨✨.
Hello, Yasu-san. This bottle of Kuromatsu Kenbishi is excellent, isn't it? I wonder why this taste is available at supermarkets? The taste is so stable that it makes you wonder why you can buy it in supermarkets. It is indeed just right to be lukewarm 😊.
Hi ☀️ this bottle is really useful for dividing leftover sake into small portions and heating it up as it is ✨It's a safe thing to reach for when you go out to buy sake and are lost and can't make up your mind 😊.
Good evening, Yasu-san 🌛Kenrishi has always had a great taste and a strong management policy 😊These bottles can be lent to keep convection going and I was impressed by what President Shirakashi said 😆 We are keeping them at room temperature at home too 😁.
Nemuchi-san, good evening 🌙The development of these small bottles, the rethinking of the detailed process for the "unchanged taste", and this flexibility is probably what keeps the "tradition" stubbornly alive ✨The refrigerator is always full, so long live the sake that is stored at room temperature 😆.
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It has been a surprisingly long time since I have had a sake from Kasumitsuru. The standard Yamahai Junmai goes very well with seafood, not to mention crab. I guess each region has its own "palate". This is the first time for me to try Kozumizakura. It has a strong aroma of fermented yogurt on the palate. And it is mild. The palate has a wonderful balance of rich, mellow umami and thick, gentle acidity. This is delicious! It has a safe taste that can be served with anything. It is like "white rice" 🌾. I really love sake that has a backbone that doesn't need to be served at any temperature ✨✨I had it chilled since we were at the restaurant, but I think it would definitely be great at room temperature or warmed up 🍶.
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A bottle I happened to be able to buy at the liquor store last month✨. Stored at room temperature for about a month. I will drink it at room temperature as it is. At the entrance, the aroma of fresh fruitiness is surrounded by the aroma of thick and soft acidity. In the mouth, the soft acidity is accompanied by a soft deliciousness and elegant and moderate sweetness that spreads beautifully in the mouth. The finish is also soft and quiet with a hint of bitterness. Soft and gentle taste riding on this clarity at room temperature of simple junmai sake. This baby is amazing🍶. If it tastes this good at room temperature, it can definitely be chilled and definitely warmed up. So next time, I'll try it heated. I boiled it in a tin chirori, and while taking in the aroma, pulled it up close to 50 degrees Celsius, where the sweet aroma that rises slightly and the contoured acidity balance each other out. The aroma is fresh and fruity on the nose, but it is still fresh and fruity on the palate. In the mouth, the tight acidity and warm sweetness of rice spread in a wonderful balance in the mouth. It is definitely delicious heated as well. It is delicious both at room temperature and heated, and the fact that the aroma at room temperature does not change (does not disappear) even when heated makes it a reliable sake. It's delicious 🍶 Fukushima sake! The taste and quality ✨✨ is like 🍶Fukushima sake!
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The entrance smells sweet and sour, like an apple blended with a yogurt drink. In the mouth, the mild mouthfeel is refreshing with a gentle acidity, and the umami of rice is refreshing while maintaining its volume. I had tried Koshi once before and was under the impression that the quality of the sake was not so great for a much talked-about sake, but this is delicious. If I may be picky, it leaves a bit of a heavy feeling, so it would be nice if it were a bit lighter. I think it would be great with a low alcohol drink with this flavor ✨.
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Kaze no Mori is the only one made with No. 6 yeast. The entrance has a thick pulpy aroma like melon. It is so-called "cemedine", but I have not liked this word for a long time and would like to find a better way to describe it 😆. In the mouth, the sweet flavor of rice spreads generously on a soft, beautiful, thick acidity. The finish is still soft and gentle, with a beautiful flow. This is amazing 🍶. I recently drank the Alpha 5 in the Alpha series after it became Bodhi Hashiro and thought it was very tasty, and this one is also very tasty ✨✨✨. I think it's been quite a while since I opened the bottle, but it's mellow and the umami is coming on. I think the stability of the foundation and the quality of the acidity are outstanding in the "sweet and delicious, beautiful and trendy sake" category. Kaze no Mori is still amazing ✨✨. Really delicious 🍶.
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I have loved this brand ever since I got into sake. It is served warm. On entry, the aroma is sweet like candy with an aroma of maturity with hints of dead grass and rice straw. This aroma ✨✨ In the mouth, plenty of sweet rice flavor is balanced with a wonderful volume of acidity and entrance aroma, spreading warmly in the mouth. It is still the best 🍶. With such a wonderful heated sake, I can stay happy from the first cup to the last. This is a fast brewer. The aroma and mouthfeel are a bit lighter than the standard Yamahai, but the lightness of the aroma and mouthfeel clearly shows off Kikuhime's qualities ✨✨. ✨✨This is what good sake tastes like, right? I really love this brand, which makes me want to say again, "This is what good sake tastes like! It was great again 🍶🍶🍶. By the way, I was alone in the corner, but it seems that the stranger next to me could tell how much I loved this sake 😆 He couldn't help but sigh every time he took a sip 😆.
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Laughing Four Seasons after a long time. The entrance aroma is not so clear due to the shape of the sake cup, but it seems to be a blend of fresh fruit and thick acidity. In the mouth, it is sweet and sour, reminiscent of apples, and at the same time, the mouth is filled with a thick flavor. It finishes with a firm acidity and a slight bitterness. The voluminous middle part of the bottle is exactly what one would expect from a sake brewed using the "ikuhashi-zukuri" method, and the sweet and sour taste at the entrance is memorable. Somehow it is easier to drink than the last time I had it. I remember it was a little more voluminous and heavier in the front before. It has a modern taste, but it has a stable mid-palate. It went well with the salted squid I ordered at that time. It was delicious.
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I'm curious about "manager's recommendations" that are not on the menu. I was shown a list of the ones not on the menu and ordered this one for the first time. The aroma is almost imperceptible on entry, but it is clear and slightly tight with a hint of acidity. In the mouth, the dry acidity is more forward than expected and the umami of the rice rides firmly. This is delicious 🍶. The bottle has only just been opened. I think it is dry and hard because the flavor has not yet opened up, but I think it is the type that will mellow out after a few more days. I think it would be perfect at room temperature or warmed ✨✨.
Good evening, Yasusan 😃 Honkin-san! It's delicious 😋When we had the Shinshu Sake Festival about a year ago, I was struck by the deliciously clear taste that set it apart from other sweet and tasty sake 😚It's been a while since I had a chance to try it 🤗.
Good morning, Jay & Nobby. ☀️ This baby was delicious! It has just the right amount of cleanliness and acidity with a base of goodness 🍶It's nice to come across a quiet, authentic wine like this one 😊.
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Modest at the entrance, almost imperceptible except for a slight cream acidity at the back. On the palate, the swelling rice flavor is quickly followed by bitterness and slightly sharp acidity on a clear, clean mouthfeel with a slight carbonation. I guess you could say that it is a deliciously clean sake with a firm dry sharpness. However, if umami is one of the characteristics of this sake, I would like to have more time to savor it in the middle part. The dryness comes after it quickly and the bitterness is a bit strong, so I was left with the impression that the sake was somewhat busy and not very well-balanced. Even if I warmed it up (or changed the temperature), I think it would still be a bit tough. It is clear, umami, and beautiful, so I would like to see the dryness in the latter half of the bottle be controlled more 😆.
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Aiyama of opening love mountains. It's kind of rare ✨✨. The entrance is sweet and refreshingly fruity, reminiscent of melon and syrup. In the mouth, the sweetness of the rice and plenty of umami spreads in the mouth in excellent balance with the soft acidity. The sharpness is also tight and firm without any unnecessary elements. The transparent mouthfeel is elegant and beautiful. It is full of sweetness and umami, yet somehow light. This is a very tasty one 🍶. I was lucky to be able to drink it ✨. Kaiun, it's still delicious 🍶.
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I had a drink at an izakaya at the end of February and thought it was the best sake I had this year! I was able to buy a bottle of sake that I thought was the best I've had this year after drinking it at a pub around the end of February ✨✨ so I'll take my time at home 👺. First, it was chilled and served in a wine glass. The entrance smells of freshly milled rice like Kamishinko, and a gentle sweet aroma like cotton candy. The soft and sweet rice flavor spreads in the mouth in a beautiful volume in a clear mouthful ✨✨The acidity is also soft, yet firm and thick. This is still wonderful ✨✨. The finish is gentle, with a slight bitterness coming in at the end. It's still so delicious 🍶🍶🍶. Sweet, gentle, soft and reassuring, with a solid and trustworthy structure throughout. This body is nice for a draft ✨I think it will be even better after about 3 days of aging now ✨. Next, we warmed it up. I warmed it up to about 45℃ while taking in the aroma in a hot water bath. I warmed it up a little beforehand in a tasting cup. The result was about 40 degrees (maybe). At the entrance, the aroma is like that of a candy that reminds you of a lot of sweetness, overlapped with the acidic aroma of fermented yogurt. The aroma of alcohol volume is also present. In the mouth, the warmed and even softer and gentler sweetness of the rice is combined with the thick acidity to spread through the mouth ✨✨Delicious 🍶. I also want to drink Furozumi again.
Good evening, Yasu-san. I'm so glad you enjoyed Soma no Tengu at home and heated it up properly 😆 I want to bring it home next time I go back to my hometown 💕.
Hi Hirupeko, good evening 🌙 This one is still delicious ✨I love the core body in the drinkability of the raw sake 😊It's really amazing that it's a fast brewing 👍. Please bring her home a lot 😆😆.
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Reconstruction assistance sake from Noto. This precious sake was brewed by blending Noto Hatsuzakura Honjozo, which miraculously survived the total destruction of Sakurada Sake Brewery, with Tengumai. The entrance aroma is moderately voluminous with a gentle acidity. The aroma is more subdued than one might expect from the pale yellowish color. In the mouth, the thick acidity envelopes the matured flavor that makes you think this is Tengu Mai. After that, the umami does not spread like Tengumai's standard Yamahai, and it finishes with a light mouthfeel in a good sense. A light, matured Tengu Mai. Delicious. I ordered it for my first glass and it tasted just right 🍶 I think it is perfect as a mealtime sake. Very precious sake, glad I was able to drink it as a show of support ✨✨.
W蓬莱 出羽燦々純米原酒生酒無濾過
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It's been a long time since I've had a drink in years. The entry starts with a surprisingly tight acid aroma rather than sweetness. In the mouth, the soft sweetness of plenty of rice is supported by the beautiful acidity from below. The finish is well-balanced with slightly firm acidity and a slight bitterness. Delicious 🍶. A well-made sweet and juicy sake. I drank it so long ago that I forgot some of the details, but I felt it was more balanced and tasty ✨.
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The entrance has a good aroma that gently swells, like a gentle cotton candy balanced with a soft acidity. In the mouth, the umami of rice spreads with just the right volume and mellowness on top of the soft and gentle acidity. This is happiness✨The sharpness is also relaxed and gentle with the soft acidity. This is really delicious 🍶. The balance between the wonderful umami that makes you want to drink only this and the gentle acidity that supports it. And the clear mouthfeel. Great ✨✨ I found a good one 🍶.
Hi Yasu-san. I see that Yixia was a very good bottle 😊I haven't had it yet, so if it's that good, I'd like to meet it someday 😋.
Good evening, Hirupeko! There is no gorgeous aroma or strong sharpness, so please just enjoy the beautiful spread of umami in the middle! I think it is a kind of sake. It's wonderful 🍶Please let me know what you think of it when you drink it ✨✨.