SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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The ones I bought at the supermarket and stored at room temperature. It was served at room temperature in a wine glass. At the entrance, the aroma of ripe rice straw and mushrooms, and the acidity that makes you feel the richness of the wine. In the mouth, the thick and at the same time light acidity supports the thick umami of the rice. The finish is soft and moderately dry. This is still a wonderful wine. It's half a miracle that such an authentic sake can be bought "normally" at a supermarket at a reasonable price ✨✨. Next, I heated it up. This time, I poured half of the sake into a 8 shaku tasting cup and heated it for less than 20 seconds. It was probably about 50℃, a little too warm from the aroma. At first, there is a strong smell of alcohol, but after waiting a while, the warm and soft sweetness of the rice spreads in the mouth with just the right amount of dryness. The aging aroma also becomes part of the mild mouthfeel as it warms up, very nice ✨✨. A sense of maturity from the entrance, thick umami, soft acidity, sweet and gentle mouthfeel and a mild and crisp finish. I am reminded once again that this is a sake that will continue to be loved beyond time. It has all the elements of a good sake 🍶. And this 1-gouple size bottle is both well designed and easy to use ✨✨.
Hello, Yasu-san. This bottle of Kuromatsu Kenbishi is excellent, isn't it? I wonder why this taste is available at supermarkets? The taste is so stable that it makes you wonder why you can buy it in supermarkets. It is indeed just right to be lukewarm 😊.
Hi ☀️ this bottle is really useful for dividing leftover sake into small portions and heating it up as it is ✨It's a safe thing to reach for when you go out to buy sake and are lost and can't make up your mind 😊.
Good evening, Yasu-san 🌛Kenrishi has always had a great taste and a strong management policy 😊These bottles can be lent to keep convection going and I was impressed by what President Shirakashi said 😆 We are keeping them at room temperature at home too 😁.
Nemuchi-san, good evening 🌙The development of these small bottles, the rethinking of the detailed process for the "unchanged taste", and this flexibility is probably what keeps the "tradition" stubbornly alive ✨The refrigerator is always full, so long live the sake that is stored at room temperature 😆.