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新潟出身 東京住まい 双子男児の父 日本酒沼1年生です🤣 基本的には自分で購入できた(戴けた)ものだけ、家飲み出来たものだけチェックインするようにしています🤣 主な仕入れ酒屋 ・東京都多摩市 小山商店 ・東京都町田市 まさるや鶴川店 ・東京都品川区 ワダヤ ・東京都町田市 さかや栗原 町田店 ・東京都目黒区 伊勢五本店 ・神奈川県厚木市 望月商店

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Sake Map

The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.
Kawanakajima Genbu幻舞純米吟醸
Kawanakajima Genbu Check-in 1
This is my first Kawanakajima Genmai 🤩🤩. I thought I would come across it someday, but I never did, so I looked for it 🤣🤣. I was very nervous because all the liquor stores were not very familiar to me 🤣🤣. Hashiwaya had a great selection 🤣🤣. I didn't know what to buy so I went with the first Miyamanishiki Junmai Ginjo that caught my eye 🤔. I made up my own image and information 🤣🤣. It was totally different 🤣🤣🤣 I was told that it was easy for beginners and women to drink 🤣🤣 so I was delusional about the taste with such prejudice 🤣🤣🤣. I thought it was more like a classic. 🤔 It's usually spicy 🤣 not spicy but dry 🤣. Sweet and spicy fruity? I'm not sure 🤣. I'll let it sit for a bit and drink it again 🤩.
Good evening, Mr. Kakinsiki 🌃This Genmai Miyamanishiki is a green bottle, so it's the dry one sold as summer sake from this season 😅The regular Genmai Miyamanishiki is a brown bottle, and it has a gentle sweetness and richness that's close to what you're imagining 😄.
Good evening sleepy healer! 🤩 I see! 🤔I picked too many at random 🤣. I'll try the brown bottle next time! 🤣 It tasted even better when I drank it out of a boar's mouth instead of a wine glass! 🤣🤣
Good morning kzsh1017 🤩. I've got a great dealership within action so I'll be going through it! 👍️
Ugonotsuki Check-in 1
Koyama Shoten (小山商店)
This is our first landing in Hiroshima 🤣🤣We still have a long way to go to conquer the whole country 🤣🤣. We will continue to work steadily🤣🤣. First time in Hiroshima, but I like to drink "Ame no Tsuki" at Izakaya 🤩I have an impression that it is consistently tasty 🤩. I bought it because I was weak to the tag of caution to open the bottle🤣🤣🤣I received it ❕👍️. The only time I've ever lost was to a Shinsei cat spa so 🤣🤣. I'm opening the bottle with gusto! 🤣🤣 I opened it easily and without incident 🤣🤣🤣🤣 easy win❕👍️ I've had it with greasy Chinese food and it's perfect with it 🤩️. It's cloudy, but a little dry and very drinkable 🤣🤣. I'll let it sit for a while to let the gas out and try again 🤩🤩.
Gakki Masamune本醸造 中取り
Gakki Masamune Check-in 1
Koyama Shoten (小山商店)
Since it is always said to be the top or even the winner of the cospa championship, I bought it 🤣🤣👍️ It's really good 🤣🤣💦. Always have a bottle on hand or just leave the 1200 yen and have a sip of this when you're out of money 🤣🤣🤣 You won't be able to stay away 🤣🤣
Good evening, Mr. Kakinsiki. I also drank it the other day and it's delicious👍and still easy on the wallet😊.
Good morning, Ponchan 🤩. I had no idea of the level of detail you have achieved here 🤣🤣 I am in awe 🤣🤣 I will try different rice varieties👍️
Ubusuna Check-in 1
I opened my gun on July 30 🤣🤣. This is the 2nd version of the "wooden vat" 🤣🤣 I heard some people say that the gas is too strong and the stopper will fly off 🤣🤣🤣I'm already looking forward to it the most 🤣🤣. It didn't fly 🤣🤣🤣but the sound is great🤣🤣 There were 5 of us and we got delicious food from all of them🤣🤣. It's still the best 🤣🤣 I couldn't really appreciate the depth of flavor and three-dimensionality that only a wooden vat can provide 🤣🤣🤣. I still gobbled it up 🤣🤣.
Glorious Mt.Fujiサンクチュアリ
Glorious Mt.Fuji Check-in 1
He's an expensive one 🤣🤣. We got it and opened it at the party 🤣🤣 It's too expensive for me to ever buy it🤣🤣🤣sigh 🤩. I know there's a lot of crap out there, but really, what do you think! 🤣🤣 Oh oh oh 🤣🤣 This is not something you give to a beginner too much 🤣🤣 It tastes like Glory Fuji, but it's a hard rice flavor for beginners 🤣🤣🤣. Well, I don't think a beginner would pay 6,000 yen for it, so that's ok 🤣🤣🤣. I heard it's a kongetsu style 🤔 Sake future is generally better 🤣🤣.
Glorious Mt.Fuji酒未来純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
Glorious Mt.Fuji Check-in 1
That's the drink that dropped me in the swamp last year 🤣🤣. Not to go full circle, but I'm going for the first time in a year! 🤣🤣 ,,,, I don't remember it being like this. 🤣🤣 My memory of being impressed to death has been rewritten after drinking about 200 bottles since then? 🤣🤣 Huh? I was like 🤣🤣🤣. It was not that sweet and tangy, but chunky and strong bodied, apart from the rest of the sake future🤔. Really, was it like this last year? 🤔 I can finally compare the taste with a year ago 🤣🤣
Kamonishiki Check-in 1
The 1st lot of Hwangsuisen 2022 I drank before was so good, I'm having another 2nd lot 🤣. It still tastes great no matter what you drink, but it was so good that a refill was a must 🤣🤣. I'd rather buy a few bottles for my people 🤣🤣. Especially to people in Niigata🤣. It's supposed to be a summer sake, but...it's a summer sake! 🤣🤣 Very un-Japanese sake drinking! 🤣🤣 Gulp it down like a beer 🤣🤣 Oh no 🤣🤣I drink it up 🤣🤣 Hats off to you considering it's only going to get better 🤣🤣.
Good morning kzsh1017 🤩. Akan, seriously 🤣 I'm thinking of chasing it up since it's cosmetic 🤣.
Fusano KankikuOCEAN 99 星海
Fusano Kankiku Check-in 1
Lately, I think 🤔. Cold chrysanthemum is bad, right? 🤔 says 🤣🤣 I don't think I'm chasing that much, but all the sake I drink is good 🤣🤣🤣🤣 The OCEAN 99 series in particular is my favorite texture 🤣🤣. HOSHIKAI 🤩 Both Kukai and Seikai were outstanding though 🤣🤣 Very sweet 🤣🤣I thought it would be a bad category, but it was very easy to drink and accented with some carbonation 🤣🤣. I would love to drink it while looking at the stars, but there are no stars in our sky🤣🤣🤣.
Matsumidori Check-in 1
When I heard it was a shwashy light niggle, there was no way I was going through with it! I thought 🤣 and searched quite a bit🤣. I didn't expect to find Kurihara's within a 5 minute walk 🤣🤣💦. It seems like there are a lot of stores in Kanagawa, but only about 3 in Tokyo🤣. I'll spare you the details, but the taste 🤔 It's a birthplace 🤣🤣🤣💦 Great gasiness, fruity, peary, clean and crisp 🤣🤣🤣 This is badass ❕🤣🤣 Expensive though 🤣🤣💦. I would drink it if I had it ❕🤣🤣 I'm looking forward to the taste after the gas is out 🤣🤣 I'll let it sit for a while to verify 🤣🤣. I recommend this 🤣🤣
Ubusuna Check-in 1
Koyama Shoten (小山商店)
I opened it to commemorate the reappearance of Sanzu at UTAGE & the immediate sellout of the sale 🤣🤣. As expected, I couldn't afford the 1000 yen + shipping for the pre-sale, so I passed on it 🤣🤣. No, I probably wouldn't have been able to buy it even if I wanted to 🤣🤣💦. So I'll take the 7th lot 🤤. Tasty as ever 🤣🤣 The gas is also still just as good as the birthplace one exceptionally ❕🤣. A little drier than usual? 🤔 I didn't even feel that much sweetness 🤩. The best part of the production soil is that when you open it and let it sit for a bit, it tastes good again 🤣🤣. I'm going to buy it tomorrow at Wadaya as soon as I see that the 8th lot came out today 🤣🤣.
Good evening, Mr. Kakinsiki ^ ^ I've been checking UTAGE for the past few months and when I️ found out that the next one was SANDO, I️ wanted to buy it, but it was 10,000 yen so I gave up 🥲. Sundo, I would love to drink it☺️.
Good morning Manta🤩. The price was also a blowout since it was the highest regulation production ever 🤣I think it will be in Hasegawa's online store soon, so checker 🤣👍️.
Ohmine Junmai夏のおとずれ
Ohmine Junmai Check-in 1
It's been a while since I've bought a jacket 🤣🤣. I had a daimine san grain yuki onna at an izakaya before and thought it looked like that 🤣🤣 and it was the same illustrator after all 🤣🤣! It smells like grapes, but it's very easy to drink and has a refreshing aftertaste! 🤣🤣 It's a taste and drinking comfort that I desire in the intense heat 🤩👍️. Price is high 🤔
Fusano KankikuOCEAN 99 青海 ワダヤ頒布会
Fusano Kankiku Check-in 1Fusano Kankiku Check-in 2
This is the second bottle of Wadaya's distribution 🤣🤣. The previous bottle of OCEAN99 blue ocean, was delicious 🤣🤣🤣! It was the MVP for June 🤣🤣. So this is the best version of the most delicious one 🤣🤣🤣. The pleasant aroma is coming through my nose and I feel like I'm drooling 🤤. Delicious ❕🤣❕🤣❕🤣❕🤣 Sorry, this is the best tasting in 2022 ❕🤣 this is definitely the best so far ❕🤣. I need about 5 more bottles ❕🤣 seriously! 🤩 I want another bottle 🤩 as often as I drink good stuff, but seriously, I want about 5 more ❕🤣. It's that good ❕🤣. Shwashy chili apple juice!!! 🤩. Very carefully sculpted, contoured in depth, and sharp as hell! 🤩 Shocking 🤔 Please bring this out next year and this one ❕🤣 rather sell it to the public ❕🤣 I'll buy 5 🤣🤣💦 I'm looking forward to next month's and next month's hanpukai ❕🤣 I think next month will be "Sansho" and "Kaze no Mori" 🤤.
Tensei朝絞り ワダヤスペシャル純米吟醸
Tensei Check-in 1
This is Wadaya's hanpukai sake 🤣🤣. Original specs for hanpukai 🤣🤣 It is said that it is a morning pressing direct pumped raw sake aged in ice temperature 🤔🤔🤔. I was already looking forward to it so much! 🤣🤣 I've never had Tensei before, but it's a sake with Wadaya's whole heart and soul 🤣🤣🤣 Citrusy aroma like grapefruit 🤤. I want an aroma of this smell 🤣🤣 It's so delicious ❕🤣. Sweet, refreshing and most of all sharp ❕🤣. It's juicy and feels insanely fresh ❕🤣. This drink was far beyond my imagination 🤣🤣!
Momokawa Check-in 1
A friend in Aomori sent me some local sake 🤩. Is it limited to Aomori? 🤔 I don't see much of it here 🤔 Sake made with rice rice that I haven't tried yet 🤣🤣. I'd love to try a bolt from the blue 🤣 I love rice 🤣 My college thesis is on rice 🤣🤣. I drank before I ate 🤣🤣🤣🤣 The taste was as expected, clean and delicious 🤣🤣. Not a great sip or outstanding feature, but... It is very easy to enjoy 🤣🤣🤣. I would love to drink this sake with a side of rice from the blue 🤣🤣🤣. I can't find it anywhere near me🤣🤣🤣
Good evening. I am eating rice from out of the blue right now. It is very moist and chunky 😁I see you have sake. I would like to try it with sake and onigiri.
Good morning, Mr. Kakinshiki! Momokawa itself is sold all over Japan, but you don't see many of them 😂They are delicious and glutinous, so please try them 😍.
Hi Ane-san! 🤩 Every prefecture is coming out with more and more delicious rice and my local Koshihikari is in big trouble 🤣🤣.
Hi Manachy! 🤩 Seems like it's getting better and better as the days go by after opening the bottle! 🤣🤣 I will definitely try to buy it 🤩 out of the blue!
Yoshidagura u百万石乃白 スパークリング
Yoshidagura u Check-in 1
It's a guess Yoshida Kura u Mamangoku No Shiro Sparkling purchased on JSP's UTAGE site 🤩. It's the one you can't get enough of the gas from the secondary fermentation in the bottle, polished to 40% rice polishing ratio 🤩. I guess it's a step up from Hallo & Good-bye that came out in the spring? 🤔 I heard on the UTAGE live streaming that it was only available here, so I didn't hesitate to snap it up 🤣🤣. I was not aware of the "be careful of spills" sign, but 🤣🤣. I'm afraid to open the bottle because it's sparkling 🤔. Not a drop at all 🤣🤣🤣 Not even a drop of mixture 🤣🤣🤣 I'll take the top up as it is 🤣🤣🤣 Yeah 🤣🤣I'm feeling very gassy and I'm a million stone no white 🤣🤣🤣! The aroma is just like the smell of Yoshida Kurau🤣🤣🤣. Very popular and easy to drink 🤩not too sweet, not too bitter 🤣🤣🤣. I'm actually not a big fan of sparkling but it's very tasty ❕🤣🤣.
Good morning, Mr. Kakinsiki ☀☀☀☀☀. I haven't checked UTAGE lately, but I didn't know there was such a thing❗️Hello & goodbye was so good, so this looks really good too 🤤.
Hello Mr. Kakinsiki ^ ^ I've been trying to check UTAGE lately, but it's not cheap so I'm going to buy it sometimes 👍 Yoshidazo u beyond set, I was wondering 😁.
Good evening Mr. Manachy! 🤩 I hope next year there will be a Beyond series instead of a limited edition 🤣🤣 too good 🤣🤣.
Good evening Manta! 🤩 It's expensive, but I didn't regret it 🤣🤣. It's a light state of war here at UTAGE🤣🤣🤣 like at Shinsei 🤣🤣🤣.
Fusano KankikuTrue White
Fusano Kankiku Check-in 1
I got a blue cheese, so I was looking at which of our lineup would go well with it 🤣, and our eyes met 🤣🤣. I've heard a lot of people in this area say that whatever you drink is good. 🤔 Really delicious ❕🤣 Much tastier than expected ❕🤣 And of course it goes perfectly with blue cheese!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🤩 I'm magically happy 🤣🤣! Sweet smell, like pineapple, for a moment I thought it was a bad taste 🤔. Totally clean and snappy! 🤣🤣 This is the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🤣🤣 I'll be buying the red one with it next year 🤣🤣
Harugasumi Check-in 1
I heard it was highly recommended so I searched and searched and finally was able to purchase it 🤩. After much searching, I found it at a local liquor store: 🤣🤣🤣🤣 This is my first time to try Harukasumi! So refreshing and easy to drink! 🤣 Refreshing mouthfeel, refreshing acidity, refreshing bitter aftertaste 🤣🤣. It's a cool kick 🤣🤣🤣 It doesn't have any major characteristics, but it's generally delicious! 🤣🤣
Hiroki Check-in 1
酒舗 まさるや
This is the loot I got after entering Masaruya's birthday gift drawing early in the morning 🤣🤣. I was number 76 out of 95 people and the only ones left were Tobiroki "Junmai Daiginjo" and Tobiroki Special Junmai 🤣🤣🤣. The first person to get a bottle of Niimasa ran out 🤣🤣🤣. This is fate too! 🤣 so i'm going to enjoy some Tobiroki Junmai Daiginjo! 🤣🤣 I heard that you use a rice milling machine that doesn't crush rice even if you put salmon roe in it🤣🤣🤣 It's fragrant 🤩and very fruity! 🤣🤣 So different from what you order at the store! 🤣🤣 It has a gorgeous ginjo aroma, like melon 🤣🤣! One sip and you'll be sizzling and bursting with flavor! 🤣🤣 The freshness is maintained, this is a delicious sake! 🤣It's a delicious taste 🤣🤣. I haven't been drinking much lately 🤣🤣. I left it for a day and drank it warmed up and it was even more bursting with flavor ❕🤣. This is delicious 🤣 It's hard to find, but I'd like to drink it again 🤩.
HououbidenBlack phenix 本生
Hououbiden Check-in 1
He said he would buy it for me, so I did! 🤣🤣 The fire-retardant type is out today 🤣🤣. I didn't expect him to buy me this raw 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 It seems there were two types and the one recommended by the clerk was the Honkaku one 🤣🤣🤣. The best tasting one in Aizan! I thought 🤣🤣. Koei Kiku hello Sharaku Banshu Aizan and I thought 🤣. Might actually be my least favorite rice 🤔. Of course it smells like pineapple 🤣 not my favorite 🤣🤣 BUT!!! The sharpness is outstanding! 🤣🤣 Ohhhhhh 🤣 this is delicious !!!! 🤣 Great balance of not too sweet!!!! 🤣🤣 That's what I'm talking about!!! 🤩 I've been on an Aisan rush lately, but this one's good! 🤩 Well, I mean, it's the real deal: 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Beau Michelle Check-in 1
I had another one last night because it was so good 🤣🤣. Is it the fire-roasted type? It's also very, very, very good 🤣💦. Naturally, a bottle was gone in the blink of an eye 🤫. The harmony of sour and sweet! 🤣 A mille-feuille of pungent sourness and gentle sweetness! 🤣 I'm a fan after all these years 🤣🤣