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SawanohanaBeau Michelle

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Where to buy:Takahara Shoten The sweetness of the flavor is just amazing. It's just so sweet! Sourness like no other sake I've ever tasted and sweetness like a kijo sake. As time goes by after opening the bottle, the separation of sourness and sweetness decreases, but you can't deny the syrupy feeling until the end.
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If you drink it thinking it is sake, you will be surprised. The direction of the fruity taste is completely different. It tastes like a silky plum wine. It is delicious. It's not sake, but fruit wine. I wonder how it is made like this. It's a mystery.
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We also got this one yesterday... We had a glass of Beaumichel just a few months ago, and my wife loves it 🍶. We had a full meal, so the light white wine and freshness of the wine was just the right intoxication. I stocked up on a lot of it for my birthday lol. The one on the left is mine and the one on the right is my wife's selection. It's a very easy combination to understand 👀.
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Opened March 15, 2025 Purchased at the brewery So much melon🍈🍈🍈🍈. No more melon🍈🍈🍈🍈🍈🍈. I've never had such melon🍈🍈🍈🍈. Someone is playing a trick on me that it's sake: ⁉️ I should just drink this sake. No need to eat anything. This is dessert🍰.
Beau MichelleSnow fantasy原酒生酒にごり酒
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❄️ Ingredients: Rice (domestic), Rice malt (domestic) Polishing ratio: 60 Rice used: 100% sake brewing rice Alcohol content: 9 I didn't have the energy to go out for a drink today, so I went to a hotel for a drink. There are other places I want to go to besides the standing bar, but I don't feel like going if I have to make a reservation 😅. I bought some light sake because I still have some Kurosawa left from yesterday. If you can drink it right away, you can buy sake that needs to be refrigerated, right? So, I think this is your first time, Beaumichelle🎶. Sweet 💕 I also like the slight carbonation. It would be a shame to call it a luxury juice 💦. Oh, it was gone in no time. Not very cosy 🤣.
Aunty. Good morning... Looks like I'm going to have to go through with the wine😅.
Good evening, Mr. Koizo. It's a delicious sake that goes down easy. How about a bottle for now 😊.
Beau Michellesnow fantasy原酒生酒にごり酒
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It was an adult calpis with just the right amount of sourness; low in alcohol at 9 degrees, the nigoroshi was beautiful, and the sake was not quite sake. A little sweetness lingers on the palate.
Beau MichelleSnow fantasy原酒生酒にごり酒
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Second time this season. Sweet and sour lactic acid type aroma. It also feels like a lactic acid drink. The sourness comes first, followed by sweetness and a hint of bitterness in the second half. The strong gaseous taste gives a refreshing impression.
Beau Michelleスノーファンタジー 冬季限定 うすにごり生原酒原酒生酒にごり酒
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Sake selected by my wife. This is also my first time drinking this sake. When I opened the bottle, it started fizzing before I knew it, which surprised me. The sweet and sour taste and the fizzy sensation was more like sparkling wine than sake. The alcohol content is low and it is a delicious sake that is easy to drink.

Brands from Tomono Shuzo

SawanohanaBeau Michelle

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