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Kana MakiKana Maki
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Toyoka純米酒 中取り無ろ過生原酒
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Kana Maki
Appearance: Sound, colorless, transparent, slightly low viscosity Nose Sound, slightly high aroma, estery, blue fruit, green melon, herbal, fresh, acidic and sweet aroma Moderate complexity Taste Sound Texture is slightly carbonated and stimulating, feeling sharp First fruit peel-like bitterness and sweetness, still blue fruit acidity. Lingering finish is long. The acidity is relatively short, but the sweetness and bitterness linger for a long time. There is some umami, but because the bitterness is quite effective, there is not much lingering umami. However, there is no lack of umami, and the bitterness lingers on the tongue after it recedes. It is difficult to classify it...is it a sake with fragrance? The flavor is relatively robust, but not to the point of being solid. There is a fair amount of bitterness, but I wonder if it would be better if it were laid to rest. It is a bittersweet taste, but I wonder if it will become rounder with time. It may round out after some time.
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Kana Maki
Appearance Sound, clear, slightly pale yellow, medium viscosity. Moderate to high aromatic intensity, with a rich sweet aroma of grain, steamed rice and syrup with a faint hint of ripe banana. The texture is smooth but firm, and the aroma is a little high. At first, there is a rich sweetness and acidity like ripe banana, followed by the rich flavor of rice malt, and a little later, the aroma and bitterness like caramel and burnt sugar. The aftertaste is rather long, with the umami and sweetness lingering for a long time, but with the bitterness at the end, it does not feel persistent. Because of the bitterness and the high alcohol content, the initial impression of sweetness changes to a crisp impression at the end of the drink. Full-bodied sake with a lot of sweetness and flavor. At first you can feel the sweetness in both the aroma and taste, but when you finish drinking it, it is not sweet at all. It seems to go well with dishes that have a strong flavor, and may be good at any temperature. Yes, it is delicious.
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Kana Maki
Appearance Sound, clear, colorless, slightly low viscosity. The aroma is medium-high, with a fresh, green aroma of apples, pineapples and herbs, and an ethyl alcohol aroma. Taste Sound The texture is crisp and smooth. The aroma is rather low, with an initial bitterness and sourness from the alcohol, followed by the flavor and sweetness of the rice malt. The aftertaste is moderate, with a long aftertaste of bitterness and umami. The sweetness is moderate, the aftertaste is not long, and it is crisp.
参宮初笑福 無加水本醸造〈生〉
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Kana Maki
Appearance Sound Almost colorless, but faintly foamy gas Viscosity Moderate Aroma High to moderately high, green apple, cerfille, and other herbaceous and refreshingly sweet aromas, with a faint hint of cemendine? and lactic acidic notes of cottage cheese and yogurt. Taste Sound, with a rather high overtones. Strong sweetness at first, like white sugar, with a faint herbaceous, refreshing bitterness, and at the same time, a mild flavor. The acidity is also there, but fruity and lactic... The aftertaste is rather long, with sweetness and umami lingering for a long time. Sweet I thought it was a mellow sake, but... hmm. It's not as fragrant as a scented sake.
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Kana Maki
Appearance Sound, clear, almost colorless, slightly low viscosity Aroma Moderately high, with an aroma of yogurt, lactic acid beverage, kibidango, rice malt, sourness and sweetness of grain. The texture is smooth, smooth and clean. The aroma is moderate. It has a sweetness like dumplings and a savory aroma. The aftertaste of the umami is long, but the aftertaste of the acidity is also long, so you can also feel the sharpness. However, the overall taste is soft and slightly dry. Full-bodied sake. It has umami, acidity, sweetness, and a faint bitterness from the aroma, and is well balanced. All the flavors are round and soft rather than strong. It is mellow with taste rather than clean. Easy to drink!
Tatsuriki純米酒 夏純米
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Kana Maki
Appearance Sound Colorless and transparent with high clarity Viscosity Slightly low Aroma Sound Height of aroma is slightly high Aroma of rice malt, cottage cheese, yogurt, etc., fullness of grain and lactic acid, faintly fragrant, rich, bitter and sweet aroma of brown sugar and caramel Complexity is moderate Taste Sound The texture is smooth and the aroma is slightly low. At first, it has a savory and sweet taste like soy sauce rice crackers or mitarashi dango. Later, it has a sourness of lactic acid and a slight bitterness. Overall, the taste is light. The length of the aftertaste is moderate. The aftertaste of the umami is long, but the acidity is not assertive but lasts long. dry A refreshing sake. The aroma is not bad, but the flavor and aroma is not strong. It is very light. As it is called "Summer Junmai", there is no clinging, and you can drink it like water (lol). I imagined Ryuuriki to be more robust. I had imagined it to be more robust, but it's the complete opposite. It's like this in summer!
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Kana Maki
Appearance Sound, clear, very pale yellow, medium viscosity. Aroma Sound Moderately high Aroma of yogurt, cottage cheese, lactic acidity and mellowness with a hint of sweetness and aroma of grains and sugars such as rice cakes and mitarashi dango Moderately complex Taste Sound The texture is smooth and mellow, but you can also feel the sharpness afterwards The aroma is moderate to slightly high. The aftertaste is rather long, with lingering acidity, sweetness and umami. The bitterness also lasts long, so the aftertaste is long but also sharp Dry This is the first time I drank this mellow sake, Banzairaku. It is well balanced and all the flavors continue. It is a sake that you want to savor slowly, but it is an all-around sake that will not interfere with the dishes of this season. I think it would go well with dark food! A sake that would go well with autumn and winter food!
Dewatsuru生酛仕込 純米酒
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Kana Maki
Appearance Sound High transparency, almost colorless Viscosity Slightly low to medium Aroma Sound Aroma height is slightly low to moderate Lactic acidic aroma of cottage cheese or yogurt and savory aroma like soybean flour cake or rice malt, rich aroma of sweetness and flavor of grain Complexity is slightly low Taste Sound The texture is full, smooth and smooth The overtones are medium Initially, there is a puffy grain sweetness like dumplings or rice malt, a strong umami taste, and a savory and faintly bitter taste like soybean flour or faintly caramel. The aftertaste is a little long The aftertaste of sweetness and sourness is not long (but not short either), but the aftertaste of umami is long. However, there is a faint bitterness, so it is not persistent. The price is 2,090 yen (including tax) for a bottle of mellow sake. At room temperature, it is a sake that can be drunk slowly and deliberately. It's not like a watery sake that you can drink easily, but rather a sake that you can drink more of as you go along. Although it is thick with umami taste, it is not too thick or heavy because the bitterness tightens up the whole.
EmishikiSensation おりざけ Extreme生酒
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Kana Maki
Appearance Sound Slightly cloudy with low transparency, foaming, low viscosity Aroma Sound Height is slightly high Sweet and sour aroma like a lactic acid drink with a faint aroma of soybean flour and grains, full aroma Complexity is moderate Taste Sound The texture is smooth with a light stimulation from the carbonation. The aroma is moderate to slightly high with an initial aroma, sourness and sweetness like a carbonated lactic acid drink. At the same time, the stimulation of the carbonation and the bitterness like the herb can be felt. The aftertaste lingers on the palate, but the fizziness makes it feel dry. The aftertaste is rather long. Overall, the aftertaste is long. The acidity and sweetness are clear, but a certain bitterness also lingers on the tongue, so it is also tight. The flavor is not strong, but it seems to ooze out slowly Slightly dry 2018 bottling. Full-bodied sake...? Kaoru-shu...? It's a fragrance type, but it's not a ginjo fragrance. On the other hand, it doesn't have a low aroma and it's not crisp and clean. Isn't it better to call it "Laughing Shiki"? (lol) It is quite fizzy, so the fizzy feeling gives it a dry feeling, but the taste itself is strong because the acidity, sweetness, and bitterness are clearly assertive. However, there is no variation and it is beautifully integrated.
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Kana Maki
Appearance Sound, clear, slightly pale yellow, medium viscosity. Aroma Sound Medium in height Aroma of caramel, brown sugar, rice malt and blackberries with sweetness and aroma of sugars and grains with lactic acidity like cottage cheese and a little yogurt Complexity Medium Mouthfeel Sound Texture is smooth but a little mellow rather than smooth. Sweetness and bitterness like caramel. The aftertaste is moderate. The umami and sweetness are strong, but the acidity, savory and bitterness are also clear, and the finish is crisp and dry. Mellow sake! Mellow Tamagawa. It is mellow, but the sweetness, umami, acidity, bitterness, and savory flavors are all clear and distinct. The aftertaste is not as long as the initial impact, and the bitterness and acidity cut through the umami and sweetness. It is not difficult to drink. I can't wait to see what happens with cold and warmed sake!
Nito純米 萬歳七十
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Kana Maki
Appearance Sound Almost colorless and transparent with a high degree of transparency Viscosity Moderate Aroma Sound Medium to slightly high Aroma of rice malt, syrup, glutinous rice and dumplings, with a savory-sweet aroma of grains and sugars and a sour aroma of cottage cheese and yogurt Complexity Medium Taste Sound The texture is smooth, smooth and round The overtones are moderate Sweet and sour at first reminiscent of ramune candy and lactic acid beverages, followed by a delicious and savory bitterness like sticky rice and dumplings. The aftertaste is rather short to medium. The sourness and sweetness are clearly perceived at first, but although the umami is there, it is not too assertive and the aftertaste is not long, probably because of the savory and bitter taste. medium Is it a mellow sake? The first taste is more sweet and sour than I expected, but the umami and the bitterness (though not strong) are also there, so it is not persistent. The aftertaste is not too long either, so you might end up drinking it. The sweetness and sourness are also clear, but round, and there are no corners. It is a sake that makes you think, "Oh, that's delicious!
Furosen山廃純米 旨燗
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Kana Maki
Appearance Sound, clear, pale yellow, medium viscosity. Aroma Sound Slightly high in aroma Aroma of soy sauce, Abekawa mochi and shiramushi, with a hint of savory and steamed rice flavor, and a slightly dark sweetness reminiscent of brown sugar and caramel Complexity Moderate Taste Sound The texture is smooth and smooth, the aroma is a little high, with a rich sweetness and savory taste reminiscent of syrup, brown sugar and mitarashi dango, with a strong flavor and light acidity. A light bitterness follows. The aftertaste is long, and the umami and sweetness are long. However, it also has a long light bitterness. Full-bodied sake Originally labeled as "umikan" but they couldn't sell it in the summer (lol), so they put "Furozensen" on the front and "umikan" on the back. It was thick and mellow, just like Furozensen. I drank it at room temperature, but I'm sure it would change a lot if it were heated. It's sweet, savory, and full of umami, with a mild acidity and bitterness. It's 2150 yen per bottle, tax not included. It is made from 100% Yamada Nishiki from Shiga Prefecture, and according to the liquor store, it is a very economical sake. It is certainly cheap for this taste!
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Kana Maki
Appearance Sound, colorless, clear, medium viscosity. Sound Lactic acidic aroma of cottage cheese and yogurt with a hint of sweetness from grains and a scent like mitarashi dango. Taste Sound Mild with a smooth texture and a sense of heaviness. Slightly low to moderate overtones Lactic acidity reminiscent of yogurt. Faint rice bran feeling and soy sauce like aroma, sweetness and umami like dumplings and sticky rice. The aftertaste is moderate. The aftertaste of umami and sweetness is a little longer than acidity. Full-bodied sake At a price of just under 600 yen (tax not included), this is a good choice! There is sourness at first, but it is mild. The impact of sweetness and umami is strong. However, it is not too strong, and the aftertaste is not too long. It has a clean, slightly heavy, slightly spicy feel to it. It'll change again when it's heated!
Kagatobi梅吉 純米純米
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Kana Maki
Appearance Sound High transparency, almost colorless but very pale yellow in color, slightly low viscosity. Nose Moderately high to slightly high in aroma, with hints of sweetness and fresh acidity of fruits and herbs such as green apples, cherry leaves and herbs, as well as faintly full aroma of glutinous rice and rice malt grains. Complexity Moderately high to slightly high. Taste Sound The texture is smooth and throaty. The aroma is moderate and the length of the aftertaste is also moderate. The first thing you feel is a relatively clear sourness and bitterness like a green apple and herb. After that, it has a plump taste like a dumpling. The bitterness lingers for a long time, but not as long as the overall aftertaste. The aroma is not as assertive as the impression before drinking. There is a sweetness, but more than that, the sourness, umami and bitterness are each clear, but none of them are too assertive, giving the impression of being integrated. It may be a kokuzake... I think it could be a souzake, but I can feel the aroma rather well. It says "flower yeast", but what kind of flower is it? It's more like an herb than a flower. I forced myself to think of fruit (I didn't know what flowers smelled like...), but it's definitely different from a fruit aroma, and has a bitterness to it. However, it's much milder than most aromas, so it's easy to drink.
Sanzen特別純米酒 雄町
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Kana Maki
Appearance Sound, medium viscosity, clear and colorless. Acetic acid, yogurt-like lactic acidity, soy sauce and dumpling-like aroma with sweetness and richness. Taste The texture is smooth and crisp, with a slight mellowness. It has a sour taste like yogurt or apple, a savory taste like mitarashi dango, a delicious taste and a sweet taste. The bitterness comes out later. The sweetness and umami are strong, but the bitterness remains well. The bitterness does not bother the palate as it gradually becomes mellow. The length of the aftertaste is medium to slightly long. Full-bodied sake with a good overall balance. The bitterness is felt more strongly later than at first, but the texture is mellower than at first, so the bitterness is neutralized. The sweetness and the umami are also strong, but the bitterness and the mouthfeel balance each other out. By the way, I heard that they made him listen to Mozart (lol).
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Kana Maki
Appearance Sound Almost colourless Viscosity Medium Aroma Sound High to medium aroma of cottage cheese, bran, and other grains and lactic acid. Taste Sound The texture is smooth and round. At first, the acidity of the lactic acid like cheese and the sweetness and flavor of the grain like syrup and dumplings. Bitterness is felt later. The aftertaste of the umami and sweetness is long, but the faint bitterness and the light but persistent acidity tighten the taste. medium mouthfeel Full-bodied sake
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Kana Maki
Appearance Sound High transparency, slightly low viscosity Colorless Aroma Sound High in aroma, reminiscent of rhumune and green apple, with fresh acidity and strong sweetness. Taste Sound Texture is smooth and mellow, with a high degree of overtones A strong rumney-like acidity with a green apple-like fruity sweetness at first, followed by umami and a slight bitterness. Long aftertaste of umami and sweetness. Medium mouthfeel. Kaoshu!
Mansakunohanaかちわりまんさく 2020.5製
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Kana Maki
Appearance Sound, low viscosity, clear and colourless, high transparency. Nose Sound Nose is slightly high to high Nose of syrup, blue banana, cane sugar, and lactic acid beverage Nose of dark fruit sweetness with dairy acidity and grain aroma Nose complexity is moderate to slightly complex Taste Sound The texture is smooth, but also crisp afterwards. The aroma is medium. At first, it has a grainy aroma and bitterness like rice malt or ponzu, and fruit-like acidity and sweetness. The sweetness is like a syrup. A beat later, you feel the umami. The length of the aftertaste is rather long The aftertaste of the acidity is not long, but the aftertaste of the sweetness and umami is rather long. However, the aftertaste of bitterness is longer than that, and there is no sense of slackness. The longest is the aftertaste of umami and bitterness. Can I call it a scented sake? The aroma is high, and it's not an aged or grain aroma. But the taste is gutsy and thick, partly because it's aged for a year. You can drink it with ice. It's also good with ice, but personally, I like to heat it up.
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Kana Maki
Appearance Sound, colorless, transparent, high transparency, low viscosity Aroma Sound Slightly low in height Aroma of ethanol with green apple and herbs, gyuhi Aroma of alcohol with freshness and bitterness of fruits and herbs, full sweetness of Japanese sweets Complexity Moderate Taste Sound The texture is crisp and smooth, with a softness that comes later Moderate overtones Bitterness, acidity and sweetness like green apples at first. After that, a grainy flavor reminiscent of mochi or gyuhi comes. The aftertaste is a little long. The acidity is not strong and the aftertaste of sweetness, bitterness and umami is long. The sweetness lingers for a long time, but the bitterness also lingers for a long time, so it is not persistent. The umami has a grainy taste at first, but later it changes to a taste reminiscent of soup stock. It is called "mellow sake Junmai Ginjo", but it is quite thick. The umami comes slowly. It is a blend of Jun Gin and Tok Jun. The aroma is not high, so is it dry? But the umami comes slowly. It looks good even if you change the temperature!
Hyakujuro大辛口純米酒 赤面
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Kana Maki
Appearance Sound, clear, clear, colourless, slightly low viscosity. Nose The height of the aroma is low to a little low Serpille, faintly Muscat, green apple? Aroma of fresh bitterness and acidity like herbs and fruits. Taste Sound The texture is mellow but refreshing, and the aroma is low. At first, it has a faintly refreshing sweetness, sourness and umami like muscat and apple, but soon it has a firm bitterness reminiscent of herbs. The aftertaste of bitterness and umami is long, and the umami lasts longer than the bitterness The aftertaste is rather long The sweetness and acidity do not last long, but the aftertaste of umami and bitterness is long, and the bitterness makes it feel sharp, but the umami lasts long Dry Since it is called "Souzake Dai Dry", I thought it would be more crisp and have no lingering aftertaste. I thought it would be more crisp and not have any aftertaste. But surprisingly, it is crisp but has a long aftertaste (at room temperature). Would it be different with cold sake? I would like to drink it at a different temperature. You can feel the bitterness quite clearly. The acidity is not so strong, but the umami is also strong. P.S. A few days after opening the bottle, it's delicious even if it's cold! Was it hard at first? It has a mellowness and a bitterness like grapefruit.