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Kana MakiKana Maki
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Kana Maki
Appearance Sound Slightly low transparency, very thin and cloudy, slightly high viscosity Aroma Sound Aroma is slightly high Aroma with lactic acidity and sweetness like a lactic acid drink, and freshness of green apple and green melon Complexity is moderate Taste The texture is smooth and smooth, but later on it becomes sharp due to a faint effervescence. The overtones are slightly high, such as green apple, celery, and ramune. The aftertaste is long. At the same time, you can feel an herbal bitterness. It has a strong umami taste, but it also has a faint bitterness and a very light fizzy taste, so it is not persistent. Kaosake? Maybe. The very weak fizzy feeling is a raw sake feeling! The sweetness and sourness are strong, and the umami is also strong. Adult ramune feeling? No, it's not that sweet, but the first impact is a ramune feeling. Maybe a little fizzy feeling, so it's too much. The sweetness, sourness, and umami are strong, but there is a faint bitterness and fizziness to support it. The bitterness is not unpleasant, and there is refreshment. The bitterness and effervescence do not make it sweet, stubborn, or unpleasant. The aftertaste is long but pleasant.
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Kana Maki
Appearance: Sound, clear, pale yellow, slightly low viscosity. Aroma Sound Aroma is slightly high, with fresh sour and sweet aromas of green apple and ramune, as well as rich and mellow aromas of sugar and cottage cheese. Taste Sound The texture is round and smooth, the aroma is high to slightly high. The finish is rather long. After the initial sweetness and the soft acidity, the flavor is gentle but firm. The aftertaste of umami and sweetness is long, but it is not heavy because there is a refreshing bitterness at the same time as the umami. Full-bodied sake...maybe? However, it is not heavy, but rather the umami and sweetness are clear. For now, it is a cool impression. The brewer says it can be served on the rocks or as a heated sake. It's a well-balanced sake with a strong flavor, but it's easy to drink. It's dangerous!
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Kana Maki
Appearance Sound, pale yellow, high transparency, slightly low viscosity. Aroma Sound Slightly elevated Aroma of caramel, brown sugar, and mitarashi dango with sweetness of sugar and savory soy sauce with fullness of grains and acidity of cottage cheese Complexity Slightly elevated Taste Sound The texture is smooth with a sharpness afterwards. The bitterness is relatively strong, so there is no lingering feeling, but the umami and sweetness remain well. Full-bodied sake Just as the name says! The umami is thick, and the sweetness and bitterness are clear. The acidity is not very strong. The sake level is +6, but it is not that hot! I don't think so. It is crisp, but the umami and sweetness are stronger than that. The official label says it can be served cold or warm, and it certainly feels that way. Personally, I think room temperature to warmed sake would be better.
Benten特別純米 山田錦100%
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Kana Maki
Appearance Sound Transparency is high Color is very pale yellow Viscosity is moderate Aroma The height of the aroma is a little high. Aroma of lactic acid beverage and rice malt. Aroma of green apple and green melon. Aroma of lactic acid, fullness of grain, and sweetness of fruit. Taste Sound The texture is crisp, smooth, and mellow. lingers for a long time. Is it a mellow sake? There is a little bit of the so-called ginjo scent like fruit, but more than that, the aroma and taste reminiscent of grains and dairy products stand out. However, even if it is a mellow sake, the aroma can be felt well, and the sweetness and umami that can be felt at first are strong, but it is not habitual, so it is easy to drink.
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Kana Maki
Appearance Sound Slightly low to medium viscosity Pale yellow High transparency Nose Sound Moderately high in aroma Green apple and green melon, faintly cottage cheese, white sugar Refreshing sweet and sour aroma of fruit, smooth acidity like dairy products, sugar-like aroma Complexity Slightly complex Taste Sound The texture is smooth and smooth The overtones are a little high Plump sweetness and lactic acidity, such as white sugar and cottage cheese, with a spicy aroma and bitterness, such as cinnamon and octagon, with a little green apple and other refreshing acidity and sweetness The length is medium The initial taste is sweet and weakly acidic. It is followed by spice and caramel aroma, bitterness and umami. The sweetness is a little strong, but the bitterness is also strong, and the umami is also strong, but it does not last long. Full-bodied sake...? The sweetness and bitterness are both strong. If you chill it, will the bitterness and sweetness disappear? It would be interesting as a heated sake. Is it a collaboration with Miyoshikiku in Gifu? I heard they exchanged yeast. I didn't think they sold it at the Ken0 Boys in my neighborhood... (lol)
Kirei辛口純米八拾 広島八反 無濾過生原酒
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Kana Maki
Appearance Sound Clear and clear Pale yellow Viscosity Slightly low to moderate Nose Sound Height of aroma is slightly high Uri, green apple, cerfille, faint acetic acid and lactic acid beverage Fresh fruit sweetness, sourness and herbal bitterness aroma and fermented acidity aroma Complexity is moderate Taste Sound The texture is crisp and smooth, the aroma is slightly high. Aroma with sourness and sweetness like green apple, cucumber and a little pineapple. The sweetness soon recedes. The bitterness, acidity, and umami linger for a long time, but the acidity and bitterness are relatively assertive, so the taste is massive but tight. Dry Mmmm...mellow sake? No, Kaoru-shu...? It is difficult to say. The flavor is strong and the taste is strong, but the aroma is also high. According to the sake shop, this Hiroshima Hatan rice is quite expensive, and the price (2200 yen per bottle, tax not included) is not worth it. It is certainly delicious. It's not for everyone, but if you're okay with a bit of a strong taste, you'll enjoy this sake. It's an unpasteurized sake, but I think it would also work well as a heated sake.
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Kana Maki
Appearance Sound, clear, almost colorless, medium viscosity. Nose Sound Medium to slightly high in aroma Green apple, cerfille, faintly syrupy? Fruity fresh sweet and acidic aroma with a full sweet and savory aroma like sugar Moderate complexity The texture is smooth, yet crisp. The aroma is a little high, with sweetness, bitterness and acidity of fruit such as green apple and celery, and a rich sweetness reminiscent of white sugar, etc. The aftertaste is long. This is followed by a slight bitterness like herbs and a strong umami taste reminiscent of sugar. The aftertaste is long and sweet. The sourness is not so strong, but the bitterness is not too strong. Kaoruzu It has a ginjo aroma that is neither too strong nor too weak, and a slightly sweet taste but not too heavy due to the slight bitterness. 8 out of 10 people would say it is delicious. It is not too clean like Junmai Daiginjo, and it is nicely put together while keeping the flavor. It's a good cospa.
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Kana Maki
Appearance Sound, pale yellow, medium viscosity, high clarity. Caramel, brown sugar, rice bran, steamed rice Bitterness and sweetness of burnt sugar, aroma with a hint of richness of grain Complexity is moderate to slightly low The texture is crisp and smooth. The aroma is sweet like white sugar with a hint of caramel sweetness and bitterness, and the aroma is sweet and fragrant with the fullness of rice malt, with an aroma and taste of lactic acid sourness like cottage cheese, and a long aftertaste. Bitterness and sourness are also felt, but the aftertaste of sweetness and umami lingers long. It is a mellow sake. As expected of Kikuhime, the aluzoe is also delicious. The taste has strong sweetness at the beginning of drinking, but the umami is also strong. I had an image that Aluzoe is refreshing, but this one is crisp! But this one is not. The price is 2,200 yen per bottle, including tax, which is very good.
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Kana Maki
Appearance Sound Colorless Transparency High Viscosity Moderate Aroma Sound Slightly low in height Aroma of slightly fragrant rice malt with a hint of grain fullness and a hint of acidity like a lactic acid drink Complexity Low to slightly low Taste Sound The texture is smooth and velvety, but there is also a mellowness in the aftertaste The aroma is moderate The aftertaste is moderate At first, you feel a strong aroma and flavor like rice bran and rice malt. After that, you feel the sourness like lactic acid, the bitterness like caramel and the sweetness. The impact of the initial umami is strong, but the acidity is mild and the umami does not last long, so it feels crisp and clean. Dry taste It is like a combination of the best of both Souzake and Mellow Sake. It's a refreshing sake, but with a strong flavor. It's better warmed up than at room temperature. The price is less than 700 yen for a four-pack...yikes!
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Kana Maki
Appearance Sound Viscosity Slightly low to moderate Transparency Moderate, faint lees? Pale yellow in color Nose Sound The height of the nose is slightly high Green apple, pineapple, and cerfille with fresh sweetness and acidity of fruits and herbs Complexity is slightly low to moderate Taste Sound The texture is sharp but also smooth The aroma is a little high The aroma has a refreshing sourness and sweetness of fruits such as green apple, pineapple, and a slight bitterness similar to herbs The aftertaste is a little long The moment you put it in your mouth, you feel a stimulus from the fizziness and a strong sourness and sweetness. It has a strong aroma like green apples and blue fruits. Afterwards, it has umami and a faint bitterness. The sweetness and umami linger for a long time, but the faint fizziness also lingers for a long time, so although the aftertaste is long, it is not very persistent. Medium mouthfeel Kaosake, I guess. Alzoe, limited to Riccaman. It's called "morning squeezing", so it was squeezed on the morning of February 24th and shipped on the 25th. The price is 1980 yen, but isn't this a good price? You can feel the freshness, refreshing sweetness, acidity, and umami that is typical of nama-shu, and all of them are well balanced. The label says to refrigerate it as soon as possible, but since this is a sake brewery, I'd like to try it warmed up.
Kirei辛口純米 八捨 生酒純米生酒
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Kana Maki
Appearance Sound Pale yellow in color Viscosity Slightly low to moderate Aroma Sound Aroma height is slightly high Muscat, pineapple, green melon, lactic acid beverage, faint aroma of rice malt Aroma reminiscent of fresh acidity and sweetness of fruits and fullness and acidity of grains and malt Complexity is slightly high Taste Sound The texture is smooth and a little crisp on the back end The aroma is a little high to high The aroma is like tropical fruits such as pineapple and green apples, then a full aroma reminiscent of grains such as rice malt The length of the aftertaste is a little long At first you feel a sweetness and sourness like fresh fruit, and a faint I feel a stimulus like a fizzy feeling. The bitterness is faintly present when the sweetness is about to disappear. The aftertaste is long, but the acidity gives it a sharpness. It is a mellow sake with a strong aroma, like a scented sake. It has a strong umami, and although it is the opposite of Danrei, the aroma is quite high. It is called "dry", but it is not crispy. The best part is that the price is just under 2000 yen per bottle.
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Kana Maki
100% Yamada Nishiki, Polishing ratio 68%, Alcohol content 17%. Appearance Sound Colorless Transparency is high Viscosity is low to slightly low Aroma Sound High Aroma height is high Refreshing sweetness and acidity of fruits such as green apple, cerfille, ramune and melon, and also a faint sourness of lactic acid beverage? Complexity is somewhat low to moderate Taste Sound The texture is smooth and velvety with a crisp and refreshing finish. The aftertaste is a little long to long. The balance between the sourness, sweetness, sweetness and bitterness is good, but all the flavors last for a long time. Especially after the sourness disappears, the umami continues, and I feel that the sweetness also remains faintly. However, you can feel the bitterness and the sharpness of alcohol, so it is not stubborn. I think it is scented sake. The height of the aroma and the feeling of the aroma is Kaoruzhu. However, the taste is not just dry and sweet, but it is solid, and the sweetness, sourness, umami and bitterness are all clear! It is like that. It is the opposite direction of neat. However, you can feel the bitterness and the stimulation of the alcohol quite clearly, so you can feel the sharpness in the aftertaste.
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Kana Maki
Dry, Yamahai-brewed Appearance Sound, clear, almost colorless, slightly low viscosity Sound High aroma is medium to slightly high Full aroma of grains and sugars, such as grains, smoked foods, rice malt and caramel, with a hint of savory aroma Complexity is medium Taste Sound The texture is smooth, but the sharpness of alcohol is felt later. The first taste is a strong bitterness, but it is also fragrant and a little sweet. The aftertaste of the bitterness is short, but the umami remains afterwards, and the aftertaste may be a little long. Full-bodied sake There is no obvious umami or sweetness, but it is not so dry that the aroma and aftertaste are low. However, it has a solid bitterness and acidity, and you can also taste the umami afterwards, so it can be paired with robust oils and dishes with strong flavors. The above are my impressions at room temperature, but a heated sake would be very interesting!
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Kana Maki
Appearance Sound, almost colourless, high clarity, slightly low viscosity. Nose Sound Medium to slightly high nose of green apple, muscat, cerfille, lemon peel, white sugar, faint caramel? A hint of fresh sweetness and acidity in the fruit, with a touch of sugar and other richness. Taste Sound The texture is smooth and mellow, but it is also crisp due to the stimulation of alcohol. The bitterness caused by alcohol is also felt in the aftertaste. Bitterness and acidity are also felt, but they do not linger too long. The sweetness remains, but it is not too persistent because of the stimulation of alcohol. It is like a full-flavored sake, or a smoky sake, or maybe a smoky sake. However, it doesn't have a strong ginjo aroma, and the aroma in the background may be more of a sugar aroma. The sweetness is strongly felt, and in a sense it is a kind of nama-gara sake.
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Kana Maki
Appearance Sound Transparency is high Almost colorless Viscosity is a little low Aroma Sound The height of the aroma is a little low to medium Rice malt, white sugar, a little acid? A thick aroma reminiscent of grain and sugar. Complexity is low Taste Sound The texture is smooth and light, but also smooth. The sweetness and acidity are a little strong at first, and then there is a strong umami taste. Slight bitterness on the back palate. Moderate overtones of white sugar, faint caramel, rice malt and rice bran. The sweetness is not long due to the balance with the acidity, but the aftertaste of the umami lingers for a long time. However, there is a faint bitterness, so it is not persistent. Full-bodied sake It is described as "full-bodied and spicy", but to be honest, it is not that spicy. You can feel the sweetness and umami quite strongly. The aftertaste is long, but it is not dull, so it is easy to drink. It has a sake strength of +5, but is it really that dry? I think so.
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Kana Maki
Appearance Sound Sound clarity High transparency Colorless Colorless Slightly low to moderate viscosity Fragrance Healthy Slightly high aroma Cooked rice, wheat straw, soy sauce, caramel, etc. Fragrant and full aroma of grains, etc. Slightly low to moderate complexity Mouth: Sound Texture is smooth and velvety, slightly round, soft on the palate, with an initial sweetness and umami, followed by a slight bitterness. The sweetness, umami and bitterness are interspersed with sourness, but it soon fades away. The aroma of cooked rice, such as straw, cooked rice and steamed rice. Although the aftertaste is not long, the sweetness and umami remain. Medium mouthfeel I think it's a full-bodied sake. It's firmer and more robust than the Soushu, with a stronger flavor, but not too dense. The mouthfeel is quite soft and smooth. The label said it could be served at any temperature, but it certainly could be served at any temperature. I think it would be more crisp than sweet if it were served cold, and the flavor would be enhanced when it was warmed up.
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Kana Maki
Healthy appearance, slightly low transparency, slightly cloudy, colorless, slightly low viscosity Nose sound, medium to slightly high on the nose, medium to slightly high on the nose, with acidity and sweetness like sugar and rum, and fullness of grain, with fresh acidity of fruit at the same time Complexity medium to slightly complex Mouth: Sound texture, smooth yet crisp, with a slightly intense sweetness and acidity on the palate. It has a sense of foam and umami afterwards. The aroma is a little high, reminiscent of sweet and sour flavors such as green apple, rum, muscat, and white sugar, and the aftertaste is moderate to slightly long. However, it has a muscat-like aftertaste and flavor, and leaves a sweet aftertaste. Mashu...? Sweet! But it feels more like a calming sweetness with a tartness and fizziness rather than just a sweetness. Personally, I'd say it's like a "rum (with alcohol)" lol. While No.0 was clear and lightly muddy, this one is slightly muddy, like crawling. Compared to No.0, the acidity was calmer and the prickly taste was gone. Was the sweetness moistened?
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Kana Maki
Appearance: Sound, transparent, medium viscosity, pale yellow Nose Sound aroma Slightly high aroma of honey, sugar, steamed rice, slight vinegar-like acidity and alcohol, soy sauce, etc. Fullness and sweetness of sugar and grains, and savory aroma Complexity medium to slightly high Mouth: Sound texture, smooth and crisp, but also well rounded. The scent is medium on the nose, with bitter and sweet notes of caramel, honey, and steamed rice, and the aftertaste is rather short to medium. The acidity is persistent and the flavor is not too strong and does not linger for long. Slightly dry It's not too strong, but it's not too strong if you drink it at room temperature. It's not too thick, not too thin. The sweetness is strong at first, but the acidity and bitterness are clear. The acidity and bitterness are also clear. Let's try out some warmed-up sake, handsome.
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Kana Maki
Appearance Sound, transparent, pale yellow, medium to slightly high viscosity Nose: Sound, reminiscent of rice bran, natto (fermented soybeans), miso, and faintly caramelized scents of fermented foods, with a hint of acidity and fullness. Complexity is medium to slightly high. The texture is smooth and smooth, with acidity, bitterness and sweetness coming at the same time, followed by umami, and then the umami and a little bitterness. The aroma is strong, but not insistent. It has a long but not persistent finish, with a delicious taste, acidity and bitterness that comes later. Junshu. It's a great warmed-up drink! It's just like that. It is exactly like an old-fashioned sake (I don't know about the old days). It has a strong aroma of rice bran, sourness, sweetness, umami and bitterness, so it is a very different kind of sake. If you like a refreshing sake or a smoky sake, it's not for you. By the way, I like it both warmed up and cooled down.
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Kana Maki
Sake meter value +5 Acidity 2.1 Alcohol content 15% Gohyakumangoku 26% (Polishing ratio 60%) Noto Hikari 74% (55%) MAFGA 9 yeast Appearance: Sound, transparent, yellow in color, medium viscosity. Nose sound, slightly low in height, caramel, brown sugar, glutinous rice, caramel, grainy, full-bodied, low complexity The texture is crisp and smooth, with a caramel-like bitterness and sweetness, followed by a hint of umami. The aroma of sweetness and bitterness, like caramel, brown sugar, and steamed rice, with a moderate to long aftertaste. The slight acidity that comes later may be the last thing to linger. Sweetness is present, but the taste is short. Slightly dry to dry. Mature? The aroma and taste are pleasant to drink. It has a low complexity, but it has a mature aroma and taste and color for a mellow wine. It has an aroma and taste similar to Shaoxing sake. It is not recommended for people who are not used to drinking sake. It looks good for warming up.