SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Nito純米 萬歳七十
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Kana Maki
Appearance Sound Almost colorless and transparent with a high degree of transparency Viscosity Moderate Aroma Sound Medium to slightly high Aroma of rice malt, syrup, glutinous rice and dumplings, with a savory-sweet aroma of grains and sugars and a sour aroma of cottage cheese and yogurt Complexity Medium Taste Sound The texture is smooth, smooth and round The overtones are moderate Sweet and sour at first reminiscent of ramune candy and lactic acid beverages, followed by a delicious and savory bitterness like sticky rice and dumplings. The aftertaste is rather short to medium. The sourness and sweetness are clearly perceived at first, but although the umami is there, it is not too assertive and the aftertaste is not long, probably because of the savory and bitter taste. medium Is it a mellow sake? The first taste is more sweet and sour than I expected, but the umami and the bitterness (though not strong) are also there, so it is not persistent. The aftertaste is not too long either, so you might end up drinking it. The sweetness and sourness are also clear, but round, and there are no corners. It is a sake that makes you think, "Oh, that's delicious!