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Dewatsuru生酛仕込 純米酒
alt 1
Kana Maki
Appearance Sound High transparency, almost colorless Viscosity Slightly low to medium Aroma Sound Aroma height is slightly low to moderate Lactic acidic aroma of cottage cheese or yogurt and savory aroma like soybean flour cake or rice malt, rich aroma of sweetness and flavor of grain Complexity is slightly low Taste Sound The texture is full, smooth and smooth The overtones are medium Initially, there is a puffy grain sweetness like dumplings or rice malt, a strong umami taste, and a savory and faintly bitter taste like soybean flour or faintly caramel. The aftertaste is a little long The aftertaste of sweetness and sourness is not long (but not short either), but the aftertaste of umami is long. However, there is a faint bitterness, so it is not persistent. The price is 2,090 yen (including tax) for a bottle of mellow sake. At room temperature, it is a sake that can be drunk slowly and deliberately. It's not like a watery sake that you can drink easily, but rather a sake that you can drink more of as you go along. Although it is thick with umami taste, it is not too thick or heavy because the bitterness tightens up the whole.