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Sawanoi Flavor Chart

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Product information is as of 2/11/2025.

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2-chōme-770 Sawai, Ome, Tōkyō-to
map of Ozawa Shuzo
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Mild sake with a mild mouthfeel for a very dry sake. Fruity aroma spreads from the middle to the end. Oily fish. It goes well with Kamayaki (grilled fish). Polishing ratio 65 Liking degree 3.5
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The sake's name "Sawanoi" is derived from the name of the place "Sawai-mura", which was named after the abundant water flowing as a stream. It has a classic aroma with a sense of alcohol, a crisp mouthfeel, a soft umami, and a tangy spiciness with a nice finish 🍶. It is perfect as a complement to food 😄.
Sawanoi本醸造 大辛口
alt 1
A drink at the conveyor-belt sushi chain Fish Restaurant Road. It is not so aromatic and is quite refreshing and easy to drink! It is a very dry sake, but the umami flavor is also very good. I had had a less dry Sawanoi before, but this is definitely more to my liking! It was delicious with sushi as well. Personal Satisfaction:★★★★*

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