I went back to my parents' house on the far shore and visited the grave 🙏.
The second bottle was from my parents' house. Sake from Yamagata. I didn't know this brand at all. It is aluzome, but it is not so sharp. The first bottle of Tasake is lighter than the second one, though it has a 15% alcohol content.
Purchased at a liquor store on the road
Unique aroma and taste
The label says it was manufactured at 23.7.
A slight change in taste?
I'm not sure, but it was delicious.
The yakitori was so good this morning that I bought some as a souvenir and had some sake that I was about to drink at home.
Rokkasen Yamaboshi, which is ordered on a regular basis.
It is a junmai ginjo with a delicious, mellow, fruity flavor that is very drinkable!