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Isego (伊勢五 本店)

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HiranHappy New Born原酒生酒無濾過
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Isego (伊勢五 本店)
Only 2 days left in this year. We will do a countdown review 😊. It is also the destination of Yanaka walk To Isego Honten 🍶. It was crowded with customers looking for year-end and New Year's sake. I found the last bottle in the fridge. I found the last bottle in the fridge. I found the last bottle in the fridge. And it says Happy New Year! Nothing but positive words! This is too cool❣️ The aroma is very mellow Sweet and full rice flavor Fresh and sharp! The bitterness also comes well after. Reflecting on this past year Looking back on the past year, we are filled with joy and hope for the new year to come. and hope for the new year to come. I'm watching Parasite on Netflix I'm watching Parasite on Netflix. I made a slight mistake in my choice. I'll try to find the title again with the search words I'll look for the title again 🤭.
Good evening, Asanami🌇. A walk in Yanaka is nice. Yanaka Ginza was the focus of the 1996 morning drama "Himawari" (starring Nanako Matsushima). Isego Honten is tastefully located on the side of Dango Hill, isn't it?
Zaku新酒 2022 純米大吟醸純米大吟醸
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Isego (伊勢五 本店)
Fresh and delicious this year! I thought it had a gorgeous, elegant sweetness ♩ There is also a light acidity. Strangely, it is not pale, but I imagine it can be drunk like water. It's kind of a scary sake! LOL! This is the third consecutive year for this new sake of the crop. The past two years were associated with a melon-like flavor. I remember that last year in particular, as the days went by, the melon feeling came out. I am looking forward to seeing how it turns out this year. É
Sara純米大吟醸 無濾過生原酒
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Isego (伊勢五 本店)
This has nothing to do with Sairai, but.... We tasted these three kinds of sake at Suzuki Mikawaya, a liquor store near our office. SENKOKU Hatsu-tank Naokumi-Arabashiri SENKOKU Hatsutanku Naokumi "Nakadori SENKOKU Hatsu-tank nikkumi "Seme It was interesting to see the difference between them. In order of preference, Nakadori, Seste, and Arabashiri. ★★★★☆ It is delicious. I want to drink it again.
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Isego (伊勢五 本店)
For the second fish of the day, I bought a repeat of the Hirotogawa nigori that I got hooked on last year. I've had a variety of nigori, but the gasiness is so tight and intense! When served at a very cold temperature, I felt more sharpness than sweetness, but as the temperature gradually rose, the original elegant sweetness and flavor quickly spread and became my favorite flavor! It can be enjoyed in a variety of ways, such as drinking the supernatant or mixing with the oli. Rice polishing ratio: 60 Alcohol content: 16%.
HiraizumiFOUR SEASONS 《冬》しぼりたて純米山廃生酒
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Isego (伊勢五 本店)
Neutral with a gentle acidity. It is as clear as water, but I think I can sense the complexity of the wine gradually. The acidity in the aftertaste is more pronounced than at first. It is a draft sake and gives the impression of being a young sake. It has a smooth mouthfeel, as if it were soft water. I had an image that Yamahai sake has a strong peculiar taste, but that is not true. However, I have a feeling that the impression will change over time. After the next day, it did not change significantly, but the umami might have increased⁉︎.
Fusano Kankiku銀海-Departure-無濾過生原酒原酒生酒無濾過
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Isego (伊勢五 本店)
Sharp, sharp, sweet É crisp, cool sake. While it is a refreshing sake with freshness and a slight carbonation, it is also somewhat heavy. I don't hate this! It is very tasty, and I can't stop drinking ♩ Sono Kangiku uses hard water, I believe. Personally, my image of hard water sake is either here or Kaze no Mori no Aburinaga. I feel the level of quality is so high that I might become a fan as it is.
Koeigiku幾望 無濾過生原酒原酒生酒無濾過
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Isego (伊勢五 本店)
Reminiscent of ripe fruit! It tingles and irritates the tongue. It is deliciously sweet and has a distinct flavor. It is an unfiltered, unfiltered, raw sake with a slight heaviness. I thought it had a mineral feel. A little sourness and sharpness too. After one day, the impression is completely different. It has a sweet and sour taste. Is it a peach-like image? I think the sweetness has a clearer outline.
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Isego (伊勢五 本店)
Nuances like Western liquor! The aroma is liquor-like, and the back of the label says that it is an assemblage of liquor aged in several different oak barrels and liquor stored in bottles. You can sense the flavor of the oak. In the mouth, it has a light and gorgeous impression, and its straightness is hard to believe that it is made from 60% polished rice. It leaves a bitter aftertaste. After a few days, it becomes very mild! It is a refreshing and delicious sake.
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Isego (伊勢五 本店)
The second bottle of the long-awaited Kouei Chrysanthemum Kibo was opened. I missed it last year by a hair's breadth and could not drink it even though I visited various stores. This year, I went to buy it at a distributor and was able to buy it without any difficulty! The label is typical of autumn sake, and the taste is different from Kouei-Kiku's shwashy, light and fresh acidity, but it has a lactic sweet mouthfeel and the umami that extends from it is gradually mellow like sweet brown sugar. It was a different sweet flavor from the Koueikiku that I am used to drinking. Rice polishing ratio: Undisclosed Alcohol content: 14% alc.
Librom僕たちの酒 全麹
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Isego (伊勢五 本店)
The first bottle of Librom's all koji sake, which is unique among Librom's products, was opened. The aroma and taste are both super unique and difficult to describe with a metaphor or something. This is my first experience. No gassiness. The taste is rather strong in both sweetness and sourness, rather harsh, but it seems to hold its own at a level where it is perfectly balanced and drinkable. It goes really well with boiled peanuts with salt. The acidity, which seems to have matured considerably, tightens it up at the end. Surprisingly beautiful aftertaste. It is best to drink it when it is well chilled. When warmed up, it is a bit harsh. But it goes well with food.
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Isego (伊勢五 本店)
This bottle is full of the feeling that I chose it by name. My own sense is that it is sweet. It is refreshing, including the throat, and is likely to be preferred by women, but it is a nice change of pace from recent trends. However, I was unconsciously in Fukuoka.
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Isego (伊勢五 本店)
A nice astringent sake! I don't feel much orange-ness, but I like the astringency. É The lingering acidity is nice and unstoppable. The tingling on the tongue may also be tied to the lightness of the mouthfeel. The alcohol content is low at 12°, but it is not much different from 15° in terms of drinkability.