At a sake brewery opening event at Hakata Station.
It was a good sake to drink standing up, easy to drink with a spicy mouthfeel. I would like to buy a bottle someday.
I've never had a drink before
Breweries and Brands Series 🍶✨✨✨
To be continued 😍🍶✨✨
Fuji Sake Brewing Company Izumo Fuji🗻.
Easy to drink 🤔🍶🍶.
Today, I processed Kitayoro mussels and served them as a side dish 🦪!
The aroma is also subtle 😊.
Not too assertive😊.
Strong taste😊.
Not too assertive😊
Yes, it is
Easy to drink😊🍶✨✨
Pichi pichi shuwa shuwa🫧🫧🫧🫧🫧🫧🫧.
I was about to gush a bit: ❣️
Sweet and juicy and 🤤 delicious ‼️
It's a little heavy on the aftertaste, but also good 😋.
Good evening, Drs. Jay & Nobby 🏈.
It was indeed a delicious meal that could have been a champ🏆 ❣️
But this time, Senkou's snowman ⛄️🍶 is so good that it's a very close match 🤣.
It's a very close race 🤣.