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Isego (伊勢五 本店)

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Matsumidori純米吟醸 S.tokyo純米吟醸
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Isego (伊勢五 本店)
S.Tokyo by Pine Midori. fruity aroma of muscat and melon. A few but firm bubbles are visible. The attack is full of sweet and sourness. The nose is full of a Western liquor-like aroma. It ends with a strong astringent taste. It seems to go well with tuna carpaccio, which I made with pairing in mind.
Izumofuji秋雲 AKIMO 純米 ひやおろし純米生詰酒ひやおろし
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Isego (伊勢五 本店)
First brand Izumo Fuji, Akiumo. The aroma of rice is soft and pleasant. The taste is soft, but the aftertaste is firm. The sweetness is round. I got the impression that the rice had been well aged. I would like to try Izumo Fuji.
Morishima美山錦 純米吟醸純米吟醸原酒
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Isego (伊勢五 本店)
A beautiful yet full-bodied sake. The sweetness itself is elegant. The aftertaste can be described as bittersweet. It is complex and delicious. It is also nice that it lightly stimulates the tongue. It diverges a little from the image of Miyamanishiki that I have in mind, but the refinement is still consistent. Two years ago I had a junmai sake from the same rice used. Looking back at my past postings, I see that although there is a difference in polish between junmai and junmai ginjo, the flavor direction is also generally the same. I feel that the rice is polished and the peculiarities are still suppressed. My impression after one day was a simple, mild sweetness while retaining a complex flavor. It is very tasty. The acidity is not stimulating, and the mouthfeel is mellow.
Hi shitakke 😃 We had the same one the other day too 🤗I was surprised how tasty it was: ‼️
Hi Jay & Nobby! It's delicious. É I also have a feeling that the sake will become more delicious as the day goes by!
Shinshu Kireiひとごこち 純米酒
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Isego (伊勢五 本店)
When poured into a glass, it has a fine bubble pizzazz on the inside and a slight melon when cold. The sweetness of the rice spreads out and disappears nicely, leaving a lingering taste of sourness, bitterness, and spiciness. The balance of sweet, sour and bitter is very good, and the umami is also well balanced. It is so fresh that it is hard to believe that it has been fire-aged, and it is so smooth that you can drink it indefinitely without getting stuck.
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Isego (伊勢五 本店)
Deep blue AKABU SEA After a sweet taste, it disappears nicely with a refreshing acidity and bitterness like lemon. The acidity and bitterness of the last part of the sake is effective, making it a refreshing drink. The last acidity and bitterness makes it a refreshing drink. The cool bottle makes it the perfect summer sake for hot days 💙.
Holy drunken nosuke, konbanha! SEA is my favorite of AKABU so I have it waiting in the fridge🎶. I think I'll take it to the beach and drink it...( ◜ω◝و(و "
Good evening, Eirin 🌙 AKABU SEA with a view of the ocean is too perfect 💙. I hope you enjoy the sunny day with a view of the ocean 😄.
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Isego (伊勢五 本店)
Following the previous test brew, Shunyo x Yumachi, this time it's Shunyo x Aizan with Junmai-shu specs gakky♪ It started with strawberry-like sweet and sourness with the usual slight gas. After the spicy and tangy taste came the last of umami bitterness and umami acidity. As the sake cup continues to rise in temperature, the strawberry feeling and the sweet umami of the rice come more to the fore. After finishing one cup, you will want to drink the next one 😋 It is also so delicious that you can drink as many cups as you want.
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Isego (伊勢五 本店)
Kabuto-zushi (beetle) has also appeared and the summer sake season is finally upon us! When served in a chilled glass, it has a slight aroma of koji malt and almost no sweetness. It has a moderate acidity and a refreshing light bitterness, like a white wine or a refreshing grapefruit wine. It is a delicious summer sake with a light 14% alcohol content that will make you feel tipsy before you know it. ☺️
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Isego (伊勢五 本店)
Junmai Daiginjo-Unfiltered Nama-shu made by polishing So no Mai to 29%. From the moment it is poured into the glass, you can feel the fine bubbles. Elegant and refreshing sweetness with a sense of shwashy gas. And a slight bitterness. It goes down the throat smoothly and without resistance. It has a gentle alkalinity of 15 degrees, but the aroma and flavor are well concentrated and beautiful ✨.
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Isego (伊勢五 本店)
The white label on this instrument Masamune is Daiginjo Hakutsumi. It is a Daiginjyo with Yume no Kaori polished to 40%, the specs for the Daiginjyo on display. The initial aroma is more subdued than expected when the bottle is opened, but once you take a sip, you will notice a slight melon aroma and a gentle sweetness. Then came the bitterness and a sharp, sharp taste, with a lingering spiciness on the tongue, which was also pleasantly intoxicating. ☺️ The taste is more subdued than the Kurotsuji I had previously, but the al strength is 15%, and it is still very drinkable. Gakki was also brilliant this time 😆.
YokoyamaSILVER7 純米吟醸(生酒)
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Isego (伊勢五 本店)
Happy New Year, I opened my favorite Yokoyama for the first time in the New Year. I had a bottle of Silver 7 draft on a trip to Nagasaki the year before last, but my memory of it is fading...so here it is again. It has a sweeter flavor than the 10. It has a gorgeous taste, and the bitterness finishes it off. I bought it at the end of the year and kept it in the refrigerator for about 2 weeks, so maybe it had matured a little. I knew Yokoyama was good! Next time I want to try one right after bottling! I hope to encounter a variety of sakes this year as well.
Good evening, Nyuron 😃. Happy New Year 🌅 It's great to decorate the New Year with your favorite drink👍. Let's have fun drinking this year too!
Good evening, Jay and Nobby! Enjoy another year of booze!