ナッチュShidaizumiにゃんかっぷ純米吟醸Shidaizumi ShuzoShizuoka2/18/2025, 2:36:56 PM45ナッチュWhat a cute cup of sake 😻It's easy to drink and refreshing 😻Japanese>English
ナッチュHidakami純米吟醸 うすにごり生酒純米吟醸生酒にごり酒Hirako ShuzoMiyagi2/15/2025, 5:25:30 AM酒舗 まさるや41ナッチュPlum blossoms are also smiling in the mild weather 😀 Elegantly sweet and light. The label is also a nice touch.Japanese>Englishma-ki-Good evening, Mr. Natsch! Your photo with the flowers is also good ⤴️ I also received this today 🎵 It's delicious and the label is great 😊.Japanese>Englishナッチュma-ki-, that's a cute label 😊 I wish you a good day, too: ☺️Japanese>English
ナッチュ奥Spring Cloudy純米吟醸おりがらみ山崎Aichi2/11/2025, 5:34:23 AMKoyama Shoten (小山商店)36ナッチュShuwa shuwa, light 😋 spring is far away, plum buds are about to burst 😀.Japanese>English
ナッチュChiebijin裏ちえびじん 番外編純米Nakano ShuzoOita2/9/2025, 8:13:07 AM35ナッチュA tithe at the camp 😃healing.Japanese>English
ナッチュTengumai純米酒 旨醇純米Shata ShuzoIshikawa2/8/2025, 6:44:29 AM35ナッチュTengu Mai. I haven't had it in years...sour but very mild. I miss it 😁.Japanese>English
ナッチュHououbiden初しぼり 純米吟醸酒 無濾過本生純米吟醸生酒無濾過Kobayashi ShuzoTochigi2/2/2025, 2:43:24 AM酒舗 まさるや42ナッチュThe last bottle of Houou Mita 😀 fresh and crisp, but still very tasty 😋When warmed up, it has a sweetness to it that is also tasty!Japanese>English
ナッチュShinkame純米 活性にごり酒純米生酒にごり酒Shinkame ShuzoSaitama1/26/2025, 3:07:45 PMKoyama Shoten (小山商店)38ナッチュIt's schwashy and sharp 😋!Japanese>English
ナッチュシン・ツチダ生酛Tsuchida ShuzoGunma1/19/2025, 7:44:04 AMIsetan (伊勢丹 新宿店)39ナッチュA delicious sake that I end up buying when I find it. It is a delicious sake with depth, flavor and acidity like an aged sake 😋.Japanese>English
ナッチュ燗ガエル純米生酛Kitajima ShuzoShiga1/12/2025, 5:34:23 AMKoyama Shoten (小山商店)37ナッチュMellow, umami and acidity are good 😀 It's delicious warmed up 😋.Japanese>English
ナッチュHanaizumi純米吟醸にごり酒純米吟醸にごり酒Hanaizumi ShuzoFukushima1/11/2025, 5:10:56 AM酒舗 まさるや37ナッチュGentle taste with mild sweetness. What is the four-stage glutinous rice brewing process 😕 I wonder if it is brewed with glutinous rice?Japanese>EnglishnabeHello. Thank you for drinking sake from my hometown, Minamiaizu Town!Japanese>English
ナッチュGakki Masamune純醸純米Ookidaikichi HontenFukushima1/4/2025, 8:03:27 AMKoyama Shoten (小山商店)42ナッチュI never get tired of drinking it with low alcohol... I could drink it with Oshogatsu during New Year's and relax 😃.Japanese>English
ナッチュUbusuna2024 山田錦 二農醸Hananoka ShuzoKumamoto1/1/2025, 1:28:46 PMKoyama Shoten (小山商店)44ナッチュHappy New Year ㊗️ This gorgeous sake is perfect for the New Year.Japanese>English
ナッチュTamagawaTime Machine 1712Kinoshita ShuzoKyoto1/1/2025, 7:16:36 AM36ナッチュI drank this instead of a New Year's toso. It is rich and sweet, but you can drink it without hesitation.Japanese>English
ナッチュDenshu特別純米 山田錦特別純米Nishida ShuzotenAomori12/31/2024, 6:49:56 AM酒舗 まさるや35ナッチュI'm drinking a little bit of it while making New Year's snacks......looks like we're going to have a good New Year 😀.Japanese>English
ナッチュ黒澤生酛 純米 80 うすにごり生酒純米生酛生酒にごり酒黒澤酒造Nagano12/29/2024, 4:07:48 AM坂戸屋31ナッチュYou can feel the flavor of the rice...and the cosiness!Japanese>English
ナッチュYoemon直汲み 特別純米 無濾過生原酒 吟ぎんが特別純米原酒生酒無濾過Kawamura ShuzotenIwate12/15/2024, 4:38:26 AM坂戸屋33ナッチュI may not have the right taste because of my throat, but it is clean and slightly bitter.Japanese>English
ナッチュ鳥海山即詰生原 純米吟醸純米吟醸原酒生酒Tenju ShuzoAkita12/8/2024, 5:34:46 AM酒舗 まさるや34ナッチュFresh, but with good flavor and acidity 😋.Japanese>English
ナッチュMasumi純米吟醸 あらばしり純米吟醸原酒生酒Miyasaka JozoNagano12/7/2024, 2:30:08 PMふるまいや40ナッチュIt has the refreshing feeling of new sake with a hint of sweetness and sharpness. Delicious 😋.Japanese>English
ナッチュ白貴天龍本醸造生酒にごり酒Kikusui ShuzoNagano12/4/2024, 4:05:02 PMふるまいや39ナッチュActive nigori sake with a sweet taste. Easy to drink 😋.Japanese>English
ナッチュMimurosugi純米吟醸 山田錦 無濾過生原酒 おりがらみ純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過おりがらみImanishi ShuzoNara12/1/2024, 3:05:55 AM籠屋(秋元酒店)37ナッチュShuwashu juicy! Delicious 😋 perfect for today's weather 😋.Japanese>English