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昔から日本酒が大好きでしたが、ここ10年の進化は素晴らしすぎます❣️ 「お気に入りの酒屋3軒」「旅先で出会う地酒」が家飲みの入手先。通販を使い始めるとキリがないので、手出ししないように自制してます😅 <追記> 昨年末に念願の卓上御燗器を購入し、冬場は純米酒の飲み比べにはまっています。様々な温度帯で変化する燗酒は、無限の楽しみがありますね❣️

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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.
Yamasan純米大吟醸 山恵錦 四割五分 うすにごり
Yamasan Check-in 1
Yamasan Check-in 2Yamasan Check-in 3
Bessho Onsen collective purchase⑤. I was curious about Yamazan at Sake-no-Wa and drank it at home for the first time. There were several kinds lined up at "Sakaeya-san", and after much agonizing, I chose "Usu-nigori" (light nigori) ❣️  When I opened the bottle, I just tilted it with my thumb just a little bit and was surprised when it flew up to the ceiling with a bang. ‼️ The cork that flew away was not important as it landed in the pot of tonight's pork shabu-shabu. Thank goodness I didn't aim it at my family's faces😅.  Sweet, fruity, fresh and sharp, it's going to be popular ✨ It's like a juice, it's gone in no time. Happy summer day dinner ‼️ Thanks for the treat 😋.
Gangi槽出あらばしり 純米大吟醸 無濾過生原酒 山田錦100% 500ml
Gangi Check-in 1
Gangi Check-in 2Gangi Check-in 3
In May, a Ganki sales person visited a liquor store he is familiar with. Since Ganki is my favorite brewery, I was allowed to taste three different kinds of sake, and chose this one, a 500 ml bottle for a sake fair that "I only brought a little bit": 💁‍♀️ As expected of Ganki's daiginjo👍. It has a light and naturally sweet mouthfeel, round rice flavor, slight acidity and sharpness. It is perfect. ❣️ It is not biased toward the modern style, but flows gently like a daiginjo while retaining some classical aspects. I love Ganki after all. Thank you for your kindness.
Shinshu Kirei上田市産山恵錦 純米吟醸
Shinshu Kirei Check-in 1Shinshu Kirei Check-in 2
Bessho Onsen Collective Buy (4) At "Sakaeya", only two bottles were sold in the evening, limited to one bottle per person. The next morning, when we visited there for another matter, they were selling only one bottle, so maybe they are putting them on the store shelves little by little 😆. Yamae Nishiki is not too sweet and not too fruity, and the clear taste of Shinshu Kamerei can be gently enjoyed. Shinshu Kamerei is one of those bottles that makes you mutter, "Yes, yes, yes, yes... ‼️ Let's drink it quickly before the taste changes. ❣️ Thank you for the food 😋.
月吉野空 純米吟醸酒 美山錦
月吉野 Check-in 1月吉野 Check-in 2
Buy in bulk at "Sakaeya" in Bessho Onsen (3) I saw "Tsuki Yoshino" for the first time. After much agonizing and worrying among the several available, I chose my favorite Miyamanishiki. It is not sweet or heavy, but has a gentle balance that makes you feel as if you have taken a step back. It is tender or modest, and goes well with ryokan cuisine in Bessho Onsen, where there is no sea. ❗️ Tonight I paired it with a home Chinese dish published by a Japanese expatriate who has recently become a favorite of mine. It also goes well with lightly prepared dishes centered on saltiness and rape seed oil. ‼️ Sakaeya had several varieties lined up, but ah, I'd love to compare each sake rice. I'll have to check it out next time I'm in Nagano. Thank you for the food 😋.
Hoka純米吟醸 おりがらみ 無濾過生原酒
Hoka Check-in 1Hoka Check-in 2
Bessho Onsen bulk purchase (2) Toyoka, I love it - ❣️ It's hard to find it near my home in Kanagawa, so when I go to Nagano, it's the brand I drink for sure. Sakaeya had several kinds on sale, so I was worried and worried about it and chose ...... "Orikami" which needs to be refrigerated after all. ❗️ Although it is called "orikarami," it is not whitish at all, but clear. It has a mild balance typical of Toyokami, but it is also assertive and has a mellow, slightly classical flavor. Today's special pork shabu shabu with sesame walnut miso flavor. Ahhhh, delicious 😋 Thanks for the food ✨.
Go中継ぎ 純米吟醸 うすにごり
Go Check-in 1Go Check-in 2
Bessho Onsen "Sakaeya" (Bessho Onsen) for bulk purchase (1) I bought 6 bottles of Nagano sake in bulk. We started with the fresh sake to be stored in the refrigerator. I had never seen "Mutou" before. There were bottles brewed from several different types of sake rice, and after much agonizing, I chose "Usu-Nigori" (light nigori) It was beautifully sweet with a fruity taste like muskmelon. When I opened the bottle, I did not feel any fizz, but when I drank it, I felt a slight fizz-like chili sensation. Today we are having a miso nabe with salmon and scallops, and it goes well with it. ❗️I sprinkled shichimi, a standard Shinshu souvenir, on it, and it goes even better. ‼️ It was a great choice: ❣️ Looking forward to opening 5 more bottles 😊.
Shinshu Kirei美山錦 吟醸純米蔵元限定
Shinshu Kirei Check-in 1Shinshu Kirei Check-in 2
I went to Ueda and Bessho Onsen. Shopping at the Shinshu Kamerei brewery is a must, of course. ❣️ On that day, we were told that we could buy only one bottle of either Miyamanishiki or Kinmonniki. After much deliberation, I chose the Miyamanishiki, which is only available at the brewery 😀. I thought it might be suitable for an aperitif, but I was wrong. I thought it might be suitable for aperitifs, ⚫︎It goes well with the Yokohama Spicy Jerky I have on hand‼️ It also goes well with boiled vegetables dipped in "sesame walnut miso" that I bought at a local supermarket near Ueda station: ⚫︎‼️ ⚫︎I'm not so sure about the Izu sun-dried horse mackerel 😆. I guess it goes well with mountain food since it's a sake brewery in a town without sea. ⁉️ Shinshu Kamerei used to be easy to drink, but nowadays it's hard to find... I'm glad I used to drink a lot of it 😋.
Yamamoto純米吟醸 和韻
Yamamoto Check-in 1Yamamoto Check-in 2
I bought this Yamamoto's Japanese rhyme for a Western-oriented dinner. It is not too acidic and the rice flavor is softer and gentler. It has a very well-balanced calmness 😌. It goes well with oil, tomatoes, vinegar and acidity in dishes such as vegetables with a bit of olive oil, pickled horse mackerel, chilled ratatouille, etc. It is a good match for cheese, but the cheese flavor becomes too strong. However, if the cheese flavor becomes too strong, it may start to shift a bit. 😝. It's a wine yeast sake that would go well with the menu of a long-established Western restaurant, where ordinary home cooking shines, and not too far away from sake. ❣️
Tatenokawaグレフルサワー BARヨーコ
Tatenokawa Check-in 1
Tatenokawa Check-in 2Tatenokawa Check-in 3
This is a Tatenokawa liqueur that I have been eyeing at my usual liquor store for a long time. The yogurt from this liqueur was wonderfully delicious before, so I was curious about the grapefruit as well ❗️ and ‼️ Today, they were displaying this one in a particularly enthusiastic way for "Mother's Day support", so I couldn't resist it anymore and put it in my basket immediately😅. It's really delicious when mixed 1:1 with soda water 🤤. The fresh grapefruit juice is concentrated and the depth of alcohol added to it is just too good 😆. I'm a big fan of Tatenogawa's sake, but a sake brewery that makes great sake also makes great liqueurs 🤩. When I opened the bottle, the top clear liquid was hardened and I shook it up and down but it remained hardened. If you like Sake Brewery's liqueur, please give it a try: ❤️
Yokoyama Goju純米大吟醸 BLACK
Yokoyama Goju Check-in 1Yokoyama Goju Check-in 2
This is the third bottle of wine I bought in bulk for GW. I was drawn to it by the liquor store's pop-up that said "chilled and in a wine glass". It's slightly sweet but not too light, with a slight floral and mellow feel. The aroma is muscat-like. I think it would go well with any home-style dish that leans toward Japanese cuisine. I opened a bottle at the end of dinner today, and it is perfect with rice cooked with firefly squid and ginger. If you get this one on the Oki Islands, you will be very impressed. It's a local sake with a nice modern touch, but still retains some rusticity 😋. Postscript It goes wonderfully with the sweet and spicy soy sauce flavor. It goes well with slightly sweet teriyaki hamburgers, simmered fish, etc.
Kid純米大吟醸 Sparkling
Kid Check-in 1Kid Check-in 2
Kid Check-in 3Kid Check-in 4
I finally bought a bottle of Kido sparkling for GW, which I have been wanting to drink for a long time. As I expected it would go well with anything, it really has a gentle sweetness and bubbly texture that goes well with everything. ❣️ Tonight I made "Yodaregye" from a mainland China recipe site, and it goes really well with the gentle home-cooked taste: ‼️ I think this would be flexible enough to be used with cheese dishes or dishes with lots of olive oil 😊. I'm sure I'll be back often. It was a real treat 😋. Note: ⚠️ It's a bubbly, so you have to drink it up on the day you open the bottle✨.
Koeigiku Check-in 1Koeigiku Check-in 2
This is the first Koueikiku to be drunk at home. The taste is easy to drink, with a lingering orange flavor. It has a very light aftertaste, slightly reminiscent of early summer. Since it is juicy, it goes well with light appetizers, salami, and okaki (crackers). Perfect for watching a movie while eating persimmon seeds and nuts on the evening of a holiday weekend. ‼️ It has a wonderful rosé wine-like ease of use. ❣️
談山 Check-in 1
談山 Check-in 2談山 Check-in 3
I received this as a souvenir from Nara. It is really a Kijo-zake, like a noble rotten wine or ice wine. The kijo-zake I have had before had a habit of being like old sake, but this one has no peculiarities and is a concentrated sweetness of rice. I paired it first with gorgonzola cheese, and it was perfect. ❤️ Wow, this is sake made from rice? ⁉️ I was surprised. According to the attached description, it is also delicious over chocolate and ice cream. It's too good to be true, so I'm going to drink it little by little ✨ Ah, sake is so deep 😋.
Bukomasamune本醸造生酒 新酒しぼりたて
Bukomasamune Check-in 1Bukomasamune Check-in 2
I received this as a souvenir from Chichibu. It is a brewer's alcohol-sweetened, long time "old-fashioned sake". I've been drinking a lot of junmai fruity sake lately, so this is a fresh new experience for me. I had it at room temperature, but it might be good warmed up as well 😅 When I realized ⁉️, the 300ml bottle was empty 😅. It's the kind of sake I'd like to drink at a local izakaya: ❣️ P.S. I noticed after uploading this that the label says to keep it refrigerated. It seems I made a mistake in how to store and how to drink it 😅 If you receive a gift, read the label carefully (lesson learned).
Hououbiden檸檬 リキュール
Hououbiden Check-in 1Hououbiden Check-in 2
I love Houou Mita's fruit liqueurs, and every time I find a type I haven't tried yet, I buy it immediately. This time it's Lemon Lemon 🍋. This one is definitely better with soda. ‼️ It goes well with any Japanese, Western, or Chinese home prepared food. The alcohol seems to add a fine richness to the refreshing acidity and bitterness of the pesticide-free Graduates. It's perfect for summer days ...... in April. It will be gone in no time😅.
スズラン酒造 山梨のこしひかり 濁酒(どぶろく) Check-in 1スズラン酒造 山梨のこしひかり 濁酒(どぶろく) Check-in 2
I bought this at a roadside station in Tsuru, Yamanashi. It is a thick rice juice with a refreshing sweetness. It is a solid alcohol, but it is easy to drink without any strange peculiarities. ❗️ Actually, I have never thought dobrokku tasted so good, but I like this one. I also bought fresh vegetables, wild vegetables, and pickles at the same roadside station, and they go well with a simple Japanese dish or a boned dish. ❤️ It would definitely go well with miso-flavored "houtou". I would like to drink it with soda after tomorrow.
Glorious Mt.FujiZEBRA Black or White
Glorious Mt.Fuji Check-in 1
Glorious Mt.Fuji Check-in 2Glorious Mt.Fuji Check-in 3
The liquor store I sometimes go to has about six varieties of Eiko Fuji on the shelf, and after much agonizing, I picked up this one with a zebra pattern🦓❗️ It is full of the charm of Gohyakumangoku, a refreshing sweetness that would go well with various home prepared foods. I had it in three batches. ① Pork shabu shabu with ponzu sauce ◎ (2) Okonomiyaki ◎◎ 3) Fried shrimp, fried oysters Maybe it will be difficult to match if even fried food is biased to western food. ⁉️ This wine tastes best on the first day of drinking, and a little bit alcoholic on the fourth day. I'm going to buy two kinds and compare them at home next time when there are about 6 kinds of Eiko Fuji on the shelf. I'm looking forward to it 😊.
Bijofu純米吟醸 CEL-24
Bijofu Check-in 1Bijofu Check-in 2
It has a light, fruity sweetness that is close to that of wine. But it is like Kochi's sake, basically a region that respects dryness, so it is based on that, but in a modern style that is more fruity. ❗️ It goes well with Japanese and Western home-style prepared foods. It is also perfect with ponzu (Japanese citrus juice) and soy sauce. It is perfect for a light weekday evening drink. ❤️
MutsuhassenURARA hassen for spring
Mutsuhassen Check-in 1Mutsuhassen Check-in 2
URARA...I've always wanted to try this 🌸 It has a wine-like mouthfeel, with a gentle sweetness to start, but a lingering finish that is light and easy, as is typical of Hachisen. It has a quiet elegance, and is a perfect match for home-style dishes that are a little more Western. Today's dinner was "Hiroshima-yaki" (Hiroshima-style pancake), with a salad of fresh onions and dried bonito flakes as a chopstick rest, which went well with the dish. ❤️ Oh, it was delicious, thank you 😋.
Daisekkei季節限定 純米吟醸
Daisekkei Check-in 1
Daisekkei Check-in 2Daisekkei Check-in 3
Can be stored at room temperature. It is a pink-labeled Great Snow Creek. The first sip has a sweet taste, but it quickly turns into a well-balanced drink. It is good to drink at room temperature. It will come in handy when viewing cherry blossoms or camping 🌸. Medium-bodied and mild, it tastes like the kind of local sake that locals might drink at an izakaya (Japanese-style pub) on a trip.