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栃木県在住です。 備忘録、記録として始めてみました。 これまでは北関東、東北、北陸のお酒を中心に頂いてきましたが、もっと全国各地の美味しい日本酒を見つけ、味わいたいと思います。

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At the end of July, I stopped by Matsuzaki Sake Brewery (Ten-ei Village)! But they don't directly manage the brewery, so I bought a bottle at the nearby Daily Yamazaki 😄. I had a taste of Hirotogawa and melon in the past, so I had high expectations for this one as well! When I poured it into a glass, it had a sweet aroma with a hint of fruitiness☺The first sip right after opening the bottle. The first sip right after opening the bottle. Not much flavor? Bitter taste in the mouth from the very beginning. It's a bit hard to drink alone 😣... 😣. I left it at room temperature for a little while to let it develop a slight bitterness, and the bitterness eased up? Did the sweetness of the mouthfeel also come out? It doesn't linger and it feels refreshing and clean ☺. I think you can feel the flavor better if it is not cooled down too much, but at room temperature. I'll leave it for a while and taste it 🐢.
Jokigen純米大吟醸 生詰 限定品
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Also in Yamagata, Japan 😁. I looked at the fridge again and there is a bias towards Tochigi, Fukushima and Yamagata sake.... I need to broaden my horizons 😂. Now, Kamikimoto, the aroma is slightly grapefruit? Is it slightly grapefruity on the palate? Citrusy? It is moderately sweet and has a slightly bitter taste after passing the throat. It has no particular peculiarities and is delicious as a food sake☺.
Yonetsuru純米吟醸 出羽の里
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The Sande series was given to me by my father-in-law! Another Yamagata sake. This sake is from Takahata-cho, north of Yonezawa. Takahata-cho is a nice place with lush green rice fields, delicious rice, many vineyards🍇 and wineries. ☺️ The aroma is sweet with a refreshing fruitiness. The mouthfeel is also pear-like. It has a refreshing and moderate sweetness! It is not too sour and has a refreshingly mild flavor 😃. I think the Tohoku sake will last for a while 😂.
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We went to Ten-ei village and went to Matsuzaki Sake Brewery, but it was closed... I bought some Hirotogawa at the nearby Daily Yamazaki and Ten-ei Road Station 😄. This is the Honjozo sake we bought at the roadside station ❗ It had a slight alky flavor when it passed the throat, but it was delicious with a natural mouthfeel and a fruity sweetness 😁. I'll let the other bottle sit a little longer ☺.
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I bought this bottle at La jomon, which I visited at the end of last month! I was talking to the owner and said "Souou" is delicious, and he recommended this Okuroku❗ Blue bottle with a cool font label! I was looking forward to opening it 😁. Fresh fruitiness from the aroma! It seems to be fire-roasted, but with a nice tingling ❗ Fruity sweetness that spreads softly in the mouth 🍇 but light and refreshing, slightly sour and refreshing, very tasty and easy to drink ✨. The low alcohol content of 12 degrees combined with the low alcohol content makes it easy to drink more and more 😆. I would like to have this sake again ☺.
Hi Yasusake😄! Oh, Okuroku's White beach❣️ this is delicious 😍I drank it on Okuroku's day (6/9) 😆👍I really liked it 💕💕. I want to go to La Jomon more and more 😆😆.
Hi, Tsubu! Okuroku White beach was delicious😍. I also found a record of Tsubu-chan drinking on 6/9 lol 😆. La Jomon, I hope you'll go there☺I'll be back myself in the winter ✨.
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The Sande series was given to me by my father-in-law! Yamagata again... 👍 This is my first time at Tohoku Izumi. ...I drank it on Sunday, but I don't remember the details anymore😱. I had it as a food sake, it was neither sweet nor spicy, no particular peculiarities, and it went down easily ☺.
Juyondai純米大吟醸 特吟
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Jyushiyo, which I acquired a long time ago❗ I'm sorry to have kept you waiting so long 😱. It's been a while since I've had it 😁. Well, it's still Jyushidai! Delicious! Fruity, honey-like sweetness, but not clingy 👍. It was a bit sweeter than the other sake I opened it with, and I was thinking that it should be less sweet. But it is still a Jyushiro☺.
Good morning, Yasusake 😄 I see you have a bottle of Jyushiyo✨😆.
Good evening, Tsubu! I had a bottle of Jyushidai, 2 bottles ✨I lost them 😂. Jyushidai is exceptionally tasty combined with its preciousness❗I would like to get it again if I have the chance✋.
Ooyama純米吟醸 出羽燦々
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Sande series given to me by my father-in-law. It is Oyama by Jusui no Sake Brewery. I didn't detect much of an aroma, but I did notice a light sweetness on the palate 🍏. I think it is a good sake for a mealtime drink because it has a nice sharpness and does not linger☺. It was a comparison with the sake we opened together, so it gave the impression of being sharp and dry, but it was delicious ❗
Aratama純米大吟醸生詰 出羽燦々
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Yamagata sake again 🍶. This is also my first Aradama. I see that Wada Sake Brewery is located in Kahokucho. I go to a nearby meat soba restaurant about once a year, but I didn't do my research... The aroma is very fruity 🍈🍇. The sweetness is spread out and nice to the palate. I'm not sure if it's a bit sharp or a bit alcoholic 😂. It also has a slight alcohol taste 😂. I think it is delicious enough on its own, but I think it would be even better with Japanese food!
Uyootokoyama純米吟醸 酒未来
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Another Yamagata Sande series. My father-in-law gave it to me. I have more Yamagata sake than Tochigi for some reason.... It's just that we have a connection since our school days 😂. My first Hanyo Otokoyama❗. I used to pass by a sake brewery once upon a time 😆. Now, the taste... Slightly sweet aroma. The mouthfeel is a little sweet from the rice, but it's quite refreshing and a little dry and crisp. I had high expectations for this sake alone because it is 100% future sake, but I think it would have tasted even better with sashimi or other dishes as a food sake☺.
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This is another gakki that has been a long time coming. It was also a top winner in the sake competition 2024, and I am reminded once again that you are still creating good sake. ‼️ It is fragrant and fruity (sweet) 🍇. But it is refreshingly sharp and easy to drink 😂. I always have a hard time deciding which gakky to try, but I'd love to compare drinks sometime ☺.
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AKABU after a long time! It's been a long time since I bought this one, but I got it! The yeast and koji that create the fruity aroma characteristic of ginjo are in perfect harmony with each other. (As described on the label...) We enjoyed it very much 🎵.
十六代九郎右衛門山廃純米 美山錦13 生原酒
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Nice to meet you Kuroemon XVI. Last month? Last month? I bought it at Saito-san. I was very curious about the colorful and gorgeous label and the taste 😁. I'm opening it because my fridge is full. When I open the cork, pssh, it doesn't say. Pouring it into a glass, the aroma is slightly sweet and sour. In the mouth, it is quite sweet, but soon a refreshing light sourness. It is not spicy and you can easily drink it without hesitation 😃. At first, there is an aftertaste of alcohol, but it doesn't bother me much 🙆It can be drunk alone. On the weekend, I accompanied my wife to Yamagata.... I was not just a driver, so I visited sake breweries and liquor stores to stock up on sake ✨. If I had more time, I would have taken my time and looked around 😂.
Hello Yasusake 😃 Kuroemon XVI! It's delicious 😋I haven't had it for a while 😅I'll drive to Yamagata 🚙and check out the liquor store 🤗.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby! It was my first time drinking it and it was delicious 😋. I don't mind taking a long trip by car, but I took the Fukushima road to Yamagata too, just for the sake of it lol. I wish I could have visited more sake breweries since I went through Aizu too 😂.
Good morning, Yasusake-san: ☀️ I'm glad you went to La Jomon 🚙I'd love to visit there someday 😌.
Good evening, Tsubu-chan! I love visiting sake breweries, don't you? I went to La Jomon, I was forced by my schedule to go there 🙌The owner is a very tasteful person and I enjoyed talking with him and bought his recommendation! I will go back next time👍.
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It's summer, but the rainy season is over, and it's summer again. It's a rhinoceros beetle. I have raised them from eggs and let them hatch every year since 3 years ago. I thought that the third generation of children were four brothers, but only one of them is not red and has a different color 😓 This girl.... Well, Senkin-san's Kabutomushi has no month of production listed this year! And it's label-less and neatly designed 😄. It has a refreshing light sweetness and moderate acidity (a little more acidity this year?). It tastes like a white wine. It can be served by itself, but I think it would be good with meat dishes, cheese, etc. I am wondering if there is any use for this bottle.
Somura純米吟醸 中取り 舞いさくら
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I got another bottle from an acquaintance who lives in Nagai City! I've let it sit for a while, but I'll take it 🙏. The mouthfeel is sweet with a hint of fruit, but with a refreshing finish. Not too spectacular, but beautifully tasty as always ✨. It just seems to be a mid-palate, with an even more refined flavor! (I bet 😆) Souup, after all, is good ☺.
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At the beginning of this week, I went to Kameyama City, Mie Prefecture. Even though I took the Shinkansen, it was still a long way and tiring. Well, I decided to go to an izakaya (Japanese-style bar) near where I was staying. We were full, but we had some yakitori and some local sake 🍶. I found out from my preliminary research that there is a sake from Kameyama called Uki Momiji🍁 on .........😃. It is sold by Yamagataya Sake Shop in Kameyama City, but manufactured by Wakabisu Sake Brewery in Iga, according to the website. I ordered it with yakitori (grilled chicken) and to my surprise it came with an atmospheric Masu ✨. The first sip was sweet with a hint of fruit. It's not too spicy, but it has a nice sharpness to it 😄. It goes very well with the saltiness of the yakitori 😆. We had three cups of Uki Momiji alone! I would like to have it again if I have a chance ☺.
Good morning, Yasusake 😃. I see you were in Mie! Is it a business trip? Good job 😌Yakitori and local sake! The same No. 3 was that good 🤗. Maybe you could have bought some souvenirs and izakaya 🏮 shinkansen 🚄😆.
Good morning, Jay & Nobby! I was in Mie on business 🚄. I had to take the opportunity to eat some of the "uki momiji" leaves since they don't seem to be available very often ❗ I wanted to have a drink on the way back home, but I had to drive to the station... 😰Next time 👍.
Glorious Mt.Fuji純米大吟醸 無濾過生原酒 星天航路
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Glory Fuji's Hoshitenkouroku❗ I'm not a fan of limited editions, but I was attracted to Eiko-Fuji and its novel label. Here are my impressions of the 100% comet... Ginjo aroma with fruit sweetness 😆. Some sourness? But apple🍎banana🍌? It is sweet in flavor! Although it feels a little sweet, it is clean and easy to drink👍. Delicious ✨
Jokigen純米吟醸 美山錦
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It's Kamikimoto again! I remembered that I neglected this one too 😅. I bought it at Yamazawa (supermarket) that I used to frequent once upon a time when I went to Yamagata Prefecture at the end of February. ✴️ Miyamanishiki sake polished to 50% ❗ I could feel the delicious taste of the rice and it had a nice sharpness 😓. The alcohol content was low, 13 degrees (apparently) 😫. I have to upload it before it gets buried or I'll be writing from a hazy memory.... I'll be more careful from now on 😣.
Jokigen大吟醸 限定品 古流しづく採り
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I was satisfied with the drink and forgot about it ❗ Kamikigen My father-in-law gave it to me☺. It was made from Yamada-Nishiki polished to 35% and bottled with a lot of time and effort............................................. Too extravagant for me 😃. Now the taste... Very fruity aroma, peachy, bananas🍑? It has a gorgeous gentle sweetness like a peach 🍌🍌! Mild flavor, but also very sharp 🙆. This is also delicious 😂. This is quintessential Kamikimoto, quintessential Yamagata ✴️ ps. I went to pick capsicum over the weekend ☺️
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The 11 Masamune🎊 that was talked about for a moment in a certain neighborhood. I was home late every day and couldn't get into the topic, so I uploaded it here. This is a bottle of sake that is good local sake ❗ and a bottle of sake that I am eager to put a sash on myself! I had received a bottle at the beginning of the year and had half-neglected it because it was only a bottle, but I opened it because it was the only place I could find it 😁. I've had it before and I know what it tastes like, but I'll have it 🍶. The aroma is just like a dry sake! But the mouthfeel is surprisingly sweet with a hint of rice, and it slowly finishes with a hint of alcohol. I have never tried heating it up, but I think it would be delicious at room temperature 😃.
Good evening Yasusake-san, I laughed at your timeliness 😊 Thank you for your hard work until late every day. I've never had it so I'm going to visit the brewery next time!
Good evening, Nanoha-san! You gave me a good opportunity, so I just opened it ❗ I'm not familiar with the Morito Sake Brewery, even though I'm supposed to be close to it myself 😓. Please visit ☺👍.
Hi YasuSake 😃 The prefects were instantly 😆 excited about the story and quickly uploaded it! You have great energy 🤗. The Dry Local Sake ‼️ you have to taste it once 👍
Hi YasuSake 😊Hello 😊Thanks for coming home late every day 😌and the buzz, for a moment 🤣Yamayato, I also found it in the eki-naka, but it is the dry local sake... 🤔It will be winter when you pick it up ♨️
Hi Jay & Nobby! I'm not often able to respond to prefect stories right away, so okay, here I am! I opened it 😁. I will check with the breweries in my prefecture to see if there are any that I haven't received yet 😃.
Hello, Kotori-san! I'm tired of being flabbergasted day after day 😆. It was too much for a moment and by the time I realized it was cold lol. It's not as dry as I thought it would be, but I think I can enjoy it lukewarm? I think ❗