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Nakameguro Isego (中目黒 伊勢五本店)

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Nakameguro Isego (中目黒 伊勢五本店)
総合10(10点満点) 222ゾロ目チェックインと初神奈川酒は、ma-ki-さんの投稿を見て狙っていたこのお酒です🍶😋 弱い雨の中、霧や霞に覆われた、濃い緑の日本の山々 そんな景色を想像させる雨降という名前と白く柔らかな瓶の色 25年以上前、吉川酒造のある丹沢大山の近くに住んでいた懐かしさもあり、感慨深くいただきました🍶 美味しいです😋 初めに若干の酸味を伴った柔らかいお米の甘味と旨味が口に広がり、そのまま僅かに渋みを増しつつも、そのまま閉じる しばらく続く霧雨のような感じで、キレないんだけど、くどさは全く感じない そんな印象を受けました👍 冷やしていただきました 【私が感じた香りのイメージ】  •上立ち香:豊かなお米の旨味👍  •含み香:若干の酸味 【私が感じた味の感覚】 数字が大きい程強く感じる(5が最大)  •辛さ:飲み始め1→ 余韻1  •甘味:飲み始め3→ 余韻3  •酸味:飲み始め3→ 余韻3  •苦味:飲み始め0→ 余韻0  •渋味:飲み始め1→ 余韻2  •米の旨味:飲み始め2→ 余韻2 【私が感じた口あたり】→4 数字が小さい=ライト  大きい=濃厚 (5が最大)
My first Kanagawa sake, I found a very nice bottle 🩷. The typeface on the label is beautiful. I've never been a fan of the rain line writing, but I'm in love with the beautiful "rain"✨. Yes, it is a very beautiful and beautifully designed book! And white bottle relay🏁. Beautiful, delicious and happy🥰.
Good evening, shinsaku3. Congratulations on your 222 check-in & your first Kanagawa drink 🎉. Great glossy review ✨ Here's one I was actually drinking right now: ⤴️ Keep up the fun drinking with the two of us 😊.
ma-ki-San ❤️🙌😍 wow! Well then, kanpai 🥂. Sounds like we are drinking together 🥰. I hope to enjoy drinking with you from now on 🙌!
Nice to meet you, shinsaku3 and Pekho. Good evening😄Congratulations on your 222 check-in 🎉It is truly a blessing to be able to drink alcohol with your husband 💕My husband and I also have the most enjoyable time drinking with him at night ❣️
Dear HinaHanaMama💕Good evening! Thank you for your message😍Drinking in the evenings with the two of us together in our days is the most enjoyable time for me too ❣️I met Sake no Wawa and I'm drinking with everyone all over the country, which has spread the fun even further 🥰.
shinsaku3 and Pekho, good evening 🌛. Congratulations on your 222 check-in 🎉. I've been regretting missing out on buying this one since ma-ki-chan also reviewed the same sake most recently💦.
Good morning, shinsaku3 & Pekho 😃! Congratulations to 222CI㊗️ on your first Kanagawa sake rainfall 🎉It's a beautiful and delicious bottle that will make you emotional 😋 Now we, the Black Relay🏁, would like to go next 😁.
Congratulations to shinsaku3 & Pepho on your 222 check-in, your first time in Kanagawa and your first rainfall 🎉🎊. It's nice to drink with a scene in mind ✨I'll think of it next time I drink ✨I don't have much connection with Kanagawa as well as rainfall 😊.
Good evening, ma-ki 😃. Thank you ❗️ How you were drinking at the same time ❗️ rainfall😃 It was a really good drink ❣️ Thank you 😊
Good evening, HinaHanaMama 😃. Nice to meet you ❣️ Thank you for your message😊. Yes, we drink sake with our husband and wife 🍶 with good sake. I look forward to coming home from work every day 😊. I look forward to working with you in the future😃.
Good evening, Gyve 😃. Thank you 😊 I'm sorry you missed out 😱. We managed to get it, but we were lucky because there was only one bottle left 😅. I would love to try other brands 🍶.
Good evening Jay & Nobby 😃. Thank you 😊 We reminisced about the old days and drank deeply while talking about those days: ☺️ Black Relay, I'll join you 😃.
Good evening, Pon 😃. Thank you 😊 It suddenly occurred to me that it might be fun to travel to places I remember and drink the local sake there 😅. The Kanagawa sake was pretty good, I'd like to try other brands 😃.
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Nakameguro Isego (中目黒 伊勢五本店)
I bought Tanaka Rokugo for the first time in a very long time. Almost bought the jacket. It is drier than the prior information. The aroma is quite weak and citrusy. The gasiness is schwashy. Sweetness is very slight. The acidity is tangy and strong, but it may be due to the gas. It is so clean and dry. The acidity is short-lived and finishes quickly. Bitterness and umami are also moderate. I am impressed that they were able to make it so dry. It would go well with white meat sashimi and other light dishes. As the gas is released, a cute acidity comes out, but by that time, it's already finished...
Sogga pere et filsヌメロ アン生酛原酒生酒無濾過
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Nakameguro Isego (中目黒 伊勢五本店)
Sogape that has been laid up for quite a while. We only got two bottles this year, so we missed the timing to drink... The aroma is weak muscat and a little lactic acid. It has a slight gassy feeling when opened. Sweetness comes first. It is sweet like Numeroin, but not too much. Then a slight sourness appears, followed by a bitter finish. I don't usually drink sweet sake, but it's nice to drink it after a long time. Today, I paired it with mackerel sashimi. Delicious!
Shinshu Kirei山恵錦 火入れ純米吟醸
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This year, the encounter rate has increased quite a bit. Perhaps we have somehow gotten the hang of encountering the tortoise age? When you take a sip, it has a nice, flowery aroma. It has a little gasiness. It is quite sweet. The strong acidity comes out soon, and it is a wonder that the balance is so good as a result. It would have been great if it would have been crisp and clean, but in the second half, there is a fairly strong alcohol taste and bitterness. Nevertheless, Shinshu Kamerei is still delicious. If the alcohol content was lowered a little more, it might become the best Kamerei!