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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.
Aramasa天鵞絨 2022
Aramasa Check-in 1
Aramasa Check-in 2Aramasa Check-in 3
Since it was Shinmasa, I decided to drink it when I invited sake lovers to a party! I opened the bottle. It is 100% Misato Nishiki, 13% alcohol by volume. Although it is 13% alcohol, it is very drinkable and has a long aftertaste. We only had such a cute glass, but it was a fun party 🐰.
EmishikiSensation BLUE
Emishiki Check-in 1Emishiki Check-in 2
I finally opened a bottle that I bought last summer, but neglected to drink it after that, and it was in the refrigerator at my parents' house. The aroma is mild and the acidity is refreshing, perfect for drinking on a hot day. The bottle and label are beautiful. Alcohol content 15%.
Soku Check-in 1
Soku Check-in 2Soku Check-in 3
Drinking record There were surprisingly few people in Kyoto at the end of June. In spring and fall, it gets crowded... so I was able to enjoy Kyoto's sake at my leisure 🍶🌿. Special Junmai Omachi Unfiltered Nama Sake was the most delicious 🌿🌿!
Ubusuna2023 穂増 五農醸
Ubusuna Check-in 1Ubusuna Check-in 2
I opened a bottle of Go-no-jo sake, which I bought with Nino-jo sake a long time ago, but neglected to open. It is brewed with sake rice called "Homase". 13 degrees Celsius. The cork opened with a "pop" and the bottle was opened with a splash! the cork opened and the aroma was gorgeous. It was just as I had imagined. It was sweeter and tastier than I had expected. A little citrusy bitterness. A faint cloudiness. It was a very satisfying experience, and it was hard to believe that it was a low alcohol bottle.
Shisora純米大吟醸 ダイヤモンドラベル
Shisora Check-in 1Shisora Check-in 2
Shisora Check-in 3Shisora Check-in 4
A bottle purchased at a sake shop event. It is a junmai daiginjo-namaishu made from a sake rice called Yunokou. The aroma is gorgeous, with plenty of sweetness and acidity. Clear and rich. I want to drink it in small sips before going to bed. The determination of the new father's manager on the back label (?) is very cute 😊. is very funny 😊. The fourth one is a sparkling from Raifuku, which I had my doubts about but passed on this time. I want to buy it this summer 📝.
TakachiyoTakachiyo 59 純米吟醸 美山錦
Takachiyo Check-in 1Takachiyo Check-in 2
鶏と酒 怜
Nice to meet you Takachiyo. I had an image of a gutsy, fruity sake, but I thought it was smooth, sweet and tasty, and good for eating. Beautiful. I had it with fresh ginger meat rolls and tomato salad (forgot to take a picture 😭). The label is beautiful and I feel like I'm ahead of the summer season 🎐.
Jikon純米吟醸 酒未来 生
Jikon Check-in 1Jikon Check-in 2
鶏と酒 怜
I didn't see it on the menu, but when I heard there was a metaphysical now, I ordered it and it was my favorite sake future 😆. The aroma was fruity, yet subdued. The aroma is fruity and the sweetness and acidity are gentle and fresh. It was delicious! I'd like to try it at home sometime.
Good morning, Yojiro-san. I'm so excited to hear that you have some Jigin 🎵. Oh, the future of Jikin is so delicious ✨. I dream of drinking Jikin at home as well: ☺️ Let's make it come true someday 🍶.
Good morning, ma-ki 😊. The surprise and superiority of being served a sake that is not on the menu, I was so excited 🎵 If I could drink Jikin at home, I would get too excited and crazy. It's the sake of my dreams 🥹.
Fusano Kankiku晴日-Special Yell- 純米大吟醸
Fusano Kankiku Check-in 1Fusano Kankiku Check-in 2
鶏と酒 怜
Yamadanishiki & Akaban Omachi Unfiltered Unblended Sake I had no hesitation in ordering this "super limited edition" sake. It was fruity and had a hint of Kangiku, but also had the drinkability of Oumachi. I also felt a bit of bitterness in the latter half.
Sharaku純米吟醸 赤磐雄町 生酒
Sharaku Check-in 1Sharaku Check-in 2
I love Collage ♡ I bought a bottle of Akaban Yumachi and a bottle of Bizen Yumachi, not knowing the difference between the two, I thought they were both delicious and bought Akaban Yumachi on a hunch. I'm not sure what the difference is between the two! I was surprised to find that it was so delicious! It has the sweetness of ripe fruit, but also has a refreshing acidity. A sense of gas unique to nama-shu. Rich and long lasting aftertaste.
Nabeshima特別純米クラシック 白菊
Nabeshima Check-in 1Nabeshima Check-in 2
I watched a middle-aged man fretting in front of a line of three types of Nabeshima and bought the one he chose. The aroma is mild. Classic but very fresh. It also has a gassy feeling. I thought it had a strong acidity. I think I prefer it at room temperature.
Shichiken劉伶 純米大吟醸
Shichiken Check-in 1
Shichiken Check-in 2Shichiken Check-in 3
I went to the Yamanashi Meizo Sake Brewery Open House 2024 🚌. I drank too much of this and that, and I couldn't understand what was going on! One of the two bottles I bought was this "Liu Ling". It is elegant and very gorgeous. It is a fresh sake.
Nice to meet you. The sake brewery open house here is nice, isn't it? I haven't been able to go for the past few years, but I hope to go next year. Also, I think the cost is good nowadays.
Hi Koki Shindate, nice to meet you😃I went to a sake brewery open house for the first time, so I wasn't sure what to expect, but I see that it is cosy! It was a fun and very satisfying day. I hope to go again next year 😊.
Sorry for the late reply. If you do the math properly, it's rubbish. According to my family, 20 kinds of drinks cost 2500 yen. I weighed the glasses well, but it is more than 3 gou if you drink all of them. It is much cheaper than drinking outside. Plus it feels like a trip.
Kamoshibitokuheijiうすにごり 生酒
Kamoshibitokuheiji Check-in 1Kamoshibitokuheiji Check-in 2
I drank it last year at a corner store and enjoyed it so much that I was sure to make a reservation this year. It has a gentle and elegant sweetness and acidity. It is very tasty with a slight bitterness of nigori. It will be gone in no time.