SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
日本酒おじさんです。 同じ銘柄を飲み続けるよりは全国の色んな銘柄を飲んでみたいという思いで20年以上日本酒を求めて旅などしています。 コロナが収まるまでは旅が出来ないので家飲みしながら皆さんの報告を見るのが最近の楽しみの一つです。

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Sake Map

The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.
Yoshidagura u貴醸酒
Yoshidagura u Check-in 1
Today, Yoshida Kurau's Noto reconstruction support sake. This sake is from Ishikawa Prefecture. When I see a sake that supports reconstruction efforts, I wonder whether I should buy it myself, or whether I should pass it up in order to buy it for tourists and other visitors. However, I thought I would like to try this one 😜, so I bought it. When I drank it, I could feel the acidity and other flavors of the sake. It is a type of kijoshu that I have never had before and it is delicious! Be careful not to drink too much. Not only Yoshida Kura, but other sake breweries in Ishikawa Prefecture are selling a variety of sake to support reconstruction efforts, so if you happen to be in Ishikawa, please be sure to pick one up!
Tedorigawa Check-in 1
It has been a while since my last post. After the earthquake, I refrained from drinking alcohol for a while. I finished cleaning up the half-destroyed warehouse at my relative's house, and the fields are finally back to normal, so I decided to reward myself with a drink for the first time in a while 😊. Today's sake is a Tetorigawa Yamahai Junmai Ginjo. It is made by Yoshida Sake Brewery in Ishikawa Prefecture. It's a sake that is only available in Ishikawa Prefecture, I believe. All Tedorigawa sakes are basically delicious, but because it is a Yamahai sake, I feel the depth of flavor. I think it tastes best when it is kept in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator. To tell you a little about myself, I was in Anamizu, Noto, at the time of the earthquake. It was a relatively undamaged area in Noto, but I stayed there for a while to help clean up. I think it was around the 10th when I came back. Then I had a pain in my left shoulder, so I had it checked and was told that it was a rotator cuff injury. After that, I spent my days off delivering food and daily necessities to relatives' houses and helping them clean up. I have things to do again, so I'll be away from drinking for a while, but I'll try to post when I have a drink from time to time.
Masaaki Sapporo
Chaso-san, it's been a long time 😃I'm sorry you had to go through so much! It's been a long time since you've had a limited edition Tedorigawa in the prefecture 😋I hope you can heal again with a good drink when you're done ✨Take care of your left shoulder: 🖐️
Masaaki Sapporo
Chaso-san, it's been a long time 😃I'm sorry you had to go through so much! It's been a while since you've had a prefecture-only Tedorigawa 😋I hope you'll be able to relax again with a good drink once you've had a break ✨.
Masaaki Sapporo, good evening😊. It's been a long time since I drank and 2 goules got me into a state of intoxication 🍶Thank you for your concern. I am doing fine👍.
Hi Chaso 😃 I'm sorry to hear about the hard work of cleaning up and restoring after the disaster 😥Thank you for your hard work 😌. Please heal for a while at the limited edition Tedori River ☺️ I know it's still hard work, but I look forward to seeing you up there from time to time 😊.
Hi Jay & Nobby 😃. We have been very fortunate to have relatives in Noto who have been good to us in many ways, so we are helping them in a very small way. We have just finished planting rice this year and are taking a breather, so we are gradually lifting the ban on alcohol 👍.
Tedorigawa Check-in 1Tedorigawa Check-in 2
It was yesterday and the new sake from Tedorigawa. However, I could only drink about one sip. On the 1st, I went to my relative's house in Noto to attend the annual banquet. As soon as the party started, there was a big earthquake. Just when I thought it had subsided, there was an even more violent earthquake. It was as if a drum was being pounded in front of us, and the vertical shaking seemed to be coming from below. The children took shelter under desks, protected by their mothers, and I saw a large cupboard behind my 2-year-old nephew and my brother-in-law, who was the smallest, shaking violently. I was so determined to hold it down that I managed to hold it in place. After that, earthquakes occurred frequently, and I stood by, telling myself that if I let up, I would lose my life. After a while, I checked the damage and found that the warehouse had collapsed and that dishes and wardrobes had been damaged. I also felt a pain in my shoulder and wrist, but it was nothing serious. I am still at a relative's house to help out, but fortunately the infrastructure in my area is still alive and food seems to be okay. I think I will go home when things settle down. Please understand that I will not appear in Sakegawa for a while as I receive phone calls and lines frequently.
Masaaki Sapporo
Chaso, Happy New Year 🎍It sounds like you had a tough start to the year. I am glad to hear that you are doing well! I know it will be tough for a while, but I look forward to working with you again this year👍.
Chaso, thank you for your support this year 😌. I am sure your children were scared by the terrible earthquake. I am relieved to hear that you are safe. I hope that your daily life will return to normal as soon as possible.
Chaso-san. It's been a while & I'm glad you are safe. I was in the middle of my Hatsumode (first visit to a shrine) and was surprised to see you. I know that Noto is in trouble. Please be safe. I look forward to working with you again this year.
Chaso, thank you for letting us know in this difficult time. I am sure you are still suffering from a lot of anxiety and tension. I hope you will be free from them as soon as possible.
Shisora Check-in 1Shisora Check-in 2
Today's popular Purple Space. It is the pride of Iwate Prefecture. Since it was Christmas, I thought a sparkling sake would be good, so I chose this one. It took me about 5 minutes to open the bottle, but I was able to open it without any spillage. There was a fair amount of oli in the bottle, but it was automatically stirred when the bottle was opened. It is a very energetic sake. It has a slightly sweet flavor, lots of acidity, and a strong bitterness. It is easy to drink and goes down smoothly because it is so refreshing. Needless to say, it is delicious. When I was taking pictures, my cat kept trying to frame me, so I gave up and took a picture with her. Oh well, it's Christmas, so it's okay once in a while 😉.
Good morning, Chaso 😊Cat nice frame in 📸Purple space sparkling looks delicious 😚We often see news of snowfall in Hokuriku...please take care of yourself 🥹.
Good morning, Kotori 🙂. My cat always comes to check the sake bottle when I put it down. Is it territorial? Purple space is stable and tasty, no doubt about it. We got so much snow 😅.
Sogen Check-in 1Sogen Check-in 2
Today, we have Sogen. It's a local sake from Ishikawa Prefecture. Sogen also produces a variety of sake with different specifications, but this is the one I think of when I think of Sogen. I look forward to it every year. It has a rich flavor, with sweetness and umami, but it also has a strong bitterness and sharpness. It is a classic sake with a high alcohol content, but it is so delicious that I tend to drink too much of it. This time of year, supermarkets in Ishikawa Prefecture are filled with this sake. It is also inexpensive and popular. I'll probably drink two or three more bottles as I keep coming back for more. If you haven't yet, please do. I recommend it 😊.
Good evening, Mr. Chaso 🌃😀 Sogen's raw sake is a delicious sake 😚I'm a ⚠️ bad guy if I drink too much even if it's good 😁but I drink it 🥳I buy it every year for my own pleasure 😍I look forward to opening the bottle 😊.
Maecin-san, Maido✋. It's rich and tasty this year too😊Although it has 19% alcohol content, it just keeps going and going. Fish is also delicious this time of year, so I had it with sashimi😊.
Sanzui Check-in 1Sanzui Check-in 2
Today, it is Sanzui. It's Niigata's sake. This is my first time to try this sake. I had seen it in stores from time to time, but I never had a chance to buy it and finally was able to purchase it. When I opened the bottle, a gorgeous ginjo aroma came wafting out. It is sweet. It also has a modern acidity and bitterness. The alcohol content is moderate, and it is very satisfying to drink. It is not the light and dry sake of a decade ago, but a mainstream sake in Niigata these days. The price is reasonable for a Junmai Daiginjo, and it is very satisfying. I would like to try the other ones as well. It was delicious 😊.
Yokoyama Check-in 1Yokoyama Check-in 2
Today I received a bottle of Yokoyama. It is a Nagasaki sake. It's been probably 2 years since I've had Yokoyama. I don't get a chance to drink Nagasaki sake very often, so I am looking forward to it 😊. It's still delicious. It is also very spicy. It's different from "light and dry". It's one that you should be careful not to drink too much of. Nagasaki has an image of shochu, but sake is also delicious. I feel that the level of sake is really rising, not only in Nagasaki but in Kyushu as a whole. It is something to keep an eye on.
Hanamura Check-in 1Hanamura Check-in 2
Today we have Omachi from Hanayu. It is a popular sake in Akita. Ryoseki Brewery's sake is usually sweet, which is basically out of my taste, but sometimes I want to drink it. When the bottle is opened, it has a gorgeous ginjo aroma that is typical of Hanamora. When you drink it, you will find that it is a sweet and delicious sake, which is typical of Hanamup. It is a Hanamup-like sweet and tasty sake. The number 4 bottle seems to have increased recently, which is a good impression of this sake brewery. I would like to drink it again. It was delicious👍.
Shichisui Check-in 1Shichisui Check-in 2
Today, it is Nanamizu. It is a Tochigi Prefecture sake. Tochigi has many famous sake brands, and Nanamizu is definitely one of them. When I opened the bottle and drank it, I found it to be sweet and tasty, easy to drink, with an apple-like aroma and freshness. It is a sweet sake, but it is basically delicious, so you can drink it without getting tired of it. I sipped it while eating salted squid, and it went well with it. I would like to drink it again. Thank you for the food 😋.
Hi Chaso 😃 Nanamizu-san ‼️ is an exciting 💃 and delicious sake 🤗. I love the sweetness and the acidity that brings it all together 😋Go ahead and try more Tochigi sake🍶👋.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby✋. Nanamizu is delicious! In my opinion, it is one of the best tasting Tochigi sake. Recently, before I buy Tochigi sake, I refer to Jay&Noby's comments for reference 😊.
Tedorigawa Check-in 1Tedorigawa Check-in 2
Today, it's Tedorigawa. It's a sake from Ishikawa Prefecture. Tedorigawa has been really tasty and vigorous in the last few years. This sake is limited to Ishikawa Prefecture, I think. There was a draft with similar specifications that was released in the spring, so I think this is an autumn version of that. When I drank it, I found it to be gorgeous, with a sweet, umami, sour, and bitter taste. It is a well-balanced type of sake. It is of course delicious, but it also has a freshness that makes you feel as if it is still fresh. It has a freshness that makes me want to buy it again next year. It will be on my list of favorites👍.
Kinoenemasamune Check-in 1Kinoenemasamune Check-in 2
This will be a drink I had about a week ago. It's the dawn of Sakai, a standard drink at this time of year. This year's flavor was less sweet for a Koshi. It tastes of umami, sourness, and bitterness. I don't know if this analogy is appropriate, but if you drank it blind, you might think it was Senkou. However, it is still delicious. I think I will reserve a bottle for next year.
輪島物語 Check-in 1輪島物語 Check-in 2
Today, we have Wajima Monogatari. It's a local sake from Ishikawa Prefecture. I sometimes drink Shirakiku from Okunoto, but this one is not so common in Ishikawa, so it has been a while. Shirafuji Sake Brewery has an image of sweetness, but I think Wajima Monogatari is a well-balanced type. It has an acidity that makes me feel like I am drinking a dry sake with a nice sharpness. It can be served at room temperature or hot. It is delicious👍.
亀の海 Check-in 1亀の海 Check-in 2
This is a drink I had a while ago. It's a turtle sea evening drink. I think it was around mid-September when I drank it. Kame no Kai is a stable taste, so I bought this one for sure. This year, the percentage of Kame no Umi is very high. I don't really pay attention to it, but I guess I unconsciously prioritize buying it. The taste is sweet and delicious. I wonder if it is a sake that retains the classic taste of Kame no Kai. For example, it does not have the full freshness of Semishigure, but has the moistness and moderate freshness of an autumn sake. Personally, I think it might be my favorite among Kame no Umi's seasonal products. Hosoyuki will be on sale soon, and I will remember to buy it.
Nishinomon Check-in 1Nishinomon Check-in 2
A sake I had a while ago. It is a Junmai Daiginjo from Nishinomon. I guess it has been since I drank it when I visited Zenkoji Temple before. I thought so then, but this sake is characterized by its full fruity and sweet taste. I guess "graceful" is the most accurate way to describe it. I think it is hard to find sake that is this easy to drink. However, if you like dry sake, this may not be for you. To be honest, my impression is that it is sweet and easy to drink, but too sweet. It is the type of sake that is drunk by itself rather than as a food sake. On the other hand, I think it is an outstanding sake for those who like sweet sake. I recommend it especially to sake beginners, so I hope you give it a try. I'll try it again when my tastes change to more of a sweet sake. Right now I'm leaning toward dry, so this is how I feel about it.
Kamikawataisetsu Check-in 1
Today's special junmai is from Kamikawa Taisetsu. It is a famous sake from Hokkaido. I had to buy it from Rakuten, etc. because it was not available in my area, but now it is finally available in Hokuriku. So I bought this one and the white label one. Today, I got the red label one, which says "dry". When I drank it, I could feel the spiciness of the sake. It is hot, tasty, and refreshing. However, the spiciness does not drag on too much, and I have a strong impression that it is a well-balanced sake with a good umami taste. I have not had many opportunities to drink Hokkaido sake, not limited to Kamikawa Taisetsu, so I was happy to be able to drink it again after a long time. I would like to open the white label one at a later date.
Kihoturu Check-in 1Kihoturu Check-in 2
Today it will be Kibotsuru. It is a Saga Prefecture sake. At a liquor store I often visit, I saw a sake with an unfamiliar label. I picked it up and saw that it was Kifotsuru. I knew Kihotsuru, but I had never seen this label before. I decided to try the sake I had never seen before and bought it. I didn't notice much of an aroma, probably because my nose was stuffed up from a cold. When I drank it, I found it to be delicious. It is dry and umami. There is a little sweetness in the aftertaste. I took another sip. Ah, it is still delicious. So, it has been added to my favorite list. I will try to drink other ones when I see them.
亀の海 Check-in 1亀の海 Check-in 2
This is a sake that I drank a while ago. It is a kame-no-kai no nama-hashiroshi. The specs are junmai ginjo. I have an image of a classic sake, but this was a completely modern type. It seems to be positioned as a hiyaoroshi, but it is fresh and feels like drinking a fresh sake. The sake here is delicious. I would like to buy it again next year.
Shimeharitsuru Check-in 1Shimeharitsuru Check-in 2
Today, I bought a bottle of Shibarihizuru Akiaagari. I heard that there had never been an Aki-agari of Shibarihizuru before, so I thought I would try it out. According to the specs, it seems to be made from Koshitanrei sake. I opened the bottle thinking that I have never had much Koshitanrei sake. I opened the bottle and found it to have a light, dry, traditional Niigata sake flavor. It is perfect as a food sake. I drank it with chicken wings, and it went well with them. This flavor would go well with fish as well, so tomorrow I will have it with sashimi. A cross between Yamadanishiki and Gohyakumangoku? Interesting.
Born Check-in 1
Yes, today we have Bon hiyaoroshi. It is a famous sake from Fukui Prefecture. This is probably the first time for me to drink Bon hiyaoroshi. I bought it thinking that it would definitely be delicious, since it is basically a sake that never misses a beat. After opening the bottle and drinking it, I found it to be delicious. It has a nice sweetness and umami flavor. I recommend drinking it at a slightly cold temperature. It is a model sake that retains the Hokuriku sake-like character, but is made into a modern type of sake. I was expecting it to have a bit more of an aged feel to it, but I didn't really feel that and the color is clear in appearance. I recommend this quite a bit. I'm not sure if I should go buy another bottle. What should I do: ☹️
谷泉 Check-in 1谷泉 Check-in 2
Today we have hiyaoroshi from Taniizumi. It is a sake from Ishikawa Prefecture. I am looking forward to this sake, as I think it has been getting tasty recently. When the bottle is opened, it has a nice aroma and reminds me of a fruity feeling. When you drink it, it has a surprisingly classic feel. However, I mean that it is more classic among modern types. I think it is best at room temperature. I guess it has a great hiyaoroshi quality. What can I say, I want to drink this sake in the fall. It's not bad to store sake in the fridge, but it's important to drink sake that matches the season, which is obvious, but I forgot about it. I'm sure I'll be back next year👍