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Ibuki Flavor Chart

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This time it is Junmai Ginjo from Ippodo. Hiyayogoshi is out again this year, The season of Junmai Ginjo from Ippouki has come around again this year 🙌. Serve chilled. Crystal with a slight green hue. The top aroma is of dark strawberry jam. The mild mouthfeel is followed by a sweet and sour aroma reminiscent of strawberry jam and a cotton candy-like sweetness that spreads out and is backed by a sense of rice. The taste is refreshing with a soft bitterness, and the strawberry jam aroma quickly fades away. It has a strong impression of strawberry jam sweetness, which I have never felt before in Ippodo. Although it is a clean, light flavor, it has a strong sweetness that is new to Ippouki, I think I prefer this Jungin when it is cooled down. This year, too, we have finally reached the entrance of autumn, This is how this year's Ippo-self is different! I look forward to comparing them every year 😊. Hopefully I wish it would cool down a bit more 😮‍💨🪭
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The label reads Ibuki, which is quite difficult to read. I was curious about this brand and happened to drink it at a tavern. I had drunk it some time ago, so I vaguely remembered the taste, but it was a very well-balanced sake with a fruity taste and a delicious rice flavor. It is a little more drinkable than a light drink. Maybe it is because it is a pure sake. It is quite a tasty sake. I would like to try other kinds of sake.
Hello, Moyoyo 😃 Ippoumi! It's delicious 😚 and the lightly cloudy one is also excellent 😋 Please try it if you have a chance to meet me 👋
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It came out! The moment you put it in your mouth, it has a raging taste and aroma! Well-balanced umami, sweetness, and acidity, with a hint of gas. Overall, it is slightly sweet, which is very Fukushima-like. Delicious!
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Fukushima Prefecture Toyokuni Shuzo Ippoki mosaic2024 A collaboration of a sake shop and Toyokuni Shuzo. The ginjo aroma is faint. Banana-like sweetness spreads. The aftertaste is also clear and went on smoothly.
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日本橋ふくしま館 MIDETTE
☀️ Comparison of three kinds of drinks. The middle one, Ippo Mi. It is mellow and has a great deal of sweetness and umami. It is not as punchy as the other sakes, but it is the smoothest and gentlest on the palate. It has little bitterness and the umami spreads gradually, giving the impression of good workmanship 😊.
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Ibkix! Soft and smooth Tranquil streetscape of Furudono Town It's not a sake that specializes in any one place Why is it so delicious? A hint of bitterness is also nice It's so easy to drink.
Ibuki純米 無濾過 生原酒純米生酒無濾過
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This is the first time I have seen this brand. It was recommended to me by a liquor store. The name comes from the phrase, "Don't rush, don't hurry, and don't relax, one step at a time...". The quality of the sake (1,430 yen for a No. 4 bottle) is unbelievably high considering the high cost of living these days. An astonishing bottle.
Hello ramentosake😃 Ippoumi! It's delicious 😋. The light nigorigo is also excellent, try it 👋
Hi Jay & Nobby! I've been curious about this brand for a while and finally got around to getting it! I was wondering about the Usunigoromi, but since it was my first time, I decided to go for the Junmai Unfiltered! I should have bought both... lol LOL!
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Finally here it is, the last 2022 Jungin... 🤣😍 I was able to hold the last bottle, so I compared it with this year's, or even last year's 💕not that it's the season 🤣. The look and feel is the same. The aroma of the 2022 is milder and nuttier, while the 2023 is lighter and more fruity 🍏. The 2022 is a little thicker in the mouth, the elegant umami is a step more like yourself, with a great deep aroma and gentle aftertaste 😊. The 2023 has a smooth mouthfeel with the same elegant umami and a clean finish 😍✨. Although it's new, it's already almost a year old 🤣. I enjoyed the taste which is different from Junmai, Nama, and Usunigori. ☺️ I wonder when we can drink the 2024 jungin 🤣
Hi Mamio 😃 You are a one step ambassador! Enjoyed drinking all the 2022s by comparing different years 😆. I kinda feel the years on the label 😌. Next year 🤣.
Mamio, this day has finally arrived ❣️ I screamed wow 😁 I can see you enjoying the different years so much. And after all, Ippo is delicious 😋It will soon be jungin season 🍂.
Hi Jay & Nobby, good evening ⭐ the label is rubbed off the 2023 for some reason 😂I wondered later if I should have gone to Kashiwagi's and compared the 3 years when the 2024's came out 🤔.
Hi Hirupeko, good evening ⭐Yoyaku! I thought the 2022 was more matured and it enhanced the taste of Jungin 💕I would like to drink the new one when it comes out, but I thought the old one was good too!

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