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78 check-ins

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Sanzui Flavor Chart

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Sanzui Check-in 1Sanzui Check-in 2
It's been a while since I've splurged! Sake that is pleasant to drink
Sanzui Check-in 1Sanzui Check-in 2
Limited edition sake. The "sanzui" seems to refer to the kanji character sanzui bias. The label is cool ✨. Sweet and refreshing aroma reminiscent of melon at the entrance. In the mouth, the sweetness of the rice spreads with a lot of fruity aroma and gentle acidity in the beautiful mouthfeel. Finishes gently with soft acidity. This is the kind of beautiful, sweet, voluptuous, juicy sake that is all the rage these days 🍶It's easy to drink ✨.
Sanzui Check-in 1Sanzui Check-in 2
Delicious! I found it a little heavy, but not disgusting at all, and yet easy to drink 🍶. It tasted more fruity. I drank too much and my memory is a bit... 😅
Sanzui純米大吟醸 無濾過生原酒 直汲み純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
Sanzui Check-in 1
I almost bought the jacket, but then I stopped and did some background research. Jacket value ... 8/10 Artistic, and the fact that it puts everything into the first stroke is very soulful. Ki ... 19/20 It has a surprisingly mellow smell; strawberry milk is an exaggeration, but it has an excellent mellow aroma with a certain degree of viscosity. The texture is very well formed on the tongue, and although it has a sugar water feel to it, it is both dry and wet. Sei... 18/20 The sweet flavor with a touch of alc stimulates the taste buds at once; it is round but not monotonous, and at the same time, the sublimated smell (can we say strawberry milk in a larger sense?) is wonderful! The taste and aroma are compatible. Turning... 15/20 The sublimation smell is not only sweet, but also contains Alc. If you sniff carefully, you can smell two levels of sublimation. Yui ... 14/20 The lingering aroma is a little too chemical. Costa ... 9/10 Purchased for 1,734 yen, this is a great one that fully satisfies both aroma and taste! The aroma and flavor are pleasant and enjoyable. 83 points
Anyway, the momentary impact when you drink it is superb! It has been a long time since I have encountered a SAKE that I felt was delicious, and now I just need to find a way to clear the chemical smell of sublimation (a feeling of discomfort that does not go away). I saw the core of this work in the saltiness of the malted rice smell felt in the beginning of the sublimation smell.
If you are not careful, you will be taken away. The sense of balance between the stagnant taste and the Alc smell is wonderful! If you suppress the Alc claim at the end, you will be invincible!
Sanzui Check-in 1
The last drink of the year is Sanzui! It is an authentic taste and goes well with New Year's Eve sukiyaki. I hope to encounter many different kinds of sake next year!
Sanzui Check-in 1Sanzui Check-in 2
酒の館 タマキ
The sweetness of the rice spreads out in a strong and tender way, with a subtle bitterness in the aftertaste that is crisp and delicious, with a distinct personality.
Sanzui Check-in 1Sanzui Check-in 2
Today, it is Sanzui. It's Niigata's sake. This is my first time to try this sake. I had seen it in stores from time to time, but I never had a chance to buy it and finally was able to purchase it. When I opened the bottle, a gorgeous ginjo aroma came wafting out. It is sweet. It also has a modern acidity and bitterness. The alcohol content is moderate, and it is very satisfying to drink. It is not the light and dry sake of a decade ago, but a mainstream sake in Niigata these days. The price is reasonable for a Junmai Daiginjo, and it is very satisfying. I would like to try the other ones as well. It was delicious 😊.
Sanzui純米大吟醸 直汲み
Sanzui Check-in 1
It was recommended to me by a liquor store: ☺️ I bought it in 720ml because it was my first time seeing it and I wasn't sure if it would work or not 🥺. I was surprised when I drank it! I like it a lot! It's not as acidic as I originally liked, but it's mellow and mellow, but still elegant and good sake✨ 🥺♥️ lol I should have bought it in a bottle! I'm sure my father who loves Bon would like it too, so I think I'll bring this with me next time I go home 🍶😎.

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