SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
ずっとビールを飲んでいたのですがある日突然日本酒の楽しさおいしさにハマりました🍶 日本人でよかった〜🍶 自分memo的な使い方をしているので余計ならくがきも多めです✍🏻 お気軽に絡んでやってください! 📍埼玉県秩父エリア在住

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Fukui travel log④ @Kappo Makai Another Fukui Prefecture limited edition sake😍! The story of how the Koryu Sake Brewery and a group of volunteers created this sake with "Fukui's best rice and Fukui's best sake" is wonderful! Sake with the name of a place as its brand name never betrayed! This is a pure Tobaginjo sake made with all Fukui Prefecture rice, including Ihyakumanshu grown in Adoso. It tasted different from the "SHIZUKU" we drank at lunchtime. It was more refreshing and easy to drink, but had a strong rice flavor! I was so happy to be able to compare such good sake... and drank it while entranced 😍. This trip was the first time I learned that Fukui Prefecture is famous for its thick fried bean curd. I ordered some and found that it was totally different from the thick fried bean curd I know! The thick fried bean curd that we eat here is soupy and almost like tofu...this was a complete change in my perception of what thick fried bean curd should be! The crispy fried tofu was so delicious...I want to try it again...😍
Hi chiaki 😃 I absolutely love the enchanting sake comparison 🥹 and the crunchy fried tofu 😍I'm sure you'll love this one! I think local sake with local snacks is the best luxury 😌. We too have a goal of going on a Hokuriku sake drinking trip this year! Can't wait to go 🤗
Good evening, Jay & Nobby! Local sake and local snacks are the best part of travel, aren't they😍I'm looking forward to your trip to Hokuriku with excitement!
Hello again, chiaki! Fukui's "thickly fried" is a local delicacy, although it is not so popular. I personally think that the specialty of "thick fried tofu with grated radish" is a must-have for soba drinkers 😁.
Hakuryu白龍禅 吉峯蔵仕込1號無濾過生原酒
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Fukui Travel Log (3) @Kappo Kappo Makai A toast at a restaurant recommended by Jive for our night in Fukui✨. It is the first sake brewed at Yoshimine Brewery, a new brewery of Symphony Yoshida Brewery, a joint venture between Yoshida Shuzo, the brewer of Hakuryu, and Symphony Holdings based in Hong Kong. The brand name is "Hakuryu Zen! I see, a worldwide SAKE! At first, it seems to be sold only in Fukui Prefecture, which is a real hands-on travel experience! As the description says, "It is an elegant sake," it has a gentle and soft taste. You can feel the fullness of the rice, but at the same time, it's a beautifully integrated YOIN.... Anyway, it's really delicious, that's all I'm saying. I want to drink it again, so I hope it will be distributed soon! Speaking of which, Fukui Station was abuzz with excitement as it was just before the opening of the Hokuriku Shinkansen! It wasn't open yet, but there seemed to be a lot of stores. I'd like to come back when the line opens. Also, there were dinosaurs everywhere, as expected 🦕.
Hi chiaki 🐦 I enjoyed reading your trip report. I enjoyed reading your trip report 😊I went there a few years ago and had a little sake, so like chiaki, I want to go mainly for food and drink this time! I will refer to it 🙏.
Good evening, Pon-chan 🌙Thank you ✨We hope you will come to our restaurant to eat and drink! After all, drinking local sake while eating local food is the most blissful time to feel "glad to be Japanese" 😇🍶.
Hi chiaki! Yesterday, the Shinkansen line was successfully opened in Fukui 🚄 (I've been busy with preparations for the past few days because of that 😅). (I've been busy with preparations for the past few days 😅.) The area in front of the station was very crowded on the opening day and the front of the station was newly renovated, so please come again 😁.
Born純米大吟醸 団
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Fukui Trip log② Continuing with Kamekura, we chose a super-limited sake! I was excited to drink it because it was 20% polished. I was excited to see that it was 20% polished sake, so I drank it! The sake is so easy to drink with a sense of elegance that we issued a warning against drinking too much: ⚠️ ⚠️ I learned after I got home that it is a wonder of a different dimension when heated, so next time I definitely want to try it heated 🍶. This is my only regret... lol The soba tofu and soba noodles we had together were also very tasty! It was crowded as it seems to be a famous restaurant, but I definitely want to come back 🥰. I felt so good that I ordered a pair of glasses for a very reasonable price at the Eyeglass Museum! I'm looking forward to receiving them!
Good morning, chiaki 😃. Bon! I've never had it, but you can't go wrong with beautiful sake and buckwheat noodles 👍and the buckwheat tofu😍sounds so good 😋 warmed sake🍶drinking it! Now I have a reason to go back 🤗.
Good evening Jay & Nobby! Bon was delicious 😚🍶The soba tofu was also very tasty...! I'm sure I'll be back just for the heated sake...that's why sake drinkers are so scary 🤷 lol...
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Fukui Travel Log① In Fukui, we visited the Eyeglasses Museum in Sabae👓. Enjoyed "Soba-mae" at "Kamezo" on the way walking from the station! I chose Kuroryu! I was excited and chose "Shizuku". The clear and beautiful taste is indeed the top of the line of Kuroryu...! I was so impressed ✨. It was sweet and fruity, but I was completely addicted to the light and refreshing taste. Terrible...terrible clarity.... Best match with their signature dish, kakiage! The best... By the way, since we stayed in Nagoya the night before, we enjoyed "An Toast", which we had longed for, and got on the "Shirasagi". ♥️ The trip full of things I wanted to do will continue!
Good morning, chiaki! I think we started drinking with Fukui's famous sake from the opening ceremony 😁Nagoya morning is also delicious 😋. I'm glad you were able to ride almost the last run ✨.
Good evening, Mr. Gyve! Yes, it was a pleasure to ride the Shirasagi! I was satisfied because I really wanted to ride it after I knew that story of Shirasagi. ✌🏻 It was fun to experience a local thing that you have to turn your seat because the direction of travel changes in the middle of the train! LOL!
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I went on a trip from Nagoya to Shiga to Fukui to Kanazawa over the February holidays 🚄. In Fukui Prefecture, I was so HAPPY to have a toast with Jive-san, who I met at Sake-no-Wawa: ✌🏻 It was a very fun night and even more HAPPY that he sent me some sake from Fukui when I got back 😭✨. Here's what we received first! I also remember Jive-san drinking it! First sip, impact like you're eating gari!!!! (lack of vocabulary & expression) But I really felt... gari... gari 😝 lol It's such a good balance of sweetness & sourness & depth! But it soon calmed down to a refreshing and mellow sweetness. I love drinking at home because I can taste the impact of opening the bottle! I have a lot of sake that I haven't been able to summarize due to hard work at the end of the year, so I'd like to keep writing about it. ✍🏻
Good evening chiaki😃I see you had a drink with Jive👍. And you even got a gari for your trouble 🤣Good trip 😆.
Hi takeshon! I had a great time with Gyves and he even gave me a gari...........................................it was rude to call it a gari 😂 lol It was a great trip!
Good morning, chiaki! Thank you for calling on us 😁. It's great to get your review too 😊. The impact and aftertaste is addictive, I would also describe it as [gari] 🤣.
Hi chiaki 😃 I also got to toast to you and Jive 😊Good Hokuriku trip 🥹The souvenir gari looks delicious 😆The taste of it will also add to your memories: ☺️ Also, please take your time to come back 👋
Good evening, Mr. Gyve! I'm glad you had a good time after you left 🥺 That first impact was just like drinking skinny-dipping! Thank you very much 🥺.
Good evening Jay & Nobby! I'm so glad you're here, I've become a regular at Gali 😆 lol I'm aiming to toast to you and Jaynoby someday 🫡✨.
Hououbiden初しぼり 純米吟醸酒 無濾過本生
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Tochigi Petit Travel Spoils 🍶. The refreshing sweetness of the aroma is a must-try, and the anticipation is at its highest 😍. One sip and "Yes, Mita-san will not betray you! In fact, it was Mita that got me hooked on sake. I had been drinking sake at drinking parties before, but only if it was recommended to me. I had a light-hearted drink at a Japanese restaurant where my friend works and was ignited by the words "I think I might like this ♥️ and it's interesting that there is such a difference in taste. After that, I was swamped in it at the speed of light, and even the friend who recommended it to me backed away! No wonder I'm a nerd! So I am very satisfied with Mita-san because she is a special case in my mind and I definitely wanted to take her home with me: 🫶🏻
Good morning, chiaki 😃. Houou Mita is trustworthy and proven 🤗You made a good purchase on your petit trip! Lightning fast swamp addiction from Mr. Bida 😆 Once you get hooked, you get hooked fast 🤣Let's continue to have fun and get hooked!
Hi chiaki! I'm not sure if it was "Houou Mita" that got you hooked on Sake 😁. I started drinking sake consciously from outside of the prefecture and met "Senkou" and "Houou Mita" in Tochigi sake, both of which were wonderfully delicious, so I can understand why you are swamped!
Hi Jay & Nobby! The world of sake is really fast when you get into it 🔥 and it's also a lot of fun 🤗I brought back some other Bida's from Tochigi and I'm looking forward to drinking them 🥰.
Hi Gyve-san! I understand what you are saying about the two sakes you mentioned, as they are the ones that got me hooked on sake 🥰 I'm sure we can talk about how delicious they are no matter what time of year you drink them!
Ruka純米吟醸 無ろ過生 玉栄山廃
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Workplace Year-End Party LOG④LAST I have a friend who has a child with the same name so I always drink like a relative Ryuki Chan 👶🏻💕. Even more so after I found out it actually has a similar origin, Ryuki Chan 👶🏻💕 The aroma is subtle, but has a strong presence. The clarity is high with a touch of lactic acidity. There is a bittersweet element, but juiciness prevails! Delicious! This is a sake that is a one-man sumo wrestling match. I often do this when I drink sake. Oh, maybe it's like this, or maybe it's like that, or maybe it's like that? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I am forever talking to myself 🤣 lol. Since there were no sake drinkers in the party, I was all by myself, so I ended my year 2023 with an extra burst of weirdness 🎉.
Thanks for the year-end party update, chiaki✨! I'm sure you had a great time drinking and reviewing the drinks, and the post seemed to convey the atmosphere of the occasion 😁. It was a perfect end to the year drinking 😊.
Thanks a lot Jive 😍It was a very fun year-end party 😍I knew sake was the best 💕︎ delicious sake and the tension was explosive!
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Year-end party at work log3 I'm going to lose my share if I don't do this! I'll pay for my own drinks on my own, so please let me drink. I thought, "Sake degree +10, I'm going to drink it! I drank it thinking it would be spicy, but instead of spicy, it was full-bodied 🍶. But it still has a great presence. It's great, but it doesn't get in the way. I love Ona's presence. I had it with Chichibu soba (plum) and it was great 🥢.
Good evening again, chiaki-san 🌛. I was worried about my colleagues who were competing on price with beer and sake, and I was more worried about chiaki-san's stomach 🤣. Chichibu is also famous for soba noodles!
Good evening, chiaki 😃. Ona's super dry! We often talk about how we want to drink dry these days 🤗The presence of Ona! I want to taste and feel 😋. Love Tochigi 🥰.
Good evening, chiaki😄! It's great to be able to drink so many different kinds of sake at the year-end party at my office 😅. Ah, I haven't had soba noodles from Chichibu for a long time and I want to try them! Love Chichibu 🥰.
Gyve -> My colleagues were certainly full 🤣 lol, as you said, Chichibu's soba noodles are delicious 🥢✨ I would recommend them.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 🌙I highly recommend Ona's presence! Thanks to your visit to Tochigi, my love for Tochigi is growing 🍶✨.
Good evening Aladdin 🌙It was completely out of my own pocket, but it was delicious, so it's good. ⭕️Thanks for the love Chichibu! After we talked last time, I really wanted to eat it, so I went to Yasudaya and had a warajikatsu 🥰💞.
Zaku純米大吟醸 新酒2023
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Year-End Party at Work log② Next, I looked at the recommendation board and saw Mr. Zak! The word "Zakusan" has a nice sense of language, doesn't it? I call him Mr. Zak unnecessarily, don't I? The fruity taste goes away with a refreshing, soft mouthfeel. You can't chew it, but you want to 😬. I'll bite if you want 😬. I can't chew it though😬 lol I hope you get the idea that it is that good! LOL! All of your labels are great, but this one has the best typography 🥰.
Good evening, chiaki, and good evening here too 🌛. The "Saku" or Zaku 🍶 is a hot topic of conversation in Gundam lover circles. I want to savor the delicious sake as I bite into it, I can feel that it was that good 😁.
Even I, who am not that familiar with Gundam, know this Zaku, so for those of you who are familiar with Gundam, this is a Zaku that you can only be familiar with! I was really chewing on it 😬✨ lol
Dassai純米大吟醸 磨き二割三分
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Year-end party at work log1 While everyone toasted with beer, I drank Otters by myself because I found it. And there's a 23% Otter! The sweetness of this beer feels like home to me. The aroma is gorgeous, and the finish is sharp, but the aftertaste is deep 🥰. No need for snacks when drinking Otter. If anything, it's a dessert substitute. By the way, the glass is "Nagatorogura" because we drank it at a restaurant near the brewery! No matter what you drink, it's Nagatorogura 🍶 lol
Good evening, chiaki 🌛. I saw your update on the year-end party and you have a pretty good selection of sake 😁. The "Otter" also looks a bit local just by being in a glass of local sake ✨. Beyond the sake, there's a sign that says [Sapporo Lager].
Thanks a lot for your comments, Gyve 🥰Yes, we have a pretty good selection, so we use it often! Of course I usually start my toast with a glass of Sapporo Lager 🍻.
Sogen純米吟醸 OMACHI
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Kanazawa trip purchase (3) I opened it on that day when the post was in Sogen-san's official X. As the name suggests, it is made from Omachi. The moment you put it in your mouth, the fruity and juicy acidity spreads out! It has a heavy perlage through the throat! I was encouraged by its strength. I wish them all the best! In February I am planning a trip from Nagoya to Gifu, Shiga, Fukui, and Kanazawa in February. I will support not only the reconstruction but also the economy....................................!
Good evening, chiaki 😃. It's great to drink and cheer 📣 and get courage too👍. And I see you are planning a sake trip next month 🤗I hope it will be a fun and tasty trip 😄How many days do you plan to visit?
Good morning, chiaki! When you bought this When you bought "Sogen", I didn't think it would be such a catastrophe 😢. There are still aftershocks going on, so please be careful during your trip 😊. I'm sure you'll get around where the sake is good.
Hi Jay & Nobby! I can only take off as per my calendar, so I'm going on a three-day weekend 😆 lol, it's a 3-day/2-night "bullet tour" that only stops at places I want to go 🍶 I'm worried about my stamina now... lol...
Hi Gyave! I know...it makes me feel so sad to think so😔The aftershocks are scary too...Gyve, you take care of yourself too! I hope you can make a toast safely. 🙏🏻
Daina特別純米 生酛造り
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I went on a petit trip to Utsunomiya! Of course we were looking for local sake x dumplings 🥟🍶. Thanks Jay & Nobby for the advice 🥰. I'll be back soon! The hot and spicy dumplings were delicious😍! We chose "Ona" because it is made from a traditional Japanese sake brewery. The richness of the sake is unique to the sake brewing process and the freshness of Ona is unique to the sake brewing process. It goes well with dumplings. Miso and Gyoza Aogen! Go one more restaurant! Miso and Gyoza is also delicious😍! After that, we went to Mashidaya and bought a bunch of local sake from Tochigi: ♥️ I brought a cooler box with me! LOL! It was only about 2 hours from my house, so this was totally commutable 🚗💭. I want to go back!
Good evening, chiaki 😃. I'm glad you enjoyed Utsunomiya Gyoza 🥟 and Sake 🍶🤗and I'm glad you had a great time at Mashidaya 👍. I'm looking forward to seeing what you bought 😆😊.
Hi chiaki! Wow, the variety of dumplings all look so delicious✨Marinated dumplings! I drool just thinking about it 🤤. I'd love to visit Mashidaya, I'm making a two-hour trip to Kyoto myself to buy some 😁.
Hi Jay & Nobby! Thanks to you, it was a very fulfilling trip 😍I wanted to try a lot of dumplings too - I'm envious of your culture! We'll be back and we'll toast you next time ✨.
Hi Jive! I'm a winner of the hot sauce dumplings and sake 🥟 lol I would go beyond the distance for the sake of buying 🤣 lol I realized once again that it's a great hobby to enjoy local food while buying ✨.
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As soon as I poured it into the glass A very fruity aroma...! As soon as you put it in your mouth, the sweetness rises! It's the impact of sweetness! The balance between the acidity and the sweetness is beautiful 😭. The remaining sweetness is like eating cotton candy 😳 I want to drink (and eat) it for dessert! *but it doesn't interfere with the meal either! The second drink of the new year was "Sairai" which I hadn't been able to drink even though I am a resident of Saitama. I was surprised when I drank it! It was a sake that is truly representative of "Saitama, the Land of Sai" 🌈.
Hi chiaki😃 Sairai! It's delicious 😋I feel the aroma changes the flavor even more 😊. Hope you are enjoying Utsunomiya 🤗.
Hello, chiaki! [I am a fan of "Sairai" which is the pride of Saitama 😋 My first sake from Saitama was "Sairai" 😁. You were just on a trip to Utsunomiya, have fun 😆.
Good evening Jay & Nobby! Sairai it was so good I bought another version 🥰Utsunomiya it was fun and delicious thank you for the advice 🥰.
Gyve-san good evening 🌙It was Ayahiro who made the first appearance in Saitama ✨I had a great time in Utsunomiya.
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𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫.-꙳☄︎𓈒 My first drink of 2024 was from this one, my favorite of 2023! I had to buy more as soon as I drank it 🤣 lol I am so thankful for the many encounters I have had thanks to Sake-no-wa, which I started with a light heart! I hope to enjoy drinking again this year and expanding our world 🍶🍶🍶🍶. I hope that all people can return to their normal lives as soon as possible.
Happy New Year, chiaki🎍! I too will be drinking my favorite drink of the previous year at the beginning of the new year 😁. No damage here 😊. I look forward to working with you again this year 😆.
Masaaki Sapporo
Happy New Year, chiaki 🎍I'm looking forward to seeing your photo blurb this year ✨ The New Year's Day earthquake is a surprise, but I hope everyone is safe!
Happy New Year, chiaki 🌅 and a happy new year 🤗! I'll start the year with the second one as I declared! And deepen your Tochigi love 🥰 with your weekend expedition to Utsunomiya 😆. May your days be peaceful 😌.
I'm glad you're safe Jive 😭Happy New Year 🎍Concepts over! lol I'm looking forward to it!
Masaaki Sapporo, Happy New Year 🎍I too would like to enjoy reading your posts this year 🥰I was surprised at the scale of the project............................I pray.................
Happy New Year Jay & Nobby 🎍I've made my promise early in the new year 😆💞 I'm looking forward to the weekend 🥟 I'm going to deepen my Tochigi love! I'm really praying for you from Kanto 😌.
TengumaiCOMON 純米大吟醸
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Kanazawa Trip Purchases (2) COMON" means "ordinary" or "common. COMON" means "ordinary" or "common". It is said to mean that it should be a sake that is present in one's "everyday life. As the name suggests, it is easy to drink. It has a softly sweet flavor. The pleasant acidity and slight bitterness are well balanced. 👏🏻 This bitterness gives it a nice heaviness, while at the same time making it light and refreshing. It is a refreshing and light drink. It's great to travel because it's fun even after you get home ✨.
Good morning, chiaki! I think the expression of rarity [COMON] is a bit off, but you have a good sense to name it with the hope that people will use it in their daily life 😁. I am surprised at the kindness of the label on the back 😲.
Good evening, Mr. Jive! Yes, yes, yes 😆 You have good taste, don't you? The design including the label on the back is very nice and I feel like "Banzai for Sake" including this kind of things 🙌🏻
CHIAKI. Thank you for your sympathy. Yes, COMON is a well balanced Junmai Daiginjo at a great price. It also plays a role in promoting our new sake rice, Hyakumangoku No Shiro.
Good evening, Mr. WOM. I am so glad you are safe and sound, COMON was indeed very reasonably priced ✨and I have become a fan of Hyakumangoku No Shiro! I will definitely buy some on my next visit 🚄.
RomanZEロ万 純米吟醸 生酒
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Tokyo drinking log 8) LAST! We finished our long night of drinking at ZE Loman: ❄️ The freshness of new sake! Just like the snowflake on the label, it has a lightness that comes in and disappears quickly. We finished off the night with a good sake that was light, but you could still feel the presence of the rice 😌✨. It was a good holiday to be able to spend time with a lot of delicious sake. It's days like this that make me work hard.
Hello. Thank you for drinking sake from my hometown, Minamiaizu Town!
Good evening, chiaki 😃. Drinking and walking! It's good 🤗Good drinks will give you energy for tomorrow. ☺️
Good evening, nabe-san! I'm so jealous of all the delicious sake in Fukushima ✨I'd love to try many different romans in the future! Also, I'm from Saitama too, so I feel close to you✨.
Good evening Jay & Nobby 🌙Since I got into sake, drinking has become my number one hobby ☺️ and I'm excited about going to Utsunomiya 💞I look up gyoza and local sake almost every day lol.
Saitama has a lot of good sake too. And I love Chichibu. The distance from the mountains and the beautiful river. It is a town where you can really relax. I can't believe it used to be the bottom of the sea a long time ago. (laugh).
I love Chichibu too ⛰ my favorite point is "no way it was at the bottom of the sea" so I was surprised by nabe's comment! I'm sure you'll be able to find a way to get a good deal on it.
Dassai純米大吟醸 スパークリング45
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*...ᴍᴇʀʀʏ ᴄʜʀɪsᴛᴍᴀs...* We gathered at my parents' house for a party and opened a bottle of Daisuki Otter 🥂. It's mildly sweet and has a nice weight to it 😋. The carbonation is fun on the tongue 😋. I recommend drinking it the following way, Dare not to mix Top→Drink as it is Bottom -> with milk I'll try it next time! I will do so next time! Have a nice Christmas 🎅.
Merry Christmas🎄🎉, chiaki! Champagne is good, but as a sake lover, sparkling is hard to throw away 😁. I've never heard of oragami with milk 😲. I'll have to try it next time👍
Jive, it's Merry Christmas (late) sorry 🎄🎅💦 lol! I know it's a new milk split, right? I'm sure it's delicious 😋 so I bought some more right away...
Hiroki特別純米 無濾過生原酒
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Tokyo drinking log⑦ How many times have I said "Delicious! How many times did I say "Delicious! It's mellow yet deep, yet easy to drink without any strange peculiarities. It is truly a synonym for a "smooth case! I became friends with the nice man sitting next to me and asked him what sake he started his sake drinking career with. The owner of the restaurant responded to the man's question, "I'm Tobiroki," and said, "Well, I'll serve it to you," and brought it out from the back ✨. When you drink outside, you often make more drinking friends like this! I think this is also the charm of sake 😉.
Good morning, chiaki! I love the Mutsu Hachisen, Shinshu Kamerei, Collage, Hana-yoso, Jikin, Tobiroki... 😁. I envy the city where you can find so many drinks 😅.
Hi Jive ✨I think you can find the best selection of local food in Tokyo 🤔🍶 without having to go there. But there is also the trap of drinking too much lol.
Jikon純米吟醸 八反錦 生
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Tokyo drinking log⑥ SUGOI😌 with lingering umami and sweetness. It was the kind of sake that leaves a strong presence and a lasting impression. Heavy? Deep? Thick? I can't really verbalize it 💦 lol. Anyway, I drank a lot of things that day, but SUGOI is the one I remember the most. SUGOI 😌 who has a wide vocabulary and can express himself accurately.
Hanaabi純米吟醸 八反錦 無濾過生原酒 おりがらみ
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Tokyo Drinking Log5 If I see it, I'll definitely drink it! We are proud of our Hana-yosu in Saitama! I knew it was this fruity ✨! I know, but it still impresses me every time 🫢. The thick mouthfeel... I love it so much I want to lick the glass 🥂 lol I'm licking it if you ask me 🥂 lol
Hi chiaki! I'm sure it's delicious 😁. I rarely drink it because of my hometown, but it's always memorable because of the excitement of drinking it ✨The main ingredient is "Ichikan Cotton" 🤣.
Good evening Mr. Jive! The hana-yosu is delicious 🥺 Yes, it is! I'll make it my goal in life to toast with Mr. Jaive someday 🥰I'd like to toast with the main ingredient "Ichikan Cotton" too lol lol.
P.S.chiaki I'll bring a good bottle of "Kuroryu" when we make a toast together 😁we can exchange our local sake 🍶. I wonder if the "Chiyomusubi" in Tottori has the Ichikan Cotton model 🤔.
I'm not sure if it's a good idea or not, but I'm sure it's a good idea... 🍶I'm not sure if it's a good idea or not, but I'm sure it's a good idea. I'm actually going there again.... Actually, I'm going there again...
Thank you Jive 🥺✨I have refrained from doing so and you can delete it 🙌🏻 I will calmly email you later - 🙇🏼✨