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Hakuryu白龍禅 吉峯蔵仕込1號無濾過生原酒
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Fukui Travel Log (3) @Kappo Kappo Makai A toast at a restaurant recommended by Jive for our night in Fukui✨. It is the first sake brewed at Yoshimine Brewery, a new brewery of Symphony Yoshida Brewery, a joint venture between Yoshida Shuzo, the brewer of Hakuryu, and Symphony Holdings based in Hong Kong. The brand name is "Hakuryu Zen! I see, a worldwide SAKE! At first, it seems to be sold only in Fukui Prefecture, which is a real hands-on travel experience! As the description says, "It is an elegant sake," it has a gentle and soft taste. You can feel the fullness of the rice, but at the same time, it's a beautifully integrated YOIN.... Anyway, it's really delicious, that's all I'm saying. I want to drink it again, so I hope it will be distributed soon! Speaking of which, Fukui Station was abuzz with excitement as it was just before the opening of the Hokuriku Shinkansen! It wasn't open yet, but there seemed to be a lot of stores. I'd like to come back when the line opens. Also, there were dinosaurs everywhere, as expected 🦕.
Hi chiaki 🐦 I enjoyed reading your trip report. I enjoyed reading your trip report 😊I went there a few years ago and had a little sake, so like chiaki, I want to go mainly for food and drink this time! I will refer to it 🙏.
Good evening, Pon-chan 🌙Thank you ✨We hope you will come to our restaurant to eat and drink! After all, drinking local sake while eating local food is the most blissful time to feel "glad to be Japanese" 😇🍶.
Hi chiaki! Yesterday, the Shinkansen line was successfully opened in Fukui 🚄 (I've been busy with preparations for the past few days because of that 😅). (I've been busy with preparations for the past few days 😅.) The area in front of the station was very crowded on the opening day and the front of the station was newly renovated, so please come again 😁.