SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Hououbiden初しぼり 純米吟醸酒 無濾過本生
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Tochigi Petit Travel Spoils 🍶. The refreshing sweetness of the aroma is a must-try, and the anticipation is at its highest 😍. One sip and "Yes, Mita-san will not betray you! In fact, it was Mita that got me hooked on sake. I had been drinking sake at drinking parties before, but only if it was recommended to me. I had a light-hearted drink at a Japanese restaurant where my friend works and was ignited by the words "I think I might like this ♥️ and it's interesting that there is such a difference in taste. After that, I was swamped in it at the speed of light, and even the friend who recommended it to me backed away! No wonder I'm a nerd! So I am very satisfied with Mita-san because she is a special case in my mind and I definitely wanted to take her home with me: 🫶🏻
Good morning, chiaki 😃. Houou Mita is trustworthy and proven 🤗You made a good purchase on your petit trip! Lightning fast swamp addiction from Mr. Bida 😆 Once you get hooked, you get hooked fast 🤣Let's continue to have fun and get hooked!
Hi chiaki! I'm not sure if it was "Houou Mita" that got you hooked on Sake 😁. I started drinking sake consciously from outside of the prefecture and met "Senkou" and "Houou Mita" in Tochigi sake, both of which were wonderfully delicious, so I can understand why you are swamped!
Hi Jay & Nobby! The world of sake is really fast when you get into it 🔥 and it's also a lot of fun 🤗I brought back some other Bida's from Tochigi and I'm looking forward to drinking them 🥰.
Hi Gyve-san! I understand what you are saying about the two sakes you mentioned, as they are the ones that got me hooked on sake 🥰 I'm sure we can talk about how delicious they are no matter what time of year you drink them!