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Sharaku純米酒 2024BY 生酒純米生酒無濾過
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The first time you meet Collage, you'll be a fan of the raw sake. The value of the bottle... 9/10 The first time I saw it, I thought it was a good one, but it is not. Ki ........ 16/20 The smell of Alc is surprisingly strong, and the texture is also Alc-intensive, but the sweetness that comes at the same time is a good combo! Sei... 17/20 The sweet and savory taste was not so assertive, but the fruity freshness spread, and at the same time, the aroma of Alc and magic ink ®︎ shines because the taste has become moderate. Turning point ... 16/20 The taste is not so bad at all, but it's not so bad at all. The sublimation smell changes to vanilla essence. The finish is 18/20. The aftertaste is moderately sweet, with a deep koji sweetness that is very deep. Cospa ... 8/10 Purchased at 2,090 yen. good price for its rarity. The smell of sublimation at the beginning and the lingering Alc aftertaste at the finish are the backbone of this wine. 84 points
The best thing about this wine is that neither the aroma that hits the nostrils nor the taste that permeates the tongue is dull, and the sense of balance that keeps you from getting bored is amazing!
Kakuemon超速即詰 令和六酒造年度産 純米 しぼりたて純米生酒
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I'm curious to see how fresh it is. Jacket value... 2/10 I'm interested in the "super-fast immediate filling". Ki ... 18/20 The smell is of apple koji, stronger than expected, with a flash of acidity. The taste is young, but it is delicious with a good sweet/tart koji flavor! Sei... 17/20 The combo of acidity and sweetness is fast retreating, replaced by bitterness, the bitterness of youth and round sweetness. 7:3 ratio, the output is exquisite and you don't feel the sense of being stuck on the bottom. Turning... 18/20 The acidity and the sweet koji smell sublimates on the tongue. Yui ... 17/20 The acidity remains well until the end, so there is no boredom or lack of it. Cost performance... 10/10 Purchased for 1,560 yen, this is a good cost performance with a pleasant sublimation smell and a flavor that has power. The sweet and delicious koji taste in the beginning is exquisite, and the sweet sublimation smell makes the sake go down the drain. More like a spinner than a super-fast spinner. More like a spinner. 82 points
It was very calm, not like a new sake, and the fact that it was not Alc-leaning was great! The taste is unmistakable, and a label would have compensated for this... Don't get drunk and say, "I'm a good person! Don't be drunk and declare "I'm a Kakuemon!
Oroku八◯ R03BY 仕込19号純米無濾過
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I was sober for a whole week because I got carried away at New Year's. The only way to get sober is to drink Oroku (heavy type)! The only thing that can lift my ban is Oroku (heavy type)! Jacket price... 9/10 If it's Ohroku, it's a brown bottle on a gray background; Hachimat's is suddenly much better! Ki ... 19/20 The taste is not too cohesive, but it is not too much, and the acidity is very good. Sei... 19/20 The combo of acidity, koji sugar water, and an old sake-like but also apple-like aroma that rises to the nostrils strikes you. Turning... 18/20 The smell of sublimation like ripe apples, the texture and taste are clear without being cloying, but not too much. The acidity is also a persistent working accent. Yui ... 16/20 It is a barley shochu, but it is not so sweet and sweet. COSPA ... 7/10 If you want to drink Ohroku, you have to pay this much! The perfect candy and whip are the quintessence of Oroku. 88 points
If you want to drink Oroku, you should definitely drink a BY older than 3 years! If it is too young, the Alc feeling will prevail and the weight will be reduced by half. The essence of "Ohroku" is to enjoy the heavy and sweet taste.
The ideal state of a good SAKE. This is something I have finally found in 2025.
Takasago純米大吟醸 火入純米大吟醸
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Happy New Year🎍We will continue to work hard on the SAKE road in the New Year. I must be excited about the season opener! Jacket value ... 8/10 The presence of SAKE is a result of its simplicity, which is the way SAKE should be. Hue ... 18/20 Hue=Transparency 100≦ & odor is high with koji component. Sei... 18/20 It has a wonderful koji sublimation smell with a weak acidity and a sense of Alc! The juiciness is 70% of the output, but that's fine! Turning... 17/20 The Alc koji taste seems to be lost, but it is not. Yui ... 16/20 The bitter taste is followed by a burning sensation. The sweetness and umami on the back palate increases as the temperature rises! Cospa ... 3/10 Purchased for 3,630 yen. The taste is very elegant with no bitterness. 80 points
How is it different from Jikin? Anyway, I can't deny the feeling that it ends up being a "common and tasty SAKE" (the same as the original). It is like a boss who is a good person but does not take responsibility. I will drink it again this year: ‼︎
Hououbiden赤判 純米大吟醸 かすみ無濾過本生純米大吟醸無濾過
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Let's welcome this year's Chikyuu! Jacket value ... 8/10 The red background and green bottles may look like Xmas, but the overall strength of the company blows even the season out of the water. Ki ... 17/20 The lees dance around, a type not often seen, the smell is a combo of malted rice and strawberry. Sei... 19/20 The slight acidity and bubbling sensation, which comes later, is new to me, but at the same time the umami gradually rushes in and the bubbling sensation is dynamic. Turning... 18/20 The smell of fresh young sublimation, gradually changing from sweetness and umami to bitterness and astringency, but the impact of the early taste is still there, and this is compensated for to achieve harmony. Yui ... 16/20 The sublimation smell is tinged with nitrogenous smoke, like that of wine, with a hard, metallic aftertaste. The taste lingers with a pineapple aftertaste. Purchased for 2,420 yen. The unique development (including the picture of lees) was novel. 84 points
It is different from the standard Houou Mita, which is clear, sweet, and tasty. The 2024 SAKE of the Year is Kunitohi-BEIGE-, which is a unique sake in terms of cosmetics, jacket, and taste.
Good evening, Mr. Furegai, 🌙Hououou Mita looks delicious, but I was hooked on Kunihiki's Yashioori sake when I first started drinking sake, so I'm personally very interested in BEIGE 😊.
Kotaro, thank you for your comment! I think BEIGE is the best choice for Kunitaki. We'd love to have you play against him. ❗️ However, I haven't met Yashioori, I'll play against him as soon as I find him.
Zaku純米大吟醸 新酒 2024BY純米大吟醸
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I bought a Zaku II Shokugan for this purpose. The value of the jacket ... 8/10 It is good to be sober. Odor... 16/20 The smell is young, with a hint of pineapple, a gush of minerality (something I haven't figured out yet) and sweet Alc. Sei... 18/20 The sweetness has been increased and the moody feeling, the bitterness has a good impact, not too much, not too much, not too much... You are actually an elder! In fact, it could be sweeter or more scorching...in fact, it smells like pineapple, which has been there since the beginning of the bottle. The smell of pineapple was actually a bit too strong in the beginning of the song. The sublimation smell is a smoky Alc, combined with the pineapple smell from the beginning, it makes a strong approach to the nasal cavity. Yui ... 15/20 The taste is very clear and clean, but it lacks a little bit of sweetness and flavor. Cospa ... 6/10 Look at the 750ml bottle! The final review...well, this is what I think of the product. Alc sharpness & sweet-savory sublimated smell. 78 points
I'm still not satisfied with the lack of lingering flavor, and it's bad for my health because I want to eat sake-thief, spicy cod roe, and the like! This is youth... The higher the temperature, the more the corners are removed. Next time, we will decide this year's SAKE of the Year!
Hello, Fudaregai-san ☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀! I admire your enthusiasm to even prepare a Zaku II for your review 😁and you know, doan zaku 🤣. I'm looking forward to the next SAKE of the Year ✨.
Gyve, thanks for your comment! Yes, I find myself in a cruzdoan 🤣. As you say, the aftermath is quite a big part of the impression...I'm of the "all's well that ends well" school.
Katanosakura特別純米 雄町 -直汲みver.-特別純米原酒生酒無濾過
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Repeat deal. my favorite words are "Omachi, directly pumped, raw sake"! Jacket value... 4/10 The label has changed? The brown bottle with azuki color label is good, but the hiragana is not good. Hue ... 18/20 The hue is surprisingly clear, and the smell is not like a heavy type, but more apple-oriented. Contrary to what one might expect from the smell, the stimulation is felt on the tip of the tongue, and the entire tongue is slightly sweet with a hint of sourness. Sei... 19/20 The sweet umami (clear) of Omachi that expands can be felt well, the texture is straight and clear, and there is nothing that sticks to the tongue. The acidity (perhaps from Alc) that still lingers is a good accent. Turning point ... 17/20 The bitterness is also Omachi, and the Omachist will be satisfied with the taste. Yui ... 16/20 The sweetness and bitterness from the Alc lingers in the aftertaste, and it stings until the end, but this is a good thing. Cospa... 9/10 Buy it for 1,815 yen. ‼︎ for the early abolition of the provisional gasoline tax rate! Post-consumer review...juicy -> bitter? →Bitter -> mellow sublimation smell! It is an excellent work that follows the Oumachi rule of "juicy -> bitter -> mellow sublimation smell". Pull the good sublimation smell... 83 points
The stability of this wine is hard to underestimate ‼︎ and it may have surpassed Akishika. The balance of flavors is just so good ✨Thanks Oumachi, Oumachi! It's delicious, seriously. ‼︎
Dewazakura純米吟醸酒 出羽燦々誕生記念純米吟醸生酒
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Tonight we had kiritanpo nabe, so I thought I would have some Akita sake... but I made the mistake of buying Yamagata sake 🤣. I'll call it a new development project. Jacket price... 6/10 No special twist. Hue ... 15/20 Hue=Transparency 100 ≦Odor: apple malt smell. The smell is apple-like malted malt, but the hint is a bit thin. Sei... 16/20 It has a sweet flavor that rides on the tongue, but it is not persistent; it is moderately juicy, and it is not boring because it has a sense of Alc. It is quite stimulating. Turning... 14/20 The texture changes to bitter-sweet, the sublimation smell is koji-like, but something heavy is caught in the nose, not too much, and it's hard to be pure to the end. Yui ... 14/20 The finish is clean despite the violence, but the flavor is still uneven and the sublimation smell still lingers. Cost... 7/10 Purchased for 1,760 yen. The sweetness stalls out when the clarity and the sweetness of the beer are consumed in succession. 72 points
It is rare to have even the date of manufacture stamped on the date. Well, it would be even better if the latter half of the year is more consistent.
Kurumazaka山廃純米大吟醸 生酒純米大吟醸山廃生酒
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The case of eagerly awaited match-up. I'm not talking about the taste, I'm talking about the nostalgia... Jacket price... 7/10 Black label + silver lettering = Ibushigin silver ✨But if the name is Sakamichi style.... Hue ... 18/20 The hue is not so dark as old sake, but it is not that dark. the smell is also heavy, but it even smells like fresh apple. when you drink it, it doesn't hit you hard either. moist sweetness & delicious alc approach to the tongue. mellow-umami‼︎ Sei... 19/20 The taste is the best of all, with a tired apple smell that rises in the nostrils. Turning... 18/20 The bitter taste is 7:3, and the sugar water taste has been there since the beginning of the bottle. Yui ... 18/20 The taste does not fade throughout, and although there is some old sake burning that leaves a stinging texture, the combination of sweetness and numbness is amazing! Cospa ... 7/10 Purchased for 2,035 yen. It is not heavy on the palate, and it will be even better if it is heated up...but I won't. 87 points
This good balance is amazing! It is clear and heavy, not too heavy and not too sweet. It is not too heavy, not too sweet, and there is a slight rice smell, but this smell is what makes it a sweet and delicious heavy wine! This is a work with a tremendous sense of balance!
Fumigiku神力 酵母77号 Alc.12 無濾過生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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The motive for purchasing it was the divine power, which I interpreted as a SAKE smell and a weight that appeals to the tongue. Thinking about it, this guy is a Haneya! Jacket value ... 4/10 I like the words, but the graphics are not so good. Ki ... 15/20 It has a slight malted rice smell, and when you drink it, a moderate strong acidity rises from the tip of the tongue. It is citrusy and fresh. Sei... 16/20 It is the expression of bitterness, but the acidity prevails. Turning... 14/20 It has the smell of sweet and delicious sublimation (including the smell of SAKE like Jinryoku?). The acidity is still strong, but the umami and full-bodiedness are weak. Yui ... 15/20 The acidity doesn't cling to the end of the bottle, but the bitterness is strong, and the fresh lingering aroma is excellent. Cospa... 5/10 If you like acidity, this is for you. I tried to find a bit of the "divine power" in this wine, but I couldn't find it well. 69 points
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The recent trend is for sweet and savory! (But I also want a sense of gravity... Then I have no choice but to ask for Mr. Tagaji's help! Jacket value ... 7/10 The picture is familiar, but the color of the label is special. Ki ... 17/20 The smell is a little matured, like distilled sake, but sweetness can be felt in the back of the bottle. Sei... 19/20 If you roll it around on your tongue, you will understand the greatness! The acidity is also present, and the sweetness and umami are also present! The acidity is also present and the sweetness is present, but they do not get mixed up and do not lose their flavor profile. Turning... 19/20 The smell of old rice sublimation (not harsh) comes through the jungle of acidity, and the sweetness sinks in perfectly! The acidity is also nice and well balanced. Yui ... 18/20 The aftertaste is a little bit sticky, like after drinking barley shochu on the rocks, not bad, but it seems a bit hectic, but the umami takes care of it. COSPA... 9/10 The price was 1,815 yen, which is a reasonable price these days. If you don't mind the smell, the flavor balance is superb. 89 points
Some kids may reject this aroma, but the SAKE smell and the sweetness are the characteristics of this work. Don't be afraid to drink it with your girlfriends at Christmas time. ‼︎
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I asked the owner at a new liquor store what he recommended, and he told me that he had avoided it because of his preconceived notion that it seemed too light, but that it was one of the darker Masumi's. Jacket value ... 7/10 The bottle has Braille on it. Hue ... 16/20 The hue is light gold, and the smell is 4:2:4: sweet and tasty + light malty smell + Alc. The nose is glucose and dense, but not light, and the palate is juicy, but not fruity. Sei... 16/20 The glucose and Alc are well established on the tongue, and the lack of viscosity is a good thing; this gives a refreshing impression, but there is a strong sweetness in the base, and there is some tingling. Turning... 17/20 The nose has a sweet sublimation smell from the Alc smell, and the aroma and taste still leave a sweet impression, but it is better than too light. Yui ... 16/20 The persistent sweetness and aroma have disappeared, leaving only a hint of bitterness and numbness. COSPA ... 8/10 Purchased at 1,620 yen, the taste and sublimation smell are satisfactory. The taste and sublimation smell are agreeable. This liquor store may be to your liking! 80 points
First of all, a sense of relief that you didn't miss it, and a sense of satisfaction at the smell of sublimation that eventually leaves you, as well as the taste. I would not touch the regular Masumi.
十口万純米大吟醸 一回火入れ純米大吟醸
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New development is also required once a month. selected based on their confidence in Aizu's SAKE. Jacket value ... 6/10 The color of the jacket looks like a child's favorite, and the color changes depending on the angle you look at it! Hue ... 15/20 Hue = clear & Odor = slight Alc and malted rice smell. Sei... 16/20 The sweet and umami base is solid, so the texture is excellent. Turning... 14/20 The taste is like ⁈Taste the broth, so the direct taste is not enough for me. Yui ... 14/20 It has a nice, rich, and creamy flavor, but it is not enough to be a direct taste. Cospa.......5/10 Not a failure, but still.... The sugar water taste and the firm core umami. 70 points
Zaku奏乃智 純米吟醸純米吟醸
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I thought I was going to make Kamerei drink "Tasyu" when I heard him say "Tasyu" for "Tasake". The price of the jacket......7/10 The green bottle and the dark asagi-colored label make it stand out. Ki ... 18/20 The smell of malted rice is moderate, but not special. Sei... 18/20 The texture is sweet and umami like sugar (glucose), the koji-like sublimation smell swells, and the taste is somehow sharp...in the end, this is juicy! I would describe it as "juicy" after all. Turning... 18/20 The taste and texture have calmed down at once (although some fluctuation of Alc still remains), and the sublimation smell attracts you. Yui ... 17/20 The taste and aroma are still there, so you don't feel it's lacking. COSPA ... 6/10 The price was 2,255 yen. The impression of "the taste is not bad, but the alc-ness bothers me" has been changed. 84 points
It has an excellent balance of sweetness, sublimation, and Alc burn, and the attack of the aroma is both aromatic and Alc-like, which is a good accent.
KoeigikuSukai 清海 特別純米 無濾過生原酒原酒生酒無濾過
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I can't help but try the new one when it comes out, it's a man's SAGA, but I don't like the DQN name that makes Seikai read Sukai. The price of the jacket.......9/10 The typeface doesn't match... Ki ... 16/20 The smell is slightly sweet and cedar aroma, a little bit strong in Alc, slow in the first sip and no bubbles. The initial speed is slow and there is no bubbling. Seiou... 16/20 The acidity is reduced and the flavor moves to the back of the tongue at once. The umami is still there, so it's not a problem. Rolling... 15/20 The top floor of the sublimation smell...is it because of the strong Alc component that the banana stands together with the cedar? I don't remember Kouei Kiku's special junmai. I'm not sure if it's because of this. The taste is OK. Yui... 16/20 The sweetness and umami lasts until the end, and the combo of astringency and acidity is well balanced. COSPA ... 7/10 The balance is stable and high after all! I think it would be better if it were a little more rounded.... 79 points
Asajio純米 辛口 BLACK 酒造り三百三拾手純米
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Give an illustration of the 330 hands that make sake. Jacket value ... 5/10 A black bottle with a black jacket, and this font looks like an athletic club room. Ki ... 10/20 The smell is like barley shochu, but the more I sniff it, the more I feel the Alc. It makes you think "Oh, it's sweet" at first, and then it disappears. Sei... 11/20 The texture is good, but the taste is lacking. Turning... 10/20 The taste on the tongue is still thin, but the minerality is good enough. Yui ... 12/20 It has an exquisite aftertaste of 33% burnt and 67% pungent, smooth, and smooth. Cost performance ... 6/10 Costa ... 6/10. 1,660Yen (I think...). I am not a fan of SAKE that claims to be dry, but it's not that it's not good. 54 points
The straight minerality that pulls you in from the starting point is commendable. But what I want is umami and flavor, and I guess there is a world out there that I, a know-it-all, don't understand!
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I was amazed at how good this dish was when I had it in Hakata about 2 years ago.... Jacket price ... 5/10 I've only seen this visual jacket sold here, probably different from the one I drank in Hakata. I don't dislike the combination of yellow and green. Ki ... 8/20 The smell is white wine... I can already sense the difference in direction... When I drink it, it feels like mineral water on the tongue... Thin... ‼︎ Sei ... 9/20 I felt the astringency at last, and then, wonder of wonders, the world of white wine opens up even though it is a SAKE! An unknown sensation that is far removed from that of rice. Turns out... 9/20 In the latter half, the characteristics of the wine finally become clear: oh, it's a white wine, a clean convenience store white wine without any sense of maturity, especially the aroma. Fortunately, there is no cheapness on the tongue. Yui ... 10/20 I dare to say that the acidity and minerality remain, but I am not evaluating the wine, I am evaluating the SAKE. The last saving grace is that there was no chemical taste. COSPA ... 3/10 I bought this for 1,760 yen, which I thought I paid for SAKE... I am a red wine drinker to begin with. Hawks is having a hard time... 44 points
I don't think this is the way to go. I want to continue to follow the impression I felt that day. The texture is clean and SAKE-like, but the aroma is Western, and I repeat, this is white wine.
Sara純米吟醸 無ろ過生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Lately, I've been craving a sweet-ish ginjo type of sake. Jacket value ... 6/10 This is an ambitious work that uses the color "blue," which is known to decrease appetite, on the label, but strangely enough, it doesn't make me feel bad. Ki ... 18/20 The hue is suddenly pale and lees-like, the smell is of a medium-high quality ginjo, and the first thing you notice is the acidity. But it soon dissolves and a world of sweetness opens up. Sei... 19/20 The texture has a lot of information on the tongue, including acidity and alcidity. It has a strong stinging feeling, but it is no less pleasant. Turning point ... 19/20 The sweetness and umami are more assertive, and the encounter with the juiciness of the rice, which is not a fruit, is also more intense. It is full of sublimated smell...‼︎ Yui... 17/20 The acidity is persistent until the end of the bottle, and the sting from the Alc is strong here as well, but it has a magical power that makes you want to drink the next one without feeling tired. Cospa ... 10/10 Purchased at 1,760 yen. The taste and smell are both delicate and subtle. It is an excellent work that allows you to fully enjoy the theory. You can taste something delicate in both taste and smell, so avoid stimulants. 89 points
The smell of sublimation is a straight sublimation smell without any confusion, and it is rare to find a sublimation smell that can reach this high level, although it is a combination technique only with sufficient sweetness backup.
Fudo雄町 純米吟醸原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒
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I went to the store in search of sweet and savory dishes after a series of heavy dishes... Oh, this is the season, isn't it? Jacket price ... 9/10 I can't escape from it once I see it, and I'm already on a mission to buy it. Ki ... 19/20 The nose has a sugar-water texture and a full-bodied sweet/liquor malt smell. Sei... 19/20 The texture and umami do not linger, and the Alc-derived stimulation is also given to the taste buds, so it does not become monotonous. Turning... 18/20 The sweetness and deliciousness seems to have dropped a notch, but here it comes, the juiciness! The sharp Alc accent is also not to be forgotten. Yui ... 19/20 The sublimation smell is also wonderful with a sweet, sweet-savory flavor! The sweet, delicious, bitter, and gorgeous flavors that all come together on the back palate are amazing! A real cool guy who has all three in one! COSPA ... 8/10 Purchased it for 1,980 yen...it gets more expensive every year...I can only resent the high cost of living. The best part of the SAKE Road is that it gives me different impressions every year, and the one thing I can say is that "Fudo no Omachi is absolutely delicious! 92 points
It has a wonderful sense of balance and is best served immediately after refrigeration, so handle it gently. It is a masterpiece that has the three elements of sweetness, flavor, texture, and sublimated odor! We refuse to discuss SAKE with those who say this is not good! Seriously, it's a gero-umami. ‼︎
Goninmusumeharvest festa純米原酒生酒
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Trusted Chiba Sake & Terada Honke = reason for selection. I'm creeped out just having five daughters... Jacket value... 2/10 I don't know what's going on.... Ki ... 11/20 The smell is a piercing malted rice smell, with a barley shochu & fermentation smell in the back. The color is surprisingly clear, the taste is not heavy, and there is a weak sweetness and astringency on the tip of the tongue. Sei... 12/20 The acidity is nice, spreading gradually, and the main flavors are bitterness and acidity, but the sweet and tart flavors are also present and do not disappear. It is a strange world, but it is safe to say that it is fresh. Turning point ... 16/20 The texture is a battle between astringency and bitterness, but the sweetness is still present behind the bitterness. Yui ... 15/20 The bitterness prevails, leaving a burning sensation, but the ama-ami (not to be mentioned in particular) is persistently persistent. The sublimation smell is like plum wine, so I don't consider it SAKE-like. COSPA ... 4/10 Purchased at 2,000 yen. Aftertaste ... well, it has a white wine taste, but the aroma is not enjoyable. It has a more comprehensive flavor at room temperature, with a more pronounced Alc and sweet flavor. 60 points
But it is still better at higher temperatures! +10 points This aroma is like Kouei Chrysanthemum.