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尾瀬の雪どけOze no Yukidoke
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Brands from Ryujin Shuzo

Oze no YukidokeRyujin

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Oze no Yukidoke愛山 雄町 ハロウィン純米大吟醸生詰酒
あおちゃんKakuchi ⑥ is 3 kinds of Oze no Yukidoke which I love 😁. Oze yukidoke is always delicious 😋!
ジェイ&ノビィGood evening, Ao 😃. I like the GW liquor store daytime drinking event 🤗. I'm jealous of your Ozeyuki because it's surprisingly undrinkable 🥲I'm sure I'll be transitioning to night drinking before I know it 😆.
あおちゃんGood morning Jay & Nobby 😃. I haven't had a chance to buy it either, I order it when I'm out drinking and it's on the menu 😊. I would have gone straight to the evening but I had house stuff to do 😰😭.
さけランOooooo... I guess that's 90ml of Ozeyuki's drink on tap, right? Good evening Ao-chan 👋 I'd rate all three as "sweet ❤", is that correct 😇?
MYTI know some say it was a comparison of three different kinds of sake, but the acidity, sweet and sour taste. Sake? Sake faction of this sake Delicious 3.5
Oze no Yukidoke純米大吟醸 生詰純米大吟醸生詰酒
■大木Sweet with a fruity aroma. It is not a heavy sweetness. The acidity is not so strong, and the soft sweetness lingers for a long time. It is so easy to drink that you want to savor it slowly, but it is so easy to drink that you feel as if you are going to drink it smoothly. It is delicious.
Oze no Yukidoke備前雄町
はやみOne recommended by the owner of the liquor store. Sake made from Omachi is a combination of sweetness and mellowness. It is easy to drink without the spiciness typical of sake. My favorite sake has increased.