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Kana Maki
Appearance Sound, transparent, pale yellow, medium to slightly high viscosity Nose: Sound, reminiscent of rice bran, natto (fermented soybeans), miso, and faintly caramelized scents of fermented foods, with a hint of acidity and fullness. Complexity is medium to slightly high. The texture is smooth and smooth, with acidity, bitterness and sweetness coming at the same time, followed by umami, and then the umami and a little bitterness. The aroma is strong, but not insistent. It has a long but not persistent finish, with a delicious taste, acidity and bitterness that comes later. Junshu. It's a great warmed-up drink! It's just like that. It is exactly like an old-fashioned sake (I don't know about the old days). It has a strong aroma of rice bran, sourness, sweetness, umami and bitterness, so it is a very different kind of sake. If you like a refreshing sake or a smoky sake, it's not for you. By the way, I like it both warmed up and cooled down.