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Kana Maki
Appearance Sound Colorless Transparency High Viscosity Moderate Aroma Sound Slightly low in height Aroma of slightly fragrant rice malt with a hint of grain fullness and a hint of acidity like a lactic acid drink Complexity Low to slightly low Taste Sound The texture is smooth and velvety, but there is also a mellowness in the aftertaste The aroma is moderate The aftertaste is moderate At first, you feel a strong aroma and flavor like rice bran and rice malt. After that, you feel the sourness like lactic acid, the bitterness like caramel and the sweetness. The impact of the initial umami is strong, but the acidity is mild and the umami does not last long, so it feels crisp and clean. Dry taste It is like a combination of the best of both Souzake and Mellow Sake. It's a refreshing sake, but with a strong flavor. It's better warmed up than at room temperature. The price is less than 700 yen for a four-pack...yikes!