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alt 1
Kana Maki
Appearance Sound, pale yellow, medium viscosity, high clarity. Caramel, brown sugar, rice bran, steamed rice Bitterness and sweetness of burnt sugar, aroma with a hint of richness of grain Complexity is moderate to slightly low The texture is crisp and smooth. The aroma is sweet like white sugar with a hint of caramel sweetness and bitterness, and the aroma is sweet and fragrant with the fullness of rice malt, with an aroma and taste of lactic acid sourness like cottage cheese, and a long aftertaste. Bitterness and sourness are also felt, but the aftertaste of sweetness and umami lingers long. It is a mellow sake. As expected of Kikuhime, the aluzoe is also delicious. The taste has strong sweetness at the beginning of drinking, but the umami is also strong. I had an image that Aluzoe is refreshing, but this one is crisp! But this one is not. The price is 2,200 yen per bottle, including tax, which is very good.