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Kana Maki
Appearance Sound Slightly low to medium viscosity Pale yellow High transparency Nose Sound Moderately high in aroma Green apple and green melon, faintly cottage cheese, white sugar Refreshing sweet and sour aroma of fruit, smooth acidity like dairy products, sugar-like aroma Complexity Slightly complex Taste Sound The texture is smooth and smooth The overtones are a little high Plump sweetness and lactic acidity, such as white sugar and cottage cheese, with a spicy aroma and bitterness, such as cinnamon and octagon, with a little green apple and other refreshing acidity and sweetness The length is medium The initial taste is sweet and weakly acidic. It is followed by spice and caramel aroma, bitterness and umami. The sweetness is a little strong, but the bitterness is also strong, and the umami is also strong, but it does not last long. Full-bodied sake...? The sweetness and bitterness are both strong. If you chill it, will the bitterness and sweetness disappear? It would be interesting as a heated sake. Is it a collaboration with Miyoshikiku in Gifu? I heard they exchanged yeast. I didn't think they sold it at the Ken0 Boys in my neighborhood... (lol)