SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites


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牡蠣ひよっこ商店 胡町店
As it had been a long time since my last business trip to Hiroshima, I ordered a pot of Dote-nabe, and to accompany it, I ordered a bottle of Jyushidai (1,500 yen). The label was luxurious, with the words "Bessen" written on it. I sipped it and realized, "Oh, this is different. The aroma is light and elegant, and it goes down your throat. A search on the Internet showed that a bottle costs several tens of thousands of yen, or at least 9,000 yen at the lowest. Maybe it was a bargain!
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Today I went on a business trip to Kyoto. I was disappointed to hear that the 3 items I was expecting to drink were stopped at Corona. After much deliberation, I chose Koueikiku, an unfiltered, unpasteurized sake. The taste was gassy and thick with a cemedine smell, and it had a pear-like aromatic smell as it left the throat.
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Since the Shichiken I just drank was so good, I also tried Ichinokura, which I procured together with the Shichiken. This one is drier and has a subtle spiciness, but it has an excellent clarity through the throat. It tastes as if it will make one's spine stand taller.
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Today, July 1, we are taking on a new challenge in a new place. Set up various PCs and mobile phones at the office in Gotanda. On my way home, I picked up a bottle of Shichiken summer ginjo in Yokohama. The soft aroma, a hint of sweetness, and the smell of cemedine wafted down my throat in a fresh manner. This may be a surprisingly standard flavor.
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A little excited for Father's Day sake, my favorite Junmai Ginjo from Shichida, twice the price of the usual sake. It is a gem of a sake, polished to 50% Aizan. The recommended pairings were cabbage rolls, cream croquettes, canele and other unexpected dishes. When you first take a sip, each flavor appears discreetly and in good balance. The cemedine smell, which I like, only lightly shows up. When paired with the snow crab cream croquettes that we bought together, the smooth flavor is enhanced.
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焼き鳥 きんざん 名駅四丁目店
Today we are in Nagoya. We tasted delicious yakitori in a restaurant with swinging jazz music. They also seem to put a lot of effort into their sake, so after settling down for a bit, I ordered the recommended "Chochin". It has a gorgeous cypress-like aroma, followed by a mildly pungent taste, and then it disappears like water down your throat. It was a good pairing that did not interfere with the flavor of the yakitori.
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Koimari Mae Junmai Daiginjo with was adopted by JAL's first class in 2015. It has a classy aroma, but it has a pungent taste, and I wonder if the Junmai Ginjo from the other day was easier to drink. That was my impression. However, as you continue to drink it, you will be drawn into the world of this brand. It is still a wonderful sake.
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Saga's sake has been attracting attention lately. I took the liberty of donating it as a hometown tax. It has a faint gassy and sour taste, but after waiting for the pungent taste that doesn't seem to stand up, the soft sweetness spreads with the aroma. This is elegant. It is indeed an international award-winning brand.
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This week's booth at Yokohama Takashimaya is Sudo Honke from Kasama City in Ibaraki Prefecture. They were the first brewery in Japan to serve nama-shu, and their lineup is limited to junmai-daiginjo. We were told that "white sashimi is recommended," but we couldn't get it in time, so we went with dried hokke. Even so, it was a perfect match. When you sip it, it is like fresh natural water, but the elegant spiciness, sweetness and aroma stand out in the back of your mouth.
Mansakunohana巡米70 -朝日-純米原酒
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This week's sake booth at Takashimaya was Manzaku no Hana, and I was expecting to see it, but I couldn't make it on the weekend, so I rushed to visit on the last day. They recommend an interesting brand that changes the sake rice depending on the month of shipment. This time it was "Asahi rice". When I put it in my mouth, I felt a little gas. The aroma, umami, and spiciness intertwine and create a well-balanced, elegant taste. We are enjoying it with dried sea bream as a side.
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Today I open a bottle of Daisekkei Junmai Ginjo Nama Genshu. The mother of one of the sales staff at Yokohama Takashimaya described it as having an "interesting flavor", so I took a sip with great interest and anticipation. At first, there is a slight touch of tangy gas on the tongue. Then a pungent and bitter taste appeared, which turned into a sour taste and fell down the throat. I didn't find it so unusual, but I guess the water in Azumino is good, and it is my favorite Nagano sake.
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I bought it at the sake booth at Yokohama Takashimaya this week. It's a Junmai Ginjo, but it's surprisingly wild and has a strong "sake" feel. It has a rich and thick taste of rice.
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Manotsuru Under the Moonlight" is a rare sake from Sado Island. It has a light sourness, but little stimulation like bitterness and pungency, and the taste is mainly sweet and gentle. An interesting feature is the phosphorescent label, which shows the shadow of a rabbit on the moon in the dark. While savoring it slowly, you can imagine the autumn countryside of Sado Island in the moonlight.
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Today is a business trip to Nagoya. I dropped in at the usual Toppen. I ordered a bottle of AKABU, which I'd been avoiding because of its rugged label, but I was a little curious about it. I felt it was the perfect sake for a meal. While it has a light and refreshing taste, it has a good balance that doesn't interfere with the food and a freshness that goes down the throat. It's a taste that makes me want to keep a bottle at home.
AramasaNo.6 R-type純米生酒
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串・鉄板 花道
The next recommendation was the well-known No.6 R-type, which the manager said was a return to the taste of a few years ago, but with a different flavor than last year. When you put it in your mouth, you can feel the tingling carbonation. Then you can enjoy the perfect balance of sweetness and sourness. I really think that sake has a deep sense of taste. Wine is mainly fruit, but sake has bitterness, richness, and umami, so you can enjoy a three-dimensional performance.
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串・鉄板 花道
The state of emergency has finally been declared, and society is heading towards normalcy. I went to a restaurant that I know must have had a hard time, and we celebrated with a cup of sake. The first thing they recommended was a sake called "Inazo" from Yamagata. It has a gorgeous aroma and flows down your throat like water. Oh, what a happy moment. I found out that it is a company in Tendo City with only three employees. I wonder how they can maintain this wonderful quality.
UrakasumiNo. 12純米吟醸
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Tomorrow's weather is forecasted to be very rough, so there is a big chance of remote. So, I opened a new sake, Urakasumi No.12. It has a light and refreshing aroma, and when I put it in my mouth, it also has a light sweetness and spiciness, and then a fresh throat. It is as refreshing as a glass of Iwashimizu when you are thirsty.