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Osaka Bay Tower (大阪ベイタワー)

22 Check-insSee more on Foursquare

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Gokyo Check-in 1
Gokyo Check-in 2Gokyo Check-in 3
The 6th Japanese Sake Festival @ Osaka Bay Tower (2) I brought the Five Series. Well, I don't drink Gobashi so much anymore🤔. I drank Gobashi FIVE ORANGE Junmai Ginjo, once fired. I wonder if it is a little matured. It has a hiyaoroshi-like atmosphere. It is sweet, but with a hint of sweetness. Gobashi five Yellow Junmai White malted rice The one we drank in the past was a raw sake, but this one seems to be a fire-brewed sake. It is sweet and sour. I definitely prefer yellow to orange. Gobashi Junmai Daiginjo I have never had a high-class Gobashi, so I took this opportunity. It has a graceful ginjo aroma and is gorgeous, fruity, and sweet. I think 2700 yen is a good price for this taste.
Good evening, bouken😃. We drank Yellow at home about 2 months ago 🤗The sweet and sour taste is just right ‼️ I would love to drink it again 😊.
Jay & Nobby, good evening 😃. It's so sweet and sour that it's almost addictive 😁. I've had a lot of different sakes with white malted rice, but I found the yellow one to be especially good compared to the others 😋.
Yamazaru Check-in 1Yamazaru Check-in 2
The 6th Japanese Sake Festival @ Osaka Bay Tower ①. I was invited by Nemuchi-san to attend the Japanese Sake Festival! We arrived just before the festival started due to some confusion💦. Sorry about that 🙏. I haven't been to Bay Tower since I went to Pools here in high school 😅It was called ORC200 back then 🙄. First we went to Yamazaru. I drank Yamahai unfiltered raw sake The rice used was rare Koriyanto. It has an impressive acidity and sweetness. It is sold at Yamaya and sometimes at department stores, so I will buy it next time. Ai Yamazaru Junmai Ginjo Gorgeous and fruity. It is also better than I expected. The toji passed away suddenly, and he said that this Aizan was his last sake. He was the youngest toji in Yamaguchi Prefecture, and he was only about 30 years old...
I miss Pools. I see it's gone now 🤔.
Hi Shiri 😃. When did it go out of business? I looked it up and found that it closed in 2017 😅 now it looks like the site of Pools is now a spa facility 😃.
