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NinjaNEO 純米吟醸 無濾過生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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酒楽 むらくも
May 27, 2024 At Sake Rakumurakumo in Matsuyama, Japan. After work, I took my junior colleagues from work to an izakaya that opened in the neighborhood. We go to an izakaya that opened in the neighborhood and have a few drinks. The third glass is a Ninja NEO from the Seko Sake Brewery in Shiga Prefecture. Ninja NEO from Seko Sake Brewery in Shiga Prefecture. This is also a brand new to me. The aroma was The aroma is mild and the taste is sweet and slightly mellow, It has a mild aroma, sweet flavor, and a slightly mellow mouthfeel, but it also has a refreshing aftertaste with a firm acidity. I enjoyed it with chicken liver sashimi.
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Tasting event at Okayama 4) Ninja plus Jungin Unfiltered Nama 4BY Good balance of sweetness, umami, and acidity. Delicious. ❣️ Katanozakura Yamahai Jungin Unfiltered Nama-wara 4BY Gorgeous flavor, umami, and spiciness at the end. Furoizumi Bizen Omachi Yamahai Jungin Hi-ire Nama 3BY The sake is delicious! Even better when heated. ❣️ Omi rice no shizuku Jun Dai 2014 I thought it would be thicker like whiskey, but it was surprisingly tasty and calm! Another sake not on the list! We left when we ran out of sake! Then I ran into Aochan. We were tasting each other's drinks without realizing it.
Good evening, Pon. 😊 I squeeze lemon in soda water every day. I'm doing my best. 😫.
Good evening, Hanapin 🦉. It's going on 🥹👍✨I wonder how long you will be sober, good luck! I hope the heat calms down a bit at least💦.
Pon-chan again. 😂 We will resume the week of the 30th. 😢 Thank you again. 😄 I'm shopping, so I have alcohol in the fridge. I have a lot of alcohol in the fridge. (😅😅
You still have 3 weeks to go!!!! This is hard 😭 All I can say is good luck 🙏.
Hello Pon-chan ^_^ You drank a lot of sake, including Shizuoka's Masayuki and Morimoto 😊. I'm curious about the Ninja in terms of naming and taste 😁.
Hi Manta 🐦. I haven't had a Ninja in an awfully long time💦and it tastes better now, either the flavor has changed or my taste buds have changed 😳It's a nice change, but I have to drink my local sake once in a while 😅.
Hi Pon, good evening. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I can go there someday while looking at your instagram 😢I only know about Ninja these days, but it's delicious 🥷✨.
Hi Pon, hello ☀☀☀☀☀. I see you have a "ninja" 🥷, a sake that is too direct to be ninja 😲. I drank "Katano Sakura" the other day and enjoyed it so much that I'm planning to buy a bottle for my Osaka sake quadruple-bottle accomplishment, but my cellar is full 🤣.
Good evening, Pon-chan 🐶. I'm personally curious about Ninja from the naming~. It looks delicious too! 😂
Hi Peco 🐦. We can drink aged sake and heated sake, which may be to your liking, Peco 😊It's been a while since I've had other Shiga sake as well as Ninja 💦The flavor has changed and it's easier to drink now: ❣️
Hi Gyve 🐦. Gyve, your cellar must be amazing, even if it's only Shinshu sake 🤣 I haven't had Katano Sakura, I wish I could drink it at home too 😊. I need to cool down so I can empty my fridge at all 😂.
Hello wan wan 🐶🐦. Lake Biwa, Ninja, and Raccoon are the things we ask for when we're in trouble in Shiga 🤣 but I was still surprised when this sake came out 😂I'm glad it's tasty now 😊.
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First time drinking in about two weeks. I am sick after being hospitalized and discharged from the hospital. Perhaps that is why I find it stimulating and dry. I'll drink half of it and let it sit in the fridge for a day. Looking forward to it! I'm looking forward to it!
Hi Tequila, good evening. I'm so sorry you had to be hospitalized 💧. I am relieved to hear that you are safely discharged from the hospital and can drink for now🍀. I also had this one for the first time a while ago. It is dry, isn't it🍶?
Good evening, Tequila 😃. Congratulations on your discharge from the hospital. I am glad that you are able to drink sake again. Please take care of yourself and don't overdo it. Koga no Ninja is very straight and I have a good feeling about it 😄I look forward to seeing the changes after opening the bottle: ☺️
Good morning, ma-ki-. While I was in the hospital, your post made me feel like I was drinking, and no, I couldn't be, I was in agony. Ninja, it is dry, right? My tongue and body could not adapt to it as an alcoholic beverage to be drunk after a sickness.
Good morning, Aladdin. I was hospitalized last year for another condition 😢. I'm an old man who is getting rattled in various ways. And I am a strong ninja, a dry and powerful enemy after sobriety! I was beaten easily. I know what they are up to now, so I'm going to beat them tonight!
Tequila, congratulations on your discharge from the hospital 💐It was tough 😢 glad you are able to drink 😊. I forgot to mention that it's dry, so I'll have to try it💦.
Good evening, Pon-chan. I was hospitalized for four days and three nights at the place where Dr. Amagi, played by Mr. Ninomiya, works. It was about 10 days that made me think that I need to be healthy to enjoy drinking. I will continue to choose and drink the alcoholic beverages that interest me!
Ninja備前雄町 純米吟醸生原酒
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Uokusa (魚草)
Surprisingly mellow, vegetable, mirin type. Slightly berry. Astringency. It has a clear sense of rawness. The umami is full and full like Omachi. The spiciness is a little spicy. It was a little unpleasant. Degree of liking ☆2/5 Ueno Fish Restaurant
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Short trip to Shiga Prefecture with my wife The second sake in the three-drink comparison was Ninja NEO by Seko Shuzo. This is also the first sake from this brewery that we have had. First, the aroma. The aroma is not so strong. It tastes like old-fashioned sake in the mouth. However, the mouthfeel is smooth. In the latter half, the spiciness and bitterness come over me, and I felt it was the driest of the three types.
Ninja純米吟醸 無濾過 生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Ninja Udon at Mizuun 2nd Shop An assortment of items unique to a ninja concept BAR High alcohol content, hot and spicy, but with a hint of sweetness in the aftertaste
NinjaPlus + 純米吟醸無濾過生原酒
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A scent I've never smelled before...! Like a hot spring, like chlorine, or is it grain? It smelled like that 🍶. When I drank it, I found the same gusto and peculiarity as when I drank Reimei...! Maybe I don't like this taste...,
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The 6th Japanese Sake Festival @ Osaka Bay Tower (15) ■Seko Sake Brewery / "Ninja" Shiga Prefecture I drank "Ninja" at the Shiga Sake Festival, so I tasted it sparingly. I remember Tamaei was delicious, so I tasted it to confirm that. Ninja+plus Junmai Ginjo Unfiltered Unrefined Nama-shu. Made from Tamakae. The aroma was good and the impression was the same as the last time. Daikouga Junmai Mild Nigori It has a lactic acid taste and is more refreshing and dry than expected. Ninja I'Amour Junmai Daiginjo This wine also has a gentle sweetness that is typical of Aizan. Aizan was even better than the one we had in Otsu.
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Osaka Bay Tower (大阪ベイタワー)
The 6th Japanese Sake Festival @ Osaka Bay Tower (15) Ninja, which I feel is relatively minor among Shiga sake. I drank Ninja Plus+ Junmai Ginjo Unfiltered Nama-shu When I drank it in the past, I thought it was not my favorite flavor, but this time I found it delicious. Is this also tasting magic? The acidity was as strong this time as it was in the past. Daikouga Junmai Usu nigori Was it a draft sake? I think it was quite fizzy. There is not much information on Daikouga even if you google it. Ninja I'Amour Junmai Daiginjo Sake made with Aizan. Last year, when I drank a bottle of this sake, I felt off-flavor and it was subtle, but this time it was delicious with an elegant sweetness. ●Ninja Junmai Ginjo Unfiltered Nama Sake This one was the sweetest and tastiest. I should have checked the specs properly.... I've had an orikarami of this in the past, and it was delicious!

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